توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
PRICM-8 برجستهترین و بزرگترین تعاملات را در مواد پیشرفته و پردازش در منطقه حاشیه اقیانوس آرام دارد. این کنفرانس در طبیعت و معماری ذاتی خود منحصر به فرد است که از بسیاری از رشته های سنتی و مرزهای فرهنگی عبور می کند. سی دی مجموعه ای جامع از مقالات 15 سمپوزیوم ارائه شده در این رویداد است.
فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
Title Page......Page 3
Copyright Page......Page 4
Preface......Page 53
About the Editor/Congress Organizers......Page 57
Symposium A. Materials for Energy......Page 61
Research and Production of Heavy Pipeline Plate for Submarine Gas Transmission Lines at Shougang Steel......Page 63
Microstructure Characterization in Domestically-Made TP310HNbN Austenitic Stainless Steel After Creep Test......Page 73
Recent Niobium Developments for High Strength Steel Energy Applications......Page 79
Synthesis, Characterization and Pseudo-Capacitive Performance of MnOx/CNT Heteronanostructures......Page 87
Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Di-Electric Electro-Active Polymer......Page 95
Electrochemical Performance of LIMN0.5-xNi0.5-xAl2xO2 by Hydrothermal Method......Page 105
Electrochemical Deposition of High Purity Silicon in Molten Salts......Page 111
Nano Scale Energetic Materials: Theoretical and Experimental Updates......Page 117
First Principles Studies of Mechanical Properties of Thoria......Page 125
Characterization of the Crystallographic Textures and Mechanical Anisotropy Factors in Two Modifications of Zr-2.5Nb Pressure Tube Materials......Page 131
Dispersion Characteristics of PAA (Polyacrylic Acid) for Tube Fouling Control in Nuclear Power Plant......Page 139
Hydrogen Storage Performances of MG20NI10-xMx (M=CU, CO, MN; X=0-4) Alloys Prepared by Melt Spinning......Page 145
Evidence for Existence and Generality of Competitive Reactions during Hydrogenation of Mg/Cu Superlaminate Composites......Page 155
Torrefaction of Yacon and Jerusalem Artichoke Stems as a Contribution to the Alternative Production of Inulin......Page 163
Charpy Impacty Properties of ODS Ferritic Steels......Page 171
Corrosion Problems in Heat Recovery for Water Heating......Page 179
Diffusion Bonding of W/ODS Steel Using Pure Iron Insert for Fusion Reactor Applications......Page 189
Durability and Cycling Stability of Copper Coated Titania Nanotube as Anode Materials for Li-Ion Battery......Page 197
Effect of Microstructure on Hydrogen Absorption Property in Hypereutectic Mg-31mass%Ni Hydrogen Absorption Alloy......Page 203
Hierarchical ZnO Nano-Tree Growth for High Efficiency Solar Cell......Page 209
Investigation on Co-Combustion Kinetics of Anthracite Coal and Biomass Char by Thermogravimetric Analysis......Page 215
Investigation on Corrosion Behavior of High-Level Waste Container Materials......Page 227
Microstructure and Properties of Nano-Structured 9CR Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels Produced by Atomization and Hot Isostatic Pressing......Page 241
Renewable Thermoenergetic Resources in the Pyrometallurgical Copper Production Process......Page 249
Study on Super Stable All-Solid-State Battery at High Temperature......Page 257
Study on the Combustion Characteristics and Kinetics of Pulverized Coal in High Oxygen-Enriched Condition......Page 263
The Preparation and Electrochemical Performances of Al-Si/C Nanocomposite Anode for Lithium Ion Battery......Page 273
Thermodynamic Evaluation for Formation of MgCu2 from MgH2 and Cu......Page 281
Symposium B. Materials for the Environment......Page 287
Synthesis and Antibacterial Properties of Silver and Copper Ions Against Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Typhimurium, Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa......Page 289
Interaction of Tourmaline Mineral Powders with Sea Water and Its Anti-Microbial Properties......Page 295
Aragonite Precipitated Calcium Carbonate: A New Versatile Functional Filler for Light Weight Plastic......Page 303
Effect of PH on Susceptibility to Environment-Assisted Cracking of AZ31 Mg Alloy......Page 315
Electrochemical Impedance Characteristics of Sintered 7075 Aluminum Alloy under SSRT Test......Page 321
Novel Self-Foaming Cellular Composites Produced from Recycled Water Potabilisation Sludge......Page 329
Electrochemical Formation of Tb Alloys in LiCl-KCl Eutectic Melts......Page 337
Adsorption Kinetics of CeO2 Powders and Al Foam Loaded CeO2......Page 347
Studies on the Structures and Optical Properties of TiO2 Doped with Transition Metals......Page 355
Synthesis and Deposition of Catalytic CeO2 Nanocrystals via Aqueous Solution Process......Page 367
Symposium C. Advanced High-Temperature Structural Materials......Page 375
Coarsening Kinetics of Grain Boundary in a Cast Nickel Base Superalloy during Long Term Aging......Page 377
Development of Economically Doped Heat-Resistant Nickel Single-Crystal Superalloys for Blades of Perspective Gas Turbine Engines......Page 387
Dynamics of Recrystallization Behavior and Grain Growth Behavior of Nb-Ti-Al Superalloy......Page 397
Effect of Long Time Thermal Exposure on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of C276 Superalloy......Page 405
Friction and Wear Properties of Sintered Sulfur-Containing High-Speed Steels at Elevated Temperature......Page 413
Fully Dense Fine Grained FeAl-Based Intermetallics Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Method......Page 421
Grain Growth Behavior of a Ni-Cr Based Superalloy GH4033 in Reheating Process Prior to Hot Rolling......Page 429
Heat Treatment Effects on the High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Directionally Solidified MAR-M247 Superalloy......Page 439
Influence of Alloying Elements on Deformability of High NB Containing TiAl Alloys......Page 447
Methodologies for Long-Term Creep Life Extrapolation of Gr. 91 Steel......Page 457
Microstructural Change of Monocrystalline Co-Al-W-Based Gamma/Gamma Prime Two Phase Alloys by High Temperature Creep......Page 469
Microstructure Evolution and Creep Behaviors of A [111] Oriented Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy......Page 475
Oxidation Response of Pack Cementation Coated TZM (MO-0.5Ti-0.1Zr-0.02C) Alloys under Dynamic Environments......Page 485
Planar Defects and Dislocations in Transition Metal Disilicides......Page 491
Precipitation of the Gamma Prime Phase in a Ni-Co-Based Superalloy during Different Stages of Cooling......Page 499
Preparation and Microstructure of Carbon/Carbon Composites Modified with Zr-Ti-C Fabricated by Reacted Melt Infiltration......Page 507
Preparing SiC-TiB2 Composite via Liquid Phase Sintering......Page 517
Reaction Synthesis Mechanism of TiAl Alloy Fabricated by Hot Pressed Sintering with Mixed Powders of TiH2 and Aluminum......Page 523
Study on the Strain Rate Sensitivity of a Ni-Based Superalloy......Page 529
Tensile Anisotropy of a Single Crystal Superalloy......Page 535
The Effect of Silicon Additions on the Thermal Stability and Morphology of Carbides in a Ni-Mo-Cr Superalloy......Page 545
Titanium Aluminum Alloy Fabricated by Pressure Infiltration and Heat Treatment......Page 553
Correlation of Microstructures with Mechanical Properties in Recrystallized 15Cr-ODS Steels......Page 561
Determination of Fracture Toughness Values of Two Ni-Base Super Alloys for High Temperature Applications......Page 569
Effects of Al Addition on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of CM-247 LC Ni-Based Superalloy......Page 581
Effects of Alloying Elements on Thermal Aging Embrittlement of 15Cr Ferritic Alloys......Page 589
Fracture Characteristics of a Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy......Page 597
Study on Precipitation Behavior of Delta Phase in IN718 Alloy by Electric Field Treatment......Page 605
The Effect of Grain Boundary Character Distribution on Oxidation Resistance of ZG30Cr20Ni10 Heat Resistant Steel......Page 613
Symposium D. Advanced Steels and Processing......Page 621
Characteristics of Deformation Induced Martensite in SUS304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Deformed at RT and -60° C......Page 623
Aging Precipitation and Recrystallization Behavior After Cold Compression by 10% in High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel......Page 631
Determination of Alpha / Gamma Phase Boundaries in the Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn Quaternary System with a Diffusion-Multiple Method......Page 637
Effect of Prior Austenite Grain Size on Hydrogen Embrittlement Behaviors in 8Ni-0.1C Steel......Page 643
Effect of Al Content on Tensile Deformation and Fracture Behavior Transition Due to Strain-Rate Change in Fe-Si-Al Alloys......Page 651
Influence of Silicon Addition on the Low Temperature Toughness of Pressure Vessel Steels......Page 657
Effect of Ferrite Grain Size on Local Elongation in a Low Carbon Steel......Page 663
Evolution of Microstructures and Texture of 1.3%Si Non-Oriented Electrical Steel in the Twin-Roll Strip Casting Process......Page 669
Influence of Pre-Oxidation on the Corrosion Behavior of Weathering Steel......Page 675
Rusting Evolution and Anti-Corrosion Mechanism of MnCuP Weathering Steel in Simulated Atmospheres......Page 683
Selective Corrosion of Stainless Steel at Low pH......Page 691
Fitting and Evolution of Atmospheric Corrosion of Low Alloy Steels under Wet/Dry Cyclic Corrosion Test......Page 699
Study on the Corrosion Resistance of Hot Rolled Rebar Quenched with a New Chemical Reagent......Page 705
The Corrosion Resistance of Weathering Steels in Atmospheric Exposure and Laboratory-accelerated Corrosion Tests......Page 711
Formation of Equiaxed Crystals by Complex Inclusions during Solidification of Advanced High Strength Steel......Page 717
Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of the Fe-30Mn-(6-x)Si-xAl TRIP/TWIP Alloys......Page 725
In Situ Observation of the Microstructure Evolution in HAZ and Analysis by EBSD......Page 733
Low-Cost and Time-Saving Thermomechanical Treatment on 54SiCr Steel......Page 739
Preferential Precipitation of Cementite in Ferrite under a High Magnetic Field......Page 747
Studying the Hot Working Characteristics and Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Conventional Low Carbon Steel during In-Line Strip Production Process......Page 755
Influence of Different Parameters on Theoretical Flame Temperature Before Tuyere in Corex Melter Gasifier......Page 763
Influence of the Pulverized Coal Ash on Theoretical Flame Temperature Before Tuyere in BF......Page 773
Removal of Phosphorus, Sulphur and Arsenic from Ferronickel and Nickel Alloys......Page 785
Molten Mold Flux Technology for Continuous Casting of the ULC and TWIP Steel......Page 795
Effect of Steel Composition on the Scale Layer Composition in Continuous Casting......Page 807
Formation and Evolution of Spinel Inclusions during Al-Killed Steel Refining......Page 813
Development of a Heat Recovery System from Steelmaking Slag......Page 821
Heat Transfer Characteristic in a Slag Heat Recovery Chamber......Page 829
Thermodynamic Analyses of Iron Oxides Redox Reactions......Page 837
Microstructure Evolution in the Heat-Affected Zone of Zr-Ti Microalloyed High-Strength High-Toughness Offshore Structural Steels......Page 851
Evaluation of Kinetic Equation of Athermal Martensitic Transformation in Low Carbon Steels......Page 857
Effects of Isothermal Process on Content of Retained Austenite in High Chromium Cast Steels......Page 863
Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Processing of AISI 420 Stainless Steel......Page 869
Q-P Process on Steels with Various Carbon and Chromium Contents......Page 879
Newly Developed Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Lightweight Applications......Page 885
Effects of Heating Rate on the Phase Transformation Temperature of Austenite in M Steel Sheet......Page 895
Effects of Negative Gradient Magnetic Field on the Carbon Diffusion Behavior in Pure Iron......Page 899
Equipment and Automation of Blast Furnace Ironmaking Process......Page 907
Factors Affecting the Mixing Characteristics of Molten Steel in the RH Refining Process......Page 923
High Speed and Stable Continuous-Casting Technique on No.4CCM in JFE Steel Corporation Kurashiki Works......Page 931
High-Temperature Deformation Behavior of Carbon Steel Containing Dispersed Fine Voids......Page 939
Microstructural Evolution of a Medium Carbon Advanced High Strength Steel Heat-Treated by Quenching-Partitioning Process......Page 945
Self-Repairing of Damaged Rust Layers on Carbon Steel and Weathering Steel......Page 951
Static Model for Converter Steelmaking by Using Limestone......Page 959
Study for Influence of Prereduction Degree on the Softening and Melting Properties of Sinter......Page 967
Study of Rack and Chord Assembly Formability for Jack-Up Platforms......Page 979
The Effects of Shot-Peening on Surface Residual Stress of Advanced Ultrahigh-Strength Trip-Aided Steels......Page 987
The Development of Microalloyed Hot-Rolled High-Strength Auto Structural Steel with High Ti Content......Page 997
The Production of Bio-Steel and Its Applied Research on Watches......Page 1003
Zinc Distribution in Blast Furnace and Its Damage Mechanism......Page 1015
Symposium E. Light Metals and Alloys......Page 1023
Control of Textures in Aluminum Solid Solution Alloys by High-Temperature Deformation......Page 1025
Deformation Behavior of LPSO Phase and Zn Accompanied by Kink Band Formation......Page 1033
Deformation Behavior of Mg-Y and Mg-Al-Zn Alloy Single Crystals in Compression......Page 1039
Development of Advanced Aluminum Alloys with Nano-Hetero Structures and Their Mechanical Properties......Page 1047
Development of Al-TiC Alloys Using Powder Metallurgy as Grain Refiners for Aluminium and Its Alloys......Page 1057
Effect of Combined Electromagnetic Fields on the As-Casting Structure and Mechanical Property of HDC Casting 7075 Al Alloy Ingot......Page 1069
Effect of Heat Treatment on Fatigue Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Al 7021-T6......Page 1077
Effect of Rotating Gas Bubble Stirring Treatment on the Microstructures of Semi-Solid AZ91-2Ca Alloy......Page 1085
Effects of Electromagnetic Field on Horizontal Continuous Casting of 6061 Aluminium Alloy Bar Process......Page 1095
Elimination of Iron in Molten Aluminum Scrap by Electromagnetic Stirring Technique......Page 1101
Formability of Mg-Li Alloy Sheet by Square Cup Deep Drawing......Page 1109
Friction Stir Lap Welding of Al and Mg Alloys: Deformation and Joint Strength......Page 1117
High Strain Rate Superplasticity of a Fine-Grained AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Prepared by Friction Stir Processing......Page 1125
Improvement of Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Twin-Roll-Cast AMX1001 Magnesium Alloy by Rolling Process......Page 1133
Influence of Extrusion Ratio on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of MG-9Li-3Al-2.5Sr Alloy......Page 1139
Investigation of Abnormal Grain Growth in a Friction Stir Welded and Spin-Formed Al-Li Alloy 2195 Crew Module......Page 1151
Lattice Rotation Due to Cold-Rolling on 1050 Aluminum with Near Rotated Cube Orientations......Page 1161
Mechanical Properties and Formability of Titanium-Clad Magnesium Alloy Sheets......Page 1169
Mechanical Properties of Low-Cost Beta-Type Ti-Mn Alloys Fabricated by Metal Injection Molding......Page 1175
Microstructural Characterization of Metastable Phases in Homogenised and Aged Mg-Gd and Mg-Gd-Nd Alloys Containing Zn, Y and Zr......Page 1183
Microstructural Control and Mechanical Properties of Low-Cost Titanium Alloys for Next Generation Aircrafts......Page 1191
Preparation of Large Scale Magnesium Alloy Billets by LFEC Processing......Page 1199
Quantitative Analysis of Twinning-Induced Plasticity (TWIP) in Beta-Titanium Alloy......Page 1209
Relationship Between Aluminum Oxide Inclusion and Porosity in Aluminum Melt......Page 1217
Textural Stability during Annealing in Aluminum Subjected to Shear Deformation......Page 1223
The Effect of Ca Additions on the Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al-Sn Alloys......Page 1229
The Precipitation Behavior of Alpha Phase in a New Near Beta Titanium Alloy Ti-7333 during Aging Process......Page 1235
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Mg{Y{Zn Ternary System Using the Cluster Variation Method......Page 1243
Age-Hardening Behavior of Deformed Excess Mg-Type Al-Mg-Si Alloys......Page 1251
Aging Behavior and Microstructure Observation of MgB2/Al-1mass%Mg2Si Composite Materials......Page 1257
Effect of Ca Addition on the High-Temperature Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy......Page 1263
Effect of Crystal Grain Orientation on Grain Boundary Fracture in Polycrystalline Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy......Page 1271
Effect of Cu/Ag Addition on the Age-Hardening Behavior in Al-Mg-Ge Alloys......Page 1277
Effect of Rolling on the High Strength of 6N01 Aluminum Alloy......Page 1283
Effect of Shot Peening on Bending Strength of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Pipe......Page 1289
Effect of Si and Ca Additions on Microstructure of As-Cast Mg-Sn-Sr Alloy......Page 1297
Effects of Annealing Temperature on the Recrystallization Behavior and Microstructure of Al-Mn Alloys with Different Second Phase Particles......Page 1301
Grain Refinement in Pure Mg and Mg-Zn Alloys during Hot Compression Test......Page 1309
Growth of the AIN and Fe-Al Intermetallic Compound Multilayer as Different Nickel Concentration......Page 1317
Hot Deformation Behavior of an Al-7.6Zn-1.8Mg-1.4Cu-0.12Zr Alloy......Page 1325
HRTEM Observation of Precipitation in Mg-Gd-Y Alloys during Aging at 473K......Page 1331
Influence of High Magnetic Field on Intermediate Phase Growth in Mg-Al Diffusion Couple......Page 1337
Influence of Y on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mechanism of Mg-8Li-3Zn Alloy......Page 1343
Influence of Y/Zn Mole Ratio on the Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Y-Zn Alloys......Page 1351
Investigation on Microstructure in As-Cast Aluminum Alloy 7136 and Its Evolution during Homogenization......Page 1359
Microstructural Features and Age Hardening in an Al-Mg-Ga Sacrificial Anode Alloy......Page 1367
Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of As-Cast, Extruded and Nanocrystalline Mg-9Li-3Al-2.5Sr Alloy......Page 1373
Microstructure Evolution of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy during Extrusion-Torsion Simultaneous Processing......Page 1383
Observation of Equilibrium Phase for Cu or Ag Addition Al-Mg-Si Alloys......Page 1389
Recovery and Recrystallization in 1050 Aluminum Alloy After Cold-Rolling at 50%......Page 1395
Study on the Hot Tearing Susceptibility of Mg-7Al-xCa-2Si-0.8Zn-0.5Sr-0.4Mn Heat-resistant Magnesium Alloys......Page 1401
Variation of Aging Behavior for Cu or Ag Addition Al-Zn-Mg Alloys......Page 1409
Warm Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy at Strain Rate of 100s-1......Page 1415
Symposium F. Composites and Hybrid Materials......Page 1423
A Novel Technique to Develop a Hybrid Al-Al2O3-Intermetallic Fibers in MMC or FGM Structure......Page 1425
Aluminum/TPG Metal Matrix Composite with Improved Thermal Conductivity......Page 1431
An Approach to Improve the Tensile Ductility of Particle Reinforced Ultrafine-Grained Metallic Composite by Nano-Dispersion Toughening......Page 1439
Bulk NiTip/Al Composites Prepared by Friction Stir Processing......Page 1447
Effect of High Magnetic Fields on Annealing of Nanostructured Multilayers......Page 1455
Fabrication of Al/Cu Composite Using Multiple Hydrostatic Extrusion Process and Its Material Properties......Page 1461
Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion and Wear Resistances of Mild Steel with Ni-P-Al2O3 Composite Film......Page 1469
Interfacial Morphology on Mechanical Behavior of Particle Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites......Page 1477
Interfacial Properties of Ti-6Al-4V/SCS-6 Continuous Fibre Reinforced Composite......Page 1485
Localized Melting Phase Induced Nontraditional Interphase in Al/Mg Metal Matrix Composite......Page 1493
Low-Velocity Impact Response of Sandwich Composites with FRP Facesheets and Nanoclay-Wood Flour Modified Polyurethane Foam......Page 1501
Manufacturing Process of CELMET Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite by Low-Pressure Casting......Page 1507
Micromechanics-Based Examination of Thermomechanical Response of ZrO2/Ti Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering......Page 1513
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Tubes Reinforced AZ91D Magnesium Matrix Composites Prepared by Squeeze Casting......Page 1523
Multilayerd Metal-Ceramic Composites Made by Coating Technologies......Page 1531
Preparation and Characterization of Diamond/Cu Composites......Page 1539
Relationship Between Microstructure and Electrical Conductivity of TiB2 Particle Dispersed Al Composites by Spark Sintering Process......Page 1547
Role of Si in the Wetting of Alpha-SiC by Al......Page 1553
Superplastic Tensile Behavior of In Situ TiBw/Ti6Al4V Composite with Novel Network Microstructure......Page 1561
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorine-Doped TiN Dioxide Nanocomposites......Page 1567
Synthesis and Properties of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites (MMNCS), Syntactic Foams, Self Lubricating and Self-Healing Metals......Page 1575
Topological Interlocking as a Design Principle for Hybrid Materials......Page 1585
Symposium G. Biomaterials, Smart Materials, and Structures......Page 1595
Mechanical Properties of Meta-Stable Ti-Cr-Sn-Zr Alloys......Page 1597
Aesthetic and Mechanical Properties of Oxide Coated Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloys as a Dental Material......Page 1603
Mechanical Properties of Ti-12Cr Alloy with Self-Tunable Young's Modulus for Use in Spinal Fixation Devices......Page 1611
Large Elastic-Like Strain in an Fe-31.2Pd (at.%) Alloy Exhibiting a Second-Order-Like FCC-FCT Martensitic Transformation......Page 1617
Borate Glass Nano Fiber/Whiskers in a Hybrid Orthopedic Composite Implants for Wound Healing and Bone Regeneration......Page 1627
Porous Titanium Implant and Micro-CT Based Characterization of Sub-Surface Morphology......Page 1639
Direct Laser Forming for More Complex Shaped Titanium Alloy Compacts......Page 1647
Studies on the Competitive Interaction of Glutathione with 3-Aminopropyl Trimethoxysilane-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles......Page 1657
Cross Sectional TEM Observations and Elemental Mapping on Anodic Oxidation Surface Films of Titanium Alloy......Page 1663
Osteoblast Response to the Modified Surface of Porous Titanium......Page 1671
Analytical Model of Polymerization Characteristics of Dental Composite Resin......Page 1679
Antibacterial Ceramic Fabricated by the Ti-Bearing Blast Furnace Slag......Page 1687
Deformation Induced Changeable Young's Modulus in Ternary Ti-Cr-O Alloys for Spinal Fixation Operations......Page 1695
Electrochemical Etching of Nitinol Using a New Electrolyte Solution......Page 1703
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Biocompatibility of Ti-Nb Based Composite with CPP Fabricated by Rapid Sintering......Page 1709
Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Pure Magnesium for Potential Biological Application......Page 1715
Polymer-Cu/TiO2 Antimicrobial Coatings......Page 1723
Preparation and Optical Properties of Amorphous SiO Nanowires......Page 1731
Preparation of Ag-Doped Calcium Phosphates......Page 1739
Symposium H. Rare Earth, Electronic, and Magnetic Materials......Page 1747
Advances in Rare-Earth-Free Permanent Magnets......Page 1749
All-Solid-State 2-Dimensional Battery......Page 1757
High Anisotropy and High Electrical Resistivity Nd-Fe-B/CaF2 Composite Magnets with Laminated Structures......Page 1765
Hybrid Nanoscale Magnetic Composites......Page 1769
Investigation of Low Melting-Point Boundary Phase in Sintered (Ce, Nd)-Fe-B Magnets......Page 1783
Magnetic, Magnetocaloric and Electrical Properties in Bulk Nanocrystalline Gd Metals......Page 1789
Magnetic Microstructures of High Performance Permanent Magnetic Materials......Page 1797
Meallization from Neodymium (III) Compound by Chemical and Electrowinning Process......Page 1805
Radiation Damage in GaN-Based Materials and Devices......Page 1813
Status and Preparation Technology of Rare Earth Materials......Page 1825
Study on Infrared Transmission Property of Mercury Indium Telluride Single Crystal......Page 1835
Surface Nano-Modification and Low-Temperature Crystallization of Si-Related Semiconductors by Soft X-Ray Irradiation......Page 1843
Synthesis and Characterization of Yttrium Titanate and Er Doped Yttrium Titanate Nanofibers......Page 1855
Thick-film Magnets for MEMS Applications......Page 1863
Recycle Rare Earth from Waste Phosphor by a Two-Step Method.......Page 1873
An Analysis of the Magnetization Behavior and Temperature Dependence of Coercivity in Hot Deformed Nd2Fe14B Magnets with Different Deformation Degrees......Page 1881
Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage Kinetics of the Asmelt La0.75-XMxMg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Al0.1 (M=Zr, Pr; X=0-0.2) Alloys Applied to Ni-Mh Battery......Page 1889
Magnetism and Electronic Structure Calculations of Pd-Tm Alloys and Hydrogen Systems......Page 1897
Symposium I. Thin Films and Surface Engineering......Page 1903
Adhesion Strength of the Interface Between TiN Film and White Layer......Page 1905
Allylamine Functionalization of 3c-Sic Thin Film......Page 1913
A Study on Contact Resistance Failure Between Al-Ti-TiN Multi-Layer and W-Via Caused by Hillock Formation......Page 1923
Comparison in Abrasion Resistance Between Hardened 8620 Steel and Coated by Ti/Tin......Page 1931
Corrosion Behavior of 21%Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel at Atmospheric Environment......Page 1939
Duplex Stainless Steel Surface Treatment by Plasma Transferred Arc......Page 1945
Effect of Growth Temperature on GaN Films Deposited on Stainless Steel Substrates by ECR-PEMOCVD......Page 1953
Effects of Tungsten and Laser Re-Melting on the Properties of Hastelloy C22 Coating......Page 1961
Electrochemical Codeposition of Ti-dispersed Ni-matrix Layers by Pulse-Form Current......Page 1969
Engineering Thin Film Semiconductor Gas Sensors to Increase Sensitivity and Decrease Operation Temperature......Page 1977
Influence of the Cu Content on the Structure and Properties of Me-Cu-N (Me=Zr,Ti) Nanocomposite Films Deposited by Pulsed Bias Arc Ion Plating......Page 1989
Influence of the Lubricant Temperature and Operation Charge in Metallic Surfaces Wear......Page 1999
Influence of Yttrium on Microstructure and Properties of Ni-Al Alloy Coatings Prepared by Laser Cladding......Page 2011
Microhardness and Deformation Storage Energy Density of NiTi Thin Films......Page 2019
Model for Atomic Layer Deposition of Aluminum on Inner Wall of Rectangular Pipes with Large Length Aspect Ratio......Page 2027
Molten Salt Multi-Anode Reactive Alloy Coating (Marc) of Ta-W Alloy on Sus316l......Page 2035
Nanocrystalline Antimony-doped Tin Oxide Films Prepared by Sol-Gel......Page 2043
Nanoscale Ductility Mechanisms in Cu/Ag Nanolayered Metals......Page 2051
STM and ARPES Study of Ordered Ce Film and Its Initial Oxidation......Page 2061
Study on Improving Surface Characteristics of Stainless Steel Alloys by Electropolishing......Page 2071
Thermomechanical Stress Driven Ag Direct Bonding......Page 2077
Effects of Processing Temperatures on the Characteristics of the Surface Hardened Layer Produced on Duplex Stainless Steel by Low Temperature Plasma Nitrocarburizing......Page 2085
Formation of Fe-Al Intermetallic Compound Film on Hot Work Tool Steel by Shot Lining and Heat Treatment......Page 2095
Giant Magnetoresistance of CoNi/Cu Multilayered Nanowires Electrodeposited into Anodized Aluminum Oxide Nanochannels......Page 2103
Interdiffusion Behavior at Interface between Nialhfsi Coatings and Ni3Al Based Superalloy Substrates......Page 2111
Low-Temperature Grown InN Films Based on Sapphire Substrate with ECR-Plasma Enhanced CVD......Page 2121
Mechanism of Formation of Whisker in Deformed Pure-Sn Thin Film......Page 2129
Microstructural and Corrosion Characterizations of Nickel-Titanium Coatings Produced by Electrochemical Codeposition and Heat Treatment......Page 2135
Prevention of Soot Deposition in Direct Carburizing by Injection of Water Vapor......Page 2143
Stability of Structural Ceramic Materials in Liquid Bismuth Cathode......Page 2149
Strontium Titanate Buffer Layers on Cu/33%Ni Substrates Using a Novel Solution Chemistry......Page 2155
Structural and Electrical Properties of High C-Orientation GaN Films on Diamond Substrates with ECR-PEMOCVD......Page 2163
Structural and Mechanical Properties of TiON Nanocomposite Films Deposited on Silicon by Pulsed Bias Arc Ion Plating......Page 2171
Surface Characteristics and Electric Conductivity of MWCNTs/FEVE Copolymer Composite Coatings......Page 2177
ZnTe Compound Semiconductor Thin Films Electrodeposited from Acidic Aqueous Solution......Page 2183
Symposium J. Materials and Processes for Enhanced Performance......Page 2189
GMAW Shielding Gas Flow Optimisation by Refinement of Nozzle Geometry......Page 2191
Recent Developments in Flat Rolling Technologies......Page 2199
Relation between Plating Current Density and Microwave Properties of Thin Magnetic Film......Page 2207
Surface Structure and Particle Analysis of Combined SnO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles Prepared for Gas Sensing......Page 2217
Analysis to the Application of Hydrogen Bell-Type Annealing Furnace in Baosteel Stainless Steel......Page 2223
Corrosion Analysis of Zinc Rich Epoxy Coatings on Steel in NaCl Solution......Page 2231
Improvement on Strength Performance of Hot Dip Galvanized 340BH Automotive Steel Sheet......Page 2237
Microstructure and Properties of Low Manganese API X70 Pipeline Steel for Sour Service Application......Page 2243
Study on Dimensional Stability of 1Cr18Ni9Ti Stainless Steel and Its Mechanism......Page 2251
Grain Boundary Engineering of Sus304 by Laser Shocking and Annealing......Page 2259
Analysis on Inclusion Defects for Titanium Containing Austenitic Steel and Related Manufacturing Way......Page 2265
Improvement of Mechanical Property in Weld Metal Formed with F-MAG Welding Method in Steels......Page 2273
Study on Optimizing the Sintering Proportioning by Experiment......Page 2281
Study on the Mold Slag with High Al2O3 Content for High Aluminum Steel......Page 2291
Influence of Heat Treatment in the Pyromet 31V Turning......Page 2301
On the Microstructural Optimisation of a New Polycrystalline Superalloy for Industrial Gas Turbines......Page 2311
Functionally Graded Ceramics Formed by Electron Beam Irradiation......Page 2321
Recycling Automotive Waste Glass and Plastic – An Innovative Approach......Page 2327
Effect of Ag Content on Grain Growth during Reversion in Precipitation Hardened Cu-Cr-Zr-Ag Alloys......Page 2337
Effect of Cross Accumulative Roll Bonding Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laminated 1100/7075 Composite Sheets......Page 2345
Grain Refinement of Al Cast by Al5CuTi2, Al22Fe3Ti8 and Al67Ni8Ti25 Intermetallic Compounds with L12 Structure......Page 2357
The Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modified Friction Stir Welded Al 2024 T3- Al 7075 T6......Page 2367
Study for Production of Zirconium Sponge by Separated-Reduction Process......Page 2373
Effect of Shot Peening on Microstructure and Performance of the Fe-Cu-Ni-Mo-C Sintered Material......Page 2377
Effects of Thermal Conductivity of Matrix on Wear Behavior of Metal-Based Composite......Page 2385
Fe-Ti Alloy Production from Mixed Ilmenite and Titanium Dioxide by Direct Electrolytic Reduction in Molten Calcium Chloride Electrolyte......Page 2391
Low Cost Precursors for In-Situ Synthesis of Composite Materials Using Plasma Transferred Arc Welding......Page 2405
Melt Processing of Al-TiB2 Nanocomposite Materials......Page 2413
Rheological Properties of Feedstock Composed of Titanium Alloy Powder and Polyethylene Glycol Based Binder System for Metal Injection Moulding......Page 2423
Derivation of Forces Acting on the Liquid Weld Metal Based on Arc Pressure Measurements Produced Using Alternating Shielding Gases in the GTAW Process......Page 2435
Effect of Brazing Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Graphite/Copper Joints......Page 2447
Evaluation of Physical and Optical Properties on Functionally Graded Piping Joint Made from Cu and Austenitic Stainless Steel Powder......Page 2457
Study of Thermal Damage Introduced by Laser Cladding Process Part 1. Existence Verification by Experiment......Page 2467
Study of Thermal Damage Introduced by Laser Cladding Process Part 2. A Generalized Description......Page 2475
Corrosion Resistance Enhancement of 304 Stainless Steel under Droplet of Chloride Solution by Mechanical Surface Treatment......Page 2483
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of HT9 Fuel Cladding Tube for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)......Page 2491
Effect of Strain-Induced Precipitation on Microstructures and Fatigue Properties of AA 7050 Alloy......Page 2495
Effects of Beta on Both Microstructure and Mechanical Property in Weld Metals in Steels......Page 2503
Localized Corrosion Resistance of Co-Cr Alloy in NaCl Solution......Page 2511
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Sn Alloy with Harmonic Structure......Page 2515
Microstructures and Electrical-Mechanical Properties of Cu-Cr-Zr and Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti Alloys Heat-treated in Hydrogen......Page 2521
Symposium K. Solidification, Deformation and Related Processing......Page 2529
Analysis of Hot Rolling with Simplified Weighted Velocity Field and MY Criterion......Page 2531
Comparison of the Volume Fractions of Primary Sn Depending on the Holding Time in Sn-Ag and Sn-Pb Alloys......Page 2539
Directional Solidification of Nano-Sized SiC Particles Reinforced Az91D Composites......Page 2547
Effect of Monotectic Reaction on Solidification Cracking Resistance of Lead Free Bronze......Page 2555
FEM Analysis of Pipe Reduction Forming Process for Increasing of Wall Thickness......Page 2563
In Situ Visualization on Crystal Growth of Sn-Bi Alloy under Electric Field......Page 2569
Interfacial Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Produced by Melt Drag Process......Page 2575
Investigation of Unusual "Sharkskin" Corrosion in Drawn Copper Pipes......Page 2583
Key Technologies for Square/Round Billet Continuous Casting......Page 2591
Manufacture of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Circular Tubes by Cold Roll Forming......Page 2603
Model Experiment for Horizontal Centrifugal Casting Process......Page 2609
Numerical Multiscale Modeling of Fluid Flow Characteristics of Ultrasonically Processed A356 Alloys......Page 2617
On the Annealing of Rapidly Solidified High Chromium-High Carbon Tool Steel......Page 2623
Prediction of Microporosity in Complex Thin-Wall Castings with the Dimensionless Niyama Criterion......Page 2633
Production of Copper Alloy Sheet by Twin-Roll Casting......Page 2647
Real Time Observation of Interface Evolution in Al/Cu Bimetal by Synchrotron Radiation Imaging......Page 2653
Real-Time Imaging of the Grain Refinement Process of Aluminum Alloys Inoculated by Al-5Ti-B under Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray......Page 2659
Recrystallisation of Cold Rolled CuMgSn Alloys Produced from Thin Cast Slabs......Page 2667
Research on the Crack Mechanism of Electrodes for a High-Alloyed Martensitic Valve Steel......Page 2675
Secondary A Phase Evolution in the Isothermal Compression and Heat Treatment of TC8 Titanium Alloy......Page 2681
Solidification Heat Transfer Analysis of AZ91D Cast Strip by Using a Horizontal Twin Roll Caster......Page 2687
Solidification of Iron-Rich Intermetallics in Squeeze Cast Al-5.0Cu-0.5Fe Alloys with Different MN/Fe Ratio......Page 2695
Solidification Processing of Cast Energetic Materials......Page 2703
Stress Behavior of Incoloy 800 Superalloy in Slab Continuous Casting Process......Page 2711
Study on Directional Solidification Microstructures of Mg-Zn-Gd Ternary Magnesium Alloy......Page 2719
Interactions Between TiAl Melt and Crucibles Material during Casting Process......Page 2729
Preparation of High Purity Tellurium by Zone Refining Process......Page 2739
Solidification of Discontinuous Magnesium Borate Whisker Reinforced AA2024 Matrix Composite......Page 2747
The Improvement of Tensile Property for Solidified Superalloy Inconel 625......Page 2755
Transformation Texture of Pure Iron After Cold-Rolling and Annealing......Page 2761
Symposium L. Modeling and Simulation of Processes, Microstructures, and Behavior......Page 2769
Computational Modeling and Experimental Validation of Microstructure Development in Nickel-Base Superalloys Processed through Scanning Laser Epitaxy (SLE)......Page 2771
Coupled Macro-Micro Modeling for Prediction of Grain Structure of Mg-Al Alloy......Page 2783
Electromagnetic Stirring of Plutonium Metal Part I: Theoretical Calculations and System Design (LA-UR-13-23071)......Page 2791
Kinetics Modelling of Isothermal Bainite Transformation in Low Carbon Multi-Microalloyed Steel......Page 2799
Simulation on Structure of Electroslag Remelting Ingot by Cellular Automata Method......Page 2807
Quantitative Phase Field Simulation of Athermal Omega Transition in Ti-Mo Alloys......Page 2817
Phase-Field Simulation of Solidification Microstructure Evolution in the Presence of Lateral Constraints......Page 2825
Refinement of Coarse-Grained Austenite in a Nb-V-Ti Microalloyed Steel Processed by Medium-Thin Slab Casting and Direct Rolling Route......Page 2833
Strain-Induced Phase Transition in Martensitic Alloys: Phase-Field Simulation......Page 2841
The Statistical Analysis of Dislocation Percolation: A Mathematical Contribution to Strain Hardening Theory......Page 2851
Computer Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Compositions of Heat-Resistant Nickel Superalloys......Page 2859
First-Principles Simulations of the Initial Corrosion-Process of Iron Surface......Page 2869
Modelling Heat Transfer in Nanofluids Based on Coupled Md-Stochastic Simulation......Page 2875
Full-Potential KKR Calculations for Lattice Distortion of Impurities in Fe-Based Dilute Alloys, Based on the Generalized-Gradient Approximation......Page 2881
Reactive Force Field for Molecular Dynamics Study of the ZnO Film Growth with Different Oxygen Environment......Page 2887
Size Effect on Curie and Ordering Temperatures of Magnetic Nanoalloys......Page 2893
Two-dimensional Numerical Study on the Growth of Sea Ice Crystals with Flotation of Crystal Nuclei and Its C-axes Distribution......Page 2899
An Overall Simulation of Austenite Grain Evolution for Heavy Forgings during Heating and Hot Deformation......Page 2907
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experimental Results for the Horizontal Single Belt Casting (HSBC) of Aluminum Alloy Strips......Page 2919
Development of a Full PLIC-VOF Method for Mold Filling Simulation of High Pressure Die Casting Process......Page 2927
Hot Extrusion Process Design for Spray-Formed FGH95 Superalloy Based on Numerical Simulation......Page 2935
Ideal Stopper Rod Lifts for Various Casting Conditions......Page 2943
On the Constitutive Modeling of the Hot Deformation Behavior of a High-Mn Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel......Page 2953
Prediction of Casting Defects and Optimization of Casting Process during Gravity Casting of Al Turbo Charger Valve Housing......Page 2961
Prediction of the Shape of Molten Flux Film in Continous Casting Process......Page 2967
Study on Prevention of Wide-Thick Slab Transverse Cracks by Optimizing the Secondary Cooling Nozzles......Page 2973
Fluid Flow Transport Phenomena in Steel Continuous Casting FC-Mold Strands......Page 2981
Large-Scale Simulation of Dendritic Solidification......Page 2991
Mathematical Modeling of Bottom Gas Injection in Industrial Metallurgical Ladles in the Presence of a Top Layer of Slag......Page 3001
Mathematical Modeling of Electromagnetic Stirring of Molten Steel in DC Arc Furnaces......Page 3009
Modeling and Simulation of High Efficiency Welding Processes......Page 3017
Modeling of the Argon Stirring Process during Desulfurization in a Steel Ladle......Page 3027
Multiphase Modeling of Macrosegregation Formation in Steel Ingot......Page 3037
Numerical Analysis for Flexible Roll Forming......Page 3047
Fuzzy Controlling Withdrawal Technology by Numerical Simulation to Optimize Directional Solidification Process of Superalloy Casting......Page 3053
Modeling of Thin Strip Profile during Cold Rolling on Roll Crossing and Shifting Mill......Page 3061
Formation of Free Surface Vortex in the Steelmaking Process (Dual Tapping Hole System in a Converter)......Page 3069
Front Tracking Model of Simultaneous Melting and Solidification during Multiple Layer Deposition in GMA Welding......Page 3077
Numerical Simulation of Solidification and Macro Segregation in Water Cooled Heavy Steel Ingot......Page 3085
Numerical Study on Behavior of Top-Blown Supersonic Jets and Their Interaction with Bath in BOF Steelmaking Convertor......Page 3093
A Study on Heat Transfer at Metal/Die Interface during High Pressure Die Casting of AM60B Alloy......Page 3101
The Numerical Simulation of Flow-Field Inside the Raceway in Blast Furnace Based on CFD......Page 3111
Thermo-mechanical Behavior and Cracking Susceptibility of Solidifying Shell in Continuous Casting Mold......Page 3123
A Parametric Study of Resistance Spot Welding of a Dual-Phase Steel Using Finite Element Analysis......Page 3133
An Approach for Modelling Carbon Homogenization Processes of Steel in Micro-Scale......Page 3141
Analysis of Electromagnetic Field and Temperature Field in ESR Process with Three Electrodes......Page 3151
Fuzzy Control Expert System of Hot Blast Stove Based on Simulation and Thermal Balance......Page 3159
Influence of Different Blast Furnace Dead-Man State to Hot Metal Flow Field in Hearth and Bottom......Page 3169
Molecular Dynamics Study of Zirconium and Zirconium Hydride.......Page 3179
Numerical Analysis of Electrorefiner for Spent Nuclear Fuel and Measuring the Composition of Molten Salt by Using the Libs......Page 3187
Numerical Analysis of Engineering Scale Cathode Process by Using Phase Change Model......Page 3195
Numerical Simulation of the Erosion in the Hearth of COREX Melter Gasifier under the Condition of Different Drainage Type......Page 3201
Numerical Simulations of Non-Metallic Inclusions Behavior in Gas-Stirred Ladle......Page 3209
Optimization of Hot-Zone Design through CFD Analysis for Kyropoulos Sapphire Single Crystal Grower......Page 3217
Physical Modeling on the Mold Flow Field Influenced by Nozzle Clogging......Page 3223
Simulation on the Melting Process of Iron Oxide Pellet in Slags......Page 3231
The Bustling Nature of Vacancies in Al Alloys......Page 3241
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Thermal Damaged Mechanism of Baosteel Blast-Furnace Tuyere......Page 3249
Symposium M. Bulk Metallic Glasses, Nanocrystalline Materials, and Ultrafine-Grain Materials......Page 3257
Correlation between Internal States and Strength in Bulk Metallic Glass......Page 3259
Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Based Bulk Metallic Glass and Composites......Page 3267
Castability of Bulk Metallic Glass Materials for Multi-Scale Tooling Applications......Page 3273
Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Fabricated within the Supercooled Liquid Region......Page 3281
Electrical Resistivities of La55Al25Ni10Cu10 Bulk Metallic Glasses in Isochronal and Isothermal Heating Processes......Page 3289
Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Nano Crystalline Pb Free Solders......Page 3297
Martensitic Transformation Behaviors of Fe-Ni Nanoparticles under External Field......Page 3307
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Harmonic Structure Designed Pure Aluminum......Page 3313
Aging Behavior of Ultrafine Grained Commercial Al-Mg-Si Alloy Severely Deformed by ARB Process......Page 3319
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Coarse and Ultrafine Grain Titanium with Different Iron Contents......Page 3325
Combination of ECAP Process and Heat Treatment to Achieve Refining Structure of Selected Magnesium Alloys......Page 3335
Influence of Low Temperature Annealing on Mechanical Behavior of Cu and Cu-Ge Alloy Processed by Cold Rolling......Page 3343
Fabrication of Bulk Nanocrystalline Ni-W with Plastic Deformability Electrodeposited from a Sulfamate Bath......Page 3351
Formation and Mechanical Properties of Bimodal Microstructures in 0.2% Carbon Steel by Heavy-Reduction Hot Compression......Page 3357
Improved Mechanical Properties of V-Added Medium Mn Trip Steel......Page 3363
Influence of Cold Rolling Routes on Mechanical Properties of Copper Subjected to ECAP......Page 3367
Martensitic Transformation from Nanocrystalline Austenite in Fe-Ni Alloys Fabricated by Electrodeposition......Page 3375
Maximizing Performance of Al-Fe Alloys Processed by High-Pressure Torsion with Optimized Initial Microstructure and Processing Route......Page 3383
Microstructure Quantification and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Fe-Cr Alloys and Pure Copper by Equal Channel Angular Pressing......Page 3389
Symposium N. Advanced Materials Characterization and Evaluation......Page 3397
Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity of Carbon Fibre......Page 3399
TEM Studies on RMnO3 Multiferroic Materials......Page 3407
A Novel Oxide Characterization Method of Nickel Base Alloy 600 Used in Nuclear Plant Reactors......Page 3415
Conventional and Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of Phase Transformation in Implanted Diamond Layers......Page 3423
Relationship Between Fracture Toughness and Microstructure of a New Near Beta Titanium Alloy......Page 3431
Microstructure-Bendability Relationship in V-Bending of Cast Aluminum Alloy A356......Page 3439
Multi-Functional Kic-Test Specimen for Assessment of Different Tool and High-Speed Steel Properties......Page 3447
Effect of High Angle Grain Boundary on Deformation of Aluminum Bicrystalline Nanopillars......Page 3455
Detection of Hydrogen Release from the Grain Boundary Fracture Zone in 7075 Aluminum Alloy......Page 3463
In-Situ X-Ray Radiographic Observations of Eutectic Transformations in Al-Cu Alloys......Page 3469
Fabrication of Uranium Dispersion Targets for Mo-99 Production......Page 3477
High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of PH13-8Mo Straight Lugs......Page 3487
Influence of Trace Sb Addition in Ductile Cast Iron......Page 3495
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Pipelines in the Oil & Gas Industry......Page 3501
Sensitivities of Depth Resolution to Sampling Depth and Sputter Ion Energy in XPS Depth Profiling......Page 3509
TEM Observation of Spheroidal Graphite in Ductile Cast Iron......Page 3519
Symposium O. Advanced Neutron and Synchrotron Studies of Materials......Page 3525
Measurement of Distributions of Local Internal Stress near Grain Boundary in SUS316 by EXDM Using White X-Ray Micro Beam......Page 3527
Neutron Diffraction Study and EPSC Modelling of Multi-Pass TIG Weld......Page 3535
Energy Dispersive Synchrotron Diffraction for In-Situ Analyses of Hydrogen Behavior in Steels......Page 3541
Single-Shot Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering Measurements of Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials under Shock Wave Loading......Page 3549
The MAX IV: A Light Source for the Future......Page 3557
Real-Time Investigation of the Structural Evolution of Electrodes in a Lithium-Ion Battery Containing V-added LiFePO4 Cathode Using In-Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction......Page 3565
Author Index......Page 3573
Subject Index......Page 3585
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
PRICM-8 features the most prominent and largest-scale interactions in advanced materials and processing in the Pacific Rim region. The conference is unique in its intrinsic nature and architecture which crosses many traditional discipline and cultural boundaries. The CD is a comprehensive collection of papers from the 15 symposia presented at this event.