توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب تعدادی از مقالات برگزیده ارائه شده در کنفرانس LB9، که در پوتسدام، آلمان، در آگوست 2000 برگزار شد، ارائه میکند. این کتاب به تکنیکها و روشهای جدید برای مطالعه لایههای سطحی اختصاص دارد. یک گروه از نسخههای خطی به کاربرد پلاسمونهای سطحی در سطح مشترک جامد میپردازد که برای مثال در طیفسنجی تشدید و پراکندگی نور استفاده میشود. کاربردهای جدید انواع مختلف میکروسکوپ نیروی اتمی با استفاده از اصلاحات مختلف نکات گزارش شده است. تعدادی از فصل ها به دیودهای ساطع نور که با کمک لایه های LB ساخته شده اند اختصاص داده شده است. هدف از این مطالعات بهبود کارایی است. روشهای الکتروشیمیایی بهعنوان ابزاری برای توسعه حسگرها، بهویژه سنسورهای pH کوچک یا گاز توصیف شدند. کاربرد تکنیک های اشعه ایکس سنکروترون و NMR به تفصیل در دو فصل توسعه یافته توضیح داده شده است. نشان داده شده است که چگونه اطلاعات مولکولی را می توان با این روش ها برای انواع مختلف لایه های سطحی شناسایی کرد. این تک نگاری به همراه 130 مقاله که برای چاپ در ویژه نامه های مجلات مربوطه ارسال شده است، نمایانگر مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس LBP است.
فهرست مطالب :
Pages v-vi
Ellipsometry in interface science Original Research Article
Pages 1-42
H. Motschmann, R. Teppner
Detection of evanescent fields on arachidic acid LB films on al films caused by resonantly excited surface plasmons Original Research Article
Pages 43-53
Takayuki Nakano, Hazime Kobayashi, Futao Kaneko, Kazunari Shinbo, Keizo Kato, Takahiro Kawakami, Takashi Wakamatsu
Simultaneous observation of the electropolymerisation process of conducting polymers by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, surface plasmon enhanced light scattering and cyclic voltammetry Original Research Article
Pages 55-70
Akira Baba, Rigoberto C. Advincula, Wolfgang Knoll
Scattered light and emission from Ag thin film and merocyanine langmuir-blodgett film on ag thin film due to surface plasmon polariton excitation Original Research Article
Pages 71-83
Kazunari Shinbo, Kazushige Honma, Mitsuru Terakado, Takayuki Nakano, Keizo Kato, Futao Kaneko, Takashi Wakamatsu
Enhancement of photocurrents in merocyanine LB film cell utilizing surface plasmon polariton excitations Original Research Article
Pages 85-94
Futao Kaneko, Kazunari Shinbo, Keizo Kato, Takaaki Ebe, Hironori Tsuruta, Satoshi Kobayashi, Takashi Wakamatsu
Local piezoelectric response and surface potential of dielectric and ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by electrostatic force microscopy Original Research Article
Pages 95-108
L.M. Blinov, R. Barberi, S.P. Palto, Th. Rasing, M.P. De Santo, S.G. Yudin
Development of epr method for examination of paramagnetic complex ordering in films Original Research Article
Pages 109-120
E.G. Boguslavsky, S.A. Prokhorova, V.A. Nadolinny
Electronic structure of ordered Langmuir-Blodgett films of an amphiphilic derivative of 2,5-diphenyl-l,3,4-oxadiazole Original Research Article
Pages 121-135
M.B. Casu, P. Imperia, S. Schrader, B. Schulz, F. Fangmeyer, H. Schürmann
Study of adhesion properties of polypropylene surfaces by atomic force microscopy using chemically modified tips : Imaging of functional group distribution Original Research Article
Pages 137-150
Anne-Sophie Duwez, Bernard Nysten
Fluorescence and the relevant factors of organized molecular films of a series of atypical amphiphilic β-diketone rare earth complexes Original Research Article
Pages 151-164
R.J. Zhang, K.Z. Yang, J.F. Hu
Electroluminescent device using PbBr-Based layered perovskite having Self-Organized organic-inorganic Quantum-Well structure Original Research Article
Pages 165-173
Masanao Era, Tetsuya Ano, Mitsuharu Noto
The use of LB insulating layers to improve the efficiency of light emitting diodes based on evaporated molecular films Original Research Article
Pages 175-183
G.Y. Jung, C. Pearson, M.C. Petty
Light emitting efficiencies in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) Original Research Article
Pages 185-193
S.T. Lim, J.H. Moon, J.I. Won, M.S. Kwon, D.M. Shin
Light-emitting devices based on sequentially adsorbed layer-by-layer self-assembled films of alizarin violet Original Research Article
Pages 195-203
Sharmistha Das, Amlan J. Pal
Structural properties and interactions of thin films at the air-liquid interface explored by synchrotron X-Ray scattering Original Research Article
Pages 205-254
Torben R. Jensen, Kristian Kjaer
In and Out Plane X-ray Diffraction of Cellulose LB Films Original Research Article
Pages 255-264
Shin-ichi Kimura, Masahiko Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Kusano, Hiroshi Kobayashi
Isomerically-featured aggregate images of phenol-formaldehyde monolayers by BAM and SMM Original Research Article
Pages 265-283
Jin Un Kim, Burm-Jong Lee, Jung-Hyuk Im, Jae-Ho Kim, Hoon-Kyu Shin, Young-Soo Kwon
NMR Methods for studies of organic adsorption layers Original Research Article
Pages 285-335
Monika Schönhoff
The fabrication of a self-assembled multilayer system containing an electron-transporting channel Original Research Article
Pages 337-350
Dongho Kim, Hyunjin Chae, Haeseong Lee, Jaegeun Noh, Masahiko Hara, Wolfgang Knoll, Haiwon Lee
Composite polyelectrolyte self-assembled films for chemical and bio - sensing Original Research Article
Pages 351-370
A.V. Nabok, A.K. Ray, A.K. Hassan, N.F. Starodub
A conductimetric pH sensor based on a polypyrrole LB film Original Research Article
Pages 371-381
L. Rossi, R. Casalini, M.C. Petty
Designed Nano-engineered Polymer Films on Colloidal Particles and Capsules Original Research Article
Pages 383-414
Gleb B. Sukhorukov
Ultrathin self-assembled polyvinylamine/polyvinylsulfate membranes for separation of ions Original Research Article
Pages 415-425
Ali Toutianoush, Bernd Tieke
The detection of organic pollutants in water with calixarene coated electrodes Original Research Article
Pages 427-437
T. Wilkop, S. Krause, A. Nabok, A.K. Ray, R. Yates
Drop and bubble shape analysis as a tool for dilational rheological studies of interfacial layers Original Research Article
Pages 439-483
G. Loglio, P. Pandolfini, R. Miller, A.V. Makievski, F. Ravera, M. Ferrari, L. Liggieri
Oscillating bubble and drop techniques Original Research Article
Pages 485-516
V.I. Kovalchuk, J. Krägel, E.V. Aksenenko, G. Loglio, L. Liggieri
Subject index
Pages 517-521
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book presents a number of selected papers given at the LB9 conference, held in Potsdam, Germany, in August 2000. It is dedicated to new techniques and methodologies for studying interfacial layers. One group of manuscripts deals with the application of surface plasmons at solid interfaces, used for example in resonance spectroscopy and light scattering. New applications of various types of Atomic Force Microscopy are reported making use of various modifications of tips. A number of chapters are dedicated to light emitting diodes built with the help of LB layers. The aim of these studies is the improvement of efficiency. Electrochemical methods were described as tools for developing sensors, in particular miniaturised pH or gas sensors. The application of synchrotron X-ray and NMR techniques have been described in detail in two extended chapters. It is demonstrated how molecular information can be detected by these methods for various types of interfacial layers. This monograph, along with 130 papers that have been submitted for publication in the special issues of relevant journals, represent the proceedings of the LBP conference.