Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties

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کتاب پیشرفت در تحقیقات بین المللی در مورد خواص ترمودینامیکی و حمل و نقل نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب پیشرفت در تحقیقات بین المللی در مورد خواص ترمودینامیکی و حمل و نقل بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties

نام کتاب : Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : پیشرفت در تحقیقات بین المللی در مورد خواص ترمودینامیکی و حمل و نقل
سری :
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر :
سال نشر : 1962
تعداد صفحات : 745
ISBN (شابک) : 9781483200835
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 50 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter, Page i
Copyright, Page ii
List of Authors, Page vii
Preface, Page viii
Foreword, Page ix
1 - Some Considerations on the Determination of Thermodynamic Quantities of Gaseous Mixtures, Pages 3-7
2 - Heats of Formation of Inorganic Fluorine Compounds – A Survey, Pages 8-77
3 - Summary of Recent Research in Phase Equilibria at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Goettingen: Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Vapor, and Solid-Solid Systems Between –185C and 600C, Pages 78-82
4 - Some Recent Throttling Investigations, Pages 83-87
5 - Statistical Theory of Surface Tension, Pages 88-92
6 - The Constant Volume Heat Capacity of Gases, Pages 93-99
7 - Heat Capacity of Saturated, Dissociating Vapors and the Form of Their Saturation Vapor Pressure Curves, Pages 100-106
8 - An Equation of State for Calculating the Thermodynamic Properties of Helium at Low Temperatures, Pages 107-117
9 - An Equation of State for Steam, Pages 118-125
10 - The Thermodynamic and Electrical Properties of The H-C-N-O-K System, Pages 126-132
11 - Pressure-Volume-Temperature Relations and Intermolecular Potentials for Methane and Tetrafluoromethane, Pages 135-146
12 - An Axial-Flow Porous Plug Apparatus II, Pages 147-152
13 - The Solubility of Compressed Gases in Non-Polar Liquids, Pages 153-158
14 - Supercritical Hydrogen Chloride. Specific Heat up to 300C and 300atm. PVT-Data up to 400C and 2000atm, Pages 159-165
15 - Volumetric Behavior of Hydrogen Chloride, Pages 166-171
16 - Heat Capacities and Enthalpies of Mixing of Solid Solutions - The Binary System Tetramethylmethane-Tetrachloromethane, Pages 172-177
17 - Adiabatic Calorimeter for Measurements of Specific Heats of Powders and Granular Materials at OC to 500 C, Pages 178-184
18 - A Recording Dilatometer and Measurement of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (Lucite) Between 90 K and 273 K, Pages 185-192
19 - Gradients of Density of Fluids near Their Critical States in the Field of Gravity, Pages 193-205
20 - Discussion of Error in the Calculation of Simultaneous Equilibria, Pages 209-217
21 - The Determination of Thermodynamic Properties by Direct Differentiation Techniques, Pages 218-227
22 - Closed Form Exact Solution for the First Partial Derivatives of Concentrations of Chemically Reacting Mixtures in Equilibrium, Specific Heats, and Related Quantities, Pages 228-245
23 - Machine Computation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Dichlorotetrafluoroethane, Pages 246-253
24 - Some Recent Advances in Gas Transport Theory, Pages 257-265
25 - A Method of Calculating the Viscosities of Polar Gases, Pages 266-270
26 - The Lewis Number, Pages 271-278
27 - Diffusion, Viscosity and Conductivity of Gases, Pages 279-287
28 - Transport Processes in Dense Gases and Liquids, Pages 288-312
29 - Survey of Recent Work on the Viscosity, Thermal Conductivity, and Diffusion of Gases and Liquefied Gases Below 500 K, Pages 313-339
30 - Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Liquids, Pages 340-351
31 - The Prediction of the Transport Properties of Pure Gaseous and Liquid Substances, Pages 352-365
32 - Intermolecular Potentials from Scattering Experiments: Results, Applications, and Limitations, Pages 369-377
33 - Very Short Range Interactions of Hydrogen Atoms and Helium Atoms, Pages 378-385
34 - The Virial Theorem, Its Generalizations and Applications, Pages 386-392
35 - Thermal Conductivities and Wassiljewa Coefficients for Gaseous Mixtures of Ammonia and Its Elements, Pages 395-403
36 - The Application of Frequency Response Analysis to Thermal Conductivity Measurements, Pages 404-411
37 - High Temperature Gas Thermal Diffusivity Measurement with the Line Source Technique, Pages 412-417
38 - Heat Conductivity of Compressed Helium at Elevated Temperatures, Pages 418-433
39 - The Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Dioxide in the Critical Region, Pages 434-440
40 - Thermal Conductivity of Liquid and Gaseous Ammonia, Pages 441-446
41 - Measurement of Thermal Conductivities of Liquids by an Unsteady State Method, Pages 447-453
42 - Armco Iron as a Thermal Conductivity Standard, Pages 454-465
43 - Armco Iron as a Thermal Conductivity Standard, Pages 466-473
44 - Powell-Comparator Method for Determining Thermal Conductivities – A Discussion, Pages 474-480
45 - Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Metals at High Temperatures, Pages 481-499
46 - High Temperature Thermal Property Measurement to 5000 F, Pages 500-511
47 - New Method for the Determination of Thermal Conductivities Between 1000 C and 3000 C, Pages 512-518
48 - Measurement of the Viscosity of Nitrogen and Steam, Pages 521-526
49 - Viscosity of Binary Mixtures of Rare Gases, Pages 527-529
50 - Critical Region Viscosity Behavior of Ethane, Propane and n-Butane, Pages 530-540
51 - Heated Cavity Reflectometer for Angular Reflectance Measurements, Pages 541-562
52 - Measurement of Radiation Properties of Solid Materials, Pages 563-574
53 - Calorimetric Determinations of Thermal Radiation Characteristics, Pages 575-587
54 - The Determination of the Emittance of Refractory Materials to 5000 F, Pages 588-598
55 - The Equation of State of an Ionized Gas, Pages 601-617
56 - Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Argon Plasma, Pages 618-625
57 - Equilibrium Partial Pressures in the Systems C+H2+N2 and C+H2+NH3 at Temperatures from 1000 to 12000 K, Pages 626-648
58 - Temperature Distribution in an Electric Arc Operated in a Hydrocarbon-Nitrogen Atmosphere, Pages 649-655
59 - Radiation Processes in a Plasma at High Temperatures, Pages 656-659
60 - Cherenkov and Cyclotron Radiations in Plasmas, Pages 660-665
61 - Significant Aspects of Non-Newtonian Technology, Pages 669-686
62 - Non-Newtonian Viscosities and the Equation of Motion, Pages 687-697
63 - Elasticity in Steady Flow of Non-Newtonian Liquids, Pages 698-703
64 - Transport Characteristics of Suspensions: Application of Different Rheological Models to Flocculated Suspension Data, Pages 704-717
65 - Contribution to Thixotropy, Pages 718-727
66 - The Rheology of Polyelectrolytes II. Dependence of the Viscosity of Solutions of Poly (Acrylic Acid) on Molecular Weight, Pages 728-737
67 - Energy Transfer to Non-Newtonian Fluids in Laminar Flow, Pages 738-747
68 - Normal Stresses in Fluids: Methods of Measurement, Their Interpretation and Quantitative Results, Pages 748-762

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