فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Page ix, N.F. Eaton
Managing the Construction of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project, Pages 1-5, R.B. Snyder
Piping for Power and Other Industries in a Developing Country — India, Pages 7-14, N. Chandrasekaran
Cold Lake High Pressure Steam Distribution System, Pages 15-20, A.S. Telford, A.C. Mogensen, N.A. Chambers
Line Pipe Research in the Canadian Federal Government, Pages 21-29, R.W. Revie
High Toughness Line Pipe for Arctic Use, Pages 31-42, C. Shiga, H. Otsubo, A. Kamada, N. Ohashi, K. Hirose, H. Mottate
Design Technology, Production and Principal Features of Multilayer Pipes for Trunk Gas Pipelines, Pages 43-49, S.M. Biletsky
Properties of High Strength, Titanium Bearing Steel for Large Diameter Pipeline, Pages 51-67, H. NAKASUGI, H. MATSUDA, H. TAMEHIRO
Embrittlement of Plateformed SA515 GR. 70 Fusion Welded Pipes for High Temperature Service, Pages 69-76, G. Venkataraman, V. Thyagarajan, A. Srinivasulu
Weld Cold Cracking and Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking in Arctic Grade Line Pipe, Pages 77-84, T. Tanaka, Y. Ito, M. Nakanishi, T. Kaneko, Y. Komizo
Toughness of Submerged Arc Welds in Large Diameter Grade 70 Line Pipe, Pages 85-101, T.H. North, H.C. Wade, D.A. Muir, O. Delvecchio
Properties of Weldments for Pipeline Applications, Pages 103-111, J.T. McGrath, A.G. Glover
Recent Developments in Welding Materials for High Performance Arctic Grade Line Pipe Production, Pages 113-133, R. Vasudevan, M. Nakabayashi, J.D. Makarchuk
Productivity Factors in Submerged Arc Line Pipe Welding Applications, Pages 135-139, G.D. Uttrachi
The Effects of Nickel and Titanium on Submerged Arc Welds in HSLA Steels, Pages 141-149, R.B. Lazor, H.W. Kerr
Peculiarities of Welding High Strength Large Diameter Line Pipe Steels with Cellulose- and Low Hydrogen Type Electrodes, Pages 151-158, E. Perteneder, G. Rabensteiner, H. Königshofer
A Low Hydrogen Type Electrode for Girth Welding of Linepipes, Pages 159-166, A. Shiga, K. Ueno, J. Tsuboi
New Opportunities to Improve Quality and Productivity by Low-Hydrogen Pipewelding, Pages 167-174, Ing.J.G. Kalb
Line Pipe Welding with Innershield, Pages 175-181, A.S. Patnik, R.G. Alison President
Welding Automation in the Ontario Hydro Nuclear Power Program, Pages 183-190, W.H.S. Lawson, W.J. Shipp
The Serimer's “Saturne” Automatic Pipeline Welding System for Off-Shore and On-Shore, Pages 191-198, E.A. MINKIEWICZ
Automatic Welding of Pipelines, Pages 199-204, R.L. Jones
Advances in Pipe Welding, Pages 205-213, W. Gilde, H. Ziethe
Resistance Flash Butt Welding of Pipelines, Pages 215-223, V. Lebedev, S. Kuchuk-Yatsenko, V. Krivenko
High Impact Welding, Pages 225-233, S M Istvanffy
The Influence of REM Treatment of Steel on Some Aspects of Weldability When Using the Stovepipe Welding Technique for Line Pipe Girth Welds, Pages 235-245, P.H.M. Hart
Effect of Microalloying on Weld Cracking in Low Carbon Steels, Pages 247-254, R.B. Lazor, B.A. Graville
Underbead Cracking in High Strength Pipe Steels, Pages 255-261, A.G. Glover
Root Pass Stresses in Pipeline Girth Welds Due To Lifting, Pages 263-272, H.I. Higdon, C.A. Weickert, R.J. Pick, D.J. Burns
Automatic Data Recording During Manual Ultrasonic Inspection, Pages 273-282, Richard F. Trigilio, Clarence E. Lautzenheiser
Automatic Ultrasonic Apparatus Developed for Periodic Inspection of the High Pressure Hydraulic System at Dinorwic Power Station, Pages 283-290, J.A. Deane
Precise Ultrasonic Depth Measurements of Internal Undercut in Pipeline Girth Welds, Pages 291-299, M. Macecek
AECL Research and Development in Piping System Nondestructive Testing, Pages 301-308, D.G. Dalrymple
Ultrasonic Monitoring of Growth of Part-Through Thickness Defects in Pipes at 290° C, Pages 309-317, M.A. Mohamed Mahmoud, D.J. Burns
Alternative Girth Weld Defect Assessment Criteria for Pipelines, Pages 319-328, E.L. Von Rosenberg
Interim Report on the Significance of Blunt Flaws in Pipeline Girth Welds, Pages 329-336, M.B. Kasen, R.P. Mikesell
Ductile Fracture Propagation in Pipelines: Bursting Full-Scale Tests on 48″ and 56″ Diameter Pipes for Gas Transmission, Pages 337-346, F. Bonomo, M. Bramante, A. De Vito, A. Morini, A. Pozzi
Fabrication and Operational Aspects of the Northern Alberta Burst Testing Facility, Pages 347-355, M. Urednicek, P.W. Bryce, L.E. Courterelle
Full Scale Testing of Large Diameter Pipelines, Pages 357-366, R.J. Pick, A.G. Glover, R.I. Coote
Testing Factors Which Influence Fatigue Life of Butt Welded Low Carbon Steels, Pages 367-374, D.G. Bellow, M.G. Faulkner
Keyword Index, Pages 375-381