فهرست مطالب :
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Key findings and opportunities
Key recommendations
Assessment and Recommendations
Setting the scene: The context for open government reforms in Argentina
The current government has brought new dynamism to Argentina’s open government reform agenda but important challenges remain
Argentina is the first country to be assessed against the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Open Government
Creating a sound policy framework for open government in Argentina
Argentina’s definition of open government is not yet uniformly applied across the whole public sector
Open government principles figure in a variety of key policy documents in Argentina
Argentina could contribute to global standard setting by designing a whole-of-government policy framework for open government
Key recommendations
Towards a more solid legal and regulatory framework for open government in Argentina
Argentina’s constitution provides a strong basis for the development of open government strategies and initiatives
The country’s access to information law requires horizontal coordination among access to information agencies in order to be effectively implemented
The effective application of the right to access information requires strong appeals procedures and clear legal enforcement
Vertical co-ordination between all levels of government is essential to guarantee effective access to public information
Key recommendations
Fostering the effective implementation of open government initiatives in Argentina
The number of institutions involved in open government reforms in Argentina requires extensive co-ordination
Horizontal co-ordination of open government initiatives in Argentina has improved, thanks to the creation of the Open Government Roundtable
The institutional relocation of the Government Secretariat of Modernisation to the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers Office creates new opportunities
Sound human resource management and innovation initiatives have been introduced and are contributing to a change in the culture of governance
Key recommendations
Building a monitoring and evaluation framework for open government in Argentina
Strategic outcome or impact objectives for open government can enhance the monitoring of line ministries’ open government initiatives
The Government of Argentina recognises the importance of developing comparable indicators
Specific training and guidelines can foster a culture of monitoring, evaluation and learning among public officials in charge of open government initiatives
Towards the evaluation of open government initiatives
There are ongoing efforts to use M&E strategically to improve the multi-level governance and capacities of open government at the provincial and municipal level
Key recommendations
Mainstreaming citizen and stakeholder participation in the policy cycle in Argentina
Different opportunities exist for stakeholders to participate in policy making in Argentina, but these need to be better communicated
The government has created various virtual engagement platforms
To work towards harmonisation and better alignment of stakeholder participation practices, Argentina could consider developing a guiding document related to stakeholder participation
Key recommendations
Moving towards an open state in Argentina
Argentina has made substantial efforts to enhance co-ordination and collaboration between branches of power in the promotion of open government principles
Provinces have started to consolidate their frameworks for open government, but there is space to further improve the multi-level governance of reforms
Municipalities have started moving towards an open state
Key recommendations
Towards a conducive environment for digital and open government reforms in Argentina
Digital government and open government are mutually reinforcing and both work in support of democracy and inclusive growth
Key recommendations
Chapter 1. The context for open government reforms in Argentina
Countries have begun to recognise the contribution of open government reforms to broader policy objectives.
The current government has brought new dynamism to Argentina’s open government reform agenda.
The space for an open state in Argentina: Contextualisation of the current government’s approach to open government reforms
Contextual factors influence the implementation of open government strategies and initiatives.
An active democratic society is a key building block of open government reforms.
High levels of human development can engender open government reforms.
Open government reforms can be a means to address low levels of trust in public institutions.
Technology and an interconnected society are strategic enablers of open government reforms.
The OECD approach to open government
Argentina is the first country worldwide to be assessed against the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Open Government.
The OECD Open Government Review of Argentina is based on solid evidence and extensive data collection.
This Open Government Review is an integral part of support provided by the OECD to the Government of Argentina in the area of public governance.
Chapter 2. Creating a sound policy framework for open government in Argentina
Policy initiatives promoting open government principles have started to flourish in Argentina.
Fostering the use of a single definition of open government
A solid definition of open government is crucial to the elaboration and implementation of successful reforms.
A significant number of public institutions in Argentina have a definition of open government in place.
Ensuring that existing open government initiatives contribute to a common goal
There is high-level commitment to open government reforms in Argentina.
The State Modernisation Plan reflects the government’s recognition of the value of open government reforms as a contribution to public sector modernisation.
The Federal Commitment for the Modernisation of the State aims to bring the benefits of open government to the provincial level.
National line ministries are implementing a variety of open government initiatives that go beyond the OGP process.
The Undersecretariat for Open Government and Public Innovation has designed its own Open Government Strategy.
Argentina’s third OGP Action Plan acknowledges the potential of open government reforms to contribute to a wide range of policy objectives.
Designing and implementing a whole-of-government National Open Government Strategy
The “big bang approach” of the open government agenda has delivered positive results, but initial progress must be institutionalised.
A National Open Government Strategy can enable a whole-of-government approach.
The Argentinian context raises specific considerations.
Drafting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of a National Open Government Strategy
The drafting process of a National Open Government Strategy
A through assessment of the situation as a first essential step
Identifying a national government institution that co-ordinates the design process of the strategy.
Political commitment as an essential element of the successful design and implementation of a National Open Government Strategy.
Stakeholder participation as a key element of a successful Open Government Strategy.
Defining the right time horizon for the strategy and ensuring flexibility
Linking the strategy to high-level strategic documents
Formulating a National Open Government Strategy
Defining a narrative for the strategy
Identifying a vision
Objectives and priorities
Designing and integrating open government initiatives into the National Open Government Strategy
Approach 1: All initiatives are included in the National Open Government Strategy
Approach 2: A working group periodically defines a whole-of-government working/action plan to implement the strategy
Approach 3: Each institutions defines its own open government working plans
Approach 4: Institutions define initiatives that contribute to the achievement of the strategy’s objectives at their own pace
Fostering the use of a single definition of open government
Providing the link between existing open government initiatives
Designing and implementing a whole-of-government National Open Government Strategy
Chapter 3. Towards a more solid legal and regulatory framework for open government in Argentina
A robust legal framework is a necessary pre-condition for the successful implementation of open government reforms.
Making effective use of the strong constitutional basis for open government
The Constitution of Argentina contains a number of provisions on open government principles.
The Constitution provides a strong basis for the development of open government strategies and initiatives.
Fostering the effective implementation of the Law on Access to Information
The right to access public information is a cornerstone of open government.
Argentina adopted its first Law on the Right of Access to Public Information in 2016.
Argentina’s ATI Law applies to all public institutions at national level but not to the subnational level.
Proactive disclosure of information in Argentina exceeds OECD practice.
Stakeholders need clear and simple procedures to request information.
Reasonable and clearly defined fees help encourage stakeholders to request information.
Exceptions to the right of access to information can be applied
Weak appeals procedures can undermine effective application of the right to access information.
Strong and clear legal enforcement serves as a guarantor for the effectiveness of the ATI law.
Independent and fully functional access to information agencies are essential.
There is a need for horizontal co-ordination between the six access to information agencies to ensure successful implementation of the ATI law.
Vertical co-ordination between all levels of government is essential to ensure the successful implementation of the ATI law.
Elaborating a legal framework for state modernisation
A draft law on state modernisation is currently being discussed in COFEMOD.
The law aims to establish guiding principles and common rules for the modernisation of public management at federal, provincial and local level.
Efforts from all levels of government will be needed to guarantee successful implementation of the law, once adopted.
Fostering the effective implementation of the Law on Access to Information
Elaborating a legal framework for state modernisation
Chapter 4. Fostering the effective implementation of open government initiatives in Argentina
Countries need to build an effective governance structure to ensure successful implementation of their open government agendas.
Improving horizontal co-ordination of open government initiatives at national level
The number of institutions involved in open government reforms necessitates extensive co-ordination.
The Ministry of Modernisation used the third OGP Action Plan to involve new line ministries in the open government agenda.
The promotion of open government practices has to be accompanied by co-ordination.
The creation of the National Open Government Roundtable represented an important step towards better whole-of-government co-ordination.
The National Roundtable could be further upgraded in terms of mandate and inclusiveness to become a National Open Government Steering Committee.
The National Open Government Steering Committee could organise regular open state meetings.
Argentina could create sub-commissions of the CNGA to focus on specific priority areas.
The CNGA would be the ideal space to co-create a National Open Government Strategy.
The Committee’s agenda would need to be co-ordinated with the agendas of existing Roundtables on Integrity and Administrative Reform.
Strengthening the role of the Government Secretariat of Modernisation as the leading national open government actor
Successful implementation of a national open government agenda requires strong institutional leadership and political commitment.
The incorporation of the then Ministry of Modernisation into the Office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers creates new opportunities to foster co-ordination.
The Undersecretariat for Public Innovation and Open Government has a clear mandate to promote open government reforms across the whole of government.
SGM leadership in the area of open government is recognised, but there is a need to institutionalise frameworks to guarantee continuity.
Argentina could create Open Government Contact Points.
Implementing open government beyond the Government Secretariat of Modernisation through human resource management and innovation
Human resource-related open government reforms represent a challenge for line ministries and provinces.
Argentina could include open government-related skills in competency frameworks for public servants.
Initiatives created by the National Institute for Public Administration and the Design Academy of Public Policy are at the core of Argentina’s move towards an open government culture.
The Design Academy of Public Policy could create (in-) formal networks to continue training alumni and inform them about available courses.
The Government of Argentina could widen the focus from an innovation-driven training agenda to more holistic open government literacy.
Improving the horizontal co-ordination of open government strategies and initiatives at national level
Strengthening the role of the Government Secretariat of Modernisation as the leading national open government actor
Implementing open government beyond the Government Secretariat of Modernisation through human resource management and innovation
Chapter 5. Building a monitoring and evaluation framework for open government in Argentina
The Government of Argentina’s commitment to open government calls for sound monitoring and evaluation of open government strategies and initiatives
The benefits of monitoring and evaluating open government strategies and initiatives
Monitoring and evaluation are two different but complementary practices that contribute to better decision-making and service delivery
Challenges and enablers for the monitoring and evaluation of open government strategies
The institutional framework: Identifying institutional actors to be responsible for collecting and disseminating up-to-date and reliable information and data in an open format
The SGM’s key projects on open government are monitored by the Office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers as part of the 100 government policy priorities.
The current system monitors open government key projects (outputs) but not open government’s strategic medium and long-term goals (outcomes and impact objectives).
Monitoring of open government initiatives at sector level is done primarily through OGP mechanisms.
Framing monitoring and evaluation provisions within a National Open Government Strategy would foster collaboration, decision-making and accountability across government.
Developing comparable indicators to measure processes, outputs, outcomes and impact in collaboration with stakeholders
The government relies solely on process and output indicators to measure open government strategy and initiatives.
Argentina could adopt a theory of change approach for the development of open government initiatives, to ensure that each initiative pursues a specific objective and includes output, outcome and impact indicators.
The GoA could create a platform to support the co-creation of robust indicators.
Fostering a culture of monitoring, evaluation and learning among public officials by increasing their capacity to conduct regular exercises in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
Argentina’s efforts to promote skills development for M&E are not connected with existing training and capacity-building activities related to open government.
The government could develop capacity-building activities on M&E of open government strategies and initiatives, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
The way forward: Toward the evaluation of open government initiatives
Argentina’s capacities for evaluating open government initiatives are limited due to the absence of a broader institutional framework for policy evaluation.
Pilot evaluations of the openness of social policies can serve to assess how open government improves policy outcomes and impacts.
Monitoring and evaluation of multi-level open government initiatives
Efforts are ongoing to strategically use M&E to improve the multi-level governance and capacities of open government at the provincial and municipal level.
Argentina could continue ongoing efforts to strengthen the technical capacities of COFEMOD to promote capacity building and horizontal co-operation on M&E
Identifying institutional actors to be responsible for collecting and disseminating up-to-date and reliable information and data in an open format.
Developing comparable indicators to measure processes, outputs, outcomes, and impact in collaboration with stakeholders
Fostering a culture of monitoring, evaluation and learning among public officials by increasing their capacity to conduct regular exercises in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
The way forward: Toward the evaluation of open government initiatives
Monitoring and evaluation of multi-level open government initiatives
Chapter 6. Mainstreaming citizen and stakeholder participation in the policy cycle in Argentina
Information, consultation and engagement are the key elements of stakeholder participation.
Using public communication as a lever for open government
Argentina is making use of the potential of public communication in support of open government.
Argentina could improve communication about open government reforms beyond the initiatives taken within the framework of the OGP process
There is room to strengthen open government communication within the administration.
Potential remains to improve the co-ordination of messages on open government initiatives both horizontally and vertically.
The Secretariat of Modernisation uses two-way communication approaches about open government initiatives and could increase its frequency
The use of social media offers the potential to leverage more responsive and inclusive communication with citizens.
Communication about open government reforms requires messages tailored to the needs of different stakeholders.
Making use of the benefits of stakeholders participation
Enhancing stakeholder participation is one of the key objectives of the Government of Argentina.
Argentina could move from information and consultation to more advanced engagement practices.
Creating a culture of open governance requires building a more solid institutional framework for stakeholder participation in line ministries and provinces.
Ministries should assign clear institutional responsibilities for stakeholder participation
Ministries and provinces need additional guidance from the central government in order to enhance their stakeholder participation practices.
Harmonising and aligning scattered good practice to move towards an integrated approach for stakeholder participation
Stakeholders are informed and consulted on relevant policy areas in the provinces of Argentina, yet mostly on an ad hoc basis.
Good practices such as Innovación Abierta are essential tools to inform and consult with stakeholders.
Encouraging all ministries to use the Platform for Public Consultation and Public Challenges
Enlarging the variety of stakeholders that participate and reaching out to under-represented groups
Inclusive policy making requires governments to create channels that allow stakeholders to discuss challenges and find solutions.
Argentina’s third OGP Action Plan is rooted in sound stakeholder participation.
Stakeholder participation is a key axis of the OGP Action Plan.
The government is working to ensure a continuous dialogue with stakeholders.
Moving beyond the usual suspects: Amplifying the variety of stakeholders that participate and reaching out to underrepresented groups
Argentina, as an adherent to the OECD Recommendation, should continue reaching out to vulnerable, underrepresented or marginalised groups in society
Potential exists to diversity civil society engagement in open government reforms in Argentina
Conceiving stakeholder participation as an integral part of a National Open Government Strategy: Towards an overarching document on stakeholder participation
In order to work towards harmonisation and better alignment of stakeholder participation practices, Argentina could consider developing a guiding document related to stakeholder participation.
Stakeholder participation could be a core element in the National Open Government Strategy.
Embedding participation in a dedicated law on citizen participation
Using public communication as a lever for open government
Making use of the benefits of stakeholder participation
Harmonising and aligning scattered good practices towards an integrated approach for stakeholder participation
Enlarging the variety of stakeholders that participate and reaching out to under-represented groups
Conceiving stakeholder participation as an integral part of the National Open Government Strategy: Towards an overarching document on stakeholder participation
Chapter 7. Moving towards an open state in Argentina
Countries around the world are moving progressively from the open government concept towards that of an open state.
In their efforts to create an open state, branches of power and levels of government can collaborate in different ways.
The creation of an open state in a federal country such as Argentina.
Enhancing co-ordination and collaboration in the promotion of open government principles at national level
The enabling environment for an open state at national level in Argentina has become more solid.
The involvement of institutions in the OGP process has raised the profile of their work on open government principles.
Regular open state meetings and the creation of Contact Points may benefit the open state agenda.
Argentina would benefit from designing a National Open Government Strategy.
Case study: Open Justice in Argentina
The Council of Magistrates has become an active promoter of Open Justice in Argentina.
The Ministry of Justice is promoting openness in the judicial branch through the Justicia 2020 initiative.
Case study: Open Parliament in Argentina
Case study: Strengthening the contribution of Independent Public Institutions to an open state
Independent institutions are in a privileged position to support a country’s open government agenda.
Only a small number of ombudsman institutions around the world contribute to their country’s open government agendas.
The Argentinian Ombudsman could develop its own strategic policy to foster open government principles, based on contributing to the National Strategy.
The Argentinian Ombudsman could continue promoting open government principles within the institution.
Improving the multi-level governance of open government in Argentina
Provinces have started consolidating their legal, policy and institutional frameworks for open government.
The OGP process has been a tool to foster trust between the national government and the provinces.
Some initiatives developed by provinces can be considered good practices and could be shared more widely
The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires as a participant in the OGP Local Programme
Independent Open Government Steering Committees could also be created in each province
The creation of an Open Government Commission in COFEMOD represented an important step towards more effective vertical co-ordination
A National Open Government Steering Committee would provide an opportunity to foster co-ordination between the national and provincial agendas
The national government could reinforce support to provinces, while respecting the differences in maturity of their open government reform agendas.
Fostering the involvement of municipalities in the move towards an open state
The national government should pursue efforts to foster collaboration with municipalities
The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires could continue fostering city-to-city exchange.
Enhancing co-ordination and collaboration in the promotion of open government principles at national level
Improving the multi-level governance of open government in Argentina
Fostering the involvement of municipalities in the move towards an open state
Chapter 8. Towards a conducive environment for digital and open government reforms in Argentina
Digital government tools enable open government reforms
Argentina makes strategic use of digital government tools to interact with its citizens and better deliver public services.
Open government principles can support digital government strategies
Anchoring digital government and open government in the same Secretariat provides opportunities for co-operation.
Alignment of digital and open government strategies would help establish a common narrative.
Implementation of open government principles can engage citizens in the design of public services and lead to greater data re-use.