توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
G.P. MORETTI به نظر می رسد که سمپوزیوم سه ساله Trichoptera به یک رویداد عادی در تقویم تبدیل شده است. به ابتکار پروفسور مالیکی در لونز اتریش در سال 1974، آنها در ریدینگ انگلستان در سال 1977 ادامه یافتند (گردشگر: دکتر M.I. Crichton)، آخرین، امسال، در پروجا، ایتالیا (گردشگر: پروفسور G.P. Moretti) و بعدی توسط دکتر جی سی مورس در کلمسون، ایالات متحده در سال 1983 میزبانی خواهد شد. برجسته ترین نکات سومین سمپوزیوم بین المللی Trichoptera که از 28 ژوئیه تا 2 آگوست 1980 در پروجا برگزار شد، 1) تعداد بالای شرکت کنندگان بود. 2) گستردگی، علاقه علمی و پوشش مقالات ارائه شده و 3) گرمی و تماس فوری که همه را از همان لحظه اول گرد هم آورد. بیست و یک کشور (استرالیا، اتریش، بلژیک، بلغارستان، کانادا، چکسلواکی، دانمارک، فرانسه، آلمان-F.G.R.، آلمان-G.D.R.، مجارستان، ایسلند، ایتالیا، مکزیک، هلند، لهستان، اسپانیا، سوئد، سوئیس، بریتانیا، ایالات متحده) در مجموع 63 تریکوپترولوژیست که طی 8 جلسه به ریاست M.I، 54 مقاله و 8 پوستر ارائه کردند. کرایتون، اچ. مالیکی، ا. نیلسن، او. فلینت، ال.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xxi
A Report on Gregarines of Trichoptera in the Intestines of Salmo Fario L.....Pages 1-3
Pigments and Preservation in Caddis Larvae and Pupae....Pages 5-10
Ordo Trichoptera et Homo Insapiens....Pages 11-19
Observations Morphologiques Éthologiques et Écologiques Sur Hydroptila Hirra Mosely (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae)....Pages 21-29
Trichoptera from the Baltic Amber....Pages 31-32
Observations on the Longitudinal Distribution of Trichoptera Larvae in a Stream at Zempoala Mexico, Mexico....Pages 33-38
Emergence of Trichoptera from Trout Creek, Colorado, USA....Pages 39-45
Further Observations on Limnephilid Life Histories, Based on the Rothamsted Insect Survey....Pages 47-55
Action de la Photopériode Sur la Maturation Génitale des Femelles de Quelques Limnephilidés....Pages 57-66
Changes in the Profundal Trichoptera of Lake Winnipeg 1928–32 to 1969....Pages 67-74
Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXVII: Anomalopsychidae, a New Family of Trichoptera....Pages 75-85
Description of Hydropsyche Larvae Found in the Iberian Peninsula....Pages 87-92
Predatory Exclusion of Apatania Zonella (Zett.) by Potamophylax Cingulatus (Steph.) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in Iceland....Pages 93-98
Distribution and Habitat Preferences of Icelandic Trichoptera....Pages 99-109
Effects of Acclimation to Temperature on the Respiratory Rate of Some Limnephilid Larvae....Pages 111-116
Caddis Fly Systematics up to 1960 and a Review of the Genera (Insecta: Trichoptera)....Pages 117-126
Caddis Larvae in a Dutch Lowland Stream....Pages 127-128
Trichoptera in the Ilona Stream of the Mátra Mountains, North Hungary....Pages 129-138
Faunistic Investigations on Bulgarian Trichoptera to June, 1980 — with a Revised Check-List....Pages 139-147
Diversity of Adult Trichoptera in a ‘Non-Seasonal’ Tropical Environment....Pages 149-156
The Phenology of Dispersal of Several Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Species in the Island of Crete....Pages 157-163
New Trichoptera Species and Subspecies Found in Italy....Pages 165-192
Comparative SEM and TEM Studies on the Androconial Structures of Lasiocephala Basalis Kol. and Other Trichoptera....Pages 193-198
First List of Italian Trichoptera....Pages 199-211
Gregarines in Trichoptera Larvae....Pages 213-217
The Trichoptera Component in the Hydrophyton of Lake Chiusi (Tuscany)....Pages 219-226
Ecological Profiles in Three Rhyacophila Species....Pages 227-230
Morphological Characteristics of Leptodrusus Budtzi Ulm. in the Immature Stages....Pages 231-236
Taxonomic and Morphological Characteristics of the Sericostoma Italicum Moret. and Sericostoma Pedemontanum McL. Larvae....Pages 237-242
Trichoptera in the Intestinal Content of Certain Fish Species....Pages 243-247
Trichoptera of the Isle of Elba (Tuscany Italy)....Pages 249-256
A Phylogeny and Classification of Family-Group Taxa of Leptoceridae (Trichoptera)....Pages 257-264
Distribution of Trichoptera Families in Australia with Comments on the Composition of Fauna in the South-West....Pages 265-272
On the Evolution of the Phallus and Other Male Terminalia in the Hydropsychidae with a Proposal for a New Generic Name....Pages 273-278
Bibliography of Trichoptera....Pages 279-280
Trichoptera Distribution Pattern Differences Found by Sweeping, Beating and Light Traps at Three Southern Bohemian Sites....Pages 281-284
Why do Potamophylax Cingulatus (Steph.) (Trichoptera) Larvae Aggregate at Pupation?....Pages 285-291
The Influence of Reservoir Discharge on Benthic Fauna in the River Ter, N.E. Spain....Pages 293-301
Les Larves de Trichoptères de la Rivière Llobregat (Catalogne, Espagne). Distribution Longitudinale et Relation Avec la Qualité de L’eau.....Pages 303-309
Responses of the Sericostomatid Caddisfly Gumaga Nigricula (McL.) to Environmental Disruption....Pages 311-318
Trichoptera of Western Switzerland....Pages 319-320
Overwintering Strategies in Some Norwegian Caddisflies....Pages 321-322
Preliminary Interpretations of the Distribution of Hydropsychidae in a Regulated River....Pages 323-328
A Progress Report on Hydropsychidae from the Ivory Coast: Characters for the Specific Identification of Larvae and Population Dynamics of Four Abundant Species....Pages 329-335
Occurrence of the Genus Hydropsyche in the North American Great Lakes....Pages 337-345
Cycles Biologiques des Hydropsychidae et D’un Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera) Dans le Rhône en Amont de Lyon....Pages 347-364
The Principles of Case Building Behaviour in Trichoptera....Pages 365-373
Altitudinal Distribution and Abundance of Trichoptera in a Rocky Mountain Stream....Pages 375-381
Larval Behavior and Dispersion of Pycnopsyche Luculenta (Betten) Demonstrated by a Unique Tagging Method (Limnephilidae: Trichoptera)....Pages 383-393
Considerations on the Relevance of Immature Stages to the Systematics of Trichoptera....Pages 395-407
Quaternary Sub-Fossil Trichoptera Larvae from a Site in the English Lake District....Pages 409-419
A Proposed Setal Nomenclature and Homology for Larval Trichoptera....Pages 421-429
Some Aspects of the Life History and Feeding Ecology of Dolophilodes Distinctus (Walker) in Two Ontario Streams....Pages 431-440
Observations and a Theory on the Building Style Change in the Potamphylax Latipennis (Curt.) Neb. — Trichoptera, Limnephilidae....Pages 441-447
Back Matter....Pages 449-472
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
G.P. MORETTI The Triennial Symposium of Trichoptera would seem to have become a regular event on the calendar. Initiated by Prof. Malicky at Lunz in Austria in 1974, they continued at Reading in England in 1977 (Convenor: Dr M.I. Crichton), the last, this year, took place in Perugia, Italy (Convenor: Prof. G.P. Moretti) and the next will be hosted by Dr J.C. Morse in Clemson, U.S.A. in 1983. The most outstanding points of the 3rd International Symposium on Trichoptera held at Perugia from July 28 to August 2, 1980 were I) the high number of participants; 2) the extent, scientific interest and coverage of the papers presented and 3) the warmth and immediate contact which drew everyone together from the first moment. Twenty-one nations (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslavakia, Denmark, France, Germany-F.G.R., Germany-G.D.R., Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States) were represented by a total of 63 trichopterologists who presented 54 papers and 8 posters during in 8 sessions chaired by M.I. Crichton, H. Malicky, A. Nielsen, O. Flint, L.