توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
بحث می کند که چگونه "رسانه های جدید جدید" فرهنگ ما را تغییر می دهند
فیس بوک، توییتر، یوتیوب، ویکی پدیا، فورسکوئر، وبلاگ نویسی ... اینها و سایر «رسانه های جدید جدید» توسط صدها میلیون نفر در سراسر جهان استفاده می شود و تقریباً هر جنبه ای از فرهنگ ما را از نحوه انتخاب رئیس جمهور تا نحوه تماشای تلویزیون تغییر می دهد. New New Media مزایا، فرصت ها و خطرات این تحولات را به تفصیل شرح می دهد.
رسانههای جدید جدید، برخلاف «رسانههای جدید» سنتی ایمیل و وبسایتها، به همه مصرفکنندگان اجازه میدهند و تشویق میکنند تا تولیدکننده شوند، خوانندگان نویسنده و ناشر شوند، بینندگان به مجری تبدیل شوند - و جنبشهای جهانی مانند بهار عربی را برانگیختند. پارتی چای و اشغال وال استریت. این ویژگی کاتالیزوری رسانههای معاصر نگاهی کاملاً جدید به چگونگی دستخوش عمیقترین تغییرات رسانههای جمعی، فرهنگ و صنعت از زمان ظهور حروف الفبا و چاپخانه ایجاد میکند.
اهداف یادگیری
پس از تکمیل این کتاب، خوانندگان قادر خواهند بود:
در مورد تأثیر رسانه های جدید جدید بر جامعه ما بحث کنید
مکانیزم های توییتر، یوتیوب، فیس بوک، ویکی پدیا و انواع دیگر رسانه های جدید را درک کنید
جدیدترین رسانه های جدید را کشف کنید - Foursquare، Pinterest، WikiLeaks، Anonymous، Goggle+
توجه: MySearchLab به طور خودکار با این متن بسته بندی نمی شود. برای خرید MySearchLab، لطفاً به آدرس زیر مراجعه کنید: www.mysearchlab.com یا می توانید یک بسته ارزشی از متن + MySearchLab (بدون هزینه اضافی) خریداری کنید: ValuePack ISBN-10: 0134085663 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780134085661
فهرست مطالب :
In this Section: 1) Brief Table of Contents 2) Full Table of Contents 1) Brief Table of Contents Chapter 1: Why "New New" Media?â â Chapter 2: Facebook Chapter 3: Twitter Chapter 4: YouTubeâ Chapter 5: Wikipediaâ Chapter 6: Blogging Chapter 7: Foursquare and Hardware Chapter 8: Smaller Potatoes Chapter 9: The Dark Side Of New New Media Chapter 10: Politics and New New Media 2) Full Table of Contents Chapter 1: Why "New New" Media?â â Why "New New" Rather Than Social Media? Guiding Principles of New New Media New New Media Encompass Prior New Media Principles The Order and Content of the Chapters Speed in the Evolution of New New Media and Hardware The Prime Methodology: Learning by Doing Chapter 2: Facebook The Irresistible Appeal of "Friends" What Does Online "Friendship" Mean Fine-Tuning Online Friendship The Facebook "Group" and its Evolution Facebook Friends and Groups as Knowledge-Base Resources Facebook Friends as Real-Time Knowledge Resources Meeting Online Friends in the Real World Reconnecting with Old Friends Online Protection for the "Hidden Dimension": Cleaning Up Your Online Pages Subjective and Objective Differences Among New New Media The Facebook Timeline Chapter 3: Twitter The Epitome of Immediacy Interpersonal + Mass Communication = Twitter Twitter as Smart T-Shirt or Jewelry Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and Pownce Twitter Dangers: The Congressman Who Tweeted Too Much The Other Congressman Who Tweeted Too Much Twitter vs. the Mullahs in Iran McLuhan as Microblogger Chapter 4: YouTubeâ "Obama Girl" YouTube 2008 Presidential Primary Debates Telegenic + YouTube = Cybergenic YouTube Undeniability and Democracy YouTube Usurps Television as a Herald of Public Events YouTube Is Not Only Omni-Accessible and Free to Viewers - It's Free to Producers Obama as the New FDR in New New Media as Well as the New New Deal? Amateur YouTube Stars and Producers Viral Videos Viral Videos Gone Bad The YouTube Revolution in Popular Culture Roy Orbison's Guitar "My Guitar Gently Weeps" Through the Ages YouTube Retrieves MTV Will YouTube Put iTunes Out of Business? YouTube Refutes Lewis Mumford and Turns the Videoclip into a Transcript Tim Russert, 1950-2008 YouTube's Achilles' Heel: Copyright Comments as Verifiers on YouTube: The Fleetwoods The Pope's Channel YouTube as International Information Liberator Chapter 5: Wikipediaâ Pickles and Pericles Inclusionists vs. Exclusionists: Battle Between Wikipedian Heroes Neutrality of Editors and Conflicts of Interest Identity Problems All Wikipedians Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others Transparency on Wikipedia Pages Wikipedia vs. Britannica Old vs. New New Media in Reporting the Death of Tim Russert Wikipedia Wrongly Reports the "Deaths" of Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd Encyclopedia or Newspaper? Does Wikipedia Make Libraries Unnecessary?â The United Kingdom vs. Wikipedia Chapter 6: Blogging A Thumbnail History of Electronic Writing Blogging About Anything, Forever Comment Moderation Commenting on the Blogs of Others Comments as Correctors MySpace Message from Stringer Bell of The Wire Changing the Words in Your Blog After Publication Long-Range Blogging and Linking Group Blogging Monetizing Your Blog Is Monetization Incompatible with the Ideals of Blogging? Dressing Up Your Blog with Images, Videos and Widgets Gauging the Readership of Your Blog Different Blogging Platforms Are Bloggers Entitled to the Same First Amendment Protection as Old-Media Journalists? Citizen Journalists, the First Amendment, and Occupy Wall Street Bloggers and Lobbyists Anonymity in Blogging Blogging for Others Changing the World with Your Blog A Town Supervisor and His Blog "Bloggers in Pajamas" Further Tensions Between New New Media and Older Forms The Need for Old-Media Reporting in an Age of New New Media Journalism Old Media and New New Media Symbiosis: Easter Eggs for Lost and Fringe Chapter 7: Foursquare and Hardware Foursquare and iPhone Check-Ins and Truths Privacy and Location The Inevitability of Mobile Media The Necessity of Hardware The Price of Mobility The New New Media Exile of Useless Places Smart Phones in the Car, in the Park, and in Bed Batteries as the Weak Spot iPhones, iPads, Bluetooth and Brains Chapter 8: Smaller Potatoes MySpace Digg and Reddit Second Life Podcasting Chapter 9: The Dark Side Of New New Media Pre-New New Media Abuses: Bullying, Flaming, and Trolling Online Gossiping and Cyberbullying Cyberstalking Tweeting and Terrorism The Craigslist Bank Heist Spam Old Media Overreaction to New New Abuses: The Library vs. the Blogger Chapter 10: Politics and New New Media Barack Obama, New New Media, and the 2008 Election The Tea Party and Twitter in 2010 The Arab Spring and Media Determinism Occupy Wall Street and the Resurgence of Direct Democracy The US Election of 2012
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Discusses how “new new media” are transforming our culture
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Foursquare, blogging … these and other “new new media“ are used by hundreds of millions worldwide and are transforming just about every aspect of our culture from the way we elect presidents to how we watch television. New New Media details the benefits, opportunities, and dangers of these transformations.
New new media, as opposed to the traditional “new media” of email and websites, allow and encourage all consumers to become producers, readers to become writers and publishers, viewers to become performers - and have engendered such worldwide movements as The Arab Spring, The Tea Party, and Occupy Wall Street. This catalytic feature of contemporary media prompts an entirely new look at how mass media, culture, and industry are undergoing the most profound changes since the advent of the alphabet and the printing press.
Learning Goals
Upon completing this book, readers will be able to:
Discuss the impact new new media have on our society
Understand the mechanics of Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia and other types of new new media
Discover the newest new media - Foursquare, Pinterest, WikiLeaks, Anonymous, Goggle+
Note: MySearchLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MySearchLab, please visit: www.mysearchlab.com or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MySearchLab (at no additional cost): ValuePack ISBN-10: 0134085663 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780134085661