Principles and Applications of Free Space Optical Communications

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کتاب اصول و کاربردهای ارتباطات نوری فضای آزاد نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Principles and Applications of Free Space Optical Communications

نام کتاب : Principles and Applications of Free Space Optical Communications
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : اصول و کاربردهای ارتباطات نوری فضای آزاد
سری : IET Telecommunications Series, 78
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : The Institution of Engineering and Technology
سال نشر : 2019
تعداد صفحات : 495
ISBN (شابک) : 1785614150 , 9781785614156
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 40 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

List of acronyms
1 Introduction to free space optical (FSO) communications
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Free space optics
1.3 FSO applications
1.4 Key features and advantageous
1.5 FSO networks
1.6 Factors affecting FSO systems
1.7 FSO link reliability
2 Free-space optical communication over strong atmospheric turbulence channels
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Turbulence model
2.3 OAM multiplexing
2.4 Dealing with atmospheric turbulence effects by adaptive optics and LDPC coding
2.5 Concluding remarks
3 Performance analysis and mitigation of turbulence effects using spatial diversity techniques in FSO systems over combined channel
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Combined channel model
3.2.1 Atmospheric attenuation
3.2.2 Atmospheric turbulence
3.2.3 Misalignment fading or pointing errors
3.2.4 Combined channel model
3.3 Techniques for improving the reliability of FSO systems
3.3.1 Aperture averaging
3.3.2 Diversity techniques
3.3.3 Relaying techniques
3.4 Transmitter diversity in strong atmospheric turbulence channel using Polsk scheme
3.4.1 The FSO System with wavelength or time diversity
3.4.2 Channel model
3.4.3 Average BER
3.4.4 Outage probability
3.5 Multiple input multiple output
3.5.1 ABER analysis of PolSK
3.5.2 BER of Polsk with and without pointing errors ABER without pointing errors ABER with pointing errors
3.6 Summary
Appendix A
4 Link budget for a terrestrial FSO link and performance of space time block codes over FSO channels
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Terrestrial FSO
4.2 Channel modeling
4.2.1 Gamma–gamma distribution
4.3 Link budget
4.3.1 Geometric loss
4.3.2 Attenuation due to atmospheric turbulence
4.3.3 Rytov approximation
4.3.4 Andrews\'s method
4.3.5 Atmospheric extinction loss
4.3.6 Link budget Variation of parameters with link distance Variation of parameters with weather conditions Required transmitted power
4.4 Diversity
4.4.1 Space diversity
4.4.2 Space-time diversity
4.4.3 Alamouti space-time code Description of 2 ×1 Alamouti scheme The encoding and transmission sequence The combining scheme The maximum likelihood decision rule
4.4.4 Description of 2 × 2 Alamouti scheme The encoding and transmission sequence The combining scheme The maximum likelihood decision rule
4.4.5 Modified Alamouti code
4.5 STBCs derived from non binary cyclic codes
4.5.1 Cyclic code
4.5.2 Rank distance
4.5.3 Transform domain description of cyclic codes
4.5.4 Cyclotomic coset
4.5.5 Gaussian integer map [19] Decoding of STBC derived from non binary cyclic code
4.5.6 Description of non binary cyclic code used
4.6 Results
4.6.1 Comparison of the Alamouti scheme and STBCs derived from non binary cyclic code
4.7 Conclusions and scope for future work
5 FSO channel—atmospheric attenuation and refractive index (Cn2) modeling as the function of local weather data
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Design of FSO link experimental test-bed
5.3 Measurement of atmospheric attenuation (Aatt) and turbulence strength (Cn2)
5.4 Existing attenuation and turbulence models
5.4.1 Atmospheric optical attenuation
5.4.2 Atmospheric optical turbulence strength (Cn2)
5.5 Design of regressive model for attenuation and Cn2 estimation
5.5.1 Atmospheric attenuation (Aatt) model
5.5.2 Atmospheric turbulence strength (Cn2) model
5.6 Experimental validation of prediction accuracy of proposed models
5.6.1 Comparison of predicted and measured Aatt data
5.6.2 Comparison of predicted and measured Cn2 data
6 Spectral analysis and mitigation of beam wandering using optical spatial filtering technique in FSO communication
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Pinhole as the optical spatial filter
6.3 Pinhole and cone reflector as the optical spatial filter
6.4 Pinhole, cone reflector, and multi-mode fiber as the optical spatial filter
7 Characterization of atmospheric turbulence effects and their mitigation using wavelet-based signal processing
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Atmospheric turbulence effects
7.2.1 Scintillations Saturation of scintillations Aperture averaging Modification in determination of scintillation index
7.2.2 Beam wandering
7.2.3 Beam-pointing stability
7.3 Free space optical link experimental set-up and data acquisition
7.3.1 Transmitter and receiver design
7.3.2 Experimental set-up of 50 m folded free space optical link Signal capture procedure
7.3.3 Theoretical fit to the laser beam power profile
7.3.4 Controlled environment experimental set-up
7.4 Experimental analysis of turbulence effects
7.4.1 Analysis of the beam wandering
7.4.2 Signal statistics over a day and correlation with atmospheric parameters
7.4.3 Correlation of turbulence-related data with atmospheric parameters
7.4.4 Positional shift measurement
7.5 Turbulence effects mitigation using wavelets
7.5.1 Introduction to wavelet-based discrete signal processing
7.5.2 Compensation of the atmospheric turbulence-induced distortion using wavelet-based signal processing
7.5.3 Information recovery Average bit error rate ratio
8 All-optical relay-assisted FSO systems
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Fading mitigation techniques
8.1.2 Relay-assisted FSO communications
8.2 All-optical amplify-and-forward relay-assisted systems under turbulence effects
8.2.1 All-optical amplify-and-forward Performance analysis of triple-hop AOAF FSO
8.2.2 AOAF numerical analysis
8.2.3 Experimental analysis for single, dual-hop, and triple-hop AF systems
8.3 All-optical regenerate-and-forward relaying technique
8.3.1 Self-phase modulation-based 2R regenerator
8.3.2 Experimental analysis of AORF FSO
8.4 Conclusions
9 Optical spatial diversity for FSO communications
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Outdoor channel
9.3 Visibility and fog models
9.3.1 Kruse model
9.3.2 Kim model
9.3.3 Naboulsi model
9.4 Wavelength diversity to mitigate fog
9.5 Atmospheric turbulence model and mitigation
9.5.1 Lognormal turbulence model
9.5.2 The gamma–gamma turbulence model
9.6 Turbulence-induced fading mitigation methods
9.6.1 Aperture averaging
9.6.2 Spatial diversity
9.6.3 MIMO system
9.7 Conclusion
10 Analysis of the effects of aperture averaging and beam width on a partially coherent Gaussian beam over free-space optical communication links
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Background and motivation
10.3 An overview of free-space optical communications
10.3.1 System description
10.3.2 Gaussian-beam wave
10.3.3 Free-space optical communication channel Atmospheric loss Optical turbulence in the atmosphere Pointing errors Combined channel fading model
10.3.4 Aperture averaging phenomenon Extended Huygens–Fresnel principle Spatial covariance of irradiance fluctuations
10.4 Performance analysis
10.4.1 Bit-error rate
10.4.2 Probability of outage
10.4.3 Average channel capacity
10.5 Outage analysis
10.5.1 Outage probability under light fog condition
10.5.2 Outage probability under clear weather condition
10.6 Analysis of the aperture averaging effect
10.6.1 Error performance due to atmospheric effects
10.6.2 Average channel capacities due to channel state information
10.7 Beam width optimization
10.7.1 Dependence on link design criteria
10.7.2 Optimum beam width
10.8 Conclusions
11 Relaying techniques for free space optical communications
11.1 Introduction
11.2 System and channel model
11.3 Outage performance
11.3.1 Serial DF relaying
11.3.2 Parallel DF relaying
11.3.3 Optimization of relay location
11.3.4 Multi-hop parallel DF relaying
11.3.5 Serial AF relaying
11.3.6 Parallel AF relaying
11.4 Performance results of AF and DF relaying
11.5 All-optical AF relaying system
11.6 Summary
12 Experimental test of maximum likelihood thresholds based on Kalman filter estimates in on–off keyed laser communications in atmospheric turbulence
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Principle of the method of maximum likelihood thresholds based on Kalman filter estimates
12.2.1 Probabilistic nature of the propagating signals through atmospheric turbulence
12.2.2 Maximum likelihood thresholds
12.2.3 Turbulence-tracking Kalman filter Initial estimates Time update equations Measurement update equations
12.3 Experimental procedure and results
12.4 Comparison of threshold approaches
12.5 Conclusions
13 Signal encryption strategies based on acoustooptic chaos and mitigation of phase turbulence using encrypted chaos propagation
13.1 A-O Bragg diffraction of profiled optical beams
13.2 Transfer function formalism (TFF) for arbitrary optical profiles
13.3 Examination of the nonlinear dynamics under profiled beam propagation
13.4 Examination of dynamical behavior based on both Lyapunov exponent and bifurcation maps
13.5 Chaotic encryption and decryption in hybrid acousto-optic feedback (HAOF) devices
13.6 Preliminary results for chaotic encryption and decryption
13.7 Propagation of a profiled beam through MVKS type phase turbulence
13.7.1 An overview
13.7.2 The von Karman spectrum
13.7.3 Thin-phase screen generation
13.8 Spectral approach to the propagation of a (non-chaotic) EM wave through turbulence using SVEA and Fourier transforms
13.9 A uniform (nonturbulent) propagation prototype
13.9.1 Propagation through weak turbulence Propagation through weak turbulence with mean frequency fT = 20 Hz Propagation through weak turbulence with mean frequency fT = 50 Hz Propagation through weak turbulence with mean frequency fT = 100 Hz
13.9.2 Propagation through strong turbulence Propagation through strong turbulence with mean frequency fT = 20 Hz Propagation through strong turbulence with mean frequency fT = 50 Hz Propagation through strong turbulence with mean frequency fT = 100 Hz
13.10 Spectral approach to encrypted chaotic wave propagation through turbulence using SVEA and Fourier transforms
13.10.1 Numerical simulations, results, and interpretations A uniform (nonturbulent) propagation prototype Chaotic propagation through weak turbulence with mean frequency fT = 50 Hz Chaotic propagation through strong turbulence with mean frequency fT = 50 Hz
13.11 Propagation through phase turbulence using altitude-dependent structure parameter without and with A-O chaos
13.11.1 Hufnagel-Valley (HV) model
13.11.2 Plane EM wave propagation through a transparency-thin lens combination with turbulence
13.11.3 Fixed LT and LD distances for different turbulence strengths
13.11.4 Fixed C2n and LT for three different (nonturbulent) distances LD
13.11.5 Fixed C2n and LD, for three different turbulence distances LT
13.11.6 Modulated EM wave (non-chaotic and chaotic) with a digitized image pattern
13.11.7 Fixed LT and LD distances for different turbulence strengths under a modulated EM wave propagation
13.11.8 Fixed C2n and LT for three different destination distances LD
13.11.9 Fixed C2n and LD for three different destination distances LT
14 Distributed sensing with free space optics
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Signals
14.3 Distributed sensing systems
14.4 Summary of a distributed system
14.5 Free space optical communication between two UAVs: BER and adaptive beam divergence analysis
14.6 Technical issues for mobile UAV FSO communication
14.6.1 Atmospheric and turbulence effects
14.6.2 Atmospheric models related to UAV FSO communication links Hufnagel-Valley (HV) model Modified Hufnagel-Valley (MHV) model SLC-Day model CLEAR1 model
14.6.3 Alignment and tracking of a FSO communications link to a UAV
14.7 FSO optical communication system performance in turbulence: BER and SNR calculation
14.8 Data rate
14.9 Beam divergence effects for inter-UAV FSO communication
14.9.1 Adaptive beam divergence technique
14.10 Results and discussions
14.11 Conclusions and future research
15 Quantum-based satellite free space optical communication and microwave photonics
15.1 Introduction to spread spectrum techniques
15.1.1 Spread spectrum scheme
15.1.2 Basic building block for quantum spread spectrum
15.1.3 Incoming data signals
15.2 Laser satellite communication
15.3 Free space quantum optical satellite link
15.4 Analysis of secure key generation rate
15.4.1 The BB84 QKD Protocol
15.4.2 The Scarani–Acin–Ribordy–Gisin 2004 (SARG04) QKD Protocol
15.4.3 The decoy-states protocols BB84 QKD protocol: vacuum + weak decoy states The SARG04 QKD protocol: vacuum + two weak decoy states
15.5 Design parameters and results
15.6 Introduction to microwave photonics
15.6.1 Photonics for broadband microwave measurements Microwave spectrum measurement Instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM)
15.6.2 Photonics-based wideband RF signal generation for radar applications
15.6.3 Photonics radar system—optoelectronic assembly
15.6.4 Broadband photonics radar system and beamforming architecture
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