توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
اگر کسی این دیدگاه را جدی بگیرد که دانش علمی همیشه دیدگاهی است، یعنی از نظر تاریخی و فرهنگی، واقع گرا بودن در مورد علم به چه معناست؟ میشلا ماسیمی در رئالیسم چشمانداز، چگونگی رشد و تکامل دانش علمی را به لطف کثرت جوامع معرفتی که تعدادی از دیدگاههای علمی را اشغال میکنند، بررسی میکند. نتیجه، دیدگاهی فلسفی است که تحت عنوان «رئالیسم چشمانداز» قرار میگیرد و دریچه جدیدی برای اندیشیدن به دانش علمی، واقعگرایی و تکثرگرایی در علم ارائه میکند.
رئالیسم دیدگاهی با کاوش در مورد اینکه چگونه جوامع معرفتی اغلب به چندین مدل و روش های متعدد متوسل می شوند، آغاز می شود و از نمونه هایی از فیزیک هسته ای، علم آب و هوا و روانشناسی رشد استفاده می کنند. مسیمی ماهیت چشمانداز بازنمایی علمی، نقش مدلهای علمی بهعنوان طرحهای استنتاجی و تنوع واقعگرایی علمی را که طبیعتاً با چنین دیدگاهی همراه است، توضیح میدهد. رئالیسم چشمانداز واقعگرایی درباره پدیدهها (به جای نظریهها یا موجودیتهای غیرقابل مشاهده) است. این دیدگاه واقع گرایانه بدیع، جوامع معرفتی و مرکز دانش واقع در آنها را در صحنه قرار می دهد. نتیجه، تصویری از دانش علمی به عنوان یک تحقیق مشترک است، که در آن قابلیت اطمینان علم با کثرت دیدگاههای علمی تاریخی و فرهنگی امکانپذیر میشود. در طول مسیر، مسیمی بینشی در مورد ماهیت مدلسازی علمی، دانش علمی به عنوان دانش معین، استنتاج دادهها به پدیده، و انواع طبیعی به عنوان مفاهیم مرتب ارائه میدهد.
رئالیسم پرسپکتیو دیدگاهی واقعگرایانه ارائه میکند که ماهیت چندفرهنگی علم را جدی میگیرد و آن را با وظایف جهانی در مورد چگونگی تفکر درباره دانش علمی و توزیع منافع حاصل از پیشرفتهای علمی مرتبط میکند.
فهرست مطالب :
Perspectival Realism
1. The short tale of a long journey
1.1 Why I wrote a book on realism about science
1.2 What I mean by ‘scientific perspective’
1.3 Two main motivations for this book
1.4 Structure and highlights
1.5 What flavour of realism in perspectival realism?
1.6 Short autobiographical note and acknowledgements
2. The perspectival nature of scientific representation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Two varieties of perspectival representations in art
2.3 Locating the perspectival nature of scientific representation
2.4 A problem with perspectival representations in science
2.5 Indexicality: the pragmatics of perspectival representations
3. Pluralism and perspectivism
3.1 Varieties of scientific pluralism
3.2 The ‘pluralist stance’ and the problem of inconsistent models
3.3 Two varieties of scientific perspectivism
3.4 Three perspectival answers to the problem of inconsistent models
3.5 Is perspectivism redundant, inconsistent, and unstable?
3.6 Resisting some of the premises behind PIM
4. Perspectival modelling as modelling possibilities
4.1 Where to go from here?
4.2 Non-perspectival varieties of model pluralism
4.3 Perspectival modelling and its exploratory role
4.a. A tale from the atomic nucleus, ca. 1930s–1950s
4.a.1 Scientific perspectives on atomic abundances, ca. 1900–1924
4.a.1.1 Volcanoes, igneous rocks, and the relative abundances of elements in the earth’s crust
4.a.1.2 Noble gases, meteorology, and the relative abundances of elements in the atmosphere
4.a.1.3 Meteorites, isotopes, and the mass spectrograph
4.a.2 From silicate crust and meteorites to the phenomenon of ‘nuclear stability’
4.a.3 Perspectival models of the nucleus around the 1930s–1950s: the liquid drop model, the odd-particle model, and the shell model
4.a.3.1 From Gamow’s liquid drop model to Bohr’s compound model of the nucleus
4.a.3.2 The odd-particle model: a bridge between the liquid drop model and the 1949 shell model
4.a.3.3 The Nobel Prize-winning shell model of 1949 and the ‘unified model’ of Rainwater, Bohr, and Mottelson
4.a.4 Concluding reflections on perspectival modelling
4.b. A tale from the ice, the sea, and the land: climate modelling
4.b.1 Model pluralism in climate science
4.b.2 Knowing the past global temperature: from tree rings, boreholes, and corals to ‘climate signals’, and from there to the phenomenon of global warming
4.b.3 Future climate projections: RCPs, possibilities, and the role of perspectival modelling
4.c. A tale from the development of language in children
4.c.1 Four scientific perspectives on dyslexia: behavioural, educational, neurobiological, and developmental
4.c.2 The phenomenon of ‘difficulties with reading’ and perspectival data-to-phenomena inferences
4.c.3 Developmental Contingency Modelling (DCM) as perspectival modelling
5. Inferential blueprints and windows on reality
5.1 What blueprints are for
5.2 Perspectival models qua inferential blueprints
5.3 Conceivability and possibility for perspectival models
5.4 Physical conceivability
5.5 Laws of nature and varieties of physical conceivability
5.5.1 Law-driven physical conceivability
5.5.2 Law-enabled physical conceivability
5.5.3 Law-bounded physical conceivability
5.6 A perspectivalist take on laws of nature
5.7 Indicative conditionals and subjunctive conditionals: a division of modal labour
6. From data to phenomena
6.1 Three philosophical traditions
6.2 Data and phenomena
6.3 The evidential inference problem
6.4 The evidential inference problem dissolved
6.5 No stringently empirical phenomena
6.6 No ready-made phenomena teeming with causal properties either
6.7 Rethinking phenomena
6.7.1 The ‘quiet revolution’
6.7.2 A phenomena-first approach to ontology: stable events and their lawlikeness
6.7.3 Empowered phenomena: modal robustness as a secondary quality
6.7.4 Perspectival data-to-phenomena inferences
7. Natural Kinds with a Human Face
7.1 From phenomena to kinds: intersecting perspectives
7.2 What are natural kinds for?
7.3 Hachimoji DNA and RNA: the effective naturalness of engineered kinds
7.4 Corpuscles and Faraday tubes: the unexpected unanimity of evolving kinds
7.5 Lavoisier–Laplace’s ice calorimeter: the unreasonable projectibility of empty kinds
7.6 Dark matter: the nomological resilience of a kind in-the-making
8. The inferentialist view of natural kinds
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Neurath’s Boat and the inferentialist turn
8.3 Historical naturalism and situated knowledge
8.4 Gymnopodium floribundum and Ts’íits’ilche’ honey: an example from ethnobotany
8.5 The inferentialist view behind NKHF
9. Sorting phenomena into kinds
9.1 Navigating Neurath’s Boat of natural kinds
9.2 Doing away with deep essentialism
9.3 Why I am a contingentist of the most unusual kind
9.4 Spinozian sortals for natural kinds
9.5 What holds open-ended groupings of phenomena together?
10. Evolving natural kinds
10.1 Die kleine h
10.2 Hebridean kelp, glass-blowing, and electrical research: J. J. Thomson’s perspective around 1897–1906
10.3 Grotthuss’s and Helmholtz’s electrochemical perspective ca. 1805–1881
10.4 Max Planck’s quantum perspective: the electric charge as a ‘natural unit’
10.5 Walking in the garden of inferential forking paths
10.6 Inferential blueprints encore and modally robust phenomena
10.7 Chains of conditionals-supporting inferences
10.8 Coda: what remains of truth?
11. Multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism in science
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Multicultural science and interlacing scientific perspectives
11.3 Historical lineages and two notions of situatedness
11.4 Han geomancers, the monk from St Albans, and Norse sailors
11.5 Two varieties of epistemic injustice in science
11.6 Non-classist scientific cosmopolitanism
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
What does it mean to be a realist about science if one takes seriously the view that scientific knowledge is always perspectival, namely historically and culturally situated? In Perspectival Realism, Michela Massimi explores how scientific knowledge grows and evolves thanks to a plurality of epistemic communities occupying a number of scientific perspectives. The result is a philosophical view that goes under the name of "perspectival realism", and it offers a new lens for thinking about scientific knowledge, realism and pluralism in science.
Perspectival Realism begins with an exploration of how epistemic communities often resort to several models and a plurality of practices, drawing on examples from nuclear physics, climate science, and developmental psychology. Massimi explains the perspectival nature of scientific representation, the role of scientific models as inferential blueprints, and the variety of scientific realism that naturally accompanies such a view. Perspectival realism is realism about phenomena (rather than about theories or unobservable entities). This novel realist view places epistemic communities and their situated knowledge center stage. The result is a portrait of scientific knowledge as a collaborative inquiry, where the reliability of science is made possible by a plurality of historically and culturally situated scientific perspectives. Along the way, Massimi offers insight into the nature of scientific modelling, scientific knowledge qua modal knowledge, data-to-phenomena inferences, and natural kinds as sortal concepts.
Perspectival Realism offers a realist view that takes the multicultural nature of science seriously and couples it with cosmopolitan duties about how one ought to think about scientific knowledge and the distribution of benefits gained from scientific advancements.