فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Introduction, Pages ix-x, Jacques R BOISSIER
GABA Systems in Human Brain in Huntington's Disease and Schizophrenia, Pages 3-10, L.L. Iversen, E. Spokes, E. Bird
Stereospecific Actions of GABA Analogues, Pages 11-18, G.A.R. Johnston, R.D. Allan, P.R. Andrews, S.M.E. Kennedy, B. Twitchin
Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines and the GABA System, Pages 19-27, Donald W. Straughan
Kinetics of GABA Action at the Crayfish Neuromuscular Junction, Pages 29-32, Akira Takeuchi
A Molecular Mechanism for the Action of Benzodiazepines on GABAergic Transmission, Pages 33-41, A. Guidotti, M. Baraldi, J.P. Schwartz, G. Toffano, E. Costa
Toward a Rational Pharmacology of the GABA System, Pages 43-65, Eugene Roberts
Physiology and Pharmacology of Ganglionic Synapses as Models for Central Transmission, Pages 69-85, S. Nishi, A.G. Karczmar, N.J. Dun
Microphysiological and Pharmacological Studies on Transmitters in the Substantia Nigra, Pages 87-96, Donald W. Straughan, Thomas A. James
Studies of the Interdependence of Neurotransmitter Systems by Microbiochemical Approaches, Pages 97-107, E. Costa
Role of Various Nigral Afferences on the Activity of the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Pathways, Pages 109-119, André Chéramy, Vincent Leviel, André Nieoullon, Jacques Glowinski
Interactions between Serotonin and Noradrenalin containing Neurons: Link between the Raphe System and the Locus Coeruleus, Pages 121-129, J.F. Pujol
Histochemistry of Transmitter Interactions - Neuronal Coupling and Coexistence of Transmitters, Pages 131-143, Tomas Hökfelt, Olle Johansson, Åke Ljungdahl, Jan Lundberg, Marianne Schultzberg, Lars Terenius, Menek Goldstein, Robert Elde, Harry Steinbusch, Albert Verhofstad
Concluding Remarks, Pages 145-148, J. Glowinski, A. Karczmar
Immunofluorescent Staining of Serotonin in the Central Nervous System, Pages 151-160, Harry W.M. Steinbusch, Albert A.J. Verhofstad
Excitatory Amino Acids: Receptor Differentiation by Selective Antagonists and Role in Synaptic Excitation, Pages 161-170, J. Davis, R.H. Evans, A.A. Francis, J.C. Watkins
Histaminergic Systems in Brain, Pages 171-180, Jean-Charles Schwartz, Gilles Barbin, Monique Garbarg, Catherine Llorens, José-Maria Palacios, Helene Pollard
The Action of Substance P on Motoneurons of the Isolated Rat Spinal Cord, Pages 181-190, Masanori Otsuka, Mitsuhiko Yanagisawa
Plasticity of Transmitter Functions in Sympathetic Neurons Developing in Cell Culture, Pages 191-203, Edwin J. Furshpan
Is there a Neurotransmitter Code in the Brain?, Pages 205-213, Floyd E. Bloom
Molecular Mechanisms in the Modulation of Catecholamine Release from the Adrenal Medulla, Pages 217-229, Yehuda Gutman
Some Structural Features of Amine Uptake Mechanisms, Pages 231-248, Jouko Tuomisto
Pre- and Postsynaptic Regulation of Catecholamine Neurotransmitters, Pages 249-262, Julius Axelrod
GABA-ergic Component in the Mechanism of Action of Neurotropic Drugs, Pages 263-280, V.V. Zakusov, R.U. Ostrovskaya
Pre- and Postsynaptic Action of GABA in the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Pages 281-298, D.R. Curtis
Index, Pages 299-302