Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-Exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)

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کتاب مناسک کشیش و خشم نبوی: نقد نبوی پس از تبعید بر کهانت (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe) نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب مناسک کشیش و خشم نبوی: نقد نبوی پس از تبعید بر کهانت (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe) بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-Exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)

نام کتاب : Priestly Rites and Prophetic Rage: Post-Exilic Prophetic Critique of the Priesthood (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مناسک کشیش و خشم نبوی: نقد نبوی پس از تبعید بر کهانت (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Mohr Siebeck
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 339
ISBN (شابک) : 3161490592 , 9783161490590
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 30 مگابایت

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Cover\nTitel\nPreface\nTable of Contents\nAbbreviations\nIntroduction\nChapter 1: History of Research\n 1. Introduction: a divided Judah\n 2. Isaiah 56–66\n 2.1. A division between the returned exiles and the Samarians\n 2.2. A division between the Pharisees and the Sadducees\n 2.3. A division between the prophets’ followers and the priests\n 2.4. A division between parties\n 2.4.1. Critique of Hanson’s theory\n 3. Haggai and Zechariah 1–8\n 4. Proposal\nChapter 2: Defining the Borders of the Passages Dealing with the Priesthood\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Malachi\n 2.1 Malachi 1:6–2:9\n 2.2 Malachi 2:10–16\n 2.2.1. References to the altar, the temple and its personnel\n 2.2.2. Inter-textual links to Malachi 1:6–2:9\n 2.2.3. Priestly terminology\n 2.2.4. Links with other texts where the priests might be addressed\n 2.2.5. Conclusion\n 2.3. A priestly audience throughout Malachi 2:17–3:4\n 2.3.1. The redaction history of Malachi 2:17–3:4\n 2.3.2. Malachi 3:1 – References to the temple\n 2.3.3. Malachi 3:2–4 – Cleaning of the priesthood\n 2.3.4. Similarities with other that probably address the priests\n 2.4. Malachi 3:6ff.\n 2.5. Conclusion\n 3. Haggai\n 3.1. Lack of continuity between Haggai 2:14 and 15\n 3.2. The redactional character of Haggai 2:18\n 4. Zechariah 1–8\n 4.1. The secondary character of Zechariah 3:8b and 10\n 4.2. The integral character of Zechariah 3:6–7\n 4.3. Zechariah 7:1–8:24\n 5. Isaiah 56–66\n 5.1. Isaiah 56:9–59:21\n 5.1.1. Isaiah 56:9–57:21 – One continuous literary composition\n 5.1.2. No division between Isaiah 56:9–57:13 and 57:14–21\n 5.1.3. No division between Isaiah 57:2 and 3\n 5.1.4. The integral character of Isaiah 57:5\n 5.1.5. The textual unity of Isaiah 57:14–21\n 5.1.6. The original character of Isaiah 57:20–21\n 5.1.7. Conclusion\n 5.2. Isaiah 58–59\n 5.2.1. The literary unity of Isaiah 58:1–4\n 5.2.2. The literary unity of Isaiah 58 and 59\n 5.2.3. The literary unity of all of Isaiah 56:9–59:21\n 5.2.4. Conclusion\n 5.3. Isaiah 65:1–66:17\n 5.3.1. The literary unity of Isaiah 66:1–6\n Claim: Isaiah 66:1–2 and 3–4 stem from two different authors\n Claim: Isaiah 66:5 is an isolated element\n Claim: Isaiah 66:5–6 is redactional\n Response: The extended textual unity of Isaiah 66:1–6\n 5.3.2. The textual unity of Isaiah 65:1–66:17\n The textual unity of Isaiah 65\n Isaiah 66:1ff. is the original continuation of Isaiah 65\n Isaiah 65:1–66:17 is one extended literary unity\n 5.3.3. The relationship between Isaiah 56:9–59:21 and Isaiah 65:1–66:17\n 5.4. Isaiah 63:7–64:11\n 5.4.1. The literary unity of Isaiah 63:7–64:11\n 5.4.2. The Sitz-im-Leben of Isaiah 63:7–64:11\n 5.4.3. The relationship between Isaiah 63:7–64:11 and Isaiah 65:1–66:17\n Two independent texts or one text written to respond to the other?\n A positive or a negative response?\n The lamenting people are among the pious\n The lamenting people are among the sinners\n The place of Isaiah 63:7–64:11 in the book of Isaiah\n Conclusion\n 5.5. Isaiah 60–62\n 5.5.1. The unity of Isaiah 60–62\n 5.5.2. Isaiah 60:7\n 5.5.3. Isaiah 60:10\n 5.5.4. Isaiah 61:5–6\n 5.5.5. Conclusion\n 5.6. Isaiah 56:1–8 and 66:18–24\n 6. Conclusion\nChapter 3: Dating of the Relevant Texts\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Isaiah 56–66\n 2.1. Isaiah 60–62\n 2.2. Isaiah 56:9–59:21 and 65:1–66:17\n 2.2.1. Isaiah 66:1, 6 – The reference to the temple\n 2.2.2. Isaiah 58 – Ruins, fasting and social injustice\n 2.3. Isaiah 63:7–64:11\n 2.4. Isaiah 56:1–8 and Isaiah 66:18–24\n 3. Haggai and Zechariah 1–8\n 4. Malachi\n 5. Conclusion\nChapter 4: God’s Injustice and the Priests’ Claim to Righteousness\n 1. Introduction and historical background\n 2. Isaiah 57:12 – The priests’ professed righteousness\n 3. Isaiah 58:1–3a – Further claims to be righteousness\n 3.1. The identity of the people asking the Lord\n 3.2. The significance of a waw\n 3.3. Isaiah 58:2b–3a – The disparate understandings of the prophet and the priests\n 3.4. Understanding Zechariah 7:4–7 in the context of Isaiah 58\n 3.4.1. The identity of the target audience\n 3.4.2. The interpretation of Zechariah 7:4–7\n 3.4.3. Interpreting Zechariah 7:4–7 through Isaiah 58\n 4. Isaiah 65:5 – The priests’ professed holiness\n 4.1. Identity of the target audience of Isaiah 65:5\n 4.2. Interpretation of Isaiah 65:5\n 4.3. Conclusion\n 5. Isaiah 63:7–64:11 – The priests’ lament\n 5.1. Isaiah 63:11, 15, 19b–64:2, 6, and 11 – God’s absence\n 5.2. Isaiah 63:17, 19b; 64:4–5 – God’s unjust treatment of Judah\n 5.2.1. Exegetical considerations of Isaiah 64:4\n The expression פגעת את-שש\n The syntactic relation between הן-אתה קצפת\r and ונחטא\n The expression בהם עולם ונושע and the exegesis Isaiah 64:5\n 5.2.2. Exegetical considerations of Isaiah 64:5\n 5.3. Conclusion\n 6. Malachi\n 6.1. Malachi 1:6–12 – Disdain for God and His altar\n 6.2. Malachi 2:13–14 – Wailing and weeping because of God’s rejection\n 6.3. Malachi 2:17 – Questioning the divine justice\n 6.4. Summary\n 7. Conclusion\nChapter 5: The Priests’ Lack of Knowledge and their Failure to Teach\n 1. Introduction\n 2. The command given to the priests to provide instruction\n 3. Pre-exilic critique of the priests’ teaching\n 3.1. Hosea 4:6 and Jeremiah 2:8 – Lack of knowledge and teaching ability\n 3.2. Micah 3:11 and Jeremiah 5:31 – Wrong teaching\n 3.3. Summary\n 4. Isaiah 56:9–12 – The priests’ failure to understand\n 4.1. The identification of the leaders\n 4.2. Exegesis and comparison of Isaiah 56:9–12\n 5. Malachi 2:1–9 – The ideal and the real priest\n 5.1. Malachi 2:1–9 – The identity of Levi and God’s covenant with him\n 5.2. The idyllic priestly teaching\n 5.3. Malachi 2:8–9 – The priests’ failure to live up to the expectations\n 6. Conclusion\nChapter 6: Social Injustice\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Pre-exilic criticism – Amos 2:8\n 3. Isaiah 58:3–5 – Business on a day of rest\n 4. Zechariah 5:1–4 – A flying scroll\n 5. Malachi 3:5 – Perjury and oppression\n 6. Nehemiah 5 – The social injustice committed by the post-exilic leadership\n 7. Conclusion\nChapter 7: Unorthodox Rites\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Pre-exilic critique – Hosea 4:10–14\n 3. Isaiah 57:6–8 – Orthodoxy and unorthodoxy\n 3.1. Isaiah 57:6 – Ancestral worship and temple sacrifices\n 3.2. Isaiah 57:7–8 – Unorthodox rites in God’s temple\n 3.2.1. Identification of the mountain in 57:7\n 3.2.2. The activities carried out upon the “high and lofty mountain”\n 3.3. Conclusion\n 4. Isaiah 65:3–4 – Illicit sacrifices and forbidden food\n 4.1. Isaiah 65:3 – Sacrificing in gardens (זבחים בגנות)\n 4.2. Isaiah 65:3 – Illegitimate sacrifices of incense (מקטרים על-הלבנים)\n 4.3. Isaiah 65:4 – Sitting among graves (הישבים בקברים)\n 4.4. Isaiah 65:4 – Sleeping in guarded places (בנצורים ילינו)\n 4.5. Isaiah 65:4 – Eating of pork (מאכלים בשר החזיר)\n 4.6. Conclusion\n 5. Isaiah 66:3 – Syncretism and critique of sacrificial cult\n 5.1 Syntactical issues\n 5.1.1. A comparative reading\n The place of sacrificing is not the right one\n The temple worship has no independent value\n The legitimate worship of YHWH is an idolatrous act\n 5.1.2. A subject-predicate reading\n 5.2. The priestly identity of the people in Isaiah 66:3\n 5.3. The interpretation of the rituals\n 5.3.1a. מכה-איש\n 5.3.2a. ערף כלב\n 5.3.3a. דם-חזיר\n 5.3.4a. מברך און\n 5.3.5a. גם-המה בחרו בדרכיהם ובשקוציהם נפשם חפצה\n 5.3.6. Conclusion\n 6. Conclusion\nChapter 8: Priestly Intermarriages\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Intermarriages in the Old Testament\n 3. Ezra-Nehemiah – The crisis of the priestly intermarriages\n 3.1. The lists in Ezra 10:18–22 and in Nehemiah 10:1–8\n 3.2. Ezra 9:1–15 – Intermarriages and idolatry/unorthodoxy\n 3.2.1. Who were these priests and whom did they marry?\n The insiders’ name\n 3.2.2. The ancient nations\n 3.2.3. How is the expression והתערבו זרע הקדש to be understood?\n 3.3. Nehemiah 6 and 13 – Intermarriages cause disloyalty\n 3.3.1. Nehemiah 6\n 3.3.2. Nehemiah 13\n 3.4. Conclusion\n 4. Malachi 2:10–16 – Intermarriage or unorthodoxy\n 5. The relation between Ezra-Nehemiah and Malachi\n 6. Post-Biblical connections\n 7. Conclusion\nChapter 9: Foreign Alliances\n 1. Introduction\n 2. The understanding of the verb תשרי\n 3. The understanding of the word מלך\n 3.1. The envoys to Sheol\n 4. Conclusion\nChapter 10: The Priests’ Cultic Neglect\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Texts relating to the pre-exilic period\n 2.1. 1 Samuel 2:12–17\n 2.2. Hosea 4:8\n 2.3. Hosea 8:11–13\n 2.4. Conclusion\n 3. Malachi\n 3.1. Malachi 1:6–7, 12 – The priests’ attitude\n 3.2. Malachi 1:8, 13ab–14a – Faulty animals\n 4. Malachi 1:13 and Isaiah 61:8\n 5. Conclusion\nChapter 11: The Priests’ Impurity\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Pre-exilic criticism – Zephaniah 3:4\n 3. Haggai 2:10–14\n 3.1. Sitz-im-Leben – The reason for the inquiry\n 3.1.1. The absence of Joshua\n 3.2. The inquiry – Holy versus impure\n 3.2.1. The priestly duty of separating between purity and impurity\n 3.2.2. Secondary touch\n 3.3 The message of Haggai 2:14\n 3.3.1. The identity of העם-הזה\r and הגוי הזה\n 3.3.2. The reason for the impurity of the Judahites in Haggai 2:14\n Failure to live a moral life\n Failure to build the temple\n Failure of the people and their leaders to keep pure\n 3.4. The relation between Haggai 2:10–14 and Isaiah 56–66\n 3.5. Conclusion\n 4. Zechariah\n 5. Malachi\n 5.1. Cursing their blessing\n 5.2. Rebuking the seed\n 5.3. Spreading filth\n 5.4. Conclusion\n 6. Conclusion\nChapter 12: The dream of a Cleansed Priesthood\n 1. Introduction\n 2. A cleansed priesthood – Zechariah\n 2.1. The celebration of the Day of Atonement\n 2.2. Tasks and Privileges\n 2.3. Zechariah 6:9–15 – The newly cleansed priests’ additional tasks\n 3. A cleansed priesthood – Malachi\n 3.1. Who will do the cleansing?\n 3.2. The method of cleansing\n 3.3. The result of the cleansing\n 3.4. Conclusion\n 4. The alternative vision – Malachi 1:10–11\n 5. Conclusion\nChapter 13: The Vision of the Priests’ Destruction\n 1. Introduction\n 2. Isaiah 66:1–2 – Rejection of the temple builders\n 3. Isaiah 66:5 – The identity of the “brothers”\n 3.1. Syntactical concerns\n 3.2. Information about the “brothers” based on Isaiah 66:5\n 3.3. The identification of the “brothers” with the priesthood in Jerusalem\n 4. Isaiah 66:6 – The judgement in the temple\n 5. Isaiah 66:1–6 and the prophecies of Haggai\n 6. Conclusion\nChapter 14 – The Original Vision and its Modification\n 1. Introduction\n 2. The definition and understanding of the key words\n 2.1. Isaiah 60–62\n 2.2. Isaiah 56:1–8\n 2.3. Isaiah 56:1–8 and Isaiah 60–62 – An inter-textual comparison\n 2.3.1. The expression בן נכר\n 2.3.2. The expressions יעלו על-רצון מזבחו and עולתיהם וזבחיהם לרצון על-מזבחי\n 2.3.3. The root שרת\n 2.3.4. The root קבץ\n 2.3.5. The interpretation of Isaiah 56:1–8 as a corrective of Isaiah 60–62\n 3. Isaiah 66:2–21 – The vision of the future priesthood\n 3.1. Isaiah 66:20–21 and the rest of Isaiah 56–66\n 3.1.1. Isaiah 66:20 and Isaiah 60:7 – An inter-textual comparison\n 3.1.2. Isaiah 66:20 and Isaiah 65:1–66:17\n 4. Three revolutionary views of the priesthood\n 4.1. Isaiah 61:6 – The democratization of the priesthood for all Judahites\n 4.2. Isaiah 56:1–8 – The participation of proselytes in the priesthood\n 4.3. Isaiah 66:21 – The globalization of the priesthood\n 5. Conclusion\nConcluding Remarks\nBibliography\nSource Index\nAuthor Index\nSubject Index

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