توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
کنفرانس جدید مکانیزم های ابررسانایی ابتدا در اوایل سال 1986 به عنوان یک کارگاه آموزشی کوچک 2-1/2 روزه متشکل از 40 تا 70 دانشمند، نظریه پردازان و تجربی گرایان علاقه مند به کاوش در شواهد احتمالی برای عجیب و غریب و غیر آوایی شکل گرفت. ابررسانایی البته، اکتشافات تاریخی ابررساناهای اکسید با دمای بالا توسط Bednorz و Mftller و پیشرفتهای بعدی توسط گروههای هیوستون/آلاباما، برگزاری چنین کنفرانس کوچکی را غیرعملی کرد. کنفرانس لزوماً باید گسترش می یافت، 2-1/2 روز به 4-1/2 روز تبدیل شد و ابررسانایی در اکسیدهای Tc بالا بزرگترین موضوع واحد در کارگاه شد. در واقع این کنفرانس به اولین کنفرانس بزرگ در این زمینه تبدیل شد و به این ترتیب، این مجموعه مقالات اولین رشته یا نشریه نیز می باشد. با این حال، فرمیونهای سنگین، آلی و ابررساناهای آلی با غلظت کم، بخش بسیار مهمی از این کارگاه باقی ماندند و مقالاتی از پیشتازان این رشتهها در این مقاله گنجانده شده است. در نهایت این کارگاه میزبان تقریباً 400 دانشمند، دانشآموز و رسانه از جمله نمایندگانی از گروههای بزرگ یا تحقیقاتی در ایالات متحده، اروپا، ژاپن و اتحاد جماهیر شوروی بود.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xix
The Rocky Road to High Temperature Superconductivity....Pages 1-8
Electric-Field Modulation of Low Electron Density Thin-Film Superconductors....Pages 9-22
Superconductivity at Contact of Ultrathin Gold Films with Amorphous Germanium....Pages 23-28
Superconductivity in Thin Films of Au/Si by Ion Implantation....Pages 29-37
Test of T c -Predictions Using the Rigid Band Model for Refractory Compounds....Pages 39-46
Superconductivity and Metal Clusters....Pages 47-50
Proximity Effect and Anderson Localization....Pages 51-60
Superconductivity and Disorder in Low Carrier Density La-S....Pages 61-71
Bounds on Superconducting Properties in Eliashberg Theory....Pages 73-81
Disorder-Induced Pair Breaking in Superconductors....Pages 83-84
Flux Lattice Melting in Amorphous Composite IN/INO x Thin Film Superconductors....Pages 85-93
Evidence for Nonphononic Superconductivity in Nb 3 Ge....Pages 95-101
One-Dimensional Correlations in Organic Superconductors : Magnetism and Superconductivity....Pages 103-133
Anisotropic Superconductivity and NMR Relaxation Rate in Organic Superconductors....Pages 135-140
Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Organic Superconductor (TMTSF) 2 C10 4 ....Pages 141-148
Electronic Band Structure and Point-Contact Spectroscopy of the Organic Superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF) 2 I 3 ....Pages 149-157
The Origin of Pairing Interaction in Organic Superconductors....Pages 159-170
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of BEDT-TTF Derivatives....Pages 171-179
On the Possibility of High-Temperature Superconductivity in Organic Materials....Pages 181-185
Heavy-Electron Superconductivity....Pages 187-200
Heavy Electron Superconductivity: From 1K to 90K to ?....Pages 201-214
Critical Fields of Ube 13 Films....Pages 215-221
Kondo Lattices: Possible Mechanism for a Nonphonon Superconductivity, Magnetic-Field-Induced Superconductivity....Pages 223-231
Heavy Fermion Properties and their Relation to Electronic Band Theory....Pages 233-242
Ultrasonic Investigation of Novel Superconducting Systems....Pages 243-252
Phenomenology of Superconductivity and Magnetic Order in Heavy Fermi Liquids and Narrow-Band Metals....Pages 253-264
Proximity Effects between Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors....Pages 265-273
Charge Imbalance Relaxation as a Probe of Anisotropic Heavy Fermion Superconductors....Pages 275-277
Effects of Mass Enhancement on Cooper Pairing in Heavy-Fermion Superconductors....Pages 279-285
Parameters and Exotic Properties of High T c Supercondcutors....Pages 287-291
The Ginzburg Criterion in High Tc Oxides....Pages 293-294
RVB Theory of High T c Superconductivity....Pages 295-299
Electronic Fluctuation and Pairing....Pages 301-308
Non-Phonon Mechanisms of Superconductivity in High T c Superconducting Oxides and Other Materials and their Manifestation....Pages 309-322
Interactions at Interfaces in Layered Systems....Pages 323-331
Excitonic Superconductivity in Layer Structures....Pages 333-339
The Exciton Interaction: Its Possible Role in High Temperature Superconductivity....Pages 341-353
Charge Transfer Resonances and Superconductive Pairing in the New Oxide Metals....Pages 355-365
Bonds, Bands, Charge Transfer Excitations and Superconductivity: YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ vs. YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6 ....Pages 367-372
Possible Role of Oxygen Vacancies and Excitonic Mechanism in High T c Superconducting Oxides....Pages 373-378
An Excitonic Model for the New High Temperature Superconductors....Pages 379-384
Excitonic Theory of High Temperature Oxide Superconductors and the Lack of an Isotope Shift....Pages 385-394
Superexchange Mediated Superconductivity in the Single Band Hubbard Model....Pages 395-399
On Spin-Density Wave State in (La 1−x M x ) 2 Cu0 4−δ ....Pages 401-405
Critical Temperature of Superconductivity Caused by Strong Correlations....Pages 407-410
Superconducting Energy Gap and Pairing Interaction in High T c Oxides....Pages 411-419
Are Spin Density Waves Involved in High-Temperature Superconductivity?....Pages 421-428
The Effect of Structural and Antiferromagnetic Phase Transitions on Superconductivity....Pages 429-433
Effects of Coulomb Interaction on Superconductivity....Pages 435-444
The Importance of Different Two-Dimensional Plasmon Branches for High T c Superconductors....Pages 445-449
Basis and Consequences of the Two-Band Model for High T c Oxide Superconductors....Pages 451-454
Spectra of Plasmons in Superconducting Cuprates....Pages 455-464
The Role of Spatial Separation in Pairing Induced By Electronic Modes....Pages 465-471
Elementary Remarks on High Temperature Superconductors....Pages 473-473
Polaron Effects in High- T c Oxide Superconductors....Pages 475-480
Superconductivity Due to Negative-U Impurities....Pages 481-488
Prediction of Anisotropic Thermopower of La 2−x M x CuO 4 ....Pages 489-491
Band Structure and Electron-Phonon Interaction Calculations for Proposed High-T c Superconducting Oxides: MCUO 3 (M = LA, BA, CS, Y) in the Perovskite Structure....Pages 493-499
Character of States Near the Fermi Level in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 ....Pages 501-506
Elementary Theory of the Properties of the Cuprates....Pages 507-514
Mean Field Approach to Double-Occupancy Induced Pairing in Oxide Superconductors....Pages 515-519
Theoretical Model for Oxygen Vacancy Dependence of T c in the YBa 2 Cu 3 O x System (6 ≤ × ≤ 8)....Pages 521-529
Complex Hamiltonians: Common Features of Mechanisms for High-T c and Slow Relaxation....Pages 531-538
Superconductivity Due to Localized Bipolarons in Metal-Oxide Compounds....Pages 539-551
Dilute Fermi Liquid of Heavy Polarons in Copper Oxide Superconductors....Pages 553-562
Molecular Orbital Basis for Superconductivity with Applications to High-T c Materials....Pages 563-576
Suppression of High Temperature Superconductivity by Disorder in the Resonant Valence Bond Model....Pages 577-579
Discovery and Physics of Superconductivity Above 90K....Pages 581-597
Mixed Valence Copper Oxides, High T c Superconductors : Structural Study and Electron Transport Properties....Pages 599-610
Tunneling Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors....Pages 611-625
Thermodynamic Critical Field of Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7 ....Pages 627-632
Microstructure and Superconductivity in High T c Materials....Pages 633-645
Copper Oxidation States, Vacancy Ordering and Their Effect on High Temperature Superconductivity....Pages 647-652
Bulk Superconductivity at 60 K in Oxygen-Deficient Ba 2 YCu 3 O 7-δ , and Oxygen Isotope Effect in La 1.85 Sr 0.15 CuO 4 ....Pages 653-657
Bulk Modulus Anomalies at the Superconducting Transitions of Single-Phase YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 and La 1.85 Sr .15 CuO 4 ....Pages 659-662
Absence of Resistivity Saturation and its Implications for the High T c Superconductors....Pages 663-677
EPR, Magnetization, and Resistivity Studies in DOPED (4f, 3d Ions) and Undoped R (or Y) Ba 2 Cu 3 O 9−x High Tc Superconductors....Pages 679-687
Upper Critical Field Measurements for RBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (R = Y,Eu .9 Y .1 ,Sm)....Pages 689-691
Cu-0 Superconductors: Through a Lens, but Darkly....Pages 693-698
Single Crystal Superconducting Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7−x Oxide Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy....Pages 699-703
Chemical Doping and Physical Properties of the New High Temperature Superconducting Perovskites....Pages 705-724
Properties of Oriented Oxide Superconductor Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Evaporation from High T c Bulk Material....Pages 725-731
Oxygen Isotope Effect in the High Temperature Superconductors YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ and La 1.85 Sr 0.15 CuO 4 , with 18 O Substituted by Diffusion....Pages 733-738
Magnetic Field Dependence of the Specific Heat of Some High-T c Superconductors....Pages 739-743
A Summary of Some Work on High Temperature Superconductors at Brookhaven National Laboratory....Pages 745-745
A Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of Ba 2 YC 3 O 7 ....Pages 746-747
Structural Phase Transformations and High-T c Superconductivity....Pages 748-750
Neutron Scattering Studies of La 2 CuO 4−δ ....Pages 751-752
X-ray Absorption Studies of La 2−x (Ba,Sr) x CuO 4 Superconductors....Pages 753-754
Photoemission Studies of the High T c Superconductor YBa 2 Cu 3 O 9−δ ....Pages 755-756
Muon Spin Relaxation Studies on High-T c Superconductors....Pages 757-758
Inductive Transition of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ in the 4 MHz Frequency Range....Pages 759-761
Intrinsic Critical Current and Magnetization of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 ....Pages 762-763
The Effect of Anisotropy in H c2 on the Breadth of the Resistive Transition of Polycrystalline YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−x in a Magnetic Field....Pages 764-766
Superconducting Properties and Structural Characterization of High Tc Oxides....Pages 767-769
The Variation of T c with Hole Concentration in La 2−x Sr x CuO 4−δ Superconductors and Comparison with YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ ....Pages 771-779
Anisotropy in Single-Crystal Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7−x ....Pages 781-785
Present Status of High T c Oxide Superconductivity Studies at Tohoku University....Pages 787-799
Current Carrying Properties in High T c Y-Ba-Cu-O System....Pages 801-805
Preparation, Structure, and Magnetic Field Studies of High T c Superconductors....Pages 807-815
Magnetic Behavior of YBaCuO....Pages 817-823
A Coupled Structural and Electrical Transition in La 2 CuO 4 Near 30 K....Pages 825-827
A Photoemission Study of High T c Oxides....Pages 829-837
Experiments on Heavy Electron and High T c Oxide Superconductors....Pages 839-853
Electronic States in High Tc Oxide Superconductors....Pages 855-870
Flux Quantum and Tunnel Characteristics of La 2−x Sr x CuO 4 (x=0.05−0.2) and MBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (M-Lu, Y) Ceramics....Pages 871-873
Effect of Disordering on the Properties of High-Temperature Ceramic Superconductors....Pages 875-881
Anomalous Behavior of the Elastic Characteristics of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 Near T c ....Pages 883-888
Point Contact Study of Metal Oxide Superconductor Y-Ba-Cu-O....Pages 889-892
Infrared Reflectivity, Inelastic Light Scattering and Energy Gap in a Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors....Pages 893-896
Specific Features of Microwave Absorption of Superconducting Ceramics in a Magnetic Field....Pages 897-900
Low Temperature X-Ray Analysis and Electron Microscopy of a New Family of Superconducting Materials....Pages 901-904
Microwave Response of the Superconducting YBa 2 Cu 3 O 9−x Ceramics....Pages 905-908
Crystal Preparation of (La 1−x M x ) 2 CuO 4−δ (M=Sr and Ba) and Discovery of Magnetic Superconductors Ln-Ba-Cu-O Systems (Ln=Lanthanide Atoms)....Pages 909-914
Optical-Reflectance Study of the Single-Crystal Superconductor (La 1−x Sr x ) 2 CuO 4 ....Pages 915-918
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Study of (La 1−x M x ) 2 CuO 4−δ (M=Sr and Ba), La 2 CuO 4−δ and LnBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ (Ln=Y, Dy and Ho) Systems....Pages 919-926
Single Crystal Studies and Electron Tunneling of (La 1−x M x ) 2 CuO 4−δ (M=Ba and Sr)....Pages 927-934
Study of Superconducting Oxides at Westinghouse....Pages 935-949
Study of the Preparation and Properties of Ybacuo-Films....Pages 951-959
Some Physical Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors....Pages 961-967
Resistance Dependence and Thermogravimetric Analysis of the Er 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 9-δ Superconductor Above Room Temperature....Pages 969-972
Anomalous Resistive Behavior in Er 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 9-δ at 2290 K....Pages 973-976
Structure and the (014)/(005) X-Ray Line Intensity in 1-2-3 Superconductors....Pages 977-980
Measurement of Fluctuation-Enhanced Conductivity Above T c in Y-Ba-Cu-O....Pages 981-982
Grain Decoupling at Low Magnetic Fields in Ceramic YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ ....Pages 983-991
Magnetization of Superconducting Ba(Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb)CuO Systems....Pages 993-1002
Josephson Effect and Energy Gap Measurements from Nb/YBCO Point Contact Structures....Pages 1003-1009
Evidence of High Energy Excitations in High T C Superconductors....Pages 1011-1016
Structural and Charge-Transfer Description of High-T c Superconductivity in Y 1 Ba 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ ....Pages 1017-1028
Tunneling Spectroscopy of High T c Oxide Superconductors with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope....Pages 1029-1031
Oxygen Ordering and Interfacial Superconductivity at Twin Boundaries in a Landau-Ginzburg Superconductor Oxide Model....Pages 1033-1039
Superconductivity in YBa 2−x Sr x Cu 3 O 7−y and Y 1−x Sr x CuO 3−y ....Pages 1041-1047
Cu Substitution into the La/Y Site in La 1.8 Sr .2 CuO 4 and YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 : Determination by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy....Pages 1049-1060
Hall Effect in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−x vs Oxygen Content x: Observation of a Sharp Transition in R H vs. x....Pages 1061-1066
Oxygen Stoichiometry of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−x ....Pages 1067-1071
Substitution for Copper in High-T c Oxides....Pages 1073-1082
Superconductivity in Pure La 2 CuO 4 ....Pages 1083-1088
Oxygen-Intercalation Effect upon Tetragonal-LaBa 2 Cu 3−x O y Compound Samples....Pages 1089-1093
Trends and Future: Theory....Pages 1095-1104
Trends and Future — As Seen at the Berkeley Workshop....Pages 1105-1110
Concluding Remarks....Pages 1111-1112
Back Matter....Pages 1113-1134
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The Novel Mechanisms of Superconductivity Conference was initially conceived in the early part of 1986 as a small, 2-1/2 day workshop of 40-70 scientists, both theorists and experimentalists interested in exploring the possible evidence for exotic, non phononic superconductivity. Of course, the historic discoveries of high temperature oxide superconductors by Bednorz and Mftller and the subsequent enhancements by the Houston/Alabama groups made such a small conference impractical. The conference necessarily had to expand, 2-1/2 days became 4-1/2 days and superconductivity in the high Tc oxides became the largest single topic in the workshop. In fact, this conference became the first major conference on this topic and thus, these proceedings are also the first maj or publication. However, heavy fermion, organic and low carrier concentration superconductors remained a very important part of this workshop and articles by the leaders in these fields are included in these proceedings. Ultimately the workshop hosted rearly 400 scientists, students and media including representatives from the maj or research groups in the U.S., Europe, Japan and the Soviet Union.