توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
کتاب پرفروش وال استریت ژورنال
همه ما مذاکره می کنیم. به عبارت دقیق تر، ما همیشه در حال مذاکره هستیم. همیشه چیزی هست که می خواهیم و نداریم. ما همیشه چیزی داریم که دیگران می خواهند. آن معاملات انسانی بسیار انسانی است. فرآیند داد و ستد، چه در معاملات میلیارد دلاری و چه در استفاده از خودروی خانوادگی، یک فعالیت عمیقاً انسانی است. اما مانند بسیاری از مهارت های نرم، ما آن را آموزش نمی دهیم. ما آن را چیزی می دانیم که فقط باید با انجام آن یاد بگیریم. و درست است که آزمون و خطا معلم اصلی مذاکره است.
اما لازم نیست اینطور باشد. مذاکره یک فعالیت اجتماعی است که شامل رشته هایی مانند زبان، مشاهده، واکنش، گوش دادن، صحبت کردن، داستان سرایی، شوخ طبعی و حس است. اولین چیزی که در هر مذاکره ای به ارمغان می آورید شما هستید. این کتاب به شما کمک میکند تا درک کنید که چگونه این رفتارها و رشتههای مختلف وارد عمل میشوند و بنابراین چگونه میتوانید مذاکرهکننده بهتری شوید. این کتاب به شما کمک می کند تا ذهنیت و ابزارهایی را برای تبدیل شدن به یک مذاکره کننده عالی برای خود و دیگران ایجاد کنید.
آموزش کلاسیک در مورد مذاکره، جدا کردن مردم از مشکل را می آموزد. اما مردم اغلب مشکل و کلید دستیابی به اهداف شما و آنها هستند. ما خواسته های خود را به صورت "من این یا آن را می خواهم" بیان می کنیم. در نتیجه، ما همیشه در مورد "چیزی" صحبت می کنیم. این کتاب به شما می آموزد که پشت سر \"چی\" خود و آنها باشید. برای انجام این کار، باید \"چرایی\" را درک کنید نه فقط \"چه\" را. این \"چرایی\" است که به شما کمک می کند \"چه\" را بفهمید و آن را مطابق با آن تنظیم کنید.
اگر فکر میکنید فقط با سختکوشی و سختگیری به آنچه میخواهید میرسید، این کتاب برای شما مناسب نیست. اگر می خواهید در برخورد با آن افراد موفق شوید یا می خواهید سبک مذاکره ای را ایجاد کنید که در آن به آنچه می خواهید برسید و مردم بخواهند بارها و بارها با شما معامله کنند، پس این کتاب برای شما مناسب است. نویسنده از اصول هنرهای رزمی (طراحی شده برای مقابله با مخالفان قدرتمندتر) استفاده می کند تا به درک شما از مذاکرات کمک کند.
در نبرد آب و سنگ، آب پیروز می شود.
فهرست مطالب :
Author’s Note
Case Study #1: The Two-Year-Old and the Red Car
Case Study #2: It’s Not Always About the Numbers
Beware the Strategic Deal
When a Deal Seems to Make No Financial Sense
The Power of Asking “Why”
Discover the “Why” First
Look for Plato’s “Backstory” or “Other” World
What to Consider—Interests or Positions?
Master Asking “Why” and Listening to the Answers
Why Negotiation as a Martial Art?
Chapter 1 - Be Like Water
Silence Yourself
The Drawbacks of a “Sword Drawn” Strategy
A Defensive Response
Broken Negotiations
The Ask and Listen Strategy: Finding Openings Like Water Finding Holes
The Art of Becoming Empty
Chapter 2 - Adjusting Your Own Position
Negotiating Leverage Born From Martial Arts Defense
Shifting an “Impossible” Weight
When Faced With the Immovable— Move Yourself
From the Martial Arts Arena to the Negotiating Table
When Your Opponent is More Powerful
The “Wiggle Contingency” Strategy
Chapter 3 - Fixing Yourself
Bias Awareness—the One Thing You Bring
It’s All About You
Lessons in Self-Awareness From Martial Artists
Shields Up!
Emotions and Receptivity
Bias Gets in the Way
A Case Study in Bias from Leadership School
A Case Study in Bias from a Family Move
Types of Biases
Chapter 4 - Prep and Planning
Summer Camp Prep— Rediscovering the Child Within You
It Started with a Father’s Wisdom
Surrender Control
Discombobulating or Disrupting the Norms
New and Unique Friends
Get Reacquainted with Nature
Learn to Breathe Again
Rediscover Your Sense of Smell
Chapter 5 - Back-To-School Mentality and Always Be Training
From a Negotiation to an Education Frame of Mind
Back-to-School Rituals
Chapter 6 - Negotiators Are Often Road Warriors
The Road Warrior Life
Lessons to Become a Successful Road Warrior
Me and My Monk at 37,000 Feet
Chapter 7 - A Mentor Is a Must
That First Acquisition
Lessons I Learned
There is No Such Thing as a Draft
The “Never Stop Learning” Principle in Negotiations
“On the Shoulders of Giants”
Get a Mentor
Chapter 8 - The Art and Science of Memory
Mental Athletes
Theory of Mind
Memory as a Cognitive Skill
Start with Remembering Names
Paying Attention is for Winners
Getting in “The Zone”
Takeaway: A Strong Memory = A Negotiating Edge
Chapter 9 - Listening
Learning to Pivot from “No!”
Green Eggs and Ham was my First Sales Manual
Sam-I-Am is a Lousy Listener
Green Eggs and Ham 2.0
Use a Technique from Parent-Child Negotiations to Pivot from “No”
Chapter 10 - Listening for Rhythm
The Rhythm in Listening
Skill or Alchemy?
The Strategies of Speaking Rhythm
Strategy #1—Change the conversation— employ high arousal to disturb or disrupt
Strategy #2—Back off and slow down
Strategy #3—Identify the rhythm
Strategy #4—Go silent
Strategy #5—Lose the stress
Chapter 11 - The Importance of Being Human and Humorous
An Introduction to Being Human
“Soft v Hard Arts”: Entering the Dojo
The Beginning of Trust: Show You Are Human
Accusations and Recovery in Negotiation
Breaking the Ice in Negotiations
Human Haggling and Halfsies…
Chapter 12 - Speaking—Say This, Not That
When Choices Grow Up
Substitution is an Easier Form of Change
The Core Elements of Language Substitution
Chapter 13 - The Honesty Strategy
The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Danger of Collective Self-Deception
Verbal Clues
Own the Power of Honesty
Chapter 14 - Backstories and How to Uncover What is Really Going On
“That Doesn’t Make any Sense”
Finding the Backstory: Think Like Colombo and Ask Questions Like an Investigative Reporter
Chapter 15 - The Power of Sincerity
Discovering sincerity
“No wax” negotiations
“I Yam What I Yam”
The Sincerity Principle in Action
Chapter 16 - The Value of Unreasonable People
Some of the Best Deals Involve Unreasonable People
Chapter 17 - The Winning Power of Silence
A Steve Jobs Strategy
Respect the Power of Silence
Silence and the Law of Supply and Demand
The Creative Component of Silence
The “Silence Strategy” in Negotiations
How to Use the “Silence Strategy” Effectively
Chapter 18 - Battling Mind-Drift
The “What did you just say?” Syndrome
The Ready Mind
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
Techniques for Managing Mind Drift
Chapter 19 - Engagement and Understanding
The Three Core Aspects of Understanding
Confirming Understanding
Walking in the Other Person’s Shoes
Getting to the “Uniqueness”
Chapter 20 - The “Must-Haves” of Negotiation
Negotiation is an Iterative Process
About the Author
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Wall Street Journal Bestselling book
We all negotiate. Put more accurately, we are always negotiating. There is always something we want that we do not have. There is always something we have that others want. Those human transactions are very human. The process of bartering, whether it be in billion-dollar transactions or over the use of the family car, is a deeply human activity. But like many soft skills, we don't teach it. We consider it something that we have to just learn by doing it. And it is true that trial and error is the basic teacher of negotiation.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Negotiation is a social activity that involves disciplines like language, observation, reaction, listening, speaking, storytelling, humor, and sensing. The number one thing you bring to every negotiation is you. This book helps you understand how these various behaviors and disciplines come to play and therefore how you can become a better negotiator. The book helps you develop the mindset and tools to become a great negotiator for yourself and for others.
Classical teaching on negotiation teaches separating the people from the problem. But the people are often the problem and the key to accomplishing your goals and theirs. We express our desires as "I want this or that." As a result, we are always talking about the "what." As people, as humans, we often don't even really know what we want. This book teaches you to get behind your "what" and theirs. To accomplish this, you need to understand the "why" not just the "what." It is the "why" that will help you understand the "what" and adjust it accordingly.
If you think you will get what you want by just being tough and demanding, this book isn't for you. If you want to succeed in dealing with those people or want to develop a negotiation style where you get what you want and people want to deal with you again and again, then this book is for you. The author draws upon principles of martial arts (designed around dealing with more powerful opponents) to help develop your understanding of negotiations.
In a battle of water and stone, water wins.