توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
هند در سالهای اخیر قهرمان رشد بوده و در مهار تورم، کسری حساب جاری و وامهای غیرجاری موفق بوده است. مشارکت هند در اقتصاد جهانی با عملکرد برجسته در برخی خدمات افزایش یافته است، در حالی که بزرگترین دیاسپورا در جهان دارایی در توسعه بازارهای جدید است. هند همچنین میلیون ها نفر را از فقر خارج کرده و دسترسی به مسکن را برای همه در اولویت قرار داده است. اصلاحات ساختاری بلندپروازانه - از جمله حمایت هدفمند بهتر از خانواده، طرح های مشمول مالی، اجرای مالیات بر کالاها و خدمات، قانون ورشکستگی و ورشکستگی، رویکرد جدید به فدرالیسم و اصلاح مالیات بر درآمد شرکت ها - نقش کلیدی ایفا کرده اند. رکود اقتصادی اخیر و همچنان تعداد زیادی از افراد فقیر و کمکار، نیاز به انگیزه مجدد برای اصلاحات ساختاری دارد. اولویت ها عبارتند از: ایجاد فضای مالی برای تأمین مالی بیشتر و زیرساخت های فیزیکی و اجتماعی بهتر (به ویژه بهداشت و آموزش)، نوسازی قوانین کار برای حذف عوامل بازدارنده برای شرکت ها برای ایجاد شغل و اشتغال زنان، ادامه بهبود سلامت بخش مالی، بیشتر کاهش محدودیت ها برای تجارت و بهبود حقوق مالکیت و مقررات اجاره برای دستیابی به مسکن بهتر برای همه
فهرست مطالب :
Executive summary
Key policy insights
Economic growth has been strong, but social and governance challenges remain
Income is converging fast towards levels in other emerging market economies
Addressing social challenges and improving wellbeing
India remains a growth champion despite recent slowdown
Some room to adjust the policy stance and mix
Monetary policy: some room for further easing
India has little fiscal space
Growth is projected to recover after a temporary slowdown
Improving governance
Public finance: creating space to meet social and physical infrastructure needs
Containing public debt to support investment and ensure intergenerational equity
Spending: household support has become more efficient and fairer while outlays for social and physical infrastructure remain low
Raising more and better taxes
Reducing the prevalence of corruption
Important policy actions have been taken to fight against corruption
Addressing key social challenges and providing access to core public services for all
The pace and quality of job creation remain too low
Addressing poverty in rural areas
Enabling access to health care for all
Promoting access to a retirement scheme for informal workers
Promoting investment and productivity to boost income convergence
Improving further financial sector soundness to support business investment
Continuing to improve the business climate
A swifter resolution of insolvencies would improve allocation of resources
Unlocking the digitalisation potential
Air pollution is a major challenge for green growth and wellbeing
The government is taking action to tackle air pollution, but more is needed
Thematic chapters
Chapter 1. Challenges and opportunities of India’s enhanced participation in the global economy
India has seized many opportunities
Exposure to trade has increased and India has gained market shares
Exports of ICT services have been particularly buoyant
India has performed well for some goods
India’s export basket is well diversified
The large diaspora living abroad is an asset
India could perform better in some domains
Addressing domestic bottlenecks: infrastructure and business environment
Infrastructure bottlenecks have lessened but some persist
Labour regulations are weighing on competitiveness, more so for industries
Streamlining administrative and regulatory processes further would help: the case of special economic zones
Improving further trade facilitation
Reconsidering tariffs barriers
Reliance on non-tariff measures is moderate, except for local content and anti-dumping measures
Gains from services trade liberalisation
Developing trade agreements or cutting tariffs?
More foreign investment could promote income growth and support export performance
Mitigating the adverse effects of enhanced participation in the global economy
Chapter 2. Housing for all
A persistent shortage with many vacant units points to large imbalances in the housing market
Housing shortages continue to be a challenge
Housing conditions have improved for some vulnerable groups
High housing prices make affordability a major problem
Many dwellings remain vacant
The rental market is small
Boosting rental housing calls for modernising rent controls
The pressures for housing will be exacerbated by continued urban migration
Making the housing market more efficient
Recent measures have helped to contain prices and ease access to housing
Dealing with structural rigidities in the housing market can enhance affordability
Improving affordability of housing with government support
Housing has been a top policy priority for a long time in India but with mixed results
Most support in India has been for house ownership
The integration of housing into a global urban development policy
Support to the rental market is needed
Developing the social rental market for the poor
Further improving access to housing finance can reduce some of the shortage and raise affordability
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
India has been a growth champion in recent years and has succeeded in taming infl ation, the current account defi cit and non-performing loans. India's participation in the global economy has risen, with outstanding performances in some services, while the largest diaspora in the world is an asset in developing new markets. India has also lifted many millions of people out of poverty and has made access to housing for all a priority. Ambitious structural reforms - including better targeted household support, fi nancial inclusion initiatives, the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, the new approach to federalism and the corporate income tax reform - have played a key role. The recent economic slowdown and still large number of poor and under-employed people call for a renewed impetus on structural reform. Priorities include: creating fi scal space to fi nance more and better physical and social infrastructure (in particular health and education), modernising labour laws to remove disincentives for fi rms to create jobs and employ women, continuing to improve fi nancial sector's health, further reducing restrictions to trade, and improving property rights and rent regulations to achieve better housing for all