فهرست مطالب :
Probabilistic and Causal Inference: The Works of Judea Pearl
1 Biography of Judea Pearl by Stuart J. Russell
2 Turing Award Lecture
3 Interview by Martin Ford
4 An Interview with Ron Wassertein on How The Book of Why Transforms Statistics
5 Selected Annotated Bibliography by Judea Pearl
Search and Heuristics
Bayesian Networks
Causal, Casual, and Curious
6 Introduction by Judea Pearl
7 Asymptotic Properties of Minimax Trees and Game-Searching Procedures
7.1 The Probability of Winning a Standard h-level Game Tree with Random WIN Positions
7.2 Game Trees with an Arbitrary Distribution of Terminal Values
7.3 The Mean Complexity of Solving (h, d, P0)-game
7.4 Solving, Testing, and Evaluating Game Trees
7.5 Test and, if Necessary, Evaluate—The SCOUT Algorithm
7.6 Analysis of SCOUT's Expected Performance
7.7 On the Branching Factor of the ALPHA–BETA (α–β) procedure
8 The Solution for the Branching Factor of the Alpha–Beta Pruning Algorithm and its Optimality
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Informal Description of the α-β Procedure
8.1.2 Previous Analytical Results
8.2 Analysis
8.2.1 An Integral Formula for Nn,d
8.2.2 Evaluation of Rα-β
8.3 Conclusions
9 On the Discovery and Generation of Certain Heuristics
9.1 Introduction: Typical Uses of Heuristics
9.1.1 The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
9.1.2 Some Properties of Heuristics
9.1.3 Where do these Heuristics Come from?
9.2 Mechanical Generation of Admissible Heuristics
9.3 Can a Program Tell an Easy Problem When It Sees One?
9.4 Conclusions
9.4.1 Bibliographical and Historical Remarks
10 Introduction by Judea Pearl
11 Reverend Bayes on Inference Engines: A Distributed Hierarchical Approach
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Definitions and Nomenclature
11.3 Structural Assumptions
11.4 Combining Top and Bottom Evidences
11.5 Propagation of Information Through the Network
11.6 A Token Game Illustration
11.7 Properties of the Updating Scheme
11.8 A Summary of Proofs
11.9 Conclusions
12 Fusion, Propagation, and Structuring in Belief Networks
12.1 Introduction
12.1.1 Belief Networks
12.1.2 Conditional Independence and Graph Separability
12.1.3 An Outline and Summary of Results
12.2 Fusion and Propagation
12.2.1 Autonomous Propagation as a Computational Paradigm
12.2.2 Belief Propagation in Trees Data Fusion Propagation Mechanism Illustrating the Flow of Belief Properties of the Updating Scheme
12.2.3 Propagation in Singly Connected Networks Fusion Equations Propagation Equation
12.2.4 Summary and Extensions for Multiply Connected Networks
12.3 Structuring Causal Trees
12.3.1 Causality, Conditional Independence, and Tree Architecture
12.3.2 Problem Definition and Nomenclature
12.3.3 Star-Decomposable Triplets
12.3.4 A Tree-Reconstruction Procedure
12.3.5 Conclusions and Open Questions
12.A Appendix A. Derivation of the Updating Rules for Singly Connected Networks
12.A.1 Updating BEL
12.A.2 Updating π
12.A.3 Updating λ
12.B Appendix B. Conditions for Star-decomposability
13 GRAPHOIDS: Graph-Based Logic for Reasoning about Relevance Relations Or When Would x Tell You More about y If You Already Know z?
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Probabilistic Dependencies and their Graphical Representation
13.4 Special Graphoids and Open Problems
13.4.1 Graph-induced Graphoids
13.4.2 Probabilistic Graphoids
13.4.3 Correlational Graphoids
13.5 Conclusions
14 System Z: A Natural Ordering of Defaults with Tractable Applications to Nonmonotonic Reasoning
14.1 Description
14.2 Consequence Relations
14.3 Illustrations
14.4 The Maximum Entropy Approach
14.5 Conditional Entailment
14.6 Conclusions
14.I Appendix I: Uniqueness of The Minimal Ranking Function
14.II Appendix II: Rational Monotony of Admissible Rankings
IV CAUSALITY 1988–2001
15 Introduction by Judea Pearl
16 Equivalence and Synthesis of Causal Models
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Patterns of Causal Models
16.3 Embedded Causal Models
16.4 Applications to the Synthesis of Causal Models
IC-Algorithm (Inductive Causation)
17 Probabilistic Evaluation of Counterfactual Queries
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Notation
17.3 Party Example
17.4 Probabilistic vs. Functional Specification
17.5 Evaluating Counterfactual Queries
17.6 Party Again
17.7 Special Case: Linear-Normal Models
17.8 Conclusion
18 Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research (With Discussions)
Some key words
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Graphical Models and the Manipulative Account of Causation
18.2.1 Graphs and Conditional Independence
18.2.2 Graphs as Models of Interventions
18.3 Controlling Confounding Bias
18.3.1 The Back-Door Criterion
18.3.2 The Front-Door Criteria
18.4 A Calculus of Intervention
18.4.1 General
18.4.2 Preliminary Notation
18.4.3 Inference Rules
18.4.4 Symbolic Derivation of Causal Effects: An Example
18.4.5 Causal Inference by Surrogate Experiments
18.5 Graphical Tests of Identifiability
18.5.1 General
18.5.2 Identifying Models
18.5.3 Nonidentifying Models
18.6 Discussion
18.A Appendix
Proof of Theorem 18.3
18.I Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.II Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.III Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.IV Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.V Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.VI Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.VI.A Introduction
18.VI.B Task 1
18.VI.B.1 General
18.VI.B.2 A Causal Model
18.VI.B.3 Relationship with Pearl's Work
18.VI.C Task 2
18.VII Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.VII.A Successful and Unsuccessful Causal Inference: Some Examples
18.VII.B Warranted Inferences
18.VIII Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.IX Discussion of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’ by J. Pearl
18.IX.A Introduction
18.IX.B Ignorability and the Back-Door Criterion
18.X Rejoinder to Discussions of ‘Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research’
18.X.A General
18.X.B Graphs, Structural Equations and Counterfactuals
18.X.C The Equivalence of Counterfactual and Structural Analyses
18.X.D Practical Versus Hypothetical Interventions
18.X.E Intervention as Conditionalisation
18.X.F Testing Versus using Assumptions
18.X.G Causation Versus Dependence
18.X.H Exemplifying Modelling Errors
18.X.I The Myth of Dangerous Graphs
Additional References
19 Probabilities of Causation: Three Counterfactual Interpretations and Their Identification
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Structural Model Semantics (A Review)
19.2.1 Definitions: Causal Models, Actions and Counterfactuals
19.2.2 Examples
19.2.3 Relation to Lewis' Counterfactuals
19.2.4 Relation to Probabilistic Causality
19.2.5 Relation to Neyman–Rubin Model
19.3 Necessary and Sufficient Causes: Conditions of Identification
19.3.1 Definitions, Notations, and Basic Relationships
19.3.2 Bounds and Basic Relationships under Exogeneity
19.3.3 Identifiability under Monotonicity and Exogeneity
19.3.4 Identifiability under Monotonicity and Non-Exogeneity
19.4 Examples and Applications
19.4.1 Example 1: Betting against a Fair Coin
19.4.2 Example 2: The Firing Squad
19.4.3 Example 3: The Effect of Radiation on Leukemia
19.4.4 Example 4: Legal Responsibility from Experimental and Nonexperimental Data
19.5 Identification in Non-Monotonic Models
19.6 From Necessity and Sufficiency to “Actual Cause”
19.6.1 The Role of Structural Information
19.6.2 Singular Sufficient Causes
19.6.3 Example: The Desert Traveler (after P. Suppes) Necessity and Sufficiency Ignoring Internal Structure Sufficiency and Necessity given Forensic Reports Necessity Given Forensic Reports
19.7 Conclusion
19.A Appendix: The Empirical Content of Counterfactuals
20 Direct and Indirect Effects
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Conceptual Analysis
20.2.1 Direct versus Total Effects
20.2.2 Descriptive versus Prescriptive Interpretation
20.2.3 Policy Implications of the Descriptive Interpretation
20.2.4 Descriptive Interpretation of Indirect Effects
20.3 Formal Analysis
20.3.1 Notation
20.3.2 Controlled Direct Effects (review)
20.3.3 Natural Direct Effects: Formulation
20.3.4 Natural Direct Effects: Identification
20.3.5 Natural Indirect Effects: Formulation
20.3.6 Natural Indirect Effects: Identification
20.3.7 General Path-specific Effects
20.4 Conclusions
V CAUSALITY 2002–2020
21 Introduction by Judea Pearl
22 Comment: Understanding Simpson's Paradox
22.1 The History
22.2 A Paradox Resolved
22.2.1 Simpson's Surprise
22.2.2 Which Scenarios Invite Reversals?
22.2.3 Making the Correct Decision
22.3 Armistead's Critique
22.4 Conclusions
23 Graphical Models for Recovering Probabilistic and Causal Queries from Missing Data
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Missingness Graph and Recoverability
23.2.1 Recoverability
23.3 Recovering Probabilistic Queries by Sequential Factorization
23.4 Recoverability in the Absence of an Admissible Sequence
23.5 Non-recoverability Criteria for Joint and Conditional Distributions
23.6 Recovering Causal Queries
23.6.1 Recovering P(y|do(z)) when Y and Ry are inseparable
23.7 Attrition
23.7.1 Recovering Joint Distributions under Simple Attrition
23.7.2 Recovering Causal Effects under Simple Attrition
23.8 Related Work
23.9 Conclusion
23.A Appendix
23.A.1 Missingness Process in Figure 23.1
23.A.2 Testing Compatibility between Underlying and Manifest Distributions
23.A.3 Proof of Theorem 23.1
23.A.4 Recovering P(V) when Parents of R belong to Vo U Vm
23.A.5 Proof of Theorem 23.2
23.A.6 Example: Recoverability by Theorem 23.2
23.A.7 Proof of Corollary 23.1
23.A.8 Proof of Theorem 23.3
23.A.9 Proof of Corollary 23.2
23.A.10 Proof of Theorem 23.4
23.A.11 Proof of Theorem 23.5
23.A.12 Proof of Theorem 23.6
24 Recovering from Selection Bias in Causal and Statistical Inference
24.1 Introduction
24.1.1 Related Work and Our Contributions
24.2 Recoverability without External Data
24.3 Recoverability with External Data
24.4 Recoverability of Causal Effects
24.5 Conclusions
25 External Validity: From Do-Calculus to Transportability Across Populations
Key words and phrases
25.1 Introduction: Threats vs. Assumptions
25.2 Preliminaries: The Logical Foundations of Causal Inference
25.2.1 Causal Models as Inference Engines
25.2.2 Assumptions in Nonparametric Models
25.2.3 Representing Interventions, Counterfactuals and Causal Effects
25.2.4 Identification, d-Separation and Causal Calculus
25.2.5 The Rules of do-Calculus
25.3 Inference Across Populations: Motivating Examples
25.4 Formalizing Transportability
25.4.1 Selection Diagrams and Selection Variables
25.4.2 Transportability: Definitions and Examples
25.5 Transportability of Causal Effects—A Graphical Criterion
25.6 Conclusions
25.A Appendix
26 Detecting Latent Heterogeneity
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Covariate-Induced Heterogeneity
26.2.1 Assessing Covariate-Induced Heterogeneity
26.2.2 Special Cases
26.3 Latent Heterogeneity between the Treated and Untreated
26.3.1 Two Types of Confounding
26.3.2 Separating Fixed-Effect from Variable-Effect Bias
26.4 Three Ways of Detecting Heterogeneity
26.4.1 Detecting Heterogeneity in Randomized Trials
26.4.2 Detecting Heterogeneity Through Adjustment
26.4.3 Detecting Heterogeneity Through Mediating Instruments
26.5 Example: Heterogeneity in Recruitment
26.6 Conclusions
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Author Biography
26.A Appendix A (An Extreme Case of Latent Heterogeneity)
26.B Appendix B (Assessing Heterogeneity in Structural Equation Models)
26.B.1 The Structural Origin of Counterfactuals
26.B.2 Illustration
27 On Pearl's Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference
27.1 Introduction
27.1.1 Roadmap of the Chapter
27.1.2 Notation
27.2 Structural Causal Models and the Causal Hierarchy
27.2.1 Pearl Hierarchy, Layer 1—Seeing
27.2.2 Pearl Hierarchy, Layer 2—Doing
27.2.3 Pearl Hierarchy, Layer 3—Imagining Counterfactual Worlds
27.3 Pearl Hierarchy—A Logical Perspective
27.4 Pearl Hierarchy—A Graphical Perspective
27.4.1 Causal Inference via L2-constraints—Markovian Causal Bayesian Networks
27.4.2 Causal Inference via L2-constraints—Semi-Markovian Causal Bayes Networks Revisiting Locality in Semi-Markovian Models CBNs with Latent Variables—Putting All the Pieces Together Cross-layer Inferences through CBNs with Latent Variables
27.5 Conclusions
28 The Tale Wags the DAG
28.1 Introduction
28.2 The Ladder of Causation
28.3 Ground Level: Syntax
28.4 Rung 1: Seeing
28.4.1 Qualitative Structure
28.4.2 Quantitative Structure
28.4.3 Empirical Assessment
28.4.4 Functional DAGs
28.4.5 Downsizing and Upsizing
28.4.6 Empirical Assessment
28.5 Rung 2: Doing
28.5.1 Intervention DAGs
28.5.2 Augmented DAGs
28.5.3 Empirical Assessment
28.5.4 Downsizing and Upsizing
28.5.5 Functional Intervention DAGs
28.6 Rung 3: Imagining
28.7 Conclusion
29 Instrumental Variables with Treatment-induced Selection: Exact Bias Results
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Causal Graphs
29.3 Instrumental Variables
29.4 Selection Bias in IV: Qualitative Analysis
29.5 Selection Bias in IV: Quantitative Analysis
29.5.1 Selection as a Function of Treatment Alone
29.5.2 Selection as a Function of a Mediator
29.5.3 Selection on Treatment and the Unobserved Confounder
29.6 Conclusion
29.A Appendix
29.A.1 Proof of Truncation Bias Expressions
29.A.2 Proof of Adjustment as Point Truncation (Proposition 29.3)
30 Causal Models and Cognitive Development
31 The Causal Foundations of Applied Probability and Statistics
31.1 Introduction: Scientific Inference is a Branch of Causality Theory
31.2 Causality is Central Even for Purely Descriptive Goals
31.3 The Strength of Probabilistic Independence Demands Physical Independence
31.4 The Superconducting Supercollider of Selection
31.5 Data and Algorithms are Causes of Reported Results
31.6 Getting Causality into Statistics by Putting Statistics into Causal Terms from the Start
31.7 Causation in 20th-century Statistics
31.8 Causal Analysis versus Traditional Statistical Analysis
31.9 Relating Causality to Traditional Statistical Philosophies and “Objective” Statistics
31.10 Discussion
31.11 Conclusion
31.A Appendix
31.A.1 A Counting Measure for the Logical Content of a Finite Exchangeability Assumption
32 Pearl on Actual Causation
32.1 Introduction
32.2 Actual Causation
32.3 Causal Models and But-for Causation
32.4 Pre-emption and Lewis
32.5 Intransitivity and Overdetermination
32.6 Pearl's Definitions of Actual Causation
32.7 Pearl's Achievement
33 Causal Diagram and Social Science Research
33.1 Graphical Causal Models and Social Science Research
33.2 Two Applications of Graphical Causal Models
33.2.1 Causal Inference with Panel Data
33.2.2 Causal Inference with Interference between Units
33.3 The Future of Causal Research in the Social Sciences
34 Causal Graphs for Missing Data: A Gentle Introduction
34.1 Introduction
34.2 Missingness Graphs
34.2.1 Graphical Representation of Missingness Categories
34.3 Recoverability
34.3.1 Recoverability in MAR and MCAR Problems Recoverability of Joint Distribution in MCAR and MAR Models Recoverability as a Guide for Estimation
34.3.2 Recoverability in MNAR Problems Recovering P(X, Y) Given the m-graph G in Figure 34.2(a) Recovering P(X, Y) Given the m-graph in Figure 34.2(b) Recovering P(X, Y) Given the m-graph in Figure 34.2(c) Recovering P(X, Y) Given the m-graph in Figure 34.2(d) Recovering P(X) Given the m-graph in Figure 34.2(e)
34.3.3 Non-recoverability
34.4 Testability
35 A Note of Appreciation
35.1 A Magic Square
35.2 A Magic Shield of David
36 Causal Models for Dynamical Systems
36.1 Introduction
36.1.1 Structural Causal Models with Measurement Noise
36.1.2 Structural Causal Models with Driving Noise
36.1.3 Interventions
36.1.4 Time-dependent Data
36.2 Chemical Reaction Networks and ODEs
36.3 Causal Kinetic Models
36.3.1 Causal Kinetic Models with Measurement Noise
36.3.2 Causal Kinetic Models with Driving Noise
36.3.3 Interventions
36.3.4 Other Causal Models for Dynamical Systems and Related Work
36.4 Challenges in Causal Inference for ODE-based Systems
36.5 From Invariance to Causality and Generalizability
36.6 Conclusions
37 Probabilistic Programming Languages: Independent Choices and Deterministic Systems
37.1 Probabilistic Models and Deterministic Systems
37.2 Possible Worlds Semantics
37.3 Inference
37.4 Learning
37.5 Other Issues
37.6 Causal Models
37.7 Some Pivotal References
37.8 Conclusion
38 An Interventionist Approach to Mediation Analysis
38.1 Introduction
38.2 Approaches to Mediation Based on Counterfactuals Defined in Terms of the Mediator: The CDE and PDE
38.2.1 Two Hypothetical River Blindness Treatment Studies
38.2.2 The PDE and CDE in the River Blindness Studies
38.2.3 Identification of the PDE via the Mediation Formula under the NPSEM-IE for Figure 38.3(a)
38.2.4 Partial Identification of the PDE Under the FFRCISTG for Figure 38.3(a)
38.2.5 An Example in Which an FFRCISTG Model Holds, but an NPSEM-IE Does Not
38.2.6 Testable Versus Untestable Assumptions and Identifiability
38.3 Interventionist Theory of Mediation
38.3.1 Interventional Interpretation of the PDE Under an Expanded Graph
38.3.2 Direct and Indirect Effects via the Expanded Graph
38.3.3 Expanded Graphs for a Single Treatment
38.3.4 On the Substantive Relationship between Different Gex Graphs and Gex
38.3.5 Generalizations
38.3.6 Identification of Cross-world Nested Counterfactuals of DAG G under an FFRCISTG Model for its Expanded Graph Gex
38.4 Path-Specific Counterfactuals
38.4.1 Conditional Path-specific Distributions
38.5 Conclusion
38.A Appendix
38.A.1 Proof of PDE Bounds under the FFRCISTG Model
38.A.2 Proof that the PDE is Not Identified in the River Blindness Study
38.A.3 Detecting Confounding via Interventions on A and S
38.A.4 Proof of Proposition 38.3
39 Causality for Machine Learning
39.1 Introduction
39.2 The Mechanization of Information Processing
39.3 From Statistical to Causal Models
39.3.1 Methods Driven by Independent and Identically Distributed Data
39.3.2 Structural Causal Models
39.4 Levels of Causal Modeling
39.5 Independent Causal Mechanisms
39.6 Cause–Effect Discovery
39.7 Half-sibling Regression and Exoplanet Detection
39.8 Invariance, Robustness, and Semi-supervised Learning
39.8.1 Semi-supervised Learning
39.8.2 Adversarial Vulnerability
39.8.3 Multi-task Learning
39.8.4 Reinforcement Learning
39.9 Causal Representation Learning
39.9.1 Learning Transferable Mechanisms
39.9.2 Learning Disentangled Representations
39.9.3 Learning Interventional World Models and Reasoning
39.10 Personal Notes and Conclusion
40 Why Did They Do That?
40.1 Introduction
40.2 Some Examples
40.3 Back to the Garden of Eden
40.4 Decision Theory and Decision Analysis
40.5 Back Again in the Garden of Eden
40.6 Conclusion: God's Decision
41 Multivariate Counterfactual Systems and Causal Graphical Models
41.1 Introduction
41.2 Graphs, Non-parametric Structural Equation Models, and the g-/do Operator
41.2.1 Graphical Models
41.2.2 Causal Models Associated with DAGs Non-parametric Structural Equations with Independent Errors A Less Restrictive Model: Non-parametric Structural Equations with Single-World (FFRCISTG) Independences
41.2.3 Single-World Intervention Graphs
41.2.4 Factorization Associated with the SWIG Global Markov Property
41.2.5 SWIG Representation of the Defining FFRCISTG Assumptions
41.3 The Potential Outcomes Calculus and Identification
41.4 Identification in Hidden Variable Causal Models
41.4.1 Latent Projection ADMGs
41.4.2 The Identified Splitting Operation in a SWIG
41.4.3 The Extended ID Algorithm
41.4.4 Identification of Conditional Interventional Distributions
41.4.5 Representing Context-specific Independence using SWIGs
41.5 Conclusion
41.A Appendix
41.A.1 Incompleteness of d-Separation in Twin Networks due to Deterministic Relations
41.A.2 Weaker Causal Models to Which the po-Calculus Also Applies
41.A.3 Completeness Proofs
42 Causal Bayes Nets as Psychological Theory
42.1 The Human Conception of Causality
42.2 Core Properties
42.3 The Broader Perspective: The Community of Knowledge
42.4 Collective Causal Models
42.5 Conclusion
43 Causation: Objective or Subjective?
43.1 Causation: A Bunch of Attitudes
43.2 The Model Relativity of Causation
43.3 Laws
43.4 Probability
Editors' Biographies