فهرست مطالب :
PREFACE\nPROGRAM AND TABLE OF CONTENTS\nFigures\nMonday, August 27, 1962 (M.I.T.)\n9 . 0 0 a . m . OPENING SESSION\nPresident of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Welcoming Remarks\nPresident of The Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Introductory Remarks\nSecretary General of The Ninth International Congress, Quelques mots d\'accueil\n10.15 a . m . PLENARY SESSION\nOn the Methods of Internal Reconstruction\nDiscussion\n2 . 1 5 p . m . SECTION MEETINGS\nSECTION A: MATHEMATICAL LINGUISTICS\nA Statistical Study of English Syntax\nMeasures of Linguistic Divergence\nMathematics of Genealogical Relationships Between Languages\nDiscussion\nMathematical Linguistics - A Trend in Name or in Fact?\nDiscussion\nSECTION B: PHONETICS AND PHONEMICS\nAspects et fonctions linguistiques des variations mélodiques dans la chaîne parlée\nMinimal Systems, Potential Distinctions, and Primitive Structures\nDiscussion\nStress, Juncture, and Syllabification in Phonemic Description\nDiscussion\nPattern Fringe and the Evaluation of Phonological Analyses\nDiscussion\nPleniphonetic Transcription in Phonetic Analysis\nDiscussion\nSECTION C: LINGUISTIC GEOGRAPHY\nDialect Borders and Linguistic Systems\nStructure and Typology of Dialectal Differentiation\nDiscussion\nRemarques sur quelques isoglosses dialectales\nDiscussion\nInterrelation between Regional and Social Dialects\nDiscussion\nTuesday, August 28, 1962 at (M.I.T.)\n9 . 0 0 a . m . GROUP MEETINGS\n1. Linguistic Theory\nOn Systems of Grammatical Structure: Studies in New Guinea and South America\nDiscussion\nConcerning the Logical Basis of Linguistic Theory\nDiscussion\n2. Theory of Syntax, I\nOn the Fundamentals of Sentence Structure\nFundamentals of Syntax\nDiscussion\nIs There an Interlingual Element in Syntax?.\n3. Chinese, I\nSome Syntactic Rules for Mandarin\nBipartite Division of Syllables in Chinese Phonology\n4. Phonological Descriptions of Languages, I\nThe Significance of Accentuation in English Words\nThe Nasal Vowel Phonemes of French: a Case History\nSpanish L.L., y and rr in Buenos Aires and Corrientes\nDiscussion\n5. Language Teaching\nEnglish Syntax Problems of Filipinos and the Principles of Linguistic Relativity\nDiscussion\nLearning Problems involving Italian [s], [z] and English /s/, /z/\nDiscussion\n6. Theory of Morphology\nOn the Use of Zero in Morphemics\nDiscussion\n7. Glottochronology\nThe Fallacy of a Universal List of Basic Vocabulary\nGlottochronology with Retention-rate Inhomogeneity\nOn the Validity of Comparative Lexicostatistics\nDiscussion\n8. Dialects and Dialectology\nLe renouvellement des méthodes en linguistique géographique\nDiscussion\nNew Methods to Interpret Linguistic Maps\nDiscussion\n9. Varia, I\nLa teoria Crociana e la linguistica strutturale\nSign, Meaning, Society\nOn Some Traces of the Unknown Language- Substratum in the Northern Uralic Languages\n10.15 a . m . PLENARY SESSION\nLes niveaux de l\'analyse linguistique\nDiscussion\n2 . 1 5 p . m . SECTION MEETINGS\nSECTION A: STYLISTICS\nThe Description of a Poem\nDiscussion\nThe Linguistic Study of Literary Texts\nDiscussion\nPoetry and Grammaticalness\nDiscussion\nThe Stylistic Function\nDiscussion\nStyles as Dialects\nDiscussion\nSECTION B: MORPHOLOGY AND MORPHOPHONEMICS\nCompounding as a Phonological Process\nDiscussion\nGrammatical Categories and Their Phonetic Exponents\nDiscussion\nMohawk Prefix Generation\nDiscussion\nTheory and Practice in Morpheme Identification\nDiscussion\nSECTION C: LANGUAGES IN CONTACT\nSome Aspects of Bilingualism among Cultured People in Catalonia\nDiscussion\nStylistic Aspects of Borrowing: a Stylistic and Comparative View of American Elements in Modern German, and British English\nDiscussion\nThe Proliferation and Extension of Bantu Phonemic Systems influenced by Bushman and Hottentot\nDiscussion\nTransfert du système phonologique de Blaesheim sur une autre langue, le français\nWednesday, August 29, 1962 (at Harvard)\nThursday, August 30,1962 (at M.I.T.)\nFriday, August 31, 1962 (at Harvard)\nLIST OF MEMBERS\nINDEX OF AUTHORS