توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
چشم اندازهای علم و ایمان مسیحی، با عنوان فرعی مجله وابستگی علمی آمریکا، انتشارات دانشگاهی وابستگی علمی آمریکا است.
وابستگی علمی آمریکایی (ASA) یک سازمان مذهبی مسیحی متشکل از دانشمندان و افراد در رشته های مرتبط با علم است. هدف اعلام شده «بررسی هر حوزه ای که مربوط به ایمان و علم مسیحی است» است. این سازمان مجله ای به نام چشم اندازهای علم و ایمان مسیحی منتشر می کند که موضوعات مرتبط با ایمان و علم مسیحی از دیدگاه مسیحی را پوشش می دهد.
اعضای وابستگی علمی آمریکا از جنبشهای مختلفی مانند انجیلیسم هستند و نماینده چندین فرقه مسیحی از جمله لوتریان، کاتولیکها، متدیستها، پرسبیتریان، باپتیستها و ارتدکسها هستند.
فهرست مطالب :
A Hard Lesson: Interpretation,
Genomic Data, and the Scriptures
145 Arie Leegwater
Adam and Eve as Historical People, and
Why It Matters
147 C. John Collins
Genesis and the Genome: Genomics Evidence for
Human-Ape Common Ancestry and
Ancestral Hominid Population Sizes
166 Dennis R. Venema
After Adam: Reading Genesis in an Age of
Evolutionary Science
179 Daniel C. Harlow
Recent Genetic Science and Christian Theology on
Human Origins: An “Aesthetic Supralapsarianism”
196 John R. Schneider
Essay Review
Collins and Dembski Offer Their Views of Theodicy
and God’s Creative Plan
214 Michael N. Keas
Book Reviews
Truth, Lies, and O-Rings: Inside the
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
218 Allan J. McDonald and
James R. Hansen
Building Healthy Communities through
Medical-Religious Partnerships
218 Richard G. Bennett and
W. Daniel Hale
Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston III 219 Christopher J. Preston
Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion 220 Ronald L. Numbers, ed.
I Love Jesus and I Accept Evolution 221 Denis Lamoureux
The Deep Structure of Biology: Is Convergence Sufficiently
Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal?
222 Simon Conway Morris, ed.
A Case for the Existence of God 223 Dean L. Overman
Divine Grace and Emerging Creation:
Wesleyan Forays in Science and Theology of Creation
224 Thomas J. Oord, ed.
The Spirit Renews the Face of the Earth:
Pentecostal Forays in Science and Theology of Creation
224 Amos Yong, ed.
Deepest Differences: A Christian-Atheist Dialogue 226 James W. Sire and Carl Peraino
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate 227 John H. Walton
Buddhism and Science: A Guide for the Perplexed 228 Donald S. Lopez
Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality 229 Pranab Das, ed.
Science and Christian Educators Video Series 230 Gordon J. Glover
Book Review Response Letter 231 Stephen M. Vantassel
Humans: The Mean between Science and God 231 Moorad Alexanian
More on the Two Books Approach 232 Donald O. Van Ostenburg
Volume 62, Number 3 September 2010
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, subtitled Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation is the academic publication of the American Scientific Affiliation.
The American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) is a Christian religious organization of scientists and people in science-related disciplines. The stated purpose is "to investigate any area relating Christian faith and science." The organization publishes a journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith which covers topics related to Christian faith and science from a Christian viewpoint.
Members of the American Scientific Affiliation are from various movements, such as evangelicalism, and represent several Christian denominations including the Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and the Orthodox.