توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
"روندهای جدید و تکنیک های پیشرفته در فیزیولوژی عصبی بالینی" مجموعه ای از مقالات نوشته شده با مهارت توسط نویسندگان برجسته است که بررسی های به روز در مورد آخرین تکنیک ها در فیزیولوژی عصبی بالینی و کاربردهای تشخیصی آنها ارائه می دهد. این کتاب حاوی دادههای جدید و منتشرنشده زیادی است که در فصلهایی به وضوح تعریف شدهاند و موضوعاتی را پوشش میدهند که در دو سال گذشته در ادبیات فیزیولوژی عصبی بالینی به طور فعال مورد بحث قرار گرفتهاند. موضوعات عبارتند از: روش های جدید پردازش سیگنال، مغناطیسی-انسفالوگرافی، تحریک مغز، رفلکسولوژی، نظارت بر عصبی، و همچنین ایدز، فیزیولوژی عصبی بالینی درد، اسپاستیسیتی، نقص حرکتی و حسی، اختلالات حرکتی، و شناخت و زبان.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Page v, Paolo M. Rossini, François Mauguière
List of Contributors, Pages vii-viii
Magnetic Evoked Fields of the Human Brain: Basic Principles and Applications, Pages 3-12, RIITTA HARI
Physiologic Mechanisms Underlying the Generation of Far-Field Potentials, Pages 13-21, JUN KIMURA, THORU YAMADA
Beware of the Average Reference in Brain Mapping, Pages 22-27, JOHN E. DESMEDT, CLAUDE TOMBERG, PIERRE NOËL, ISAMU OZAKI
Topographic Maps of Single Sweep Long-Latency Median Nerve SEPs, Pages 28-33, G. COMI, T. LOCATELLI, C. FORNARA, S. CERUTTI, A. BIANCHI, D. LIBERATI
A Comparative EEG/MEG Equivalent Dipole Study of the Pattern Onset Visual Response, Pages 34-50, C.J. STOK, H.J. SPEKREIJSE, M.J. PETERS, H.B.K. BOOM, F.H. LOPES DA SILVA
Technical Requirements for Evoked Potential Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit, Pages 51-70, OLIVIER BERTRAND, JORGE BOHORQUEZ, JACQUES PERNIER
Neurographic Assessment of Central Delay Changes in the H Reflex Pathway: a New Test of Spinal Function in Man, Pages 73-83, MICHELE ABBRUZZESE, LIZIA RENI, EMILIO FAVALE
Physiology and Clinical Applications of Hand Muscle Reflexes, Pages 84-101, G. DEUSCHL, C.H. LÜCKING
Electrophysiological Assessment of Nociception in Normals and Patients: the Use of Nociceptive Reflexes, Pages 102-118, LUIS GARCÍA-LARREA, FRANÇOIS MAUGUIÈRE
Vestibular Evoked Potentials with Short and Middle Latencies Recorded in Humans, Pages 119-123, E. LEIBNER, J. ELIDAN, S. FREEMAN, M. SELA, M. NITZAN, H. SOHMER
Methodological and Physiological Aspects of Motor Evoked Potentials, Pages 124-133, PAOLO M. ROSSINI
Excitatory and Inhibitory Effects of Magnetic Coil Stimulation of Human Cortex, Pages 134-139, ROGER Q. CRACCO, VAHE E. AMASSIAN, PAUL J. MACCABEE, JOAN B. CRACCO
Cortico-Facial and Cortico-Trigeminal Projections. A Comparison by Magnetic Brain Stimulation in Man, Pages 140-144, G. CRUCCU, M. INGHILLERI, A. BERARDELLI, G. PAULETTI, M. MANFREDI
Selective Effects of Repetition Rate on Frontal and Parietal Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs), Pages 145-148, G. ABBRUZZESE, D. DALL'AGATA, M. MORENA, L. RENI, G. TRIVELLI, E. FAVALE
The Effect of Stimulus Frequency on Spinal and Scalp Somatosensory Evoked Potentials to Stimulation of Nerves in the Lower Limb, Pages 149-152, LUCIANA PELOSI, PIERO BALBI, GIUSEPPE CARUSO
Electrophysiological Perspectives on Comprehending Written Language, Pages 155-167, MARTA KUTAS, CYMA VAN PETTEN
Habituation of K-Complexes or Event-Related Potentials during Sleep, Pages 168-171, J.F.V. CAEKEBEKE, J.G. VAN DIJK, B. VAN SWEDEN
The Skilled Performance Positivity after Learning a Skilled Task, Pages 172-176, GIUSEPPE AUGUSTO CHIARENZA, EMANUELA BARZI, ELENA BERETTA, MARICA VILLA
Event-Related Potentials in Populations at Risk for Alcoholism, Pages 177-182, H. BEGLEITER, B. PORJESZ
Electrophysiological Assessment of Cognitive Disorder in Closed Head-Injured Outpatients, Pages 202-215, K.B. CAMPBELL, J.B. SUFFIELD, D.L. DEACON
Dopaminergic Pharmacological Manipulations in Normal Humans Confirm the Specificity of the Visual (PERG-VEP) and Cognitive (P300) Electrophysiological Alterations in Parkinson's Disease, Pages 216-220, P. STANZIONE, M. TAGLIATI, M.G. MARCIANI, F. FATTAPPOSTA, C. D'ALESSIO, A. FOTI, G. AMABILE
Utility of Short-Latency Evoked Potentials in the Classification of Progressive, Early Onset Cerebellar Ataxias, Pages 223-235, M. VANASSE, J.Y. GABET, J. DE LÉAN, F. MAUGUIÈRE, P. SABOURAUD, J.P. BOUCHARD, J. MATHIEU
Maturation of Short Latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials by Median Nerve Stimulation: a Cross-Sectional Study in a Large Group of Children, Pages 236-242, LUCIE LAFRENIÈRE, EMMANUÈLE LAUREAU, MICHEL VANASSE, LUC FOREST, MAURICE PTITO
Evoked Potentials in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Pages 243-248, A. PENICAUD, S. MEUNIER, P. LE CANUET, F. LAFFONT, H.P. CATHALA
Long Latency Reflexes of Human Arm Muscles in Health and Disease, Pages 251-263, J.C. ROTHWELL
Electrophysiological Assessment of the Spinal Mechanisms Underlying Spasticity, Pages 264-273, E. PIERROT-DESEILLIGNY
Loss of Parietal and Frontal Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Hemispheric Deafferentation, Pages 274-285, F. MAUGUIÈRE, V. IBAÑEZ
Motor Tract Excitability Changes in Spastic Patients: Studies with Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Pages 286-291, MARIA D. CARAMIA, PAOLA CICINELLI, FLORA ZAROLA, GIORGIO BERNARDI, PAOLO M. ROSSINI
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Motor Cortex Stimulation in Myelopathies, Pages 292-297, LUCIANA PELOSI, BERNARDO LANZILLO, ANNA PERRETTI, CLAUDIO CRISCI, GIUSEPPE CARUSO
Electrophysiological Assessment of Somatic Nerves Controlling the Genital and Urinary Functions, Pages 298-305, R.J. OPSOMER, J.M. GUÉRIT, P.J. VAN CANGH, F. ZAROLA, G.L. ROMANI, P.M. ROSSINI
Electrically Induced Long-Latency Response in Triceps Surae Muscle: Results in Central Paresis, Pages 306-308, R. MALESSA, J. RIMPEL, M. RANG, S.T. MEYER, A. TERWORT, H.J. LEHMANN
Diagnostic Significance of Tibial Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (Spinal and Cortical Components) with Spinal Cord Lesions, Pages 309-313, ULRICH W. BUETTNER, DAGMAR TIMMANN
SEP and MRI Findings in Patients with Localized Brain-Stem Lesions, Pages 314-319, U. DILLMANN, R. BESSER, R. EGHBAL, J. KOEHLER, B. LUDWIG
Short- and Long-Term Evoked Potential Sequelae of Deviations from Homeostasis, Pages 323-329, H. SOHMER
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Severe Head Trauma, Pages 330-341, E. FACCO, M. MUNARI, F. BARATTO, B. DONÀ, G.P. GIRON
Multi-Level Epidural Recordings of Spinal SEPs during Scoliosis Surgery, Pages 342-347, JUKKA-PEKKA HALONEN, STEPHEN J. JONES, MICHAEL A. EDGAR, ANDREW O. RANSFORD
Epidural and Subpial Cortico-Spinal Potentials Evoked by Transcutaneous Motor Cortex Stimulation during Spinal Cord Surgery, Pages 348-351, B. PRESTOR, T. ŽGUR, V.V. DOLENC
Multimodal Evoked Potentials in HIV Infected Patients, Pages 355-369, GUY FARNARIER, HÉLÈNE SOMMA-MAUVAIS
Early Abnormalities of Cognitive Event-Related Potentials in HIV-Infected Patients without Clinically Evident CNS Deficits, Pages 370-380, G. ARENDT, H. HEFTER, V. HOEMBERG, H.-W. NELLES, C. ELSING, H.-J. FREUND
Subject Index, Pages 381-382
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
`New Trends and Advanced Techniques in Clinical Neurophysiology' is a compilation of expertly written articles by outstanding authors providing up-to-date reviews on the latest techniques in clinical neurophysiology and their diagnostic applications. The book contains much new and unpublished data, laid out in clearly defined chapters, covering exhaustively topics most actively debated during the past two years in the clinical neurophysiology literature. Topics include: new methods of signal processing, magneto-encephalography, brain stimulation, reflexology, neuro-monitoring, as well as AIDS, clinical neurophysiology of pain, spasticity, motor and sensory deficits, movement disorders, and cognition and language