فهرست مطالب :
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
1 Promises and Problems of Community Life
Introduction: the organisation of the chapter
Part One, Current Cascades of Change
components of change
accelerating innovation in information and communications
economic fluctuations
expanding transport technologies of sea and air
major political change
impacts of destabilised international relations
changing mindsets
Part Two, Community Lifeand Change
administrative reorganisation
Contemporary challenges to community life
current trends
failing and thriving communities
contributions of collaborative planning
order: genetically derived dominance
impacts on community planning and management
productivity and exchange: neoliberal freedom and minimally constrained competition
progress through conflict
The roles of communication and collaboration
communication and community
community planning and communicative action
Applications of communication in community planning
Part Four, The Roles of Collaboration
lessons from the mediterranean
Collaboration in practice
natural environment
place management
individual and collaborative forms of movement and transport
collaboration in production, exchange and economy
attributes and definitions
cascades of change and choice
2 The Lives of Local Communities
Scope and scales of community
Social, economic and organisational characteristics of local communities
contact and cooperation
mix and meeting
physical patterns
settlement structure and activities
community organisation
spatial justice
problems of planned communities
spatial inequity and the workings of the free market
The strategies of social justice
refugee camps, reception areas, bidonvilles and shanty towns
sink estates and transit zones
Planning places
the organisation and distribution of activities
the shaping of space
Community participation and governance
personal participation
groups and voluntary organisations
official representation
Conclusion: the durability of local communities of place and contact
3 Communities of Interest and Interaction
Introduction: scales of community organisation and issues
Cities as communities
planning city communities: three general principles
Regional communities
cities and their regions
natural resource and valley regions
the metropolitan region
National communities
Supranational political communities
Global communities
Integrating the many levels of community planning
Box 3.1Norman creek flood mitigation and waterway common
Conclusions: mixed scanning for integrated community planning
interactions through space and over time
local and wider issues
the psychology of spatial comparison
4 Human Values and Community Goals
Value formation
The value of prosperity
creation and transmission of productive skills
combination of energies and skills
communities as seedbeds of innovation
The value of liberty
personal liberty and self-expression
charters of rights and liberties
The values of social justice
balancing the rights of individuals and communities
giving most to those who have least
Values for sustainable communities and environments
reciprocity as a factor in social sustainability: giving, receiving and conserving
continuity and transformations
the 7 rs of resource conservation: reuse, recycling, reclamation, rehabilitation, reservation, rationing and regulation
Relations among community values
The impacts of prosperity
the contributions of prosperity to liberty
the impacts of prosperity on social justice
relations between prosperity and sustainability
The impacts of liberty
Social justice impacts
The demands for sustainability
Conclusions: how values can combine to solve problems and shape creative plans
5 Ways and Means
Introduction: the roles of art, science and craft in community planning
Art and creativity in planning
evidence of early creative interpretation in rock art and cave paintings
the invention of forms
The creative roles of the written word
Creating wholeness within new and existing communities
The contributions of Christopher Alexander (1936–2022)
Planning as a craft
The four phases of planning
science, knowledge and planning method
The logic of scientific discovery
Mistakes, problem-solving and human and social progress
Critical rationalist approach to planning
Common ground between scientific and planning method
Planning as craft and applied science
ten planning stages
Political control and community participation
political control
the place of community participation
Conclusions: values-based methods for value fulfilment
Appendix 1: Christopher Alexander’s Indian village design case study
6 Activities and Actions
Introduction: the organisation of the chapter
The relations among values, activities and land uses
definitions and interpretations of activities
problems as windows on values
the features and failings of impulsive planning
the roles of models in understanding and analysing activities
The contributions of systems thinking in managing activities
Activity systems analysis in practice
housing in greater brisbane
identification of locations to meet projected demands
the transport system
the human use of natural resources
Conclusions: defining needs and exploring options for activity systems
7 Homes and Communities
Introduction: the contributions of shelter to family and community life
Challenges of population change in meeting global and local needs for shelter
the creation of new households
summary of population challenges
Impacts and contributions of changing technology
roads, wheels, wagons and motor vehicles
rail locomotion
elevators and tall buildings
tunnels and underground development
power generation and transmission
electronic communications
water supply, storage and recycling
construction technologies
summary of technological impacts
Funding shelter
housing costs and funding
housing affordability
social market housing policies
affordable rent schemes
public–private partnerships
planning infrastructure, programs and subsidies
inclusionary zoning
government support for social housing enterprises
the future roles of social housing enterprises in the uk
the continuing roles of public authorities and social enterprises in community housing and development
Balancing demands with supply for shelter
demand factors
supply factors
current policy options
homes and communities
Conclusions: future directions for shelter
8 Facets of Community
Introduction and organisation of the chapter
key facets of community
Levels and justifications for community intervention
the case for community involvement
regarding the self and others
The planning and organisation of work
autonomy and personal agency
the experience of work
the changing nature and locations of work
planning and providing jobs
projections of job need
work locations
work provisions
conclusions concerning work: links with other activities
Education: the place of learning in community life and development
the significance of education
global trends – education re-shaping the world
methods and issues
educational provisions
conclusion: links of learning with other activities
The planning and delivery of health services
global trends
practical methods and techniques
links to other systems
conclusions: health provisions
Conclusion: the many facets of community
Box 8.1Community Collaboration in the Economy of Central Italy
9 Places, Spaces and Community Design
Introduction: organisation of the chapter
Places and their properties
urban design and its principles
Communal, collective and private places and spaces
communal spaces – shared activities
a more recent example of a successful communal space
cultural and religious communal spaces
commercial spaces
collective spaces
The language of design and the vocabulary of space and place
Place-making: designing to make life
place-making: a case study in the atherton tableland of north queensland
City shapes
contributions of each model to future settlement forms
contributions of each model to future settlement forms
Conclusion: bringing places to life
10 Community Governance and Participation
Introduction: intentions and organisation of the chapter
Governance, government and community participation
Roles and responsibilities in governance and participation
Issues of freedom and order
free speech
freedom of movement
freedom of belief and observance
freedom of choice
The roles of negotiation and partnership in resolving conflicts
The development and evaluation of policies, proposals and community initiatives
evaluation and problem-solving
community initiatives
dialogues and partnership
Service activities of local government
contributions to community well-being
public, private and community provision
coordination of systems
quality assurance
Scales of community and their roles in governance and control
a global community
Conclusion: the contributions of participation and governance to community life
11 Conclusions: Community Planning Today and Tomorrow
Introduction: organisation and intentions of the chapter
Themes, roles and future directions: inclusion, negotiation, adaptation and invention
mutual support between social inclusion and healthy governance
integrating themes: the roles of mixed scanning
The future of community planning
ways forward