توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
کمبود تولید گیاهی در سرتاسر جهان که بقای بسیاری از مردم را تهدید میکند، نیازمند تحقیقات بیشتر و بهتر است، بهویژه در مورد چگونگی افزایش مواد غذایی و جایی که بیشتر به آن نیاز است. مشکلات عمده مورد توجه بین المللی برای جامعه علمی، در دسترس بودن عناصر غذایی ماکرو و میکرو در محیط خاک و کارایی جذب عناصر غذایی توسط ریشه گیاه، برهمکنش بین عناصر غذایی و سایر عوامل، توزیع عناصر غذایی در گونه های مختلف گیاهی، عملکردهای بیوشیمیایی عناصر غذایی و نقش آنها در رشد گیاه، عملکرد و کیفیت محصول. امکان سنجی و سود نیز نگرانی های دائمی در مورد تغذیه گیاه در مدیریت محصول هستند، که در حال حاضر نیازهای جدیدی به دلیل نیاز به کاهش خطرات آلودگی، مشکلی که برای حفظ محیط زیست آینده از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است، به آنها تحمیل شده است. بینشی عمیق تر به دانش پایه و همچنین مشکلات عملی در حوزه های کشاورزی، باغبانی و جنگلداری است. از سال 1964 انجمن بینالمللی برای بهینهسازی تغذیه گیاهی (IAOPN) چنین دغدغهای داشته است و هر چهار سال یک بار کنفرانسهای بینالمللی را به عنوان فرصتی برای دانشمندان مرتبط با تغذیه گیاهی برای گزارش یافتههای جدید و تبادل ایدهها، تجربیات و تکنیکها تبلیغ میکند. هشتمین همایش بین المللی بهینه سازی تغذیه گیاهی به میزبانی پرتغال و با حضور 280 نماینده از 34 کشور از 31 اوت تا 8 سپتامبر 1992 در لیسبون برگزار شد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages I-XVI
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
A rapid wet digestion method for plant analysis....Pages 3-6
Comparison of techniques for nitrogen analysis in potato crops....Pages 7-11
Evaluation of inorganic elements in agricultural products from Italian farms by instrumental neutron activation analysis....Pages 13-17
Determination of lead in white lupin by anodic stripping voltammetry....Pages 19-23
Determination of copper in different chloroplast preparations....Pages 25-29
Four new CII reference materials for the chemical analysis of plants: Pine needles, oak leaves, barley-straw and apple-fruit....Pages 31-35
Determination of leaf standards for apple trees and grapevines in northern Italy....Pages 37-41
Interpretative indices for leaf analysis in vineyards of the Portuguese region of Bairrada....Pages 43-47
Relationship between aboveground dry weight and N, P and K concentrations in grassland species: A guide for the diagnosis of plant nutrient status....Pages 49-54
Front Matter....Pages 55-55
Potassium supplying capacity of northeastern Portuguese soils....Pages 57-64
Nutritional disorders between potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in soil....Pages 65-72
The influence of the soil phosphate capacity factor on soil and plant phosphorus critical levels of different vegetables....Pages 73-76
The use as fertilizer of combined primary/secondary pulp-mill sludge....Pages 77-81
The use of industrial wastes as manures: A case study with effluent mud from an olive oil processing plant....Pages 83-86
Influence of container size and substrate mineral composition on transplant growth and yield of broccoli cv. Green Duke....Pages 87-92
Mulch and topdressed nitrogen effects on bell pepper....Pages 93-96
Long-term effects of gypsiferous coal combustion ash applied at disposal levels on soil chemical properties....Pages 97-100
Effects of composted municipal waste and a paper mill waste composted with bark on the growth of vegetable crops....Pages 101-105
Assessment of plant-available nitrogen in processed organic wastes....Pages 107-115
Relations between nitrogen and phosphorus immobilization during decomposition of forest litter....Pages 117-123
Front Matter....Pages 125-125
Some factors affecting potassium nutrition of sour cherry trees....Pages 127-132
The rootstock effect on some nutrient levels in leaves of apple tree cv. Granny Smith....Pages 133-136
Foliar diagnosis of sugarbeet: Mineral composition of leaves of different physiological age during the season....Pages 137-146
Diagnosing nutritional status of sugarbeet by soil and petiole analysis....Pages 147-151
Simulation of maize yield response to combined effects of nitrogen fertilization versus irrigation and plant population....Pages 153-155
The use of diagnosis recommendation integrated system (DRIS) to evaluate the nutritional status of healthy and blight affected citrus trees....Pages 157-159
An expert system for diagnosing citrus nutritional status and planning fertilization....Pages 161-166
DRIS evaluation of persimmon ( Diospyrus kaki L.)....Pages 167-172
A multivariate diagnosis approach applied to celery....Pages 173-177
Design and analysis of mixture systems: Applications in hydroponic, plant nutrition research....Pages 179-186
Front Matter....Pages 187-187
Genotypic variability for physiological efficiency index of nitrogen in oats....Pages 189-195
Mapping of genes for copper efficiency in rye and the relationship between copper and iron efficiency....Pages 197-201
Effect of a transient anoxia on potassium uptake in cucumber....Pages 203-206
Differences in uptake kinetics of ammonium and nitrate in legumes and cereals....Pages 207-212
Influence of root temperature on potassium nutrition of tomato plant....Pages 213-217
Growth analysis of soil-grown spinach plants at different N-regimes....Pages 219-226
Nitrate assimilation by wheat species at low rates of nitrogen supply....Pages 227-233
Influence of nitrogen availability on growth and development of tomato plants until fruit-setting....Pages 235-241
Effects of fertilization levels in two farming systems on senescence and nutrient contents in potato leaves....Pages 243-250
Relationship between biochemical indicators and physiological parameters of nitrogen and physiological plant age....Pages 251-257
Front Matter....Pages 259-259
An overall approach to plant nutrition through the use of square diagrams....Pages 261-267
Nutrient uptake by Toulouse violet ( Viola odorata var. parmensis ) during its developmental cycle....Pages 269-275
Effect of nitrogen on growth of broad beans....Pages 277-281
Nitrogen uptake in relation to water availability in wheat....Pages 283-290
Effect of nitrogen-form on plant growth and nutrient composition of creeping bentgrass....Pages 291-297
Sulphur status of maize leaves in relation to sulphur content and arylsulphatase activity in soil....Pages 299-304
Soil properties and mineral content of leaves in fig orchards producing high-quality fruits....Pages 305-308
Changes in K, Ca and Mg contents in different parts of the fig fruit during development....Pages 309-312
Effects of phosphorus and lime application on leaf mineral composition of olive trees grown in a schist soil....Pages 313-318
Effects of paclobutrazol application and fruit load on microelement concentrations in peach leaves....Pages 319-323
Effects of P-supply on growth and P-micronutrient interactions of potted peach seedlings....Pages 325-331
Effects of organic waste fertilization and saline irrigation on mineral composition of tomato leaves and fruits....Pages 333-337
Front Matter....Pages 339-339
Ammonia volatilization from compound nitrogen-sulfur fertilizers....Pages 341-349
Fertilizer recommendation scheme for phosphorus based on nutrient cycling in permanent pastures in the Basque Country, Northern Spain....Pages 351-354
Response of gama medic ( Medicago rugosa Desr.) grown on a calcaric cambisol to different rates of fertilizer phosphorus....Pages 355-358
Comparison of row and broadcast N application on N efficiency and yield of potatoes....Pages 359-365
Phosphorus dynamics and mobility in the diffusion zone of band-applied phosphorus fertilizers....Pages 367-373
Effects of phosphorus, magnesium and molybdenum application rates on resident and introduced meadow species in a dry land pasture in mountainous massif of Sicó, Portugal....Pages 375-380
Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application rates on the botanical composition of an irrigated sward....Pages 381-390
Effects of nitrate, phosphate and sulfate combinations on growth and kinetics of phosphate and sulfate uptake by eucalypt seedlings....Pages 391-395
Front Matter....Pages 339-339
Influence of animal manures on extractable micronutrients, greenhouse tomatoes and subsequent Swiss chard crops....Pages 397-401
Do seaweed extracts improve vegetable production?....Pages 403-407
Front Matter....Pages 409-409
Yield and quality of irrigated summer-annual forages in southern Portugal as affected by nitrogen fertilization....Pages 411-415
Variations in yield and macronutrient uptake in vining peas regardless of N fertilization....Pages 417-423
Nitrogen fertilization of Phaseolus vulgaris for freezing....Pages 425-428
The effects of different nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer application on tomato seed properties....Pages 429-433
Influence of nitrogen nutrition on nutritional status and yield of ‘Navelina’ orange....Pages 435-438
Effect of NK fertilization on leaf nutrient content and fruit quality of ‘Valencia late’ orange trees....Pages 439-444
Effects of lime and phosphogypsum on citrus....Pages 445-448
Influence of soil and leaf applications of micronutrients on yield and fruit quality of Citrus sinensis Osbeck, variety Pera....Pages 449-452
Effects of fertilization on apple tree development, yield and fruit quality....Pages 453-456
Effect of Ca nutrition levels on growth and yield of wheat and two cvs. of triticales....Pages 457-462
Front Matter....Pages 463-467
Trace elements and isoenzyme activities in white lupin....Pages 469-469
Effect of iron chlorosis on mineral nutrition and lipid composition of thylakoid biomembrane in Prunus persica (L.) Bastch....Pages 471-476
Iron stress responses of a chlorosis-susceptible and chlorosis-resistant cultivars of pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.)....Pages 477-482
Are manganese and iron deficiencies so similar? Fluorescence, a way of study....Pages 483-489
Specificity of iron in some aspects of soybean ( Glycine max L.) physiology....Pages 491-496
Specificity of manganese in some aspects of soybean ( Glycine max L.) physiology....Pages 497-502
The effect of liming and organic manuring on the reduction of copper toxicity in an acid soil of granitic origin of Dão wine region, Portugal....Pages 503-507
Front Matter....Pages 509-516
Some effects of different levels of lead on berseem....Pages 469-469
Evaluation of structural and physiological plant characteristics in relation to the distribution of cadmium in maize inbred lines....Pages 517-521
Micronutrient content in graminaceous and leguminous plants contaminated with mercury....Pages 523-529
Front Matter....Pages 531-537
Effect of nutritional stress on photosynthesis rate of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.)....Pages 539-539
Reactions of three soybean cultivars to interruptions in phosphorus supply....Pages 541-546
Effect of withdrawal of phosphorus on nitrate assimilation and PEP carboxylase activity in tomato....Pages 547-554
Susceptibility of sweet pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars to the calcium deficiency disorder ‘Blossom end rot’....Pages 555-561
Hydraulic properties of sphagnum peat moss and tuff (scoria) and their potential effects on water availability....Pages 563-567
Influence of NaCl treatment on Ca, K and Na interrelations in maize shoots....Pages 569-576
Effects of environment on the uptake and distribution of calcium in tomato and on the incidence of blossom-end rot....Pages 577-582
Complete environmental effluent disposal and reuse by drip irrigation....Pages 583-588
Effect of salinity on the nutritional level of the avocado....Pages 589-592
Interaction of salinity and enhanced ammonium and potassium nutrition in wheat....Pages 593-596
Response of wild subclovers to soil calcium in xeric and acid Spanish soils....Pages 597-601
Front Matter....Pages 603-609
Impact of intensive agriculture on resources and environment....Pages 611-611
Efficient management of nitrogen fertilization in modern cropping systems....Pages 613-617
A review of internal cycling of nitrogen within trees in relation to soil fertility....Pages 619-622
Growth, nitrogen uptake and internal cycling in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings in relation to nitrogen supply....Pages 623-628
A method to optimize N-application in relation to soil supply of N, and yield of potato....Pages 629-634
Nitrogen fertilization of potato and maize in relation to yield, quality of the production and risks to the environment....Pages 635-640
Front Matter....Pages 641-649
Controlled supply of fertilizers for increasing use efficiency and reducing environmental damage....Pages 611-611
Local resource management in computer aided farming: A new approach for sustainable agriculture....Pages 651-656
Suitability for agricultural use of sediments from the Maranhão reservoir, Portugal....Pages 657-663
Back Matter....Pages 665-671
....Pages 673-684
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The world-wide shortage of plant production menacing the survival of many people demands for more and better research, particularly on how to increase food and where it is most needed. Major problems of international concern for the scientific community are the availability in soil media of macro and micro nutrients and the efficiency of nutrient uptake by plant roots, the interactions between nutrients and other factors, the distribution of nutrients in different plant species, biochemical functions of nutrient elements, and their contribution to plant growth, yield and product quality. Feasibility and profit are also permanent concerns about plant nutrition in crop management, to which new require ments are now imposed by the need to decrease pollution hazards, a problem of prime importance to preserve the environment of the future. is A deeper insight into basic knowledge further required as well as into practical problems in the domains of agriculture, horticulture, and forestry. Such has been the concern of the International Association for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition (IAOPN) since 1964, promoting International Colloquia every four years as an opportunity for scientists concerned with plant nutrition to report new findings and to exchange ideas, experiences, and techniques. The Eighth International Colloquium for the Optimization of Plant Nutrition was hosted by Portugal and held in Lisbon from 31 August to 8 September 1992, with 280 delegates from 34 countries.