فهرست مطالب :
Inside Front Cover, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Contributors, Pages ix-xi
Preface, Pages xiii-xiv
Acknowledgments, Page xv, William F. Grant
Biosystematics 1983, Pages 1-24, Robert K. Vickery Jr.
Cytology and Biosystematics: 1983, Pages 25-39, Keith Jones
The Genome, the Natural Karyotype, and Biosystematics, Pages 41-66, Michael D. Bennett
Chromosome Pairing in Species and Hybrids, Pages 67-86, R.C. Jackson
Nuclear DNA Variation and the Homology of Chromosomes, Pages 87-96, H. Rees
Chromosome Banding and Biosystematics, Pages 97-116, Ichiro Fukuda
Chromosome Evolution and Adaptation in Mistletoes, Pages 117-140, B.A. Barlow, Nicole J. Martin
Differentiation and Evolution of the Genus Campanula in the Mediterranean Region, Pages 141-158, J. Contandriopoulos
The Biological Species Concept Reexamined, Pages 159-168, Bengt Jonsell
The Pursuit of Hybridity and Population Divergence in Isotoma petraea, Pages 169-177, S.H. James
The Role of Hybridization in the Evolution of Bidens on the Hawaiian Islands, Pages 179-194, Fred R. Ganders, Kenneth M. Nagata
Hybridization in the Domesticated-Weed-Wild Complex, Pages 195-210, Ernest Small
Plant Reproductive Strategies, Pages 211-228, Krystyna M. Urbanska
The Relationships between Self-incompatibility, Pseudo-compatibility, and Self-compatibility, Pages 229-235, David L. Mulcahy
Apomixis and Biosystematics, Pages 237-248, Sven Asker
Constraints on the Evolution of Plant Breeding Systems and Their Relevance to Systematics, Pages 249-270, C.J. Webb
Pollination by Animals and Angiosperm Biosystematics, Pages 271-292, Peter G. Kevan
The Biosystematic Importance of Phenotypic Plasticity, Pages 293-306, Pierre Morisset, Céline Boutin
A Biosystematic and Phylogenetic Study of the Dipsacaceae, Pages 307-320, R. Verlaque
Evolution of rDNA in Claytonia Polyploid Complexes, Pages 321-341, J.J. Doyle, R.N. Beachy, W.H. Lewis
Isozyme Evidence and Problem Solving in Plant Systematics, Pages 343-357, L.D. Gottlieb
Phytochemical Approaches to Biosystematics, Pages 359-376, K.E. Denford
Pollen Morphology and Biosystematics of the Subfamily Papilionoideae (Leguminosae), Pages 377-394, I.K. Ferguson
Numerical Taxonomy and Biosystematics, Pages 395-415, J. McNeill
Problems of Hybridity in the Cladistics of Crataegus (Rosaceae), Pages 417-438, J.B. Phipps
Population Biology and Biosystematics: Current Experimental Approaches, Pages 439-452, Barbara A. Schaal
Cytogeography and Biosystematics, Pages 453-476, C. Favarger
Biosystematics of Macaronesian Flowering Plants, Pages 477-496, Liv Borgen
Biosystematics of Tropical Forest Plants: A Problem of Rare Species, Pages 497-518, P.S. Ashton
Biosystematics of Bryophytes: An Overview, Pages 519-542, Robert Wyatt, Ann Stoneburner
Biosystematic Studies on Pteridophytes in Canada: Progress and Problems, Pages 543-560, D.M. Britton
Biosystematics and Medicine, Pages 561-578, Walter H. Lewis
Modes of Evolution in Plants under Domestication, Pages 579-586, Daniel Zohary
Zea—A Biosystematical Odyssey, Pages 587-616, Hugh H. Iltis, John F. Doebley
Biosystematics and Hybridization in Horticultural Plants, Pages 617-632, Willem A. Brandenburg
Biosystematics and Conservation, Pages 633-641, David Bramwell
A Comparison of Taxonomic Methods in Biosystematics, Pages 643-654, Warren H. Wagner Jr.
Observations on IOPB 1983 and Notes on the Discussions among Participants, Pages 655-658, John C. Semple
Index, Pages 659-674