توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این جلد شامل مجموعه مقالات کامل کنفرانس سالانه آکادمی علوم بازاریابی (AMS) در سال 1995 است که در اورلاندو، فلوریدا برگزار شد. تحقیقات و ارائههای ارائه شده در این جلد بسیاری از جنبههای علم بازاریابی از جمله استراتژی بازاریابی، رفتار مصرفکننده، تبلیغات، برندسازی، بازاریابی بینالمللی، آموزش بازاریابی و موارد دیگر را پوشش میدهد.
آکادمی علوم بازاریابی در سال 1971 تأسیس شد. یک سازمان بین المللی است که به ترویج اکتشافات به موقع پدیده های مرتبط با علم بازاریابی در تئوری، تحقیق و عمل اختصاص دارد. آکادمی در میان خدمات خود به اعضا و جامعه در کل، کنفرانسها، کنگرهها و سمپوزیومهایی را ارائه میکند که نمایندگانی از سراسر جهان را جذب میکند. ارائههایی از این رویدادها در این مجموعه مجموعه مقالات منتشر میشود که آرشیو جامعی از مجلدات منعکسکننده تکامل این رشته را ارائه میدهد. جلدها، پژوهش ها و بینش های پیشرفته ای را ارائه می دهند که مجلات برجسته آکادمی، ژورنال آکادمی علوم بازاریابی (JAMS) و بازبینی AMS را تحسین می کنند. جلدها توسط دانشمندان و متخصصان برجسته در طیف گسترده ای از حوزه های موضوعی در علم بازاریابی ویرایش می شوند.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xxviii
The Fit of Information Technology to Global Marketing Strategies....Pages 1-1
Diffusion and Adoption of Computers: A Marketing Analysis of a Government Program for Small and Medium Enterprises in Singapore....Pages 2-3
The International Entry Modes Selection of Service Firms....Pages 4-5
Social Comparison and the Idealized Images of Advertising: Revisited....Pages 6-10
An Assessment of the Differential Effects of Negative Comparative, Comparative, and Non-Comparative Print Advertisements....Pages 11-16
An Empirical Investigation of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Price on Brand Choice....Pages 17-17
The Dominant Effects of Brand Name Information: Implications for Consumers’ Product Evaluation....Pages 18-18
Modeling New Product Diffusion: A Micro-Level Approach....Pages 19-24
Purchase Decision Variables in International Industrial Markets: An Empirical Exploration....Pages 25-25
Insights into Polish Consumer Magazine Advertising: A Study of Advertising Activity in Przekrój , 1978 - 1993....Pages 26-32
Shopper Situational Attributes in India and the United States....Pages 33-33
Inherited Product Liability: The Compatibility of Successor Corporation Liability with Marketing Views of Channels....Pages 34-34
A Conceptualization of Cause-Related Marketing: A Consumer Behavior Perspective....Pages 35-36
Comparisons of Measures of Covariation and Conceptual Similarity....Pages 37-42
Magazine Readership and Adult Sex-Role Schematicity....Pages 43-47
The Role of Price/Quality Tiers on the Cluster Effect in Brand Choice....Pages 48-48
Market Orientation: Reconciliation of Two Conceptualizations....Pages 49-55
Marketing Orientation: Past, Present and Future....Pages 56-62
Marketing and Human Resource Managers: Differences in Perception and Decision-Making....Pages 63-63
Heavy vs Light Recycling Behavior: The Influence of Political Concern, Knowledge and Perceived Benefits....Pages 64-69
A Study of Blackiwhite Consumption Differences....Pages 70-74
Black Cultural Identities: Distinctions Among Black Americans....Pages 75-82
Conceptual Similarity or Conditional Probability?....Pages 83-88
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough go Shopping: A Fresh Look at Consumer Shopping Motivations....Pages 89-94
Conceptualization and Measurement of Perceived Value: A Two-Dimensional Approach....Pages 95-100
Cross Cultural Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Patronage: Implications for South African Retailers....Pages 101-106
The Perceived Usefulness of Competitive Intelligence Systems and Relationship to the Strategic Orientation of the Firm....Pages 107-107
On the Relationship Between Approaches to Marketing Strategy and Company Performance....Pages 108-114
Nonprofit Organizations and Their Strategic Responses to Future Funding: The case of HIV/AIDS Service Providers....Pages 115-123
Global Sourcing Practices and ISO 9000 International Quality Standards....Pages 124-124
Standardization Versus Customizing Services Across Global Markets....Pages 125-125
The Relationship between Strategy and Conflict Management: A Japanese Perspective....Pages 126-132
Motivational Differences Between Salesmen and Saleswomen: Actual or Percpetual?....Pages 133-138
An Experimental Investigation of Personal Selling Job Attributes and their Effects on Job Desirability, Prestige and Dimensions of Sales Success....Pages 139-143
An Examination of the Effect of Compensation Plan Selection on Retail Salesperson Productivity....Pages 144-148
International Personal Selling: A High/Low Context Perspective....Pages 149-154
Strategic Intelligence Systems and the Salesforce....Pages 155-155
The Moderating Role of Involvement on Salesmen Credibility and Accent: Impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions....Pages 156-162
Relationship Selling: A Synopsis of Recent Research....Pages 163-166
A Taxonomy of Strategy, with Performance Correlates, in an Evolving Free Trade Area: Canadian Firms Respond to NAFTA....Pages 167-170
Free Trade in a Changing Global Marketplace: A Theoretical and Practical Assessment....Pages 171-176
From Practice to Theory: An Examination of an International Marketing Strategy in the Social Expressions/Greeting Card Industry....Pages 177-178
Contrasting the Differences Between People-Driven and Facility-Driven Service Encounters....Pages 179-182
Modeling Consumer Intentions to use a Service Category....Pages 183-183
Internal Marketing’s Role in Organizations: A Transaction Cost Perspective....Pages 184-184
Effects of Multicollinerity in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Models of Product Market Efficiency....Pages 185-191
Evaluating and Selecting Bases for Conjoint-Based Segmentation....Pages 192-192
Appropriateness of Mathematical Programming in Marketing to Solve Discriminant Problems: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach....Pages 193-194
Variation in Country of Origin Images Between Destination Countries: An Exploration....Pages 195-195
The Impact of Brand National Affiliation and Country of Production on Consumer Preferences....Pages 196-201
Ethnocentrism: A Literature Overview and Directions for Future Research....Pages 202-207
Customer Participation and Knowledge Level: How Will it Affect the Delivery of the Health Care Offering?....Pages 208-212
Marketing Educational Services to Meet Parent-Student Expectations....Pages 213-218
An Evaluation of Market Segments for Dental Care: A Determinant Attribute Approach....Pages 219-219
A Typology of Disturbances to Buyer-Supplier Relationships....Pages 220-224
Effects of Interorganizational Climate on Channel Cooperation....Pages 225-225
Trust, Ethics and Relationship Satisfaction....Pages 226-227
Environmentally-Evoked Uncertainty Activator of Power in Channel Relationships....Pages 228-233
Proposing a Longitudinal Economic Model for Exercising Power in Vertical Channel Relationships....Pages 234-239
A Case Study of a multinational Bank’s Use of Relationship marketing in Corporate Banking....Pages 240-241
Information Acquisition and Risk Perception - An Experimental Comparison of Consumer Services and Business Services....Pages 242-250
Measuring Internal Service Quality: An Exploratory Study....Pages 251-251
An Alternative to the Polls: Why a Game can Predict a Political Race....Pages 252-254
Direct Mapping of Consumer Perceptions....Pages 255-263
An Exploratory Investigation into the Role of Formalized Political Activity in International Marketing Strategy....Pages 264-268
Personal and Professional Values Underlying Ethical Decisions: A Comparison of American and Thai Marketers....Pages 269-269
A Suggested Macro Strategic Plan to Improve U.S. Global Competitiveness into International Markets....Pages 270-274
An Analysis of Consumer Reactions to an Out-of-Stock Experiment....Pages 275-275
Price Tier Competition: An Inventory of Research Propositions....Pages 276-276
Salesperson Types and their Linkage to Reward Valence, Job Satisfaction, Job Effort, and Propensity-to-Leave: An Empirical Investigation of Retail Salespeople....Pages 277-282
Control Systems in Independent Distribution Channels and their Impact on Performance....Pages 283-283
Transaction Costs and Relational Nonns in Dtstribulion Channels: Research Propositions from the Buyer’s Perspective....Pages 284-284
An Exploration of Market Orientation at the Wholesale Level....Pages 285-286
Market Entry into the Newly Opened Indian Market: Recent Experiences of U.S. Companies in the Soft drinks Industry....Pages 287-292
Internationalization of Professional Services: The Case of Dutch Medium Sized Accountancy Firms....Pages 293-293
International Marketing Consortia: Some Implications for Developing Nations....Pages 294-301
Teamwork Barriers in Japanese High-Technology Firms....Pages 302-303
A Review of Bundled and Unbundled Post-Sale Service Options....Pages 304-311
New Zealand Students’ Preferences for Careers in Sales: Implications for Marketing Educators....Pages 312-316
Marketing Literacy, A First Approximation....Pages 317-321
Developing Process Mapping Skills: A Case Study....Pages 322-326
Endowed Chairs: Future Funding Priorities....Pages 327-330
Back Matter....Pages 331-332
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This volume includes the full proceedings from the 1995 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference held in Orlando, Florida. The research and presentations offered in this volume cover many aspects of marketing science including marketing strategy, consumer behavior, advertising, branding, international marketing, marketing education, among others.
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complimenting the Academy’s flagship journals, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review. Volumes are edited by leading scholars and practitioners across a wide range of subject areas in marketing science.