توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب به بررسی نقش شهرها و پیوندهای شهری و روستایی در نوآوری تعبیه شده در برنامه ریزی مکانی ، برنامه ریزی استراتژیک و اقتصادی و سیستم های پشتیبانی تصمیم می پردازد. به طور خاص ، مشارکتها پیچیدگی مرحله انتقالی فعلی را در جهت دستیابی به رشد هوشمند ، فراگیر و پایدار بررسی می کند و سیاست انسجام UE پس از 2020 را بررسی می کند. مباحث اصلی عبارتند از: دینامیک نوآوری و شهرهای هوشمند. بازسازی شهری-جامعه تحت رهبری و PPP ؛ توسعه منطقه و منطقه شهری ؛ تحرک ، دسترسی ، زیرساخت ها ؛ میراث ، چشم انداز و هویت ؛ و مدیریت ریسک ، محیط زیست و انرژی. این کتاب شامل مجموعه ای از مقالات پذیرفته شده برای ارائه و بحث و گفتگو در سمپوزیوم بین المللی بین المللی کلانشهر جدید (ISTH2020) ، که در دانشگاه Reggio Calabria ، ایتالیا در 22-25 مه 2018 برگزار شد. این سمپوزیوم ، که به چالش دانش محلی می پردازد و از این رونویسی از پروژه های زیرین و نوآوری در مورد Dynamics Territion ، Territion Territy ، Territion Territion ، Territed Territy ، MSCA RISE.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xxvi
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Evaluation Approach to the Integrated Valorization of Territorial Resources: The Case Study of the Tyrrhenian Area of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria (Giuseppina Cassalia, Carmela Tramontana, Francesco Calabrò)....Pages 3-12
Disaster Management in the Inner Areas: A Window of Opportunity for National Strategy (SNAI) (Annalisa Rizzo)....Pages 13-21
The Integrated Coast to Coast Development of Basilicata, Southern Italy (Maria Assunta D’Oronzio, Mariacarmela Suanno, Domenica Ricciardi)....Pages 22-28
Action Research and Participatory Decision-Aid Models in Rural Development: The Experience of “Terre Locridee” Local Action Group in Southern Italy (Claudio Marcianò, Giuseppa Romeo)....Pages 29-41
Actors, Roles and Interactions in Agricultural Innovation Networks: The Case of the Portuguese Cluster of Small Fruits (Lívia Madureira, Artur Cristóvão, Dora Ferreira, Timothy Koehnen)....Pages 42-49
From Binarism to Polarism: On Rural Knowledge Outflows’ Role in Fostering Rural-Urban Linkages (Yapeng Ou, Carmelina Bevilacqua)....Pages 50-57
Servitisation and Territorial Self Reinforcing Mechanisms: A New Approach to Regional Competitiveness (Domenico Marino, Raffaele Trapasso)....Pages 58-67
Kratos 2020, Strategic Plan Great Valley of Crati River (Ferdinando Verardi, Domenico Passarelli, Andrea Pellegrino)....Pages 68-74
Sustainable Agriculture Development: Lacks on Law and Urban Plots (Susana Campos, Alexandra Ribeiro, Micael Santos)....Pages 75-84
Religious Fruition of the Territories: Ancient Traditions and New Trends in Aspromonte (Donatella Di Gregorio, Alfonso Picone Chiodo, Agata Nicolosi)....Pages 85-93
The Network of the Villages of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria, a Complex Attraction in the Design of Quality and Safety of the Territory (Natalina Carrà)....Pages 94-102
Consumers’ Preferences for Local Fish Products in Catalonia, Calabria and Sicily (Agata Nicolosi, Nadia Fava, Claudio Marcianò)....Pages 103-112
Campania Region Metropolitan Area. Planning Tools to Redevelop the Aversana Conurbation (Salvatore Losco, Gianfranca Pagano)....Pages 113-123
The Role of Social Relations in Promoting Effective Policies to Support Diversification Within a Fishing Community in Southern Italy (Monica Palladino, Carlo Cafiero, Claudio Marcianò)....Pages 124-133
Measuring the Tourism: A Synthetic and Autocorrelate Index for Italy (Domenico Tebala, Domenico Marino)....Pages 134-141
A Flexible and at “Variable-Geometry” Planning for Italian Metropolitan Cities: The Case of Reggio Calabria and the “Area dello Stretto” (Giuseppe Fera)....Pages 142-152
Front Matter ....Pages 153-153
The Rehabilitation of Some Historical Urban Port Areas in Sardinia (Alessandra Casu)....Pages 155-163
3D Mapping of Pavement Distresses Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System (Giovanni Leonardi, Vincenzo Barrile, Rocco Palamara, Federica Suraci, Gabriele Candela)....Pages 164-171
The Myth of Pedestrianisation or the Reasons of Hierarchy (Alfonso Annunziata, Carlo Pisano)....Pages 172-181
Tourist Flows and Transport Infrastructures: Development Policies for the Strait Airport (Claudio Zavaglia, Jusy Calabrò, Raffaele Scrivo)....Pages 182-191
The Port-City Interface (Jusy Calabrò, Alessandro Rugolo, Angela Viglianisi)....Pages 192-199
From ‘Highway into Greenway’: How Public Spaces Change Zoning Regulations (Israa H. Mahmoud, Bruce Appleyard, Carmelina Bevilacqua)....Pages 200-210
Villa San Giovanni Transport Hub: A Public-Private Partnership Opportunity (Angela Viglianisi, Alessandro Rugolo, Jusy Calabrò, Lucia Della Spina)....Pages 211-221
Road Degradation Survey Through Images by Drone (Giovanni Leonardi, Vincenzo Barrile, Rocco Palamara, Federica Suraci, Gabriele Candela)....Pages 222-228
Gis Based Multi-criteria Decision Analysis for the Streamlining of the Italian Network of Minor Airports (Maria Rosaria Guarini, Anthea Chiovitti)....Pages 229-239
Real-Time Update of the Road Cadastre in GIS Environment from a MMS Rudimentary System (Vincenzo Barrile, Giovanni Leonardi, Antonino Fotia, Giuliana Bilotta, Giuseppe Ielo)....Pages 240-247
Front Matter ....Pages 249-249
Assessing the Landscape Value: An Integrated Approach to Measure the Attractiveness and Pressures of the Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont (Italy) (Vanessa Assumma, Marta Bottero, Roberto Monaco, Giulio Mondini)....Pages 251-259
Intergenerational Discounting in the Economic Evaluation of Projects (Antonio Nesticò, Gabriella Maselli)....Pages 260-268
Real Estate Landscapes and the Historic City: On How Looking Inside the Market (Laura Gabrielli, Salvatore Giuffrida, Maria Rosa Trovato)....Pages 269-276
Regional Development Policies in Italy: How to Combine Cultural Approaches with Social Innovation (Andrea Billi, Luca Tricarico)....Pages 277-287
Economic Sustainability in the Management of Archaeological Sites: The Case of Bova Marina (Reggio Calabria, Italy) (Carmela Tramontana, Francesco Calabrò, Giuseppina Cassalia, Maria Carlotta Rizzuto)....Pages 288-297
PLUS Hub: A Cultural Co-creative Enterprise for Local Urban/Rural Regeneration (Gaia Daldanise, Maria Cerreta)....Pages 298-307
Social Enterprise and the Development of Cultural Heritage Assets as Catalysts for Urban Placemaking (Deniz Beck, Samuel Brooks)....Pages 308-315
Hypothesis for the Development of Identity Resources Surrounding the San Niceto’ Castle in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria (Immacolata Lorè, Tiziana Meduri, Roberta Pellicanò, Daniele Campolo)....Pages 316-326
Using an Hybrid AHP-SWOT Method to Build Participatory Ecotourism Development Strategies: The Case Study of the Cupe Valley Natural Reserve in Southern Italy (Salvatore Bianco, Claudio Marcianò)....Pages 327-336
The Cultural Landscape of the Rocky Settlements of Calabrian Greek Monk (Daniele Campolo, Tiziana Meduri, Immacolata Lorè)....Pages 337-345
The Rediscovery of the via Annia - Popilia from Capua to Reggio Calabria for Knowledge and Enhancement of the Cultural Route (Rosa Anna Genovese)....Pages 346-358
Strategic Collaborative Process for Cultural Heritage (Eleonora Giovene di Girasole, Gaia Daldanise, Massimo Clemente)....Pages 359-368
The Role of Cultural Heritage in Urban Resilience Enhancement (Roberta Iavarone, Ines Alberico, Antonia Gravagnuolo, Gabriella Esposito De Vita)....Pages 369-377
The Urban Being Between Environment and Landscape. On the Old Town as an Emerging Subject (Salvatore Giuffrida, Grazia Napoli, Maria Rosa Trovato)....Pages 378-386
Cultural Strategies for Urban Regeneration: The Effects of Policies Implemented by European Capitals of Culture (Marialuce Stanganelli)....Pages 387-397
Utilizing Culture and Creativity for Sustainable Development: Reflections on the City of Östersund’s Membership in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (Wilhelm Skoglund, Daniel Laven)....Pages 398-405
Make Public Spaces Great Again Using Social Innovation Reflections from the Context of Downtown San Diego as a Cultural District (Israa H. Mahmoud, Carmelina Bevilacqua)....Pages 406-415
Describing a Unique Urban Culture: Ibadi Settlements of North Africa (Beniamino Polimeni)....Pages 416-425
Conservation, Enhancement and Resilience of Historical and Cultural Heritage Exposed to Natural Risks and Social Dynamics (Marco Vona, Benedetto Manganelli, Sabina Tataranna)....Pages 426-433
A Multi-criteria Approach to Support the Retraining Plan of the Biancavilla’s Old Town (Maria Rosa Trovato)....Pages 434-441
Historical Cultural Heritage: Decision Making Process and Reuse Scenarios for the Enhancement of Historic Buildings (Lucia Della Spina)....Pages 442-453
Cities and Cultures in Movement (Bakary Coulibaly, Maurice Herkrath, Silvia Serreli, Valeria Monno)....Pages 454-463
Unused Real Estate and Enhancement of Historic Centers: Legislative Instruments and Procedural Ideas (Serena Mallamace, Francesco Calabrò, Tiziana Meduri, Carmela Tramontana)....Pages 464-474
A Cultural Route on the Trail of Greek Monasticism in Calabria (Daniele Campolo, Francesco Calabrò, Giuseppina Cassalia)....Pages 475-483
A Model for Defining Sponsorship Fees in Public-Private Bargaining for the Rehabilitation of Historical-Architectural Heritage (Luigi Dolores, Maria Macchiaroli, Gianluigi De Mare)....Pages 484-492
Front Matter ....Pages 493-493
Institutional Relations in the Small-Scale Fisheries Sector and Impact of Regulation in an Area of Southern Italy (Monica Palladino, Carlo Cafiero, Claudio Marcianò)....Pages 495-504
The Value of Water: an Opportunity for the Eco-Social Regeneration of Mediterranean Metropolitan Areas (Alessandro Sgobbo)....Pages 505-512
Post Carbon City: Building Valuation and Energy Performance Simulation Programs (Alessandro Malerba, Domenico Enrico Massimo, Mariangela Musolino, Francesco Nicoletti, Pierfrancesco De Paola)....Pages 513-521
Ecological Resilience and Care of the Common House to Build the Landscape of Contemporaneity and Future Scenarios of Territories and Cities (Stefano Aragona)....Pages 522-533
Prioritization of Energy Retrofit Strategies in Public Housing: An AHP Model (Chiara D’Alpaos, Paolo Bragolusi)....Pages 534-541
The Ex-ante Evaluation of Flood Damages for a Sustainable Risk Management (Francesca Torrieri, Alessandra Oppio)....Pages 542-550
The Energy Performance in the Construction Sector: An Architectural Tool as Adaptation to the Climate Challenge (Najoua Loudyi, Khalid El Harrouni)....Pages 551-556
The Evaluation of the Economic Impact of University Campuses Energy Initiatives: The UPC Case Study (Lorenzo Uri, Patrizia Lombardi, Luigi Buzzacchi, Giulia Sonetti)....Pages 557-570
A Contribution to Regional Planning Finalized for Fire Resilience (Alessandra Casu, Marco Loi)....Pages 571-578
Urban Spaces and a Culture of Safety (Antonio Taccone)....Pages 579-584
ECOSITING: A Sit Platform for Planning the Integrated Cycle of Urban Waste (Roberto Panei, Giovanni Petrucciani, Dario Bonanni, Patrizia Trovalusci)....Pages 585-592
Boosting Investments in Buildings Energy Retrofit: The Role of Incentives (Marta Bottero, Chiara D’Alpaos, Federico Dell’Anna)....Pages 593-600
The PrioritEE Approach to Reinforce the Capacities of Local Administrations in the Energy Management of Public Buildings (Monica Salvia, Sofia Simoes, Norberto Fueyo, Carmelina Cosmi, Kiki Papadopoulou, João Pedro Gouveia et al.)....Pages 601-608
Planning for Climate Change: Adaptation Actions and Future Challenges in the Italian Cities (Grazia Brunetta, Ombretta Caldarice)....Pages 609-613
Contemporaneity of Floods and Storms. A Case Study of Metropolitan Area of Reggio Calabria in Southern Italy (Giuseppe Barbaro, Olga Petrucci, Caterina Canale, Giandomenico Foti, Pierluigi Mancuso, Pierfabrizio Puntorieri)....Pages 614-620
Environmental Assessment of a Solar Tower Using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (Fausto Cavallaro, Domenico Marino, Dalia Streimikiene)....Pages 621-628
Off-site Retrofit to Regenerate Multi-family Homes: Evidence from Some European Experiences (Alessia Mangialardo, Ezio Micelli)....Pages 629-636
Economic Value Assessment of Forest Carbon Sequestration and Atmospheric Temperature Mitigation in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria (South Italy) (Fortunato Alfredo Ascioti, Vincenzo Crea, Giuliano Menguzzato, Claudio Marcianò)....Pages 637-644
Montalto di Castro - Sustainable Tourism as an Opportunity for Urban and Environmental Regeneration (Maria Rita Schirru)....Pages 645-653
Evaluation of Benefits for Integrated Seismic and Energy Retrofitting for the Existing Buildings (Benedetto Manganelli, Monica Mastroberti, Marco Vona)....Pages 654-662
Carbon Sequestration by Cork Oak Forests and Raw Material to Built up Post Carbon City (Giovanni Spampinato, Domenico Enrico Massimo, Carmelo Maria Musarella, Pierfrancesco De Paola, Alessandro Malerba, Mariangela Musolino)....Pages 663-671
Ecological Networks in Urban Planning: Between Theoretical Approaches and Operational Measures (Angioletta Voghera, Luigi La Riccia)....Pages 672-680
The Urban Question in Seismic Risk Prevention. Priorities, Strategies, Lines of Action (Concetta Fallanca)....Pages 681-690
The Ecological Challenge as an Opportunity and Input for Innovative Strategies of Integrated Planning (Gabriella Pultrone)....Pages 691-698
Erratum to: Boosting Investments in Buildings Energy Retrofit: The Role of Incentives (Marta Bottero, Chiara D’Alpaos, Federico Dell’Anna)....Pages E1-E1
Back Matter ....Pages 699-701
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book explores the role of cities and the urban–rural linkages in spurring innovation embedded in spatial planning, strategic and economic planning, and decision support systems. In particular, the contributions examine the complexity of the current transitional phase towards achieving smart, inclusive and sustainable growth, and investigate the post-2020 UE cohesion policy.The main topics include: Innovation dynamics and smart cities; Urban regeneration – community-led and PPP; Inland and urban area development; Mobility, accessibility, infrastructures; Heritage, landscape and Identity; and Risk management, Environment and Energy.The book includes a selection of articles accepted for presentation and discussion at the 3rd International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspectives (ISTH2020), held at the University of Reggio Calabria, Italy on 22–25 May 2018. The symposium, which addressed the challenge of local knowledge and innovation dynamics towards territory attractiveness, hosted the final event of the MAPS-LED project under Horizon2020 – MSCA RISE.