OECD Regional Outlook 2019 Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas: Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas

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کتاب چشم انداز منطقه ای OECD 2019: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب چشم انداز منطقه ای OECD 2019: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب OECD Regional Outlook 2019 Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas: Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas

نام کتاب : OECD Regional Outlook 2019 Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas: Leveraging Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : چشم انداز منطقه ای OECD 2019: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی: اهرم های کلان برای شهرها و مناطق روستایی
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : OECD Publishing
سال نشر : 2019
تعداد صفحات : 243
ISBN (شابک) : 9789264312838 , 9264312838
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 9 مگابایت

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نابرابری های بزرگ و مداوم در عملکرد اقتصادی منطقه ای در داخل کشورها در سراسر OECD وجود دارد. چشم انداز منطقه ای 2019 علل اساسی نابرابری های اقتصادی در بین مناطق را مورد بحث قرار می دهد و نیاز به سیاست های مکان محور برای رسیدگی به آنها را برجسته می کند. این گزارش باعث می شود ...

فهرست مطالب :

Foreword Acknowledgements Readers Guide Typologies of regions with respect to population or other functions Acronyms and abbreviations Executive summary Place-based policies can address weak economic growth and public discontent Automation and other disruptive technologies will reshape economies and societies in all regions Regional demography will change due to ageing, urbanisation and migration Subnational governments are important actors in fighting climate change Global megatrends entail new investment needs Multi-level governance systems have to be adapted to meet future demands Part I. Regional policies to address global megatrends Part I. Regional policies to address global megatrends Chapter 1. Rethinking regional development policies The OECD regional policy paradigm at 20 years An evolving consensus – 20 years of policy discussion within the OECD Regional Development Policy Committee Regional development as a horizontal “policy of policies” Putting people at the centre of inclusive and sustainable growth The productivity slowdown and the impact of traditional structural reforms on regional productivity Most structural reforms do not consider regional disparities in productivity Not all regions are equally affected by structural reforms Productivity differences across regions are large and persistent Productivity growth in OECD countries tends to follow two growth models Is there a trade-off between high productivity and equally distributed productivity? Economic theory can only partly explain large and persistent productivity and employment differences across regions Cross-regional disparities imply a need for place-based policies Reaping the benefits from globalisation requires place-based development strategies The rise of exports from China Consumers reap the biggest gains from globalisation Trade-related tensions Addressing the geography of discontent calls for a place-based approach Policies to address the geography of discontent Notes References Chapter 2. Adapting regional development policy to future megatrends Different dimensions of global megatrends The regional dimension needs to be at the forefront of policy making when addressing megatrends What changes are likely to come? Technological change Demographic change Environmental change Automation will have important consequences for regional economies Artificial intelligence could be a key technology in the future Rapid, widespread adoption of artificial intelligence would pose severe challenges for many regions Global megatrends will be felt differently in urban and rural areas How coming megatrends will affect urban areas How new technologies will affect rural areas Using opportunities will be crucial for the success of rural areas Megatrends will be shaped by policy Innovative governance to address megatrends New technologies will require reforms to subnational finance How to future-proof regional policy making? Strategic foresight to better prepare for an uncertain future How countries use forecast and foresight Notes References Chapter 3. Regional policy is facing disruptive technologies Job automation will have asymmetric impacts on regions The use of manufacturing robots is increasing rapidly Job automation will have asymmetric impacts on regions How high is the risk of automation at the regional level? The evolution of regional employment and risk of automation over time Factors that explain the risk of automation at the regional level Automation creates a policy dilemma for economically struggling regions Digital innovation in cities Smart city objectives: The opportunities of digital innovation in cities Risks, challenges and trade-offs of digital innovation in cities Autonomous vehicles will transform mobility in cities and beyond Autonomous vehicles will change where people live and how they use cars Car sharing will become widespread Self-driving cars will threaten established public transport models Self-driving cars need to be regulated and taxed to avoid congestion Self-driving cars could free up much of the existing parking space in cities Self-driving cars will increase the attractiveness of rural areas Good regulation is essential for the successful introduction of self-driving cars New technologies for regional development in rural regions Better communications techniques Smart service provision in rural areas: Future of health and education 3D printing: Decreasing reliance on supply chains 3D printing creates new opportunities for economic development in peripheral regions Unmanned aerial vehicles: Improving productivity New approaches to agricultural practices Long-term perspectives on the future of food Note References Chapter 4. Preparing regions for demographic and environmental transformations Population decline and ageing across regions The impacts of population decline on regions and cities The impacts of ageing on regions and cities Global urbanisation Drivers of growth: Megacities and urbanisation in the hinterlands Urban density depends more on the region than on city size Migration: A global phenomenon that requires local action Migration: A global phenomenon with local implications Important differences in migrants’ well-being and labour market outcomes across regions Policies to integrate migrants at the regional and local level A local integration strategy and horizontal co-ordination: Key tools for ensuring coherent settling in The future of demographic changes Looking ahead – high resolution population projections for 2030 Adapting to demographic change Migration as an opportunity Travelling for leisure – the growing importance of tourism for regional development Evolving visitor demand Enabling technologies Travel mobility Sustainable tourism growth Global and local impacts of climate change The local and regional dimensions of climate change Scaling up regional and local climate action with a whole-of-government approach Mainstreaming subnational investment Aligning climate policies across levels of government Making the most of the comparative advantage of local governments Developing an “interface” to localise the Paris Agreement Integrated city-level action to reduce emissions Transport The built environment Long-term land-use planning Building resilient infrastructure Inclusive climate policies Managing resources efficiently for the future Sustainable resource extraction An increasing demand for new natural resources for new technologies: Lithium, cobalt and nickel The automation of mining The transition towards a circular economy in cities and regions The role of local governments in the transition to a circular economy Lessons learnt and ways forward Notes References Chapter 5. Innovative multi-level governance to address future challenges Improving the efficiency and resilience of subnational fiscal systems Established sources of subnational tax revenues will be put under increasing pressure Better budgeting by all levels of government Rethinking the governance of regional development policies Applying behavioural insights to regional policies Digitalisation of government services in cities and regions Experimental governance in cities and regions: An avenue to address megatrends Trial-and-testing: Using experimental governance for regional policies Towards more differentiated multi-level governance Inter-municipal co-operation, metropolitan governance and regionalisation trends Metropolitan governance bodies Regionalisation Asymmetric decentralisation to tailor governance to local needs and capacities Adopting an integrated framework for rural policies Co-ordinating rural policies The benefits of national urban policies for managing urban transformations Implementing national urban policies Engaging stakeholders in the national urban policy processes Public investment in the face of global megatrends A significant investment gap remains More and smarter investment is needed Key responsibilities in the policy areas that are most affected by megatrends Tapping into external finance: From borrowing to innovative financing Developing borrowing, bond financing and pooled financing Subnational public-private partnerships Effective public investment requires investing in governance Addressing the capacity issue to invest more efficiently Focusing on performance A focus on EU Cohesion Policy Strengthening the results-oriented governance framework of EU Cohesion Policy Making rules simpler and ensuring flexibility Notes References Part II. Policy forum Part II. Policy forum Chapter 6. Addressing global megatrends through EU Cohesion Policy Chapter 7. Winner-take-all cities Notes References Chapter 8. “It’s too late for pessimism” Towards a necessary global ecological and social transition Irrefutable evidence requiring a major shift National policies struggling to rise to the challenge Urban areas on the front line of change Cities are powerful drivers of support for the necessary technological and demographic changes Intergovernmental co-operation must rely on local actors Policies to serve citizens Think “global village” A paradigm shift for more inclusive cities Towards a new global social contract? Chapter 9. The triumph of urbanity and spatial justice Urbanity as a new urban age Arbitrage on inhabiting models A gaping spatial-political divide Novel issues for spatial justice Could the “Yellow Vests” reconcile with urbanity? Notes References Blank Page

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Large and persistent inequalities in regional economic performance within countries exist throughout the OECD. The 2019 Regional Outlook discusses the underlying causes of economic disparities across regions and highlights the need for place-based policies to address them. The report makes the ...

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