Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies ICCCT-2019

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کتاب مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ارتباطات و فناوری های محاسباتی ICCCT-2019 نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ارتباطات و فناوری های محاسباتی ICCCT-2019 بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies ICCCT-2019

نام کتاب : Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies ICCCT-2019
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ارتباطات و فناوری های محاسباتی ICCCT-2019
سری : Algorithms for Intelligent Systems
نویسندگان : , , , ,
ناشر : Springer
سال نشر : 2020
تعداد صفحات : 652
ISBN (شابک) : 981155076X , 9789811550768
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 29 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

این کتاب مجموعه ای از مقالات تحقیقاتی با کیفیت بالا ارائه می کند که در دومین کنفرانس بین المللی ارتباطات و فناوری های محاسباتی (ICCCT 2019) در موسسه مهندسی و فناوری راجستان، جیپور، راجستان، هند، در 30 برگزار شد. –31 اوت 2019. در مشارکت‌هایی که توسط محققان دانشگاهی و صنعتی تهیه شده است، این کتاب طیف گسترده‌ای از کاربردهای صنعتی، مهندسی و علمی تکنیک‌های نوظهور را مورد بحث قرار می‌دهد.

فهرست مطالب :

Preface About This Book Contents About the Editors 1 Ability Study of Proximity Measure for Big Data Mining Context on Clustering 1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Big Data 2.2 Big Data Mining 3 Proximity Measure Taxonomy 3.1 Minkowski Family 3.2 L(1) Family 3.3 L(2) or χ2 Family 3.4 Inner Product Family 3.5 Shannon’s Entropy Family 3.6 Combination Family 3.7 Intersection Family 3.8 Fidelity Family or Squared-Chord Family 4 Analysis of Proximity Measure for Big Data Mining 5 Proximity Measures Enable Clustering 5.1 Partitioning-Based Clustering 5.2 Hierarchical-Based Clustering 5.3 Density-Based Clustering 5.4 Model-Based Clustering 5.5 Grid-Based Clustering 5.6 Fuzzy-Based Clustering 5.7 Graph-Based Clustering 6 Conclusions References 2 Not Yet Decided 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Related Work 3.1 Luhn’s Ideas 3.2 Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (tf-idf) 3.3 Numerical Example 4 Experiment Evaluation 4.1 Dataset 4.2 Evaluation Metrics 5 Result and Discussion 6 Conclusion and Future Work References 3 An Approach to Implement MapReduce and Aggregation Pipeline Utilizing NoSql Technologies 1 Introduction 1.1 Document Database 1.2 JSON 1.3 MapReduce 2 Literature Review 3 Proposed Approach 4 Results and Discussion 5 Conclusion 6 Future Scope References 4 Energy Hole Alleviation in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Node Behavior Modeling Using Firefly Algorithm 1 Introduction 2 Review of Techniques Proposed for Extending Network Lifetime 3 Proposed Work 3.1 Network Model and Assumptions 3.2 Model Analysis 3.3 Firefly Algorithm 3.4 Proposed Work 4 Simulation Results 5 Conclusions References 5 Analysis of Modified LEACH Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network 1 Introduction 2 Problem Statement 3 Proposed Methodology 4 Results 4.1 Simulation Parameters 4.2 Performance Parameters 4.3 Simulation Results and Analysis 5 Conclusion 6 Future Work References 6 Recent Soft Computing Strategies for Induction Motor Analysis and Control: A Survey 1 Induction Motor Executions Using Recent Soft Computing Strategies 2 Conclusion References 7 Protection of Wind Farm Integrated Double Circuit Transmission Line Using Walsh–Hadamard Transform-Based Artificial Intelligence Technique 1 Introduction 2 The Specifications of WFIDCTL 3 Walsh–Hadamard Transform (WHT) 4 Performance Valuation 4.1 The Efficacy of WHT for the Near-in Relay Faults 4.2 The Efficacy of WHT for the Far-End Relay Faults 4.3 The Efficacy of WHT for the Converting Faults 4.4 The Efficacy of WHT for the Cross-Country Faults 5 Conclusion References 8 Analysis of Ensemble Classifiers with Feature Selection for an Effective Intrusion Detection Model 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Dataset 4 Proposed Model 4.1 Feature Selection 4.2 Pre-processing 4.3 Choosing the Classifier/Learner 5 Results 5.1 Analysis of Classifiers with and Without CFS 6 Summary 7 Conclusion References 9 Color Image Encryption and Compression Using DCT in Joint Process 1 Introduction 1.1 Compression Ratio 1.2 Compression Factor 1.3 Compression Time 1.4 Saving Percentage 2 Related Work 3 Proposed Work 3.1 Encoding Image Size 3.2 Observation 3.3 Component of RGB 3.4 Encryption and Decryption 4 Result and Analysis 5 Conclusion References 10 Efficient Method for Prediction Accuracy of Heart Diseases Using Machine Learning 1 Introduction 1.1 Human Heart Structure 2 Key Factors of Heart Diseases 3 Related Work 4 Proposed Work 5 Experimental Setup and Result Analysis 6 Conclusions References 11 Neighbourhood-Inspired Grey Wolf Optimizer 1 Introduction 2 Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm 2.1 Calculation Modelling and Algorithm 3 Proposed Neighbourhood-Inspired Grey Wolf Optimizer 4 Experimental Outcomes 5 Conclusion References 12 The Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Heart Disease Prediction 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Conclusion References 13 The Analysis of Stock Market Prediction Techniques 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Conclusion References 14 Mitigating the Impact of DDoS Attack on Upsurge Network Performance in MANET 1 Introduction 1.1 MANET Features 2 Survey on Different Types of Attacks 2.1 Physical Layer Attacks 2.2 Link-Layer Attacks 2.3 Network Layer Attacks 2.4 Transport Layer Attacks 2.5 Application Layer Attacks 3 Multiple Layer Attacks 3.1 Denial of Service (DoS) 3.2 Impersonation 3.3 Sinkhole Attack 3.4 Sybil Attack 3.5 Traffic Analysis 3.6 Black Hole Attack 3.7 Gray Hole Attack 4 Problem Statement 5 Proposed Methodology 6 Results 6.1 Simulation Parameters 6.2 Throughput 6.3 Packet Delivery Ratio 6.4 End-to-End Delay 6.5 Dropped Packets 7 Conclusion 8 Future Work References 15 Protection of Wind Farm-Integrated Series Capacitor-Compensated Three-Phase Transmission Line Using Daubechies-7 Wavelet Transform 1 Introduction 2 The Specifications of WFISCCTPTL 3 The Flowchart for Db7WT 4 Performance Appraisal 4.1 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Healthy Condition 4.2 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Converting Faults 4.3 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Near-in Relay Faults 4.4 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Far-End Relay Faults 4.5 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Faults at Two Different Positions 4.6 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Variation in RF and RG 4.7 The Effectiveness of Db7WT for Variation in Wind Turbine Units 5 Conclusion References 16 Smart Wireless Reconfigurable Device Using LoRa Technology 1 Introduction 2 LoRa Technology 3 Smart Light Guard 3.1 Components of Light Guard 3.2 Testing Between Street Light Guard and Power Station 4 Implementation 5 Conclusion Reference 17 Microstrip Aerial for 2.45/5.2 GHz by Pin Loading 1 Introduction 2 Subject Definition 3 Improvement in Design and Results 3.1 Design-1 3.2 Design-2 4 Conclusion References 18 Decision Tree Using Artificial Neural Network: A Proposed Model 1 Introduction 1.1 Decision Tree 1.2 Artificial Neural Network 2 Construction of Decision Tree 2.1 Experiment Setup 2.2 Dataset Used 2.3 Decision Tree Creation 2.4 Tree Explanation 2.5 Problems Associated with Decision Tree 3 Construction of Artificial Neural Network 3.1 Creating Index Variable 3.2 Create Training and Test Set 3.3 Scale Data for Neural Network 3.4 Fitting the Neural Network 3.5 Artificial Neural Network Created Using Cardiotocography Dataset 3.6 Observed Limitations of Artificial Neural Network 4 Conclusion 5 Proposed Model 6 Future Scope References 19 A Comparative Analysis of R and Weka for Market Basket Analysis Using Apriori Algorithm 1 Introduction 2 Preprocessing of Sales Data 3 Experiment Results 3.1 Experiment Using R 3.2 Experiment Using Weka 4 Comparative Analysis Between Weka and R 5 Discussion and Conclusion References 20 An Energy-Efficient and Secured Hop-by-Hop Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks 1 Introduction 2 Related Works 3 System Model and Assumptions 4 Proposed Authentication Protocol 4.1 System Setup and Key Pair Generation Phase 4.2 Hop-by-Hop Authentication Phase 5 Proposed Authentication Protocol 6 Results and Discussions 6.1 Energy Consumption Analysis 6.2 Packet Delivery Ratio 6.3 Nodes Lifetime 7 Conclusion and Future Work References 21 A Study of Gujarati Character Recognition 1 Introduction 2 The Guajarati Language 2.1 Handwritten Character Recognition (HCR) 3 Processing of Characters 3.1 Image Acquisition 3.2 Pre-processing 3.3 Segmentation 3.4 Feature Extraction 3.5 Classification and Recognition 3.6 Post-processing 4 Comparative Analysis of Gujarati Character Recognition 5 Conclusion References 22 Security-Aware Workflow Allocation Strategy for IaaS Cloud Environment 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Problem Formulation 4 The Algorithm 5 Experimental Results 6 Conclusions and Future Scope References 23 Design Coverage and Connectivity Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Optimum Energy 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 System Model 3.1 Different Grid Models 3.2 Assumptions 3.3 Internodal Distance Calculation 4 Proposed Algorithm 5 Simulation 5.1 Simulation Setup 5.2 Field Coverage 5.3 Connectivity of Nodes 5.4 Field Coverage Post-Connectivity 5.5 Connectivity of Nodes to Multi-sink 5.6 Comparison of Different Grid Models 6 Conclusion References 24 Hybrid Forecasting Scheme for Enhance Prediction Accuracy of Spambase Dataset 1 Introduction 2 Proposed Work 3 Implementation of Proposed Approach 4 Result Analysis 5 Conclusion 6 Future Scope References 25 An Enhance Security of the Color Image Using Asymmetric RSA Algorithm 1 Introduction 2 Image Encryption 3 Grayscale Image and Color Image 4 Proposed Asymmetric RSA Algorithm for Color Image Encryption 4.1 Simulation and Result 5 Conclusion References 26 Social Media Analytics and Mutual Fund Recommendation 1 Introduction 2 Analysis of Methodologies Used 2.1 Analysis and Methodologies Used in Social Media Analytics 2.2 Analysis and Methodologies Used in Investments and Finance 3 Proposed Flow 3.1 Data Retrieval 3.2 Data Aggregation 3.3 Data Preprocessing and Data Visualizations 3.4 Data Modelling 3.5 Recommendation by Economical Measures 4 Proposed Algorithms 4.1 K-Means Algorithm 4.2 Hierarchical Clustering 5 Recommendation Process 6 Results 6.1 Original Price Versus Model Price Results Appendix: List of Mutual Fund by Category Low Risk Funds with Decent and Good Ratings Moderate Low Risk Funds Moderate Risk Funds Moderate High Funds High Risk Funds References 27 Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithm Using Spearman's Rank Correlation 1 Introduction 2 Problem Statement and Background Concepts 2.1 Problem Statment 2.2 Background Concepts 3 Proposed Algorithm 3.1 Band Normalization 3.2 Band Selection Based on Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient 3.3 Convex Set Points 3.4 Removal of Extra Points 4 Simulation Results 4.1 Evaluation Parameters 4.2 Discussion 5 Conclusion References 28 Optimization Algorithms for Antenna Design, Array Thinning, and Radiation Pattern Synthesis 1 Introduction 2 Classifications of Optimization Algorithms Used for Antenna Design 3 Applications of Optimization Techniques in Antenna Design 3.1 Performance Enhancement of Individual Antenna Design 3.2 Performance Enhancement of Antenna Arrays 3.3 Design of Metasurfaces for Antenna Performance Enhancement 4 Conclusion References 29 Implementation of a Simple Plug-and-Play Module for Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Over 434 Megahertz Band 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 2.1 System Implementation Details 2.2 Working of the Proposed System 2.3 Protocol Used 2.4 Multiple Access Technique Used: Time Division Multiple Access (Time Slicing) 2.5 User Interface for Driver Assistance 3 Results 4 Related Work 5 Discussions 6 Conclusion References 30 Performance Analysis of Hello Flood Attack in WSN 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Hello Flood Attack 3.1 Performance Parameters 4 Result and Analysis 4.1 Simulation Result 5 Conclusion References 31 Performance Enhancement of Satellite Communication Subsystem Using 4 × 4 MIMO 1 Introduction 2 Satellite Link Without MIMO 2.1 Satellite Downlink Transmitter 2.2 Ground Station Downlink Receiver 3 Satellite Link with MIMO (Proposed Model) 4 Simulation and Results 4.1 Comparison of SNR 4.2 Comparison of Capacity 4.3 Comparison of Capacity 5 Conclusion 6 Future Scope References 32 Design of Compact Dual-Band Antenna for Wi-Max and WLAN Applications 1 Introduction 2 Antenna Design 3 Results and Discussions 3.1 Parametric Analysis 3.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 3.3 Surface Current Density 3.4 Radiation Field Patterns 4 Measured Results 5 Conclusion References 33 Quantum Hilbert Image Scrambling and SVD-Based Watermarking Scheme for Rightful Ownership 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 The Proposed Watermarking Scheme 3.1 Scrambling-Based Quantum Hilbert Image Scrambling 4 Experimental Results and Analysis 5 Conclusion References 34 Compensating Effect of Environmental Noise Sources in FSO Networks 1 Introduction 2 Contribution and Related Works 3 Environmental Noise in FSO 3.1 Fog Attenuation 3.2 Snow Attenuation 3.3 Rain Attenuation 4 Minimum Transmission Range 5 Conclusion References 35 Whale Optimization Algorithm-Based Design of PID Controller for Controlling Two-Area Load Frequency with Nonlinearities 1 Introduction 2 System Modelling 3 Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) 4 Objective Function 5 Implementation of WOA in LFC Problem 6 Result and Discussion 7 Conclusion Appendix References 36 Predicting Chemical Reactions with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 1 Introduction 1.1 A Subsection Sample 2 Predicting Chemical Reactions with AI 3 Conclusion References 37 Text Line Segmentation for Medieval Devnagari Manuscript 1 Introduction 1.1 A Brief Introduction of Medieval Manuscripts 1.2 How Medieval Devnagari Manuscripts Written? 1.3 Problems During Line Segmentation of Medieval Devnagari Manuscript 2 Literature Review 3 Proposed Segmentation Technique 4 Result of Proposed Technique 5 Conclusion 6 Future Expansion References 38 Audit Fraud Data Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Proposed Framework 2.2 Machine Learning Classifiers 3 Experimental Investigation 3.1 Dataset 3.2 Experimental Setting 4 Results and Discussion 4.1 Performance Evaluation 4.2 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion References 39 Parkinson's Disease Prediction Using a Stacked Generalization Ensemble of kNN and Its Variants with mRMR Feature Selection 1 Introduction 2 Proposed Approach 2.1 Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance Feature Selection 2.2 Stacked Generalization Ensemble of kNN and Its Variants 3 Experimentation and Results 3.1 Dataset 3.2 Experimentation 4 Conclusion References 40 Multi-classification of UNSW-NB15 Dataset for Network Anomaly Detection System 1 Introduction 2 Dataset Description 3 Related Work 4 Methodologies 4.1 Preprocessing and Feature Selection 4.2 Classifiers 5 Experiment Setup 6 Results and Discussion 7 Conclusion and Future Work References 41 Heterogeneous Resource Provisioning for Workflow-Based Applications Using AHP in Cloud Computing 1 Introduction 1.1 Cloud Computing and Its Services 1.2 Heterogeneous Resources in Cloud 1.3 Resource Allocation 1.4 Scientific Workflow Applications 2 Literature Survey 3 Quality of Service Function 4 Methodology 5 Result Analysis 6 Conclusion References 42 Contemplation and Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Technology with the Augmentation of Training-Based Channel Estimation Techniques 1 Introduction 1.1 Mathematical Model of a Multicarrier Modulation (MCM) System 1.2 Mathematical Model of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) System 2 Channel Estimation Techniques in MIMO-OFDM System 2.1 Training-Based Channel Estimation Techniques 3 MATLAB Simulated Results for Training-Based Channel Estimation Techniques in MIMO-OFDM 4 Conclusion References 43 Gaussian Distribution Operator Based Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm to Improve Global Search Ability 1 Introduction 2 Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm 3 Gaussian Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm 4 Simulation Results and Discussion 5 Conclusion References 44 Dynamic Segment Array and Search 1 Introduction 1.1 Dynamic Segment Array 2 Dynamic Segment Search 2.1 Time Complexity 3 Algorithm to Insert a Data in DSA 4 Algorithm of Dynamic Segment Search 5 Conclusion References 45 A Comprehensive Survey and New Investigation on Sleep Disorder Detection Using EEG Signal 1 Introduction 1.1 Wake Stage 1.2 NREM Stage 1 1.3 NREM Stage 2 1.4 NREM Stage 3 1.5 REM Stage 2 Electroencephalogram 3 Review of Existing Research 4 Signal Analysis Methods 4.1 Signal Preprocessing 4.2 Feature Extraction 4.3 Feature Selection 4.4 Classification 5 Discussion and Results 6 Conclusion References 46 Security Issues in Cloud Computing: A Review 1 Introduction 1.1 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) 1.2 PaaS (Platform as a Service) 1.3 SaaS (Software as a Service) 2 Issues and Challenges 2.1 Answers for Cloud Security Issues 3 Conclusions References 47 A Conceptual Framework for Sensitive Big Data Publishing 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 2.1 The Lambda Architecture 2.2 NLP Techniques 3 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Using NLP Techniques 3.1 The Proposed Algorithm 3.2 The Proposed Conceptual Framework 4 Experimental Results 4.1 Extracting and Analyzing Tweets 4.2 Applying NER Techniques 4.3 Anonymizing the Data 5 Conclusion References 48 Verifiable Color Progressive Visual Cryptography with Cheating Detection 1 Introduction 2 XOR-Based Progressive VCS Without Pixel Expansion 3 Our Approach 4 Extension of Progressive VCS to Color Images 5 Diagonal Parity and Gama Weight 6 Combining Progressive VCS and Cheating Detection Method 7 Experimental Result References 49 2-Terminal Reliability Analysis of Single Fault-Tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks 1 Introduction 1.1 Shuffle Exchange Network (SEN) 1.2 Shuffle Exchange Network with One Additional Stage (SEN+) 1.3 Shuffle Exchange Network with Two Additional Stages (SEN+2) 2 Performance Analysis 2.1 2-Terminal Reliability Comparison 2.2 Network Complexity 2.3 Hardware Cost 2.4 Comparison Summary of MINs 3 Conclusion References 50 Predicting English Premier League Matches Using Classification and Regression 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Proposed Methodology 3.1 Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms 3.2 Correlation-Based Feature Selection (CFS) 3.3 Dataset Used 3.4 Data Preprocessing 3.5 Classification Model 3.6 Classification via Regression Model 4 Results 5 Conclusion and Future Work References 51 Wavelet Transform-Based Artificial Intelligence Scheme for the Detection of Transforming Faults, Multi-location Faults and Cross-Country Faults in Wind Farm-Integrated Double-Circuit Transmission Line 1 Introduction 2 DCTL Integrated with Wind Farm 3 The Process for Daubechies-5 Wavelet Transform (Db5WT) 4 Performance Assessment 4.1 The Response of Db5WT for Converting Faults 4.2 The Response of Db5WT for Multi-position Faults 4.3 The Response of Db5WT for Cross-Country Faults 5 Conclusion References 52 Performance Analysis of Dual-band, Triple-band and Multi-band Microstrip Antenna Using Metamaterial 1 Introduction 2 Antenna Design 3 Simulation Results and Comparative Analysis 3.1 Comparison in Return Losses 3.2 Comparison in Antenna Gain 3.3 Comparison in Farfield Directivity Representations of Designed Antennas 4 Conclusion References 53 Mustard and Cotton Waste-Based Biomass Gasifier Simulation by Using Aspen Plus 1 Introduction 2 Aspen Plus 3 Model Validations 4 Simulation Model 4.1 Drying Zone 4.2 Pyrolysis Zone 4.3 Combustion Zone 4.4 Gasification Zone 5 Biomass Fuel Used 5.1 Mustard Stalk 5.2 Cotton Waste 6 Preliminary Analysis of the Biomass Samples 6.1 Proximate Analysis 6.2 Ultimate Analysis 7 Result Discussion References 54 Study of Bond-Agent-Based Resource Discovery in Cloud Computing 1 Introduction 2 Related Study 3 Methodology 3.1 DSTC Architecture 3.2 Bond-Agent-Based Resource Discovery 3.3 Resource Discovery Algorithm Formulation 4 Conclusion References 55 Bias Correction of GCM Data Using Quantile Mapping Technique 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Methods 3 Result and Discussion 4 Conclusion References 56 A Collaborative Versioning Framework for Model-Based Version Control Systems 1 Introduction 2 Types of Version Control Systems 2.1 Centralized Architecture 2.2 Distributed Architecture 3 Model-Driven Software Development 3.1 Version Control Mechanism in Model-Driven Software Development 3.2 Challenges in Model Versioning 4 Version Control Techniques for Models Using XML 5 Proposed Model Versioning Tool 5.1 Basic Design 5.2 Assumptions and Limitations 6 Implementation and Working 6.1 Serialization of Models (Class Diagram) 6.2 Comparison of Model Versions 6.3 Conflict Detection and Resolution 7 Results and Discussion 8 Related Work 9 Conclusion and Future Scope References 57 Model Comparison and Individual Open Source Community Development 1 Designing and Comparative Procedure 2 Comparison Between the Models and the Single Individual Model Participation to an Open and Free Source Community 3 Software Development-Based Models 4 Comprehensive Models 5 Comparison of the Models 6 Conclusion References 58 Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA)-III Based Fuzzy Segmentation Model 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 The Proposed Image Segmentation Model 3.1 Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-III 3.2 Fitness Function 3.3 Proposed Image Segmentation Model 4 Performance Analysis 4.1 Visual Analysis 4.2 Quantitative Analysis 5 Conclusion References 59 Feature Selection Algorithms for Plant Leaf Classification: A Survey 1 Introduction 2 Classification of Images 2.1 Feature Extraction 2.2 Feature Selection 2.3 Classification 3 Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Feature Selection 3.1 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 3.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 3.3 Genetic Algorithm 3.4 Differential Evolution 3.5 Spider Monkey Optimization 3.6 Salp Swarm Optimization 4 Conclusion References

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

This book offers a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCCT 2019), held at Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on 30–31 August 2019. In contributions prepared by researchers from academia and industry alike, the book discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of emerging techniques.

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