فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Page v
Preface, Page vii
Volume I, Page viii
Introduction, Pages xi-xxx
Officers of the XIth International Congress of Refrigeration Personnalités du XIe Congrès International du Froid, Page xxxi
International Institute of Refrigeration — Officers Institut International du Froid —Personnalités, Page xxxii
Donor Members Membres donateurs, Page xxxiii
Sponsor Organizations Organisations Donatrices, Page xxxv
Organizations Providing Gifts Organisations ayant présenté des cadeaux, Page xxxv
Introduction To Plenary Meetings, Page 1
Technological Applications of Very Low Temperatures, Pages 3-7
Applications of Superconductivity, Pages 9-13
Concepts of Thermoelectric Refrigeration, Pages 15-22
The Practical Use of Thermoelectric Refrigeration, Pages 23-38
Energy for Refrigeration, Present and Future, Pages 39-48
Frozen Foods — Recent Advances in Science and Technology, Pages 49-55
Factors Affecting the Keeping Quality of Frozen Foods, Pages 57-66
Basic Principles of Lyophilization (Freeze-Drying), Pages 67-77
Freeze-Drying in Biology, Pages 79-83
Freeze Drying of Foodstuffs, Pages 85-89
Engineering Problems and Economical Aspects of Freeze-Drying, Pages 91-102
Introduction To Commission 1, Page 103
Cryogenics and Space Technology, Pages 105-109
The NBS Cryogenic Data Center, Pages 110-114
Liquefaction of Hydrogen and Helium for Nuclear Applications, Pages 115-119
A Simple Cooling System with a Cryogenic Pump, Pages 121-122
Helium Refrigerator for the Production of Cold at Temperatures down to 2.5°K, Pages 123-129
A Miniature Helium Turbo-Expander for Cryogenic Refrigeration Systems, Pages 131-135
Utilization of a Combined Expansion Cycle in Liquid Air Separating Installations, Pages 137-140
Purification Method for Obtaining Very Pure Hydrogen at High Pressure, Pages 141-144
Cryogenic Technology in the Nuclear Rocket Program, Pages 145-150
Les prohlèmes techniques soulevés par les irradiations neutroniques au dessous de 30°K, Pages 151-157
A Metallic Helium Cryostat for Double Resonance Experiments, Pages 159-162
Analyse thermique en dessous de 300°K de graphites irradiés aux neutrons à basse température, Pages 163-167
Paramagnetic Resonance in γ -Irradiated Donetz Coal, Pages 169-171
Lasting Changes in Properties of Metallic Materials Caused by Low Temperatures, Pages 173-176
Physical Aspects of Bubble Formation in Hydrogen and Thermo-dynamical Properties of Liquid n-Hydrogen, Pages 177-180
The Logarithmic Temperature Scale, Pages 181-186
The Correlation of Experimental Pressure-Density-Temperature and Specific Heat Data for Parahydrogen, Pages 187-191
The Velocity of Ultrasonic Pulses in Hydrogen Between 60 and 90°K as a Function of Pressure, Pages 193-197
Experimental Determination of HE for the System N2-H2 in the Gaseous State, Pages 199-202
Freezing Pressures of 3He-4He-Mixtures, Pages 203-206
Flux Trapping and Flux Pumping with Solenoidal Superconductors, Pages 207-213
A Flux Pump for Generation of High Currents in a Superconducting Foil Magnet, Pages 215-217
Equipment for Producing Pulsed Magnetic Fields of High Intensity and Magneto-Resistance Measurements on Germanium, Pages 219-225
The Kapitza Conductance of Lead, Pages 227-230
Basic Aspects for Superconducting Electric Machines, Pages 231-232
Studies on Some Sulphide Phosphors in the Temperature Range from 4.2° to 77.4° K, Pages 233-238
Introduction To Commission 2, Page 239
Heat Transfer by Natural Convection in Porous Insulants, Pages 241-245
Investigation of the Influence of Free Thermal Convection on Heat Transfer through Granular Material, Pages 247-254
On the Thermal Conductivity of Powder Insulations, Pages 255-263
The Influence of Gas-Filled Cells on Thermal Conductivity of Rigid Polyurethane Foam, Pages 265-269
Urethane Rigid Foams: Factors Affecting their Behaviour as Thermal Insulants, Pages 271-281
Effectiveness of Evacuated Multiple-Layer Insulations, Pages 283-292
Analysis of Economic Factors Affecting the Selection of Piping Insulation Thickness, Pages 293-299
A Non-Steady-State Method for the Measurement of the Thermal Conductivities of Liquid and Gases, Pages 301-305
Thermodynamic Properties of an Azeotropic Mixture of Freon-124 and Freon-C 318, Pages 307-309
Joule-Thomson Effect in Hydrogen-Methane Mixtures at Temperatures Between —35 and +40°, Pages 311-318
On the Thermodynamics of the Cold-Air Cycle with Throttling, Pages 319-328
Recovering of Cold by Evaporating Liquid Methane Employed in the Air Separation to Obtain Liquid Oxygen and Nitrogen, Pages 329-332
Selection of Comparative Theoretical Cycle of Vapour Compression Refrigerating Plants, Pages 333-336
Heat Transfer of Boiling Refrigerant 12 in Horizontal Tubes with Internal Flow Channel Guides, Pages 337-346
Boiling Heat Transfer to a Cryogenic Fluid in Both Low and High Gravity Fields, Pages 347-355
Control and Economy of Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensers of Mean and High Outputs, Pages 357-361
The Influence of Partial Pressure Difference and Supersaturation on the Frost Formation during the Cooling of Gas-Vapor-Mixtures in Counterflow Heat Exchangers, Pages 363-368
Influence of Oil on Heat Transfer of Boiling Freon 12 (Refrigerant 12) and Freon 22 (Refrigerant 22), Pages 369-380
Separation of Oil from Refrigerant Vapor, Pages 381-387
The Diffusional Penetration of Humidity in the Insulation of Pipes, Pages 389-393
On the Correlation of the Thermal Convection Coefficients, Pages 395-399
Mesure en régime variable du coefficient d'échange thermique en surface, Pages 401-407
Sur la diffusivité thermique des matériaux non homogènes, Pages 409-413
Determination of the Time Required for Contact Freezing of Whale-meat, Pages 415-422
Introduction To Commission 3, Page 423
Direct Measuring of the Middle Indicated Pressure pmi of Compressors by Electronic Methods, Pages 425-429
Some Aspects of Pressure Pulse Attenuation for High Speed Reciprocating Compressors, Pages 431-435
Modern Measuring Technique for High-Speed Refrigerant Compressors, Pages 437-444
Study of Factors Influencing the Volumetric Efficiency of Reciprocating Compressors, Pages 445-454
Problèmes de construction posés par une machine à un seul arbre comportant à un bout une turbine à vapeur et à l'autre bout un compresseur centrifuge frigorifique à deux étages, Pages 455-460
Ammonia Centrifugal Refrigeration Plants in Operation, Pages 461-466
Influence des propriétés physiques des frigorigènes sur les conditions de fonctionnement des turbomachines, Pages 467-479
Etude expérimental sur les turbo-compresseurs frigorifiques monoroue, Pages 481-486
Design of Mixed Flow Impellers Operating at High Mach Numbers for Industrial Centrifugal Refrigeration Equipment, Pages 487-493
Operative Properties of Mixed Flow Impellers of High Mach Numbers Destined for Industrial Turbo-Compressor Refrigeration Equipment, Pages 495-496
Conditions of Cavitation in Liquid Pumps for Refrigerant Recirculation, Pages 497-511
Liquid Content in Evaporator Pipes, Pages 513-517
The Problemof Refrigerant Return Line Calculations in Pump Recirculation Systems, Pages 519-524
Conception des évaporateurs d'ammoniac des grands entrepôts frigorifiques polyvalents, Pages 525-531
Utilization of Steel Stamp-Welded Panels for Heat Exchanging Apparatus in Refrigerating Plants, Pages 533-537
Some Practical Tests on the Efficiency of Extended Surface Air Coolers, Pages 539-547
Determination of Cooling Air Optimum Velocity, Arrangement and Area of Air-Cooled Condenser Surface, Pages 549-554
Construction des condenseurs évaporatifs et des condenseurs à l'air pour les installations frigorifiques lourdes, Pages 555-560
Etudes comparatives des circuits de condensation frigorifique refroidis par réfrigérants atmosphériques ou par condenseurs à évaporation, Pages 561-568
Reciprocating and Turbo-Expanders for Low Temperature Refrigeration, Pages 569-579
Production du froid artificiel par la détente du gaz naturel, Pages 581-587
Design Problems of Supersonic Ejectors Operating as Booster Compressors in Refrigerating Systems, Pages 589-598
New Definitions Needed in Refrigeration, Pages 599-600
Performance of a Thermoelectric Refrigerator as a Function of Characteristic Parameters, Pages 601-608
Thermoelectric Refrigeration - Possibilities and Problems, Pages 609-614
Thermoelectric Refrigeration and Prospects for its Wide Scale Technical Application, Pages 615-622
Diagrams of Dimensionless Equations Determining Two Basic Working Regimes of Peltier Heat Pump, Pages 623-630
Transient Temperatures in a Thermoelectric Refrigerator Following a Step Change in Current, Pages 631-641
Come-Back of the Absorption Refrigerator?, Pages 643-652
Analysis of Actual Processes in a Lithium Bromide Absorption Machine, Pages 653-657
L'emploi de la machine frigorifique à absorption comme ≪pompe à chaleur ≫, Pages 659-665
The Feeding of an Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration System Rectifier with Liquid from the Evaporator, Pages 667-672
A Method for Determining Performance Characteristics of Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Pages 673-679
New Pumping Method in Absorption Refrigeration, Pages 681-683
Material Stabilities in Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems, Pages 685-691
Utilization of Refrigerant Mixtures in Refrigerating Compression Machines, Pages 693-696
The Lubrication of Refrigerant 22 Machines, Pages 697-701
Examinations on the Behaviour of Plastics in Hermetic Units, Pages 703-709
Effect of Heat Exchange between Capillary Tube and Suction Line on the Performance of Small Hermetic Compressor Systems, Pages 711-715
A Special Method for the Measurement of Capacities and Characteristics of Thermostatic Expansion Valves, Pages 717-721
Some Experiments on the Discharge Coefficients and Characteristics of Ammonia Thermostatic Expansion Valves, Pages 723-726
Liquid Control for High Evaporator Efficiency, Pages 727-733
Report on Liquid Level Control of Flooded Evaporator of Refrigerating System by Automatic Level Controller, Pages 735-741
Introduction commune pour les deux rapports suivantes (III-36 et -37), Pages 743-744
Régulation de la production du froid dans les installations frigori-fiques, Pages 745-754
Les automatismes a séquences dans la production et l'utilisation du froid, Pages 755-765