توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
در تاریخچه کنفرانس بین المللی تغذیه گیاهی از اولین جلسه آن در سال 1954، این جلسه، سیزدهمین کنفرانس، اولین جلسه ای است که در آسیا برگزار می شود و آخرین در قرن بیستم خواهد بود. قرن بیستم شاهد تغییرات عظیمی در تعداد و فعالیت های بشر بوده است. جمعیت ما از حدود 1.7 میلیارد به بیش از 5.8 میلیارد افزایش یافته است و نوآوری های تکنولوژیکی شیوه زندگی ما را کاملاً تغییر داده است. در نتیجه چنین تغییرات سریعی، ما با مشکلات زیادی از جمله تغییرات در محیط خود در مقیاس جهانی روبرو هستیم. اما، در حالی که کمبود غذا یک نگرانی جدی برای بشر در طول تاریخ ما بوده است، کمبود جدی غذا در قرن بیستم به زمان ها و مناطق محدود محدود شده است. همانطور که لستر براون در این جلد بحث می کند، کشاورزان به صورت قهرمانانه تولید غذا را بر اساس تقاضا افزایش داده اند. ما متخصصان تغذیه گیاهی باید به حمایت خود از کشاورزان جهان که به آنها کمک کرده تا دستاوردهای خود را ممکن سازند، افتخار کنیم. در طول قرن 20، علم تغذیه گیاه نیز به پیشرفت های بزرگی دست یافته است که توسط جک لونراگان توصیف شده است. این رشته به عنوان یک رشته کاملاً مبتنی بر علم تثبیت شد، عناصر شیمیایی حمایت کننده از رشد گیاه را تعریف کرد، و به بهبود در تولید گیاه و کیفیت محیطی کمک کرد، همانطور که خوانندگان در مقاله های بسیاری در این جلد خواهند یافت.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages I-XXXIII
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Plant nutrition in the 20th and perspectives for the 21st century....Pages 3-14
Facing the challenge of food scarcity: Can we raise grain yields fast enough?....Pages 15-24
Application of microinjection techniques to plant nutrition....Pages 25-39
Regulation of mineral nitrogen uptake in plants....Pages 41-49
Physiological nitrogen efficiency in rice: Nitrogen utilization, photosynthesis, and yield potential....Pages 51-60
Front Matter....Pages 61-61
Does boron play only a structural role in the growing tissues of higher plants?....Pages 63-67
Boron requirement for reproductive development in wheat....Pages 69-73
Significance of N source (urea vs. NH 4 NO 3 ) and Ni supply for growth, urease activity and nitrogen metabolism of zucchini ( Cucurbita pepo convar. giromontiina )....Pages 75-80
HPLC/ICP-MS study of metals bound to borate-rhamnogalacturonan-II from plant cell walls....Pages 81-82
Ameliorative effects of phosphate and silicate on aluminum toxicity in barley and rice plants....Pages 83-84
Effect of different concentrations of urea with or without nickel on spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L.) under hydroponic culture....Pages 85-86
Leaching from the leaf surface and its significance for apoplastic ion balance....Pages 87-88
A borate-rhamnogalacturonan II complex in germinating pollen tubes of lily ( Lilium longiflorum )....Pages 89-90
Relationships between cell wall composition and leaf development in low-P mashbean ( Vigna aconitifolia ) plants....Pages 91-92
Effect of potassium on EDTA-osmoticum, nitrate reductase activity and productivity of groundnut-sugarcane intercropping under water deficit conditions....Pages 93-94
Plant tolerance to nitrogen deficit and excess: Ion compartmentation in root cells....Pages 95-96
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations and their balance of durum wheat plants during different growth stages....Pages 97-98
Calcium signalling in programmed cell death in plants....Pages 99-103
Front Matter....Pages 105-105
Reevaluating the free-ion activity model of trace metal availability to higher plants....Pages 107-112
Plant uptake of Cd and Zn in chelator-buffered nutrient solution depends on ligand type....Pages 113-118
Front Matter....Pages 105-105
Possible role of root-ethylene in Fe(III)-phytometallophore uptake in Strategy II species....Pages 119-122
Compartmentation and flux analysis of Ca 2+ in citrus root using isotope exchange kinetics....Pages 123-124
Characterization of ferric chelate reductase in plasma membranes isolated from cucumber roots....Pages 125-126
Regulation of phosphate absorption by phosphorus nutritional status in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings....Pages 127-128
The toxicity of Cu on the seedlings of a mangrove ( Kandelia candel ) in the presence of NaCl....Pages 129-130
Simultaneous observation of nitrogen uptake, transport and assimilation by rice and wheat young plants fed 15 N-nitrate....Pages 131-132
Differences in growth and nutrition of legumes in varying soil temperature and phosphorus....Pages 133-134
Uptake and translocation of N and P in Leucaena leucocephala grown at different N, P and Al concentrations....Pages 135-136
A high affinity Na-dependent phosphate uptake induced by P starvation in Chara ....Pages 137-138
Front Matter....Pages 139-139
Detection and characterization of nitrogen circulation through the sieve tubes and xylem vessels of rice plants....Pages 141-145
Isolation and patch clamp measurements of xylem contact cells for the study of their role in the exchange between apoplast and symplast of leaves....Pages 147-152
The mechanism of phloem mobility of boron....Pages 153-156
Characteristics of light-regulated iron transport system in barley chloroplasts....Pages 157-161
Inheritance of potassium, calcium and magnesium status in maize ( Zea mays L.) plants....Pages 163-164
Solute-pool enlargement in drought-sensitive or -tolerant grain legumes: Concentration effect or osmotic adjustment?....Pages 165-166
Efficiency of K utilization by soybean cultivars....Pages 167-168
Uptake and transport of positron-emitting tracer in irradiated plants....Pages 169-170
Seasonal changes in accumulation and retranslocation of nutrients in Casuarina glauca cladodes....Pages 171-172
Study on sugar accumulation of sweet sorghum....Pages 173-174
The effect of the level of nitrogen supply on the amino acid composition in phloem sap and in leaf extract of rice....Pages 175-176
Front Matter....Pages 139-139
Net influx of calcium and efflux of potassium in groundnut pods grown in solution culture....Pages 177-178
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Genetic and physiological approaches toward understanding the mechanisms underlying the sulfur-regulated expression of β -conglycinin genes....Pages 181-185
High-affinity phosphate transporter genes of Arabidopsis thaliana ....Pages 187-190
The froh gene family from Arabidopsis thaliana : Putative iron-chelate reductases....Pages 191-194
Transfer of potassium channel genes into tobacco....Pages 195-196
Changes in the activities of ammonia assimilation enzymes during senescence of Brassica napus leaf protoplasts....Pages 197-198
Exogenous sucrose supresses a far-red light block of greening in Arabidopsis seedlings....Pages 199-200
Molecular aspects of potassium and water transport, and their bearing under salt stress....Pages 201-202
Uninfected cell specific enhancement of a nodulin-35 genomic gene expression in soybean nodules. Evidences by RT-PCR and chimeric promoter region: GUS reporter gene analysis using transgenic hairy root system of soybean....Pages 203-204
Expression in Escherichia coli and purification of a fusion protein containing a hydrophilic region from Oryza sativa plasma membrane H + -ATPase....Pages 205-206
Short root-hair mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana ....Pages 207-208
Isolation of an Arabidopsis thaliana Mutant in which the Soybean β -Conglycinin Gene Promoter does not Respond Normally to Sulfur Deficiency....Pages 209-210
Cloning of axil -like cDNA from soybean....Pages 211-212
Screening of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants sensitive to sulfur deficiency....Pages 213-214
Wounding inducibility of axil gene, which induces auxin independent cell division of tobacco protoplast....Pages 215-216
Pectic fragments prepared by irradiation and their phytoalexin elicitor activity....Pages 217-218
Transcription regulation of a Kunitz chymotrypsin inhibitor gene which is expressed abundantly in seeds and tuberous roots of winged bean....Pages 219-220
Modification of the nitrogen utilization in transgenic tobacco plants that have enhanced or repressed expression of a putative nitrite transporter in chloroplast envelope....Pages 221-222
Hydroponic culture of Arabidopsis thaliana to screen mutants defective in the absorption of manganese....Pages 223-224
PCR-assisted differential display of the expression of genes that are induced by manganese-deficiency in tomato roots....Pages 225-226
Front Matter....Pages 179-179
Phenotypic characterization of tobacco mutant CF15–9, which overexpress the axi1 gene, under phosphate deficient condition....Pages 227-228
Characterization and cDNA cloning of the GPI-anchored phosphatase from Spirodela oligorrhiza ....Pages 229-230
Selection of mineral stress resistant lines in sugarcane through biotechnological methods....Pages 231-232
Structure and function of two higher plant sulfate transporters....Pages 233-234
Front Matter....Pages 235-235
Role of rye chromosomes in improvement of zinc efficiency in wheat and triticale....Pages 237-241
Root exudation and microflora populations in rhizosphere of crop genotypes differing in tolerance to micronutrient deficiency....Pages 243-248
Reevaluation of the genes induced by iron deficiency in barley roots....Pages 249-254
Iron stress response in iron-efficient and iron-inefficient groundnut cultivars....Pages 255-256
Manganese deficiency and toxicity levels for Japanese mint....Pages 257-258
Dissolution of iron from soils by mugineic acid....Pages 259-260
Iron stress response in chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.): morphological changes and levels of H + -ATPase mRNA in root tips.....Pages 261-262
Zinc efficiency of dwarf Zea mays treated with a gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor....Pages 263-264
Characteristics of root Fe 3+ -reduction and root exudate secretion under Fe-deficient conditions in alfalfa....Pages 265-266
Seed manganese (Mn) content is more important than Mn fertilisation for wheat growth under Mn deficient conditions....Pages 267-268
Efficient Mn uptake in barley is a constitutive system....Pages 269-270
Prevention and correction of iron-deficiency chlorosis of groundnut in India....Pages 271-272
Tolerance of fababean genotypes to low zinc using carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity as a screening technique....Pages 273-274
Evidence that transplanted oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ) has a higher external zinc requirement than direct sown plants....Pages 275-276
Characterization of iron deficiency response system with riboflavin secretion in some dicotyledonous plants....Pages 277-278
Purification, characterization and DNA sequencing of nicotianamine aminotransferase (NAAT-III) expressed in Fe-deficient barley roots....Pages 279-280
Front Matter....Pages 235-235
Possible involvement of Ids3 in the hydroxylation of deoxymugineic acid to mugineic acid in Fe-deficient barley roots....Pages 281-282
Effect of seed zinc content on grain yield and zinc concentration of wheat grown in zinc-deficient calcareous soils....Pages 283-284
Relationship between sulfur metabolism and biosynthesis of phytosiderophores in barley roots....Pages 285-286
Physical mapping of rye genes determining micronutritional efficiency in wheat....Pages 287-288
Genotypic variation for Mn efficiency in durum wheat ( Triticum turgidium L. var. durum )....Pages 289-290
Establishment of a screening system for “Fe(III)-phytosiderophore” transporter protein from Fe-deficient barley roots....Pages 291-292
Front Matter....Pages 293-293
Properties of secretory acid phosphatase from lupin roots under phosphorus-deficient conditions....Pages 295-300
Phosphorus deficiency enhances root exudation of low-molecular weight organic acids and utilization of sparingly soluble inorganic phosphates by radish ( Raghanus satiuvs L.) and rape ( Brassica napus L.) plants....Pages 301-304
Comparison of the ability of different crop species to access poorly-available soil phosphorus....Pages 305-308
The role of cell wall components from groundnut roots in solubilizing sparingly soluble phosphorus in low fertility soils....Pages 309-314
Response of maize ( Zea mays L.) to soil stress and to P and K fertilization on strong K-fixing soil....Pages 315-316
Kinetic properties and “in situ” visualization of acid phosphatase secretion from cowpea roots under P-deficiency....Pages 317-318
Zinc response in clusterbean as influenced by genotypic variability....Pages 319-320
Potassium-deficiency stress tolerance and potassium utilization efficiency in wheat genotypes....Pages 321-322
Characteristics of aluminum phosphate utilizing cells: Alteration in enzyme activities in carbon metabolism....Pages 323-324
The exudation of organic acids by pigeonpea roots for solubilizing iron- and aluminum-bound phosphorus....Pages 325-326
Mechanisms for efficient utilization of phosphate by wheat and a new screening method for efficient genotypes....Pages 327-328
Adaptive strategies of maize genotypes in low P supply....Pages 329-330
Analysis of protein in low-phosphorus-adapted ruzigrass ( Brachiaria ruziziensis )....Pages 331-332
Front Matter....Pages 333-333
Critical values for sulfur in young plants of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) determined with reference to dry weight, leaf area and specific leaf weight....Pages 335-339
Front Matter....Pages 333-333
Responses of secondary metabolism in plants to nutrient deficiency....Pages 341-345
Physiological changes during the development of potassium deficiency in cotton....Pages 347-351
Potassium quantity-intensity relationships of a hydrosequence of soils from the Cerrado region of Brazil....Pages 353-354
Stored nitrate for diagnosing N sufficiency in wheat crops....Pages 355-356
Extractants testing for determination of plant available manganese in soil....Pages 357-358
Prompt gamma ray analysis of boron in plants and soil....Pages 359-360
Soil fertility and productivity evaluation of selected Philippine soils....Pages 361-362
Potassium deficiency diagnosis in soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.)....Pages 363-364
Comparison of methods for determination of phosphorus retention....Pages 365-366
Extractability of soil phosphorus by different methods and its critical limit for wheat....Pages 367-368
Diagnostic technique for nitrogen nutrition of cabbage to increase sugar concentration....Pages 369-370
Critical levels of available P in acid soils of Cameroon....Pages 371-372
Non-destructive measurement of plant growth and nitrogen status of pearl millet with low-altitude aerial photography....Pages 373-378
In situ measurement of soil nutrient supply in lowland rice fields....Pages 379-380
Sugarbeet nutritional diagnosis using remote sensing....Pages 381-382
Front Matter....Pages 383-383
Accumulation and transport of nickel in relation to organic acids in ryegrass and maize grown with different nickel levels....Pages 385-390
Genetic improvement of heavy metal tolerance in plants by transfer of the yeast metallothionein gene ( CUP1 )....Pages 391-395
Salt tolerance in two gramineae sp. Panicum maximum and Eleusine coracana : glycinebetaine accumulation and expression of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase mRNA....Pages 397-400
Sulphydryl groups in two Brazilian corn cultivars as a function of cadmium in the nutrient solution....Pages 401-402
Ion uptake, metabolism and yield of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) at excess iron in the growth medium....Pages 403-404
Front Matter....Pages 383-383
Seasonal variations of amino acids and organic acids in the xylem sap of Quercus ilex L. growing on serpentine and sandy loam soils....Pages 405-406
Higher plant metallothionein genes confer Cu resistance to yeast....Pages 407-408
Increased susceptibility to photoinhibition in leaves of Japanese elm ( Ulmus davidiana var. japonica ) with high manganese concentrations....Pages 409-410
Characterization of phytochelatin synthase and relationship with Cd-tolerance of plant....Pages 411-412
Effect of temperature and zinc supply on early growth of Zn-efficient and Zn-inefficient genotypes of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.)....Pages 413-414
Effect of irrigation water salinity on the growth of trees for revegetation in the United Arab Emirates....Pages 415-416
Effect of salinity on seed germination and seedling growth of the species collected from the saline areas of Iran....Pages 417-418
Effect of soil salinity on the growth and nutritional status of crop plants and that of N and P application....Pages 419-420
Effects of soil salinity on the growth, nutritional status and salt-removing capacity of fodder beet....Pages 421-422
Crop cultivation and the change of salts in saline soil....Pages 423-424
Front Matter....Pages 425-425
Aluminum distribution and viability of plant root and cultured cells....Pages 427-431
Genetic and physiological analysis of doubled-haploid, aluminium-resistant lines of wheat provide evidence for the involvement of a 23 kD, root exudate polypeptide in mediating resistance....Pages 433-438
Early events induced by aluminum stress in elongating cells of wheat root....Pages 439-444
Excretion and metabolism of malic acid produced by dark carbon fixation in roots in relation to aluminium tolerance of wheat....Pages 445-446
Complexing ability of organic acids with aluminium in acidic soils....Pages 447-448
Secretion of citric acid as an aluminium-resistant mechanism in Cassia tora L.....Pages 449-450
An aluminum-tolerant cell line isolated from cultured tobacco cells....Pages 451-452
The inheritance of aluminium stress response in rye ( Secale cereale L.) inbred lines....Pages 453-454
Excretion of citrate as an aluminium-tolerance mechanism in tropical leguminous trees....Pages 455-456
Cellular distribution and chemical forms of aluminum in Scapania undulata ....Pages 457-458
Front Matter....Pages 425-425
Response of plants adapted in low pH soils to aluminum....Pages 459-460
Chemical characterization of two forests on the coastal plains of the Ilha do Mel, Paraná, Brazil....Pages 461-462
Aluminum distribution and its related mechanisms in roots and other parts of some Japanese tree species....Pages 463-464
Selection of aluminium-tolerant variants in Arabidopsis thaliana in solution culture....Pages 465-466
Al-binding capacity of plasma membrane of root-tip portion in relation to Al tolerance....Pages 467-468
Factors limiting tea pollen tube growth in soil solution from three acid soils....Pages 469-470
A new method for assessing pollen tube growth and its application to study alleviation of aluminium stress....Pages 471-472
Mechanisms of differential tolerance of crop plants to high aluminium and low phosphorus growth conditions....Pages 473-474
Front Matter....Pages 475-475
A new root box for developing whole root systems in water culture....Pages 477-482
Studies on nickel and manganese dynamic in the rhizosphere of wheat....Pages 483-486
The soil solution composition as a predictor for metal availability to spinach: a comparative study using 137 Cs, 85 Sr, 109 Cd, 65 Zn and 152 Eu....Pages 487-492
Phosphorus acquisition and cycling in crop and pasture systems in low fertility tropical soils....Pages 493-498
Modelling and measurement of the effects of K-fertiliser on yield, crop uptake and soil-K....Pages 499-500
Fractionation of soil copper and manganese in the rhizosphere of finger millet....Pages 501-502
Determination of low molecular weight organic acids in forest soils....Pages 503-504
Growth-promoting effect of root exudates of Fe-deficient alfalfa on Rhizobium meliloti ....Pages 505-506
The Earth Box™ — A containerized gradient oriented nutritional paradigm....Pages 507-508
Preferential use of organic nitrogen by upland rice compared to maize....Pages 509-510
Exploitation potential for nonexchangeable potassium of Lupinus albus L. and Triticum aestivum L.....Pages 511-512
Changes in phosphorus compounds around the rhizosphere of groundnut and pigeonpea grown in an Andosol with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi....Pages 513-514
Front Matter....Pages 475-475
Phosphate distribution and movement in the rhizosphere of wheat....Pages 515-516
Distribution of denitrifying and enzyme activities across the rhizosphere of wheat....Pages 517-518
Front Matter....Pages 519-519
Nitrogen movement and water quality at a poorly-drained agricultural and riparian site in the Pacific Northwest....Pages 521-526
Zinc uptake by plants on amended polluted soils....Pages 527-532
Dieldrin uptake from a contaminated Haplustox by glasshouse-grown plants....Pages 533-535
Accumulation of gallium (Ga) in Azolla ....Pages 537-538
Nitrogen dynamics in paper-mulched paddy field fertilized with controlled-release coated urea by 15 N-method....Pages 539-540
Content of Be, Ga, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Tl and Bi in wild plants: screening for accumulating plants....Pages 541-542
Prediction and measurement of nutrients leaching from a soil under fodder crops in the Indian semi-arid tropics....Pages 543-544
Effects of cadmium on sorghum plants ( Sorghum vulgare Pers.) cultivated on soiless culture....Pages 545-546
Relationship between soil acidification and nutrient cycling in a forest ecosystem on Volcanogenous Regosols in Hokkaido, northern Japan....Pages 547-548
Physiological responses of rice crop to cement dust....Pages 549-550
Influence of rainfall on mass loss and potassium dynamics of decomposing forest tree leaf litter....Pages 551-552
Background levels of heavy metals in kanagawa prefecture farm soils impacted by volcanic ash from Mt. Fuji....Pages 553-554
Emission of N 2 O from a clayey aquic soil cultivated with Onion plants....Pages 555-556
Restoring the productivity potential of Mt. Pinatubo-affected soils....Pages 557-558
Effect of organic materials and lime application on cadmium uptake by ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in cadmium polluted acid soils....Pages 559-560
Salt tolerance in reed canarygrass ( Phalaris arundinacea L.) grown on soil perfused with cattle urine....Pages 561-562
Chromate sorption by acid and alkaline soils....Pages 563-564
Chemical composition of deciduous and coniferous vegetation, mosses and humus as environmental indicator in Slovakia....Pages 565-566
Front Matter....Pages 519-519
N 2 O and N 2 emissions from a soilless culture system as affected by greenhouse climate....Pages 567-568
Front Matter....Pages 569-569
Effect of alkaline stabilized sewage sludge solids on chemical speciation and plant availability of Cu and Zn in the rhizosphere soil solution....Pages 571-576
Ecological evaluation of long-term application of sewage sludges according to the legislative permissions....Pages 577-579
Recycling of municipal and industrial organic wastes in agriculture: benefits, limitations, and means of improvement....Pages 581-586
Residue recycling for restoring soil fertility and productivity in Japanese mint ( Mentha arvensis ) mustard ( Brassica sp. ) system....Pages 587-588
Alkaline stabilized sewage sludge cake as an organic fertiliser for spring barley....Pages 589-590
The effect of barnyard manure of different degradation levels on grass production....Pages 591-592
Effect of zeolite addition to chicken manure on nitrogen mineralization in the soil....Pages 593-594
Use as a fertilizer of effluent from a bio-gas generator processing animal manure....Pages 595-596
Decomposition characteristics of organic manure in soil and influence of manure application on extractable Fe and Zn....Pages 597-598
Effect of decomposition of city refuse compost on the behavior of organic compounds in the particle size fractions....Pages 599-600
Nutrients recycled from pruned fronds in mature oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)....Pages 601-602
Effective of long-term applications of sewage sludge on Zn and Cu retention in sludge-treated soil....Pages 603-604
Origin of selective inhibitors of legume-seed germination in sludge composts....Pages 605-606
Front Matter....Pages 607-607
Use of urease inhibitors to reduce ammonia loss from broadcast urea and increase grain yield of flooded rice in Thailand....Pages 609-612
Nitrogen management and biological nitrogen fixation in sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping on Alfisols of the semi-arid tropics....Pages 613-618
Effects of organic-acid treatment of phosphate rocks on the phosphorus availability to Italian ryegrass....Pages 619-624
Characteristics of P supply from polyolefin-coated P fertilizers in soil....Pages 625-630
Effect of Bacillus pumilus PJ 19 and UPMB 001 on the dissolution of gafsa phosphate rock in acid soils....Pages 631-632
Uptake and efficiency of split applications of nitrogen fertilizer in winter wheat....Pages 633-634
Front Matter....Pages 607-607
Effect of split nitrogen application on grain nitrogen, grain protein and nitrogen harvest of wheat ( T. aestivum L.) genotypes....Pages 635-636
Effect of shade and fertilizer application on dry matter yield of medicinal plants....Pages 637-638
Properties of a new slow-release nitrogen fertilizer “SUPER-IB”....Pages 639-640
A new fertilization system for rice cultivars susceptible to lodging....Pages 641-642
Improvement of nitrogen fertilizer availability by co-situs placement using polyolefin-coated fertilizers in corn production....Pages 643-644
A mechanism and an improved simulation of nitrogen release from resin-coated urea....Pages 645-646
Evaluation of dry matter production and nutrient-element accumulation of several summer-growing green manure crops....Pages 647-648
Calcium boron interaction studies in tomato grown in a calcareous soil....Pages 649-650
Resin-coated urea fertilizer use efficiency in direct seeding culture of paddy rice....Pages 651-652
Effects of no-tillage system on silage-corn yields and soil characteristics in Andisol....Pages 653-654
Effects of polyolefin-coated fertilizer containing NPK and micro-elements on copper deficiency in barley and wheat in acid high humic Andisol....Pages 655-656
Effects of zinc fertilization and irrigation on grain yield and zinc concentration of various cereals grown in zinc-deficient calcareous soils....Pages 657-658
Determination of uptake efficiencies and leaching properties of nitrogen fertilizers in tomatoes using lysimeters....Pages 659-660
Front Matter....Pages 661-661
Nitrate-uptake capacity of different root zones of Zea mays (L.) in vitro and in situ....Pages 663-668
A root-shoot interaction hypothesis for high productivity of field crops....Pages 669-674
Gibberellin, cytokinins, nitrate content and rate of water transport in the stem in response to root temperature....Pages 675-680
Estimation of mucilage on maize roots with ruthenium red....Pages 681-682
Measurement of root length and width using image analysis system....Pages 683-684
Grain yield and root activity in upland crops grown continuously or in rotation plots with different depths of topsoil....Pages 685-686
The effects of soil compaction on the growth and nutrient status of rice grown under flooded conditions....Pages 687-688
Front Matter....Pages 661-661
Nitrogen fertilizer management in pigeonpea/sorghum intercropping on an Alfisol in the semi-arid tropics....Pages 689-690
Front Matter....Pages 691-691
Changes in concentration of leghemoglobin components in hypernodulation mutants of soybean....Pages 693-698
Physiological aspects of nitrogen fixation response to copper nutrition in several grain legume species....Pages 699-702
Fine structure of Frankia in root nodules and isolation of Frankia from nodules of actinorhizal plants growing in Japan....Pages 703-706
A nodulation type with increased number of nodules and nitrate intolerance in soybean....Pages 707-708
Effect of fertilization on soybean yield and quality on poor soil....Pages 709-710
Polyamine as a negative regulatory substance in defense responses of soybean against the infection and nitrogen fixation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum ....Pages 711-712
Genomic diversity of Bradyrhizobium strains compatible with soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.) harboring various Rj -genes....Pages 713-714
Proliferative response of Rhizobium etli strains to the mixture of common bean exudate and the soil extract....Pages 715-716
Physiochemical mechanism of nitrate nitrogen stress on root nodulation in common bean and soybean seedlings....Pages 717-718
Influence of native root microflora on wheat growth....Pages 719-720
Effect of Ca Levels and some fertilizer application formulas on yield and biological nitrogen fixation by peanut in Vietnam....Pages 721-722
Assimilation of biological and mineral nitrogen of pea plants in symbiosis with nodule bacteria....Pages 723-724
Front Matter....Pages 725-725
The effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and phosphorus nutrition of Populus nigra seedlings....Pages 727-732
Growth stimulatory substances for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Bahia grass ( Paspalum notatum Flügge.) roots....Pages 733-736
Transport processes at the plant-fungus interface in mycorrhizal associations: physiological studies....Pages 737-742
Root colonization and iron nutritional status of a Pseudomonas fluorescens in different plant species....Pages 743-748
Phosphorus transfer via vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal link between roots of red clover....Pages 749-750
Relationship of crop yield to microbial biomass in highly-weathered soils of China....Pages 751-752
Detection of amo gene of chemolithotrophic ammonia-oxidizers in soil by nested PCR....Pages 753-754
Front Matter....Pages 725-725
Effects of strontium treatment on bacterial wilt development and the concentration of strontium in inoculated tomato seedlings....Pages 755-756
Effect of fertilization on suppression of common scab of potato....Pages 757-758
Role of plant nutrition on alleviating nematode parasitism....Pages 759-760
Effects of previous crops on the arbuscular mycorrhizal formation of maize plants under different soil moisture conditions....Pages 761-762
Nitrogen transformations to carbon mineralization in soil....Pages 763-764
The effect of various plant residues on microbial activity and N mineralization in Kurupelit soil....Pages 765-766
Suppressive effect of Geranium pratense L. on potato common scab and identification of the effective compound....Pages 767-768
Effects of different plant species on soil microbial biomass carbon in a grassland soil....Pages 769-770
Responses of phosphorus uptake and growth of Allium fistulosum L. cultivars to arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation....Pages 771-772
A rapid method for determining bacterial biomass on the root surface....Pages 773-774
Arbuscular mycorrhizal infection decreases the free amino acid contents in the host plant....Pages 775-776
Effects of added organic matter on microbial biomass nitrogen dynamics and plant uptake in paddy soils....Pages 777-778
Bases of physiological and biochemical interactions between plants and microorganisms in agrocenoses....Pages 779-780
Front Matter....Pages 781-781
Nutritional physiology of the rice plant and productivity decline of irrigated rice systems in the tropics....Pages 783-788
Molecular markers linked to genes underlying seedling tolerance for ferrous iron toxicity....Pages 789-792
Applications of a simple rice-nitrogen model....Pages 793-798
Possibility of copper deficiency and impediment in ripening in rice from application of crop residues in submerged soil....Pages 799-800
Rice seedling establishment as affected by soil type and redox potential....Pages 801-802
Effects of Indonesian electric furnace slag on rice yield and chemical properties of soils....Pages 803-804
The use of an anti-lodging agent for rice fertilized with controlled-release urea....Pages 805-806
Front Matter....Pages 781-781
Photosynthesized carbon distribution in relation to nitrogen and phosphorus status of rice leaves....Pages 807-808
Isolation of genomic DNA fragment of rice phloem thioredoxin h....Pages 809-810
Increase of PEPC activity in developing rice seeds with nitrogen application at flowering stage....Pages 811-812
Sulfur status of rice and lowland soils in West Africa....Pages 813-814
Fertilizer management and nitrogen use efficiency for irrigated rice grown on calcareous-alkaline soils....Pages 815-816
Behavior of nitrogen in soil and uptake by the rice plant....Pages 817-818
Front Matter....Pages 819-819
Comparison of contents for cytosolic-glutamine synthetase and NADH-dependent glutamate synthase proteins in leaves of japonica, indica, and javanica rice plants....Pages 821-826
Ammonia exchange between plants and the atmosphere: Effects of ammonium supply to the roots, dark-induced senescence and reduced GS activity....Pages 827-831
Effects of exogenous ABA application on sulfate and OAS concentrations, and on composition of seed storage proteins in in vitro cultured soybean immature cotyledons....Pages 833-837
Agrobacterium -mediated transformation of Sasanishiki, a leading cultivar of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in northern Japan....Pages 839-840
The effect of nitrogen nutrition on the resistance of tobacco to light stress....Pages 841-842
Nitrogen and sulphur nutrition of oilseed rape and crop quality....Pages 843-844
Peanut glutamate dehydrogenase: A target site of herbicide action....Pages 845-850
Effects of amides on the expression of NADH and NAD(P)H nitrate reductase genes in barley seedlings....Pages 851-852
Depression of β -subunit accumulation in nitrogen deficient soybean seeds....Pages 853-854
Purification and characterization of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase of radish seedlings....Pages 855-856
Effects of seleno-methionine on accumulation of seed storage proteins of soybean....Pages 857-858
Seed derived nitrogen in bean plant organs during early growth stages....Pages 859-860
Regulation of nitrate reduction by sink activity in soybean ( Glycine max L.)....Pages 861-862
The effects of nitrate on sprouting of grapevine buds and changes in amino acid concentration....Pages 863-864
Front Matter....Pages 865-865
Cotton responses to nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and temperature interactions....Pages 867-872
Growth, grain yield and quality of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in response to elevated CO 2 and phosphorus nutrition....Pages 873-878
Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) content and nitrogen allocation in rice leaves under CO 2 enrichment: Optimization of Rubisco content by ‘antisense’ rbc S....Pages 879-884
Critical stage of nitrogen requirement for citrus fruit development....Pages 885-886
Effects of high CO 2 on nodule formation in roots of Japanese mountain alder seedlings grown under two nutrient levels....Pages 887-888
Effect of potassium nutrition on translocation of photosynthesized 14 C and carbon-nitrogen metabolism in leaves of various crop plants....Pages 889-890
How do nutrients drive growth?....Pages 891-895
The role of molecular oxygen in the photosynthetic electron transport of higher plants....Pages 897-898
No biochemical evidence for separating respiration into growth and maintenance....Pages 899-900
Nutritional characteristics of sago palm ( Metroxylon sagus )....Pages 901-902
Effect of brassinolide on growth and parameters of photoautotrophically cultured green tobacco cells....Pages 903-904
Aluminum and calcium effects on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in taro....Pages 905-906
Factors controlling leaf area development in husk leaf of flint corn ( Zea mays L.)....Pages 907-908
Effect of CO 2 enrichment on stem and fruit diameters, and fruit growth in Japanese pear ( Pyrus serotina Reheder)....Pages 909-910
Physiological characteristics of husk leaves and its contribution to grain production in maize ( Zea mays L.)....Pages 911-912
Different mechanisms of carbon-nitrogen interaction in cereal and legume crops....Pages 913-914
Front Matter....Pages 915-915
Sulphur nutrition: An important factor for the quality of wheat and rapeseed....Pages 917-922
Influence of late nitrogen application on nitrogen translocation and protein fractions of wheat genotypes differing in protein content....Pages 923-926
13 CO 2 feeding studies on the metabolism of carbohydrates, ascorbate and oxalate in spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L.)....Pages 927-931
A strategy for breeding staple-food crops with high micronutrient density....Pages 933-937
Front Matter....Pages 915-915
Response of sugar beet to foliar fertilization with Epsom salt (MgSO 4 .7H 2 O)....Pages 939-940
Effects of sulfate application and shading on myrosinase activity and S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide content in radish ( Raphanus sativus L.) roots....Pages 941-942
Changes in soybean quality resulting from applications of lime and potassium fertilizer....Pages 943-944
Improvement of phosphorus uptake of forage legumes by rock phosphate fertilization and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation....Pages 945-946
Genetic analysis of nitrogen contents in four wheat cultivars and their hybrids....Pages 947-948
Sugar beet yield and quality as affected by N fertilization and crop planting density....Pages 949-950
Effects of zinc and copper application on timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) growth on andisol grasslands in Konsen district....Pages 951-952
Effect of nitrogen fertilization and post-maturity rainfall on wheat grain quality....Pages 953-954
The role of winter wheat chromosomes 5D and 5A in nitrogen accumulation and grain protein content....Pages 955-956
Effect of ammonium-nitrogen supply on oxalic acid content in spinach grown in hydroponics and fields....Pages 957-958
A low cost ridge hammering tillage system for high quality production of sweet potato....Pages 959-960
Effects of nitrogen application on the yield and quality of F1-hybrid tomato seeds....Pages 961-962
Effects of replacing of nitrate with urea or chloride on the growth and nitrate accumulation in pak-choi in the hydroponics....Pages 963-964
Organic top dressing to improve yield and quality of paddy rice....Pages 965-966
Relationships between the mineralized-N levels in rice field soil and the total N levels in brown rice....Pages 967-968
Effect of NH 4 -N levels and K/Ca ratios in the nutrient solution on incidence of blossom-end rot and gold specks on tomato fruits grown in rockwool....Pages 969-970
Ascorbic acid and reducing sugars contained in two kinds of tomato fruits watered by different methods....Pages 971-972
Improving ascorbic acid content of tomato fruits by the oxidized yeast extract....Pages 973-974
Improvement of pineapple fruit quality by molybdenum....Pages 975-976
Back Matter....Pages 977-985
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
In the history of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium from its first meeting in 1954, this meeting, the 13th Colloquium, is the first to be held in Asia and will be the last in the 20th century. The 20th century has seen huge changes in the number and activities of mankind. Our population has increased from around 1. 7 billion to more than 5. 8 billion and technological innovations have completely altered our way of living. As a consequence of such rapid change, we are facing many problems including changes in our environment of a global scale. But, while food shortage has been a serious concern to mankind throughout our history, serious food shortages in the 20th century have been confined to limited times and areas. As Lester Brown discusses in this volume, farmers have increased food production heroically on demand. We, the plant nutritionists should be proud of our support to the world's farmers which has helped them make their achievement possible. During the 20th century, the science of plant nutrition also has achieved great progress as described by Jack Loneragan; it became established as a discipline firmly based in science, defined the chemical elements supporting plant growth, and has contributed to improvements in plant production and environmental quality, as readers will find in many contributions in this volume.