توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
درک فعل و انفعالات گیاه و خاک در خاک های اسیدی برای بهبود تولید غذا در بسیاری از نقاط جهان مهم است. متن کتاب به جنبه های اساسی و کاربردی فیزیک، شیمی و بیولوژی خاک های اسیدی و تأثیر آنها بر رشد گیاهان می پردازد. این شامل بخش بزرگی در مورد مدیریت خاک های اسیدی برای تولید گیاه (غذا) و جنبه های اجتماعی و اقتصادی مدیریت خاک های اسیدی است. این مهم است زیرا بخش بزرگی از خاک های اسیدی جهان در کشورهای کمتر توسعه یافته وجود دارد.
تداخلات گیاه و خاک در pH پایین: اصول و مدیریت حاوی تعداد قابل توجهی مقاله، از جمله نه مرور دعوت شده، ارائه شده در سومین سمپوزیوم بین المللی تعاملات گیاه و خاک در pH پایین است. موضوعات اصلی شامل شیمی و فیزیک خاک های اسیدی، فعالیت میکروبی و جانوری در خاک های اسیدی، مکانیسم های تحمل اسید گیاهان، انتخاب و اصلاح گیاهان مقاوم به اسید، تشخیص و اصلاح ناباروری خاک اسیدی، جنبه های اجتماعی و اقتصادی مدیریت خاک اسیدی و سیستم های مدیریتی برای کشاورزی، باغبانی و جنگلداری در خاک های اسیدی.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages I-1
Front Matter....Pages 3-3
Global extent, development and economic impact of acid soils....Pages 5-19
Front Matter....Pages 21-21
Soluble aluminium in acidic soils: Principles and practicalities....Pages 23-33
Potential solid phases controlling dissolved aluminium and iron concentrations in acidic soils....Pages 35-40
Amelioration of aluminium phytotoxicity with organic matter....Pages 41-45
Chromatographic techniques for the separation of Al and associated organic ligands present in soil solution....Pages 47-52
Quantitative 27 AI NMR spectroscopic studies of Al (III) complexes with organic acid ligands and their comparison with GEOCHEM predicted values....Pages 53-57
Aluminium reactions with polygalacturonate and related organic ligands....Pages 59-63
Forms of extractable aluminium in Canadian acid soils and their relations to plant growth....Pages 65-70
Phenolic acids in boreal peats from Finland and comparison with those from tropical and temperate areas....Pages 71-74
Rates and sources of acidification in agricultural systems of southern Australia....Pages 75-83
Effects of long-term application of phosphate fertilisers on soil acidity under pasture in New Zealand....Pages 85-91
A model for understanding the importance of various chemical, physical and biological processes in the development of soil profile acidity....Pages 93-98
Models for relating pH measurements in water and calcium chloride for a wide range of pH, soil types and depths....Pages 99-104
Long-term effects of ammonium nitrate application on soil pH, and micronutrients in soil and bromegrass hay....Pages 105-110
Nitrogen mineralisation and nitrification in acidic subsurface layers of soil....Pages 111-115
Reactions buffering pH in acid soils treated with lime....Pages 117-123
Phosphorus sorption of coal-mine soils in Galicia, NW Spain....Pages 125-128
Quantity/intensity relation and phosphorus availability in south Brazilian latosols as affected by form and placement of phosphorus and farmyard manure....Pages 129-133
The effect of flooding on S sorption capacity and AEC of variable charge soils....Pages 135-139
Solubility and mobility of copper, zinc and lead in acidic environments....Pages 141-146
Front Matter....Pages 21-21
Acid surface soil distribution and extent in Queensland, Australia....Pages 147-153
Does climate influence the pH of Queensland surface soils?....Pages 155-160
Influence of acid rain and ozone on soil heavy metals under loblolly pine trees: A field study....Pages 161-164
Front Matter....Pages 165-165
Microbial activity in acid soils....Pages 167-172
A mechanism of aluminium toxicity to soil bacteria and possible ecological implications....Pages 173-179
Characteristics of an ideotype acid tolerant pasture legume symbiosis in Mediterranean agriculture....Pages 181-186
Effect of pH on nitrogenase activity and mineral composition of Medicago truncatula cv. Jemalong and M. polymorpha cv. Serena inoculated with Rhizobium meliloti ....Pages 187-191
Effects of excess aluminium and manganese on growth and phosphorus nutrition of mycorrhizal sorghum grown under acidic conditions....Pages 193-199
Faunal activity in acid soils....Pages 201-211
Abundance of earthworms in soils used for cereal production in south-eastern Australia and their role in reducing soil acidity....Pages 213-218
Front Matter....Pages 219-219
Techniques for assessing plant responses on acid soils....Pages 221-233
Adaptation of tropical forage species to acid soils: the influence of varying phosphorus supply and soil type on plant growth....Pages 235-241
Tolerance and avoidance of Al toxicity by Mucuna pruriens var. utilis at different levels of P supply....Pages 243-247
Tolerance of Australian tropical and subtropical Acacias to acid soil....Pages 249-253
Overcoming barriers to understanding the cellular basis of aluminium resistance....Pages 255-269
Plasma membrane of younger and outer cells is the primary specific site for aluminium toxicity in roots....Pages 271-278
Effect of aluminium on membrane properties of soybean ( Glycine max ) cells in suspension culture....Pages 279-284
Involvement of plasma membrane potential in the tolerance mechanism of plant roots to aluminium toxicity....Pages 285-290
Transmembrane calcium fluxes during Al stress....Pages 291-296
Aluminium and calcium transport interactions in intact roots and root plasmalemma vesicles from aluminium-sensitive and tolerant wheat cultivars....Pages 297-301
Front Matter....Pages 219-219
Antagonism between aluminium and calcium for sorption by calcium pectate....Pages 303-306
Magnesium uptake by Al-stressed maize plants with special emphasis on cation interactions at root exchange sites....Pages 307-312
Analysis of acid-soil stress in sorghum genotypes with emphasis on aluminium and magnesium interactions....Pages 313-316
Root growth analysis: An underutilised approach to understanding aluminium rhizotoxicity....Pages 317-323
The effect of aluminium concentration on root hairs in white clover ( Trifolium repens L.)....Pages 325-328
Physiological response of root tip of alfalfa to low pH and aluminium stress in water culture....Pages 329-331
Ultrastructural investigations and EDX-analyses of Al-treated oat ( Avena sativa) roots....Pages 333-339
Increase of ATP-dependent H + pump activity of tonoplast of barley roots by aluminium stress: Possible involvement of abscisic acid for the regulation....Pages 341-344
Solution pH modifies the response of Norway spruce seedlings to aluminium....Pages 345-348
Effect of nitrogen source and aluminium on the growth of two wheat cultvars known to differ in aluminium tolerance....Pages 349-352
Characteristics of carrot plant regenerated from two cell line selected as either ionic-Al tolerant cell or Al-phosphate utilizing cells....Pages 353-357
Determining factors for aluminium toxicity in cultured tobacco cells: medium components and cellular growth conditions....Pages 359-361
Aluminium tolerance caused by phosphate starvation in cultured tobacco cells....Pages 363-366
Phytotoxicity of monomer aluminium ions and hydroxy-aluminium polymer ions in an Andosol....Pages 367-370
Performance of soybean cultivars at different concentrations of manganese in nutrient solution....Pages 371-373
Cadmium and copper interactions on the accumulation and distribution of Cd and Cu in birch ( Betula pendula Roth) seedlings....Pages 375-377
Physiological state of shoots and roots and of energy transformation systems in plants at low pH....Pages 379-383
Regulation of electrogenesis of root cells at low pH....Pages 385-388
Front Matter....Pages 389-389
Advances in the selection and breeding of acid-tolerant plants: Rice, maize, sorghum and tropical forages....Pages 391-406
Use of improved tolerant cultivars to increase rice production on acid histosols of southern Sri Lanka....Pages 407-411
Front Matter....Pages 389-389
Response of rice cultivars to increased iron and aluminium concentrations....Pages 413-417
Progress from selection for tolerance to soil acidity in five tropical maize populations....Pages 419-424
Soil acidity effects on agribotanical traits of durum and common wheat....Pages 425-428
A proposal for a working group on acid soil tolerance in grain legumes....Pages 429-431
The effect of aluminium on the growth of a range of temperate legume species and cultivars: A summary of results....Pages 433-437
Chemical content of Al-tolerant and Al-susceptible breeding lines of white clover....Pages 439-445
Distribution of Al-tolerance in crosses between genotypes of white clover selected for either Al-tolerance or Al-susceptibility....Pages 447-450
In vitro selection for aluminium tolerance in red clover ( Trifolium pratense L.)....Pages 451-453
Improving the acid-soil tolerance of Medicago sativa by asymmetric somatic hybridisation....Pages 455-457
Quantitative genetic variation for acid soil tolerance in a Phalaris aquatica × P. arundinacea × P. aquatica backcross population....Pages 459-463
Front Matter....Pages 465-465
Acidification of sub-surface soils under pastures in Victoria, Australia....Pages 467-471
Soil acidification under pastures of north-eastern Victoria five years after liming....Pages 473-477
Field calibration of lime requirement soil tests....Pages 479-484
Modified lime requirement for South African sugar belt soils based on an aluminium to sulphur ratio....Pages 485-489
Agronomic efficiency of limestones with different acid-neutralizing capacity, under field condition....Pages 491-496
Evaluation of liming materials used in South Australia....Pages 497-503
Limestone efficiency and boron effects on forage yield and soil properties....Pages 505-510
Residual effects of dolomitic limestone on corn grown on an acidic Malaysian Ultisol....Pages 511-517
Effects of coal flue gas desulfurisation by-products and calcium-sulfite, -sulfate and -carbonate on maize grown in acid soil....Pages 519-525
Effect of gypsum application rate and leaching regime on wheat growth in a highly acidic subsoil....Pages 527-530
Front Matter....Pages 465-465
Efficiency of surface-applied ameliorants for alleviating acidity in two vineyard soil types....Pages 531-536
Diagnosis of maize yield response to lime in some weathered acidic soils....Pages 537-541
Soybean yield and root growth as affected by lime rate and quality....Pages 543-547
Crop response to amendments on two high manganese soils in southeast Queensland....Pages 549-553
Fertilizer and lime response in acid soils of Sumatra....Pages 555-559
Response of round-leafed cassia ( Cassia rotundifolia) to phosphorus, potassium and lime on ultisol soils in subtropical China....Pages 561-564
Effect of lime and sulphur on an acid alfisol and yield of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) and sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) in the semi-arid tropics....Pages 565-568
Effect of liming an acidic Malaysian Ultisol on element concentrations in the soil solution and element uptake by corn and groundnut....Pages 569-572
Amelioration of acidity in subsurface soil using organic and inorganic calcium compounds....Pages 573-577
The effect of different organic materials on the alleviation of Al toxicity in soybean on a red-yellow podzolic soil....Pages 579-584
Effects of organic acid fractions extracted from Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves on root elongation of maize ( Zea mays ) in the presence and absence of aluminium....Pages 585-588
Relationship between soil solution aluminium and low molecular weight organic acids in a conservation cropping system....Pages 589-593
Evaluation of paper mill lime sludge as an acid soil amendment in Northeast Thailand....Pages 595-599
Changes in pH of a Florida citrus soil in response to basic slag and calcium hydroxide applications....Pages 601-604
Long-term plant persistence on highly acidic soils amended with organic materials in two climatic zones....Pages 605-610
Effects of soil amendments on plant growth in pyritic soil....Pages 611-616
Effects of silicic acid on the chemistry of monomeric and polymeric (Al 13 ) aluminium species in solutions....Pages 617-621
Effect of ionic strength on wheat yield in the presence and absence of aluminium....Pages 623-626
Growth of sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas L.) as affected by pH in solution culture....Pages 627-630
Hydrogen ion inhibition of copper uptake by citrus seedlings....Pages 631-634
Front Matter....Pages 465-465
Acidity and phosphorus interactions: Some preliminary observations on rhizosphere soil....Pages 635-639
Liming effect of reactive phosphate rocks: A laboratory evaluation....Pages 641-645
Use of phosphate rocks for sweet corn production on a Malaysian Ultisol....Pages 647-651
Effect of rock phosphate on soil properties and apparent phosphorus recovery in acid soil of Sumatra....Pages 653-656
Evaluation of soil tests for predicting pasture response on acid soils to phosphate supplied in water soluble and sparingly soluble forms....Pages 657-660
Front Matter....Pages 661-661
Socio-economic aspects of acid soil management....Pages 663-669
A socio-economic assessment of smallholder maize farming on acid soils in Northern Mindanao, The Philippines....Pages 671-677
Socio-economic aspects of rubber intercropping on acid soils in Southern Thailand....Pages 679-684
A socio-economic assessment of land-use practices in a transmigration settlement on acid soils in South Kalimantan, Indonesia....Pages 685-688
Socio-economic aspects of acid soil management and alternative landuse systems for north eastern states of India....Pages 689-695
Socio-economic considerations in the planning of agroforestry systems for the acid uplands of northern Vietnam....Pages 697-702
Longevity of liming in western Canada: Soil pH, crop yield and economics....Pages 703-710
A group approach to improving understanding of soil acidity....Pages 711-715
Marketing soil acidity knowledge in Western Australia....Pages 717-721
Acid soils: A farmer awareness program....Pages 723-725
Front Matter....Pages 727-727
Strategies for the management of soil acidity....Pages 729-741
Applying information from research on soil acidity through decision support systems....Pages 743-748
Soil acidification and lime use in some agricultural systems in Queensland, Australia....Pages 749-752
Historical review of liming practices in Hokkaido, Northern Japan....Pages 753-755
Management of acid soils for sustainable food crop production in the Philippines....Pages 757-760
Front Matter....Pages 727-727
Management of acid soils for opportunity food crop production in southern Thailand....Pages 761-766
Crop residue management for increasing production of pearl millet on acid sandy soils in Niger, West Africa....Pages 767-770
Acid upland soil in Vietnam and their management for agriculture....Pages 771-774
Rock phosphate and minimum tillage for management of acid soil in Sumatra....Pages 775-778
Nitrogen supply from rotational or spatially zoned inclusion of Leguminosae for sustainable maize production on an acid soil in Indonesia....Pages 779-784
Soil acidification under nitrogen-fertilised pastures in tropical Australia....Pages 785-790
The effects of soil pH on Cd concentration in wheat grain grown in south-eastern Australia....Pages 791-795
Acid soil management in orchard soils of the South Western Cape Province, South Africa....Pages 797-802
Effect of low soil pH from different fertilisers on performance of apple and pear trees....Pages 803-807
Effects of NK fertiliser on soil pH and exchangeable K status on acid soils in an oil palm plantation in Malaysia....Pages 809-815
Aluminium species and pH in soil solution under different crops....Pages 817-822
Back Matter....Pages 823-824
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The understanding of plant-soil interactions in acid soils is important for improved food production in many parts of the world. The context of the book touches on basic and applied aspects of the physics, chemistry and biology of acid soils and their effect on growth of plants. It contains a large section on management of acid soils for plant (food) production and on socioeconomic aspects of management of acid soils. This is important because a large portion of the world's acid soils occurs in less developed countries.
Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH: Principles and Management contains a substantial number of papers, including nine invited reviews, presented at the Third International Symposium of Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. The major themes include chemistry and physics of acid soils, microbial and faunal activity in acid soils, mechanisms of acid tolerance of plants, selection and breeding of acid-tolerant plants, diagnosis and correction of acid soil infertility, socioeconomic aspects of acid soil management and management systems for agriculture, horticulture and forestry on acid soils.