توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب حاوی مجموعه مقالات "هشتمین کارگاه نیتروژن" است که از 5 تا 8 سپتامبر 1994 در دانشگاه گنت بلژیک برگزار شد.
اگرچه دینامیک نیتروژن در اکوسیستم های مختلف برای چندین دهه مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است جهت گیری های جدید و تأکیدات دیگر اخیراً ظاهر شده است. پیش از این نیتروژن به عنوان یک عنصر ضروری بیشتر از نظر بهره وری در نظر گرفته می شد، اما اکنون تاکید بیشتری بر پیامدهای زیست محیطی شده است.
بیش از 100 مقاله در این کتاب به پیشرفتهای اخیر در زمینههای سیستمهای مشاوره نیتروژن، پاسخ گیاه به لقاح، بیحرکتی و بسیج، نیتریفیکاسیون، نیتروژن زدایی، شستشو، تبخیر آمونیاک و تثبیت بیولوژیکی نیتروژن میپردازد. تعداد زیادی از مقالات به تشکیل ترکیبات نیتروژن گازی اختصاص داده شده است، در حالی که کانی سازی-تحرک یکی دیگر از موضوعات مورد علاقه است.
این کتاب همچنین حاوی گزارش های گروه های بحث در مورد جنبه های مختلف چرخه نیتروژن است.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xiii
Future trends in nitrogen research....Pages 1-10
Front Matter....Pages 11-11
Immobilization of labelled inorganic N and mineralization of applied organic N as reflected in electro-ultrafiltration and CaCl 2 soil extracts....Pages 13-16
Nitrogen mineralization kinetics in sewage water irrigated and heavy metal treated sandy soils....Pages 17-22
Relationship between the fixed ammonium and the mineralization of the organic nitrogen in soil....Pages 23-26
Nitrogen turnover in alternatives to peat....Pages 27-30
Nitrogen dynamics on a soil with different tillage systems....Pages 31-35
N mineralization in undisturbed soil....Pages 37-40
Temperature effects on C- and N-mineralization from vegetable crop residues....Pages 41-46
The dissemination of Pseudomonas fluorescens ANP15, a plant-growth-stimulating microorganism, by Lumbricus terrestris in soil....Pages 47-51
Estimating gross mineralisation of Alnus glutinosa residues, using 15 N mirror image experimentation....Pages 53-56
D- and L-amino acid metabolism in soil....Pages 57-61
‘Light’ fraction mineralization potentials of humid tropical soils....Pages 63-67
Nitrogen mineralization in relation to C:N ratio and decomposability of organic materials....Pages 69-75
Effect of wetting and drying cycles on N mineralization/immobilization in soil amended with organic materials....Pages 77-83
Interactions between decomposition of plant residues and nitrogen cycling in soil....Pages 85-96
Turnover of organic nitrogen in soils and its availability to crops....Pages 97-107
Effect of plant residues on ammonium and nitrate content of soils during incubation....Pages 109-114
N turnover in soils with different mineralization potential after application of N fertilizer....Pages 115-120
Nitrogen tranformation during the composting of different organic wastes....Pages 121-125
Decomposition of oil palm empty fruit bunches in the field and mineralization of nitrogen....Pages 127-132
Front Matter....Pages 11-11
The effectiveness of the Rutgers system and the addition of bulking agent in reducing N-losses during composting....Pages 133-139
Short-term anaerobic storage of 15 N-labelled sheep urine does not influence the mineralization of nitrogen in soil....Pages 141-145
Monitoring of N-uptake by green manures and of the influence of N-release on N-availability, production and quality of sugar beet....Pages 147-151
Soil litter dynamics and N cycling in alley cropping systems....Pages 153-157
The production of volatile organic compounds during nitrogen transformations in soils....Pages 159-163
Effect of zinc on nitrogen transformation during composting process and in soil....Pages 165-169
Front Matter....Pages 171-171
Effects of environmental factors and Mn, Zn, Cu trace elements on the available N content of two soils....Pages 173-177
Maize supplementation for grazing cows on the N content of milk, faeces and grass....Pages 179-182
Residual effects of poultry manure and fertiliser nitrogen applications....Pages 183-190
Effect of herbicides on the urea transformation in soil....Pages 191-194
Fate of nitrogen applied to grasses and its influence on forage quality....Pages 195-197
15 N Characterisation of immobilisation of fertiliser N in blanket peat under improved grass pasture....Pages 199-202
Nitrogen uptake by cover crops at 7 sites in the UK: 1990–1993....Pages 203-205
15 N manipulations in a forest ecosystem subjected to an experimental decrease in nitrogen deposition....Pages 207-212
Maize nitrogen fertilization in fluvisols of the Lower Mondego Valley — field trials....Pages 213-215
Nitrogen uptake by Brachiaria spp. and its effects on soil mineral N transformations....Pages 217-222
Effect of weather conditions and time of N application on the uptake of soil and applied N by winter wheat....Pages 223-229
Nitrogen nutrition of tomato derived from the use of sewage sludge and almonds residue as fertilizers....Pages 231-235
Front Matter....Pages 237-242
Recovery of green manure N by succeeding sugar beet....Pages 243-246
Efficiency of fertilizer use by a rain-fed wheat crop following split-application of fertilizer nitrogen....Pages 171-171
Prediction of nitrogen fertilizer requirement with the HRI WELL-N computer model....Pages 247-250
Formation of nitrate pool in spinach grown on different soils (with 15 N)....Pages 251-254
Testing of different ways of N-fertilizer application for decreasing the nitrate content in some vegetable crops....Pages 255-258
Impact of soil pH on nitrogen mineralization in grassland soils....Pages 259-264
Regulation of nitrogen uptake on the whole plant level....Pages 265-270
Plant response and environmental aspects as affected by rate and pattern of nitrogen release from controlled release N fertilizers....Pages 271-276
The fate of inorganic N additions to an ombrotrophic bog....Pages 277-283
Field measured net N mineralization pattern in an alluvial Chernozem soil in the Szigetkoz Region of Hungary....Pages 285-291
Sustainability of nitrogen use in two dryland farming systems....Pages 293-297
Front Matter....Pages 299-302
Field symbiotic fixation using 15 N : II. Vicia faba L. and Pisum sativum L.....Pages 303-306
Nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification in ombrotrophic bog....Pages 307-307
Field measurement of N 2 fixation by Gliricidia sepium ....Pages 309-313
Front Matter....Pages 315-319
Advisory systems for nitrogen fertilizer recommendations....Pages 321-326
Nitrogen inputs and losses from New Zealand dairy farmlets, as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application: year one....Pages 327-327
Nitrogen balance studies in a long-term crop rotation field experiment....Pages 329-336
Nutrient management in integrated nursery stock production....Pages 337-341
Optimization of a nitrogen advice system: Target values as a function of N-mineralization rates....Pages 343-346
Potential nitrogen availability and fertiliser recommendations....Pages 347-351
Front Matter....Pages 353-358
Nitrogen balances of ecosystems, landscapes, and watersheds....Pages 359-363
Nitrogen balance on national, regional and farm level in Poland....Pages 327-327
N-balances on Flemish dairy farms....Pages 365-369
System of Adjusted Nitrogen Supply (SANS) for fertilization of grassland....Pages 371-375
Front Matter....Pages 377-380
Nitrogen dynamics of crop and soil subjected to different water and nitrogen inputs, including daily irrigation and steady-state fertilization-measurements and modelling....Pages 381-385
Modelling the uptake of nitrate by a growing plant with an adjustable root nitrate uptake capacity....Pages 387-387
Measurement and modelling of the effects of crop residues on nitrate loss from clay loam and sandy loam soils....Pages 389-393
Combining GIS and a dynamic nitrogen simulation model to assess nitrogen leaching susceptibility on a regional scale: A case study....Pages 395-399
Simulation by NCSWAP of the nitrogen dynamics under crop amended with sewage sludge in two soils....Pages 401-405
Modelling of nitrogen transformation in the soil....Pages 407-411
Kinetic mechanisms of N transformation by soil microorganisms: Experimental studies and mathematical modelling....Pages 413-418
Modeling of nitrogen transformations and translocations....Pages 419-424
Measurement and modelling of soil organic matter decomposition using biochemical indicators....Pages 425-430
Application of nitrogen cycle modelling to land use policy issues: nitrate leaching from winter and spring cereal cropping....Pages 431-443
Alternative kinetic laws to describe the turnover of the microbial biomass....Pages 445-450
The decomposition of wheat and clover residues in soil: measurements and modelling....Pages 451-457
Front Matter....Pages 459-463
Evaluation of urease inhibitors for the reduction of ammonia volatilization following urea addition to flooded rice....Pages 465-469
Cation effects on ammonia volatilization loss from urea applied to a tropical soil....Pages 471-471
Technical possibilities to reduce ammonia emissions from animal husbandry....Pages 473-477
Laboratory measurements and simulations of ammonia volatilization from urea applied to calcareous Chinese loess soils....Pages 479-482
Front Matter....Pages 483-490
Production of N 2 O in soil during decomposition of dead yeast cells with different spatial distributions....Pages 491-497
An Open Gas-Flow System for Investigating the Response of Nitrous Oxide Fluxes from Soil Cores to Different Oxygen Concentrations....Pages 499-499
Correcting for Leaks from Megachambers....Pages 501-506
N 2 O Production in Freshwater Wetland Sediments with and without Added Nitrate....Pages 507-511
Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soil Incorporation of Crop Residues....Pages 513-515
Losses and Flows of Nitrogen in the Norwegian Society....Pages 517-522
Comparison of N 2 O Flux Measurements Using Gas Chromatography and Photo-Acoustic Infra-Red Spectroscopy....Pages 523-525
Denitrification as Affected by Anaerobic and Aerobic Events....Pages 527-531
Denitrification in Acid Soils, In a Leaching Tube Decomposition Study of Bean Residues....Pages 533-536
N 2 O Emission from Soil Fertilized with Fymol Treated Slurry....Pages 537-542
Nitric Oxide (NO) release in activated sludge plants with nitrification and denitrification....Pages 543-547
Estimation of N 2 O fluxes under rape for biological fuel production, bare soil and grass fallow....Pages 549-551
Temporal Changes in N 2 O-Losses from Two Arable Soils....Pages 553-557
Factors Affecting Nitrous Oxide Emission from a Sandy Grassland Soil under Controlled Field Conditions....Pages 559-566
Emission of Nitrous Oxide and Denitrification from Danish Soils Amended with Slurry and Fertilizer....Pages 567-573
N 2 O-Emissions of Forest Soils in Northern Germany: Seasonal Variability and Influencing Parameters....Pages 575-579
Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Fields: Assessment, Measurement and Mitigation....Pages 581-584
Nitric oxide (NO) emission by higher plants....Pages 585-588
Nitrous Oxide Formation in Black Earth Soils Depending on the Soil Water Content....Pages 589-602
N 2 O Emission in Selected Representative Soils of the North-Eastern Iberian Peninsula....Pages 603-606
Front Matter....Pages 607-611
Nitrite Accumulation in Soils upon Urea Application....Pages 613-619
Measurement of Field Scale N 2 O Emission Fluxes from a Wheat Crop Using Micrometeorological Techniques....Pages 499-499
Influence of carbon availability on the production of NO, N 2 O, N 2 and CO 2 by soil cores during anaerobic incubation....Pages 621-626
Nitric oxide production in Nitrosomonas europaea under Aerobic and anoxic conditions....Pages 627-632
Effect of ammonium and nitrate application on the NO and N 2 O emission out of different soils....Pages 633-639
The Effect of Soil pH on Nitrification in Coarse Sandy Soil....Pages 641-643
Nitrous Oxide Production from Different Forms of Fertiliser Nitrogen....Pages 645-654
Front Matter....Pages 655-658
Measuring and Modelling Nitrogen Leaching: Parallel Problems....Pages 659-662
Near Real-Time Determination of Nitrate Leaching as an Integrated Component of a Large Soil Block Experiment for Fine Resolution Investigation of Preferential Flow....Pages 663-663
N Leaching in Manured and Ammonium Nitrate Fertilized Lysimeters in Zimbabwe....Pages 665-670
Agricultural Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses into Belgian Surface Waters....Pages 671-674
Influence of Long-Term Fertilisation on Nitrogen Leaching....Pages 675-680
Nitrate Attenuation under Fertiliser-Free Grass Strips....Pages 681-687
Front Matter....Pages 689-693
Is Deep-Freezing a Safe Method for Storing Soil Samples for Inorganic Nitrogen Determination?....Pages 695-701
Continuous cultivation of nitrosomonas europaea with complete biomass retention....Pages 703-703
Back Matter....Pages 705-708
....Pages 709-712
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book contains the proceedings of the `8th Nitrogen Workshop' which was held at the University of Ghent, Belgium, from 5 to 8 September 1994.
Although nitrogen dynamics in different ecosystems have been studied for several decades, new orientations and other emphases have recently emerged. Previously, nitrogen was considered as an essential element mostly in terms of productivity, but now, more emphasis is attached to environmental consequences.
More than 100 contributions in this book tackle recent developments within the fields of nitrogen advice systems, plant response to fertilization, immobilization and mobilization, nitrification, denitrification, leaching, ammonia volatilization and biological nitrogen fixation. A large number of papers is devoted to the formation of gaseous nitrogen compounds, while mineralization-immobilization is another topic of important interest.
The book also contains the reports of discussion groups on different aspects of the nitrogen cycle.