Neuropeptide Technology: Gene Expression and Neuropeptide Receptors

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کتاب فناوری نوروپپتید: بیان ژن و گیرنده های نوروپپتید نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Neuropeptide Technology: Gene Expression and Neuropeptide Receptors

نام کتاب : Neuropeptide Technology: Gene Expression and Neuropeptide Receptors
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : فناوری نوروپپتید: بیان ژن و گیرنده های نوروپپتید
سری : Methods in Neurosciences 5
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Academic Press
سال نشر : 1991
تعداد صفحات : 591
ISBN (شابک) : 9780121852597 , 0121852601
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 20 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter
Page iii

Copyright page
Page iv

Contributors to Volume 5
Pages ix-xiv

Page xv

Methods in Neurosciences
Page xvii

1 - Assays for Peptide Products of Somatostatin Gene Expression
Pages 3-22
J.J. Holst, M. Bersani

2 - Assay of Atrial Natriuretic Factor Messenger Ribonucleic Acid
Pages 22-34
Jean-Jacques Mercadier, Isabelle Dubus

3 - Molecular Assays for Rat Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Gene
Pages 34-52
Stephanie L. Lee, Kevin A. Sevarino

4 - Assays for Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone and Vasopressin Messenger RNAs
Pages 52-73
Joseph A. Majzoub, Gail K. Adler

5 - Motilin: Structure, Expression, and Chromosomal Localization of Human Gene
Pages 73-84
Hideki Yano, Yutaka Seino

6 - Progonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Synthesis and Processing: Measurements of mRNA and Peptides
Pages 85-108
Oline K. Rönnekleiv, Martha A. Bosch, Barry R. Naylor, Martin J. Kelly

7 - Use of Firefly Luciferase Reporter Gene to Study Angiotensinogen Acute Phase Response Element
Pages 108-123
Allan R. Brasier, David Ron

8 - Cell-Specific Localization of Neuropeptide Gene Expression: Gastrin-Releasing Peptide or Mammalian Bombesin
Pages 123-136
Mary E. Sunday

9 - Semiquantitative Analysis of Cellular Somatostatin mRNA Levels by in Situ Hybridization Histochemistry
Pages 137-158
Julie A. Chowen, Robert A. Steiner, Donald K. Clifton

10 - Measurement of Oxytocin and Vasopressin Gene Expression by in Situ Hybridization
Pages 159-182
F.M. Laurent-Huck, J.M. Felix

11 - Solubilization of Vasopressin Receptors
Pages 185-192
Nambi Aiyar, Ponnal Nambi, Stanley T. Crooke

12 - Soluble Angiotensin II-Binding Protein
Pages 192-203
Richard L. Soffer, M.A. Ravi Kiron, Anasuya Mitra, Steven J. Fluharty

13 - Purification of Neurotensin Receptor from Newborn Mouse Brain by Affinity Chromatography
Pages 203-215
Jean-Pierre Vincent, Joëlle Chabry, Nicole Zsürger, Jean Mazella

14 - Purification of Somatostatin Receptors
Pages 215-224
Terry Reisine, Stephanie Rens-Domiano, Susan F. Law, Jean-Michel Martin

15 - Assay for Galanin Receptor
Pages 225-234
Tiit Land, Ülo Langel, Gilberto Fisone, Katarina Bedecs, Tamas Bartfai

16 - Direct Radioligand Measurement of Oxytocin Receptors in Anterior Pituitary Gland
Pages 235-242
S.E. Chadio, F.A. Antoni

17 - Tachykinin Receptors: Binding and Cellular Activity Assays
Pages 243-267
Yvette Torrens, Jean-Claude Beaujouan, Monika Dietl, Monique Saffroy, François Petitet, Jacques Glowinski

18 - Assays for Secretin Receptors: Comparison between Neuroblastoma Cells and Exocrine Pancreas
Pages 267-285
Jean Christophe, Michal Svoboda, Denis Gossen, Patrick Robberecht

19 - In Vivo Bioassays of Central Vasopressin V1 Receptors Using Fever as a Model
Pages 285-300
Marshall F. Wilkinson, Norman W. Kasting

20 - Assays of Bombesin Receptors
Pages 301-311
Steven R. Vigna, Patrick W. Mantyh

21 - Angiotensin Receptor Assay and Characterization
Pages 312-330
James McQueen, Peter F. Semple

22 - Receptor Assays for Neurokinins, Tachykinins, and Bombesins
Pages 331-354
D. Regoli, N. Rouissi, S. Dion

23 - Synthesis of 125I-Labeled β-Melanotropin and Assay of Melanotropin Receptors
Pages 354-361
John M. Pawelek, Michael P. Osber

24 - Assays for Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor
Pages 362-385
Gail D. Wenger, M. Sue O'Dorisio, Laura B. Campolito

25 - Assays for δ-Opioid Receptor
Pages 385-403
Pierre Nicolas

26 - Assays for Substance P and Tachykinin Receptors
Pages 404-425
Patrick W. Mantyh, Steven R. Vigna, John E. Maggio

27 - Identification and Characterization of Neuromedin B Receptors in Rat Central Nervous System
Pages 426-441
Ellen E. Ladenheim, Timothy H. Moran, Robert T. Jensen

28 - Atrial Natriuretic Factor Receptor Assays
Pages 441-458
R. Fernandez-Durango, J. Gutkowska

29 - Receptors for Opioid Peptides in Brain
Pages 459-478
P. Slater, A.J. Cross

30 - Ligands for Cholecystokinin A and Cholecystokinin B/Gastrin Receptors
Pages 479-493
Raymond S.L. Chang, Victor J. Lotti

31 - Radioiodinated Ligands in Assays for Neurotensin and Enkephalin Receptors
Pages 493-509
Roger P. Dilts

32 - Biochemical, Pharmacological, and Autoradiographic Methods to Study Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptors
Pages 510-538
Dimitri E. Grigoriadis, Errol B. De Souza

33 - Autoradiography of Somatostatin Receptors in Rat Cerebellum
Pages 538-553
Philippe Leroux, Bruno Gonzalez, Christine Bucharles, Hubert Vaudry

Pages 555-570

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