فهرست مطالب :
Front cover\nNetter\'s Introduction to Imaging\nCopyright page\nDedication\nAcknowledgments\nAbout the Editors\nAbout the Artists\nPreface\nTable of contents\nChapter 1: Introduction to Imaging Modalities\n X-Ray Overview\n Interpretation of X-Ray Densities\n Computed Tomography Overview\n The Hounsfield Scale: CT Window Levels and Window Widths\n CT Uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages\n Magnetic Resonance Imaging overview\n MRI Uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages\n MRI Pulse Sequences\n Nuclear Medicine Imaging\n Fluoroscopy\n Ultrasound\n Angiography: Computed Tomography Angiogram Vs. Magnetic Resonance Angiogram and Volume Rendering Vs. Maximum Intensity Projection\n Angiography: Digital Subtraction Angiography\n Archiving and Communication System\n Future Developments in Imaging\nChapter 2: Back and Spinal Cord\n Vertebral Column\n Thoracic Vertebrae\n Lumbar Vertebrae\n Lumbar Vertebrae Images\n Spinal Membranes and Nerve Origins\n Spinal Nerve Origins: Cross Sections\n Lumbosacral Region Ligaments\n Nerve Roots\n Normal T1 MRI Studies of the Lumbar Vertebral Column\n T2 and Fat Saturation MRI Sequences\n Lumbar Disk Herniation\n MRI of a Herniated Disk\n CT of Osteoporosis in the Thoracic Spine\n MRI of Metastatic Disease in the Thoracic Spine\n MRI of Spondylolisthesis\nChapter 3: Thorax\n Thoracic Topography: Anterior and Posterior Views\n Posteroanterior and Chest X-Ray (Male and Female)\n Midaxillary Coronal Section\n Anterior Axillary Coronal Section\n Anterior Axillary CT and MRI\n Mediastinum: Left Lateral View and Left Medial Lung\n Mediastinum: Right Lateral View and Right Medial Lung\n Lateral Chest X-Ray\n Sagittal CT and MRI\n Lung Anatomy\n Posteroanterior and Lateral X-Rays: Superimposed Outlines of Lung Lobes\n CT Airway Studies\n Anterior and Posterior Views of the Heart\n Posteroanterior and Lateral X-Rays: Views of Superimposed Heart Chambers\n T8 Mediastinum Cross Section with T8 CT and MRI\n Atria, Ventricles, and Interventricular Septum\n Right Coronary Artery Study\n Left Coronary Artery Study\n Heart Imaging Studies\n Echocardiography\n Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography\n Comparison of Cardiac Imaging Modalities\n Vertebral Levels in the Thorax\n T3 Cross Section with T3 CT\n T3-T4 Cross Section with T3-T4 CT\n T4-T5 Cross Section with T4-T5 CT\n T7 Cross Section with T7 CT\n Systematic Chest X-Ray Evaluation\n Search Strategy: Identifying Views\n Search Strategy: Technical Quality of Images\n Search Strategy: Tubes, Lines, and Support Devices\n Search Strategy: Thoracic Wall Soft Tissues (e.g., Air, Calcification, Foreign Bodies)\n Search Strategy: Bones\n Search Strategy: Pleural Spaces and Diaphragm\n Search Strategy: Pleural Spaces and Diaphragm (Cont’d)\n Search Strategy: Upper Abdomen\n Search Strategy: Mediastinum and Hila\n Search Strategy: Heart and Vasculature\n Search Strategy: Lungs—Silhouette Sign\n Search Strategy: Lungs, Atelectasis\n Search Strategy: Lungs, Alveolar vs. Interstitial Opacity\nChapter 4: Abdomen\n Bony Framework: CT Three- Dimensional Reconstruction\n Use of Contrast in Abdominal Imaging Studies\n CT vs. MRI in Abdominal Studies\n Search Strategy: Systematic Interpretation of Imaging Studies\n Diaphragm Relationships\n Pancreas Relationships\n Cross Section at T10 with CT\n Cross Section at T12 with CT\n Cross Section Variation at T12 with CT\n Cross Section AT T12-L1 with CT\n Cross Section AT L1-L2 with CT\n Kidney Relationships\n L3-L4 Cross Section with CT\n Sagittal Section through Aorta with CT Sagittal Reconstruction\n Stomach in Situ\n Upper Gastrointestinal CT Studies\n Hiatal Hernia\n Large Intestine Imaging Studies\n Gallbladder, Bile Ducts, and Pancreatic Duct\n Abdominal Foregut Arteries\n Midgut and Hindgut Arteries\n Angiograms of the Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Vessels\n Peritoneal/Retroperitoneal Relationships\n Gastrointestinal Pathology\nChapter 5: Pelvis and Perineum\n Bony Framework: Medial and Lateral Views\n Bony Framework: Anterior and Posterior Views\n Female and Male PelviC X-Rays\n Female Midsagittal Section and CT\n CT vs. MRI in the Pelvis\n Female Pelvic Contents\n Search Strategy: Upper Female Pelvis\n Search Strategy: Lower Female Pelvis\n Uterus, Adnexa, and Hysterosalpingogram\n Male Pelvic Contents\n Male Midsagittal Section and CT\n Male Axial CT and MRI\n Cross Section at Bladder-Prostate Junction and CT\n Male and Female Coronal Sections through the Urinary Bladder\n Bladder Relationships in Axial and Coronal CT\n Cystogram\nChapter 6: Upper Limbs\n Humerus and Scapula\n Anteroposterior Shoulder X-Ray\n Axillary and Y View X-Rays of the Shoulder Joint\n Shoulder Joint Anatomy\n Coronal T2 MRI of the Shoulder Joint\n Axial T1 Arthrogram of the Shoulder Joint\n Axillary, Brachial, and Elbow Arteries\n Vascular Studies of the Upper Extremity\n Arm Muscles\n Arm serial cross sections\n Arm MRI\n Bones of the elbow\n Joints of the elbow\n Elbow X-Rays\n Elbow imaging studies\n Muscles of the Forearm: Anterior View\n Muscles of the Forearm: Posterior View\n Forearm Serial Cross Sections\n Upper and Middle Forearm MRI\n Bones of the Hand and Wrist\n Anteroposterior X-Ray of the Wrist and Hand\n Carpal Bones and Wrist Joint\n T1 and T2 MRI of the Wrist Joint\n Distal Radiocarpal Joint and Wrist\nChapter 7: Lower Limbs\n Hip (Coxal or Innominate) Bone\n Hip Joint\n Hip Joint X-Ray\n Imaging Studies of the Hip Joint\n Femur\n Muscles of the Thigh: Anterior View\n Muscles of the Thigh: Posterior View\n Thigh Serial Cross Sections\n Upper Right Thigh T1 MRI\n Middle Right Thigh T1 MRI\n Lower Right Thigh T1 MRI\n Knee and Knee Joint Overview\n Knee Joint Interior\n Knee Joint Ligaments\n Knee Joint X-Ray\n Sagittal Section of the Knee Joint and T2 MRI\n Coronal and Axial T2 MRI Studies of the Knee\n Arteries of the Thigh and Knee\n Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Thigh\n Tibia and Fibula\n Muscles of the Leg: Anterior View\n Muscles of the Leg: Posterior View\n Muscles of the Leg: Lateral View\n Leg Cross Section and Fascial Compartments\n Axial T1 MRI Through the Leg\n Vascular Studies of the Lower Extremity: CTA/MRA of the Leg and Lower Extremities\n Digital Subtraction Angiography of the Right Lower Extremity\n Bones of the Foot: Superior and Inferior Views\n Bones of the Foot: Medial and Lateral Views\n Ankle X-Rays\n Coronal T1 and T2 MRI of the Ankle\n Sagittal T1 and T2 MRI of the Ankle\n X-Rays of the Foot\nChapter 8: Head and Neck\n Skull: Anterior View\n Skull: Anteroposterior X-Ray\n Skull: Anteroposterior Caldwell Projection and Face/Orbit Detail\n Skull: Lateral View\n Skull: Midsagittal Section\n Lateral X-Ray\n Calvaria\n Cranial Base: Inferior View\n Cranial Base: Superior View\n Skull of the Newborn\n Mandible\n Cervical Vertebrae and Lateral X-Ray\n Atlas and Axis\n Imaging of Cervical Trauma and Pathology\n Superficial Vessels, Nerves, and Muscles of the Neck\n Arteries of Oral and Pharyngeal Regions\n Axial CT and Cross Section of the Neck through C7 and the Thyroid Gland\n Axial CT Through C5 and the Larynx\n Axial CT through C3 and the Hyoid Bone\n Search Strategy: Neck Imaging of Laryngeal Tumor\n Cross and Coronal Sections of the Tongue and Salivary Glands\n Axial CT at C2 and C1\n Imaging Pathology of the Oral Cavity\n Lateral Wall of the Nasal Cavity\n The Nose, Nasal Cavity, and Maxillary Sinuses in the Transverse Plane\n Paranasal Air Sinuses\n Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses\n Cross and Coronal Sections of the Orbit\n Imaging of the Orbit\n Imaging of Sinus and Orbit Pathology\n Imaging of Sinus and Orbit Pathology (cont’d)\n Coronal Section of the Head through the Orbit, Sinuses, and Oral Cavity: Overview\n Midsagittal Section of the Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Oral Cavity, and Neck: Overview\n T1 and T2 MRI of the Head and Neck in Midsagittal Section\n Dural Venous Sinuses\n Dural Venous Sinuses (cont’d)\n the Cavernous Sinus\n Superior Sagittal Sinus, Middle Meningeal Artery, and Superficial Cerebral Veins\n Imaging of Epidural and Subdural Bleeding\n Arteries from the Neck to the Brain\n Vascular Studies\n External, Middle, and Inner Ear\n CT of the Temporal Bone and Ear Compartments\n Imaging of Temporal Bone/Ear Pathology\n Midsagittal Section of Brain; Medial View of Cerebrum\n Midsagittal T1 MRI\n Ventricles of the Brain\n Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Hydrocephalus\n Fourth ventricle and Sections of the Cerebellum\n Brainstem\n Cerebellum\n T1 Sagittal MRI near the midline\n T1 sagittal MRI through the Temporal Lobe\n T1 Sagittal MRI through the Temporal Lobe (cont’d)\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Cerebellum\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Brainstem\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Pons and Third Ventricle\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Optic Chiasm\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Temporal Lobes\n T2 Flair Coronal MRI through the Frontal Lobes\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Medulla\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Cerebellum, Temporal Lobes, and Eye\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Upper Cerebellum\n Arteries of the Brain: Inferior View\n Cerebral Arterial Circle (of Willis)\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Optic Chiasm\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Thalamus and Third Ventricle\n Transverse (Axial) Section of the Brain at the Level of the Basal Nuclei\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Thalamus and Lateral Ventricles\n Thalamus\n Hippocampus and Fornix\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Lateral Ventricles\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Middle of the Cerebral Hemispheres\n T1 and T2 Axial MRI through the Thalamus and Lateral Ventricles\nGlossary\nIndex