توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب اولین مطالعه آوایی مبتنی بر کار میدانی را ارائه میکند که بر چنین نتایج آوایی خارقالعادهای تمرکز دارد که در زمینه آواز گلوگاه جنوب سیبری رخ میدهد. در آواز گلو، انواع خاصی از تولید صدا به عنوان منبع عمل میکنند، که در معرض روشهای مختلف شکلدهی، ادغام، تنظیم و تقویت هستند، که همگی برای تقویت هارمونیکهای فردی عمل میکنند. دو نوع اصلی برای تولید صدا در آواز گلو سیبری جنوبی پیشنهاد شده است: تولید صدا با استفاده از تارهای صوتی که دارای انقباض اسفنکتر آری اپی گلوت است و تولید صدا با درگیری چین های بطنی. علاوه بر این یک مدل شماتیک ساده برای انواع مفصل در آواز گلو پیشنهاد شده است. یکی از سؤالات اساسی در سراسر این مطالعه این است که آیا پدیده آواز گلوگاهی گونه های منطقه ای نسبتاً واضحی را در مناطق مختلف جنوب نشان می دهد یا اینکه آیا این تنوع عمدتاً به سبک های فردی بستگی دارد.
فهرست مطالب :
Symbols, Abbreviations and Transliteration
Subject Context
Throat Singing (ThS)
Overtone Singing (OtS)
Theoretical Context Of Voice Description
Perspectives, Layers and Definitions
Principles of Phonation
Voice Production -- Source and Vocal Tract
Voice Quality (VQ)
Research Goals
Physiological & Acoustical Correlates of ThS Phonatory Qualities
Styles in South-Siberian Throat Singing -- Ethnomusicological vs. Phonetic Perspective
Physiological Phonetics of Throat Singing
Voice Sources in Throat Singing
Vocal Tract in Throat Singing
Specific Anatomy of Certain Laryngeal Structures
Basic Functional Anatomy of the Larynx
Ventricular Fold and Ventricular Voice
Aryepiglottic Fold (plica aryepiglottica)
Aryepiglottic Sphincter (AES)
Physical Examination of the Lower Vocal Tract in Throat Singing
Preliminary Laryngoscopic Examination of Throat Singing
Additional Recordings of Fibre Endoscopic Examination of Throat Singing
Vocal Tract Shape Investigations -- Articulation of ``Reinforced Harmonics'' in Throat Singing
Observable Techniques or Methods of ``Overtone Articulation''
Phonation Modes and Articulation Types in Throat Singing
Physical Observations on Singers
Investigations using X-ray Videofluoroscopy
Investigations using Ultrasound
MRI Investigation
Discussion of VPTs and Laryngeal Settings in Throat Singing
Posterior-Anterior Compression, Supraglottal Constriction
Ventricular Fold Mechanism (VTF) -- Medial Compression of Supraglottal Constriction
Double Source Phonation or Diplophonic Phonation
Discussion of Vocal Tract Articulation
HYPOTHESES & Expectations
METHOD -- Physioacoustical Analysis of Voice Production in ThS
Preliminary Considerations -- Why do we need field data of ThS?
Specific Non-Invasive Methodology for Voice Investigation in Field Work
Field Work within Voice Research
Field Conditions in Southern Siberia
Invasivity, Manageability, and Costs
3-Channel-Recording of Voice, EGG, and Subglottal Pressure (Inverse Filtering)
Subject Recruitment
Subject Tasks and Raw Data Corpus Description
Voice (Source) Analysis Design
Preparation and Data Pre-Analysis
Physio-Acoustic Analysis Methods
Analysis and Findings in the Voice Signal (Vx)
Vx-signal Corpus Description
Vx Waveform Shapes and Patterns
Vx Waveform Perturbations
Formants, Bandwidths and Reinforced Harmonics
Glottal Characteristics in the spectra (H1-H2, H1-A1, H1-A3 etc.)
Average Spectral Characteristics
Findings in Inverse Filtering Curves
Analysis and Findings for Lx
Sub-Corpus Description
Findings in EGG and DEGG Wave Shapes (incl. Gx)
Periods Obtained by Lx Measurement
Jitter of the Lx Signal
Shimmer of the Lx Signal
EGG Quotients -- Analysis and Findings
Analysis and Findings for the Subglottal Pressure Wave Signal (Sx)
Sub-Corpus Description
Coordination of Vx, Lx and Sx
Sx vs. Vx Waveform Comparison
Spectral Analysis of Sx
Additional Observations
Air Flow in Different VPT
Aryepiglottic Sphincter Constriction (MV AESV) in Lx
Variations in kargyraa (VTF-V, AEF-VF, etc.)
Interrelations and Correlations Between Measures
Possible Voice Production Types
Similarities to Other Pathological and Non-pathological Voice Patterns
Macrostructure and Microstructure of ThS
Are Throat Singers High-Risk Vocal Performers?
Descriptive Statistics
Normal Distribution Tests
Nonparametric Rank Test
Tables of Correlation Analysis
Diagrams and Plots
Descriptive Plots and Diagrams
Spectra and Spectrograms
Waveform and Waterfall Plots
Script 1: Formants, Bandwidths, Harmonics
Script 2: Obtaining Jitter, Shimmer, HNR, NHR, etc.
Script 3: Vx, Lx, Inverse Filtering of Vx, EGG-Quotients
Script 4: Cascading Waveforms
Analysed Recordings
Broadcasts [B] & Documentaries[F]
Field Recordings [FR] and Archive Material [AR]
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book presents the first field-work based phonetic study focussing such extraordinary phonatory outcomes as occur in the context of South-Siberian throat singing. In throat singing specific voice production types serve as source, which are subject to various ways of formant shaping, merging, adjustment, and reinforcement, all of which function to enhance individual harmonics. Two main types are proposed for voice production in South-Siberian throat singing: a voice production by means of the vocal folds featuring a constriction of the aryepiglottic sphincter, and a voice production with involvement of the ventricular folds. Furthermore a simple schematic model for the articulation types in throat singing is suggested. One of the basic questions throughout this study is whether the phenomenon of throat singing shows fairly clear regional variants in different parts of southern or whether the variation is chiefly a matter of individual styles.