فهرست مطالب :
List of Committee Members, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Page xiii
Acknowledgements, Page xv
Immunochemical Studies on Human Gastro-intestinal Tumors, Pages 3-5, P. BURTIN
Conceptual Development of the Classification Systems of Plasma Lipoproteins, Pages 9-19, P. ALAUPOVIć
Isolation of Lipoproteins from Human Serum by Precipitation with Polyanions and Divalent Cations, Pages 21-28, M. BURSTEIN, H.R. SCHOLNICK
A Comparison between HDL Lipoproteins and Apoprotein-Phosphatidylcholine Cenapses, Pages 29-33, M. AYRAULT-JARRIER, D. PASTIER, J. BURDIN, J. POLONOVSKI
Comparative Studies on Different Lipid-staining Procedures, Especially for Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis, Pages 35-40, TADASHI KAWAI, SUSUMU HASUNUMA
Characteristics of Six Fractions Obtained from Human High Density Lipoprotein, Pages 41-45, GERMáN CAMEJO, VICTOR MUñOZ, ELBA AVILA
Electrofocusing of Normal Apolipoproteins and the Amino Acids of Their Subfractions, Pages 47-53, V. BLATON, R. VERCAEMST, N. VINAIMONT-VANDECASTEELE, H. PEETERS
Studies on the “Native” and the in vitro-obtained Apoprotein of Duck Serum HDL, Pages 55-58, MARIE KAMINSKI, MICHèLE GUéRIN, PHILIPPE DUBOIS
Identification of Lipoprotein Families in High Density Lipoproteins of Normal Human Plasma, Pages 59-63, G. KOSTNER, P. ALAUPOVIć
The Use of Streptolysin O as a Macromolecular Marker of Free Cholesterol in the β-Lipoprotein Molecule, Pages 65-69, JACQUES BADIN, MARIE-ANNICK DENNE
Salting-in Gel Chromatographic Separation of Serum Low Density Lipoproteins on Sephadex Columns, Pages 71-74, T. KREMMER, D. GAAL, L. HOLCZINGER
Lipid Composition of Lipoprotein Fractions, Pages 75-79, G.M. VAN GENT
Studies on the Proteins of Cat Lymph Chylomicrons, Pages 81-84, E.R. SKINNER, L. FLEMMING, C.V. GREENWAY
Role of Serum Lipoproteins in Hemolysis Induced by Vipera aspis Venom Phospholipases, Pages 85-90, G.A. BOFFA, M.C. BOFFA, M.M. ZAKIN, M. BURSTEIN
Agarose Gel, Cellulose Acetate, and Polyacrylamide Gel Lipoprotein Electrophoresis-A Comparison of Methods, Pages 91-95, R.M. IAMMARINO
Staining of Lipoproteins in Cellulose Acetate Membrane, Pages 97-99, W.G. DANGERFIELD, D. TARLOW
Oxygenated Sterol Esters of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques, Pages 101-107, C.J.W. BROOKS, J.D. GILBERT, W.A. HARLAND
Comparative Studies on the in vitro Effects of Delipidation with Organic Solvents, Enzymatic Lipolysis, Action of Anionic, Non-ionic and Cationic Detergents and the in vivo Effect of Lipoproteinlipase on Duck Serum α-Lipoprotein, Pages 109-116, MARIE KAMINSKI, MICHèLE GUéRIN
Study of the Human Serum β-Lipoprotein Antigenicity according to Its Degree of Delipidation, Pages 117-120, S. GOLDSTEIN, J-C. PINON, M. AYRAULT-JARRIER, J. POLONOVSKI, PH. LAUDAT
Influence of Cholesterol on the Concentration, Composition and Synthesis of Chicken Serum Lipoproteins, Pages 121-125, A.W. KRUSKI, F.A. KUMMEROW, K. ANANTH NARAYAN
Isovaleric Acid in Acoustic Tissues of Porpoises: Triacylglycerols Resistant to Porcine Pancreatic Lipase, Pages 127-129, DONALD C. MALINS, USHA VARANASI
Effect of Clofibrate on Lipoprotein Metabolism, Pages 131-134, P.S. ROHEIM, P. SEGAL, H.A. EDER
Biosynthesis of Plasma Glycolipoproteins, Pages 135-139, SAILEN MOOKERJEA
Human Intestinal Lipoprotein Particle Synthesis and Transport, Pages 141-147, G.N. TYTGAT, C.E. RUBIN, D.R. SAUNDERS
The Metabolism of the Plasma Cholesterol in Man, Pages 149-154, N.B. MYANT
Metabolism of Very Low Density Lipoproteins in Diabetes Mellitus, Pages 155-156, M. MANCINI, B. LEWIS, M. MATTOCK
The Ag-System—Present Concepts and Immunogenetic Models, Pages 157-160, JAN HIRSCHFELD
Serology and Genetics of the Ag-System, Pages 161-167, R. BüTLER, G. MORGANTI, A. VIERUCCI
Genetic Polymorphisms of Lipoproteins, Pages 169-177, KåRE BERG
Immunological Relationship and Chemical Similarities between HDL Lipoproteins from Various Mammalian and Avian Species, Pages 179-181, MARIE KAMINSKI, JEAN-PIERRE MAUGER, MICHèLE SYKIOTIS
On the Significance of the El (BA) Variants, Pages 183-189, CH. RITTNER, BEATE RITTNER
Subunit Structure of the Lp(a) Lipoprotein, Pages 191-196, C. EHNHOLM, K. SIMONS, H. GAROFF
The Isolation and Partial Purification of Low Density Lipoproteins Carrying the Ag(x) and Ag(y) Antigenic Determinants, Pages 197-200, I.D. BRADBROOK
A Serum Type of Isoprecipitin System of HD Lipoproteins, Pages 201-203, MARíA L. GALLANGO
Plasma Lipoprotein Distribution in Normal Children and Adults of Different Ages, Pages 205-208, C. VERGANI, G. VECCHI, R. PUGNO VANONI AGOSTONI
The Arterial Foam Cell—in vitro and in vivo Studies, Pages 209-215, O.J. POLLAK
A New Method of Preparation for the Apoprotein Moiety from Folch-Pi ProteoHpid, Pages 217-220, T. NGUYEN-LE, C. NICOT, A. ALFSEN
Evidence for a Covalent Bond between Lipid and a Membrane Protein (Rigid Layer of the Cell Wall of E. coli), Pages 221-224, VOLKMAR BRAUN, KLAUS HANTKE
Distribution of Lipoproteins in Arteries and Tissue as Determined by Immunohistological and Radioactive Tracer Methods, Pages 225-226, KENNETH W. WALTON
Mechanism of Uptake of Plasma Lipoprotein Triglyceride by Avian Ovarian Follicles, Pages 227-231, A. BENSADOUN, C. CLIFFORD
Uptake of Plasma Lipoproteins by the Mammary Gland of Lactating Cows, Pages 233-236, R. BICKERSTAFFE, E.F. ANNISON
Cholesterol Movements between Rat Plasmatic Lipoproteins and Red Cells in vitro, Pages 237-241, F. D'HOLLANDER, F. CHEVALLIER
The Formation of Lipoproteins in Hen Liver and Egg Yolk, Pages 243-247, D.R. HUSBANDS, P.J. WILSON, J.M. GOSLING, D.R. BEST
Isolation and Properties of Abnormal Serum Lipoproteins in Cholestasis, Pages 249-253, J. PICARD, D. VEISSIèRE, F. VOYER
Clinical Lipid Evaluations, Pages 255-260, R.M. IAMMARINO
Diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Infancy, Pages 261-264, JUDITH M. DARMADY, AUDREY S. FOSBROOKE
Dyslipidaemias in the Neonatal Period, Pages 265-271, K. ADRIAENSSENS, J. VERHEYDEN, B. COLFS
Human Myeloma Proteins which Bind β-Lipoproteins, Pages 273-278, W. RIESEN, G. NOSEDA, R. BüTLER
Primary Hyperlipoproteinaemias in Myocardial Infarction, Pages 279-282, F.C. COX, B. RIFKIND, J. ROBINSON, T.D.V. LAWRIE, H.G. MORGAN
Type III Hyperlipoproteinaemia with Xanthomatosis, Pages 283-287, MAURICE A. MISHKEL
A Simple Method for the Detection and Identification of Various Types of Hyperlipoproteinemia, Pages 289-292, HAROLD R. SCHOLNICK, MEIER BURSTEIN, HOWARD A. EDER
Problem Cases in Phenotyping, Pages 293-297, C. PRIES
Phenotyping of Hyperlipidaemias by Electrochromatography, Pages 299-305, H. PEETERS, V. BLATON, D. VANDAMME, W. DE KEERSGIETER
Lipid Electrophoresis on Cellulose Acetate Membranes and on Agarose, Pages 307-310, G. DAMMER, W. SCHWARTZKOPFF, H. PERNE, M. MüLLER
Quantitative Lipoprotein andLipid Determinations in Patients with Various Malignancies, Pages 311-314, URS E. NYDEGGER, RENé E. BüTLER
A General Review of Clinical and Laboratory Features of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (Type II Hyperbetalipoproteinemia), Pages 315-318, A.K. KHACHADURIAN
The Validity of Animal Models in the Study of Atherogenesis, Pages 319-321, G.A. GRESHAM
Dietary and Drug Management of Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Pages 323-326, A.K. KHACHADURIAN, S.M. UTHMAN
Oxidative Metabolism in Normal and Hyperlipemic Patients, Pages 327-329, C.L. MALMENDIER, C. DELCROIX, M. BERMAN
Management of Abetalipoproteinaemia in Childhood, Pages 331-335, JUNE K. LLOYD, D.P.R. MULLER
Dietary and Hormonal Modifications of Rat Serum Lipoproteins, Pages 337-339, R. HESS, F.M. DIETRICH
The Lipoproteins in Hyperlipidaemic Primates as a Model for Human Atherosclerosis, Pages 341-344, A.N. HOWARD, V. BLATON, G.A. GRESHAM, D. VANDAMME, H. PEETERS
The Role of Dielectric Studies in the Investigation of Protein Molecules, Pages 347-353, EDWARD H. GRANT
The Dipole Moment of Urea and Thiourea in Water and Ethane Diol, Pages 355-357, SUSAN E. KEEFE, EDWARD H. GRANT
Measurement of the Hydration of Biological Molecules from Dielectric Measurements at Centimetre Wavelengths, Pages 359-366, M. KENT
Recent Progress in the Dielectric Research on Polynucleotides, Pages 367-370, SHIRO TAKASHIMA
Permittivity Measurements on Biological Solutions at Very High Frequency, Pages 371-376, R. LAMOTE, A. DENOO, M.Y. ROSSENEU-MOTREFF, H. PEETERS
Deduction of Size and Hydration of Protein Molecules from Permittivity Measurements, Pages 377-382, M.Y. ROSSENEU-MOTREFF, F. SOETEWEY, H. PEETERS
The Use of Fluorescence Techniques for Studying the Structure and Structural Transitions of Polypeptides in Solution, Pages 383-392, THOMAS J. GILL III, CHARLES T. LADOULIS, MARTIN F. KING, HEINZ W. KUNZ
The Decay of the Fluorescence Anisotropy of Biological Macromolecules, Pages 393-398, PH. WAHL
The Influence of the Microenvironments of the Tryptophan Groups of Proteins upon Their Fluorescence Properties, Pages 399-401, ROBERT F. STEINER
Determination of Fluorescence Lifetimes, Pages 403-407, CHARLES T. LADOULIS, THOMAS J. GILL III
Hydrodynamic Studies of Some Lysozymes and α-Lactalbumins, Pages 409-411, Y. LOOZE, E.D. MAES, A.O. BAREL, J. LèONIS
Catabolism and Distribution of IgG in Different Diseases, Pages 415-423, S. AHLINDER, G. BIRKE, R. NORBERG, L. -O. PLANTIN
Disorders of Immunoglobulin Catabolism, Pages 425-428, T.A. WALDMANN, W. STROBER, M. BLAESE
Thermodynamics of the Denaturation of Human Serum Albumin in Relation to Intra-vital Breakdown, Pages 429-436, K. WALLEVIK
Plasma Protein Catabolism in the Capillary Wall?, Pages 437-441, N. ROSSING, P.A. KRASILNIKOFF, C. CHRISTIANSEN
IgM Degradation in Ménétrier's Disease (Giant Hypertrophic Gastritis), Pages 443-447, K. BIRGER JENSEN, S. JARNUM
IgA Metabolism in Control Subjects, in Patients with Elevated IgA Levels and in Patients with IgA Deficiency, Pages 449-453, J.H. NADORP, M. VOSS, P.J. VAN MUNSTER, G. STOELINGA, J.A. FLENDRIG, W.C. BUYS, J.H. VAN TONGEREN
Possible Enhancement of IgM Catabolism by D-Penicillamine, Pages 455-460, G. VIRELLA, G. TAMAGNINI, A. HOWARD
The Catabolism of Human γG-Globulin and Its Fragments in Man and Mouse, Pages 461-465, JOHN WATKINS, M.W. TURNER, ANTHEA ROBERTS
A Consideration of Short-term Measurement of Plasma Protein Catabolic Rates, Pages 467-471, R. HOFFENBERG, A. ZALIN, A.S. MCFARLANE, E.G. BLACK, E. CARSON
Rate of Synthesis of Albumin during the Early Postoperative Period, Pages 473-476, H.T. MOURIDSEN, S.B. ANDERSEN, P. LOUW
The Isolated Perfused Liver in the Study of Albumin Synthesis, Pages 477-481, MARCUS A. ROTHSCHILD, MURRAY ORATZ, SIDNEY S. SCHREIBER
Albumin Metabolism in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure on Low Protein Balanced Diet, Pages 483-487, R. BIANCHI, G. MARIANI, A. PILO, L. DONATO
Regulation of Transferrin Synthesis, Pages 489-493, A.S. TAVILL, D. KERSHENOBICH
Catabolism of Nonmitochondrial Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase from Pig Heart in Piglets, Pages 495-499, S. MASSARRAT
The Turnover of Lysozyme, Pages 501-504, K. JENSEN, H.H. MOGENSEN
Studies of Protein Interactions by Microcalorimetry, Pages 507-512, I. WADSö
Isotachophoresis in Capillary Tubes, Pages 513-519, LENNART ARLINGER
The Isolation of Human Transferrin by Isotachophoresis, Pages 521-524, D.B. RAMSDEN, L. LOUIS
Oil-cooled Apparatus for Quantitative Immunoelectrophoresis, Pages 525-527, ALEXANDR KOČENT, VLADíMIRA DOLEŽALOVá
Quantitative Immunoelectrophoresis Applied to the Analysis of Elution Profiles in Column Chromatography, Pages 529-532, J. KROSLL
A Modified Radioimmunoassay for Quantitative Determination of IgG Subclasses in Man, Pages 533-540, A. MORELL, F. SKVARIL
Immunoselection Technique and Its Applications, Pages 541-545, J. RáDL
Storage of Human Serum for Immunochemical Determination of the Serum Proteins, Pages 547-552, BENT WEEKE
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA, Pages 553-556, E. ENGVALL, P. PERLMANN
Determination of Insulin Binding to β-Lipoprotein in Sera from Normals and Diabetics Applying Immunoelectrophoresis, Pages 557-560, AAGE HEIN CHRISTIANSEN
Candida Precipitins Characterized by a Modified Antigen-Antibody Crossed Electrophoresis, Pages 561-564, NILS HOLGER AXELSEN, PER JUST SVENDSEN
An Automated System of Two-dimensional Immunoelectrophoresis, Pages 565-568, J.M.B. VERSEY
Micro-polyacrylamide Flat Gel Electrophoresis: Advantages and Applications, Pages 569-573, H. RAINER MAURER, FRANCESCO A. DATI
Comparison of Slab and Cylinder Gel Focusing, Pages 575-578, K. FELGENHAUER, D. GRAESSLIN, B.D. HUISMANS
Studies of Aggregates of IgG in Human Sera and Commercial γ-Globulin Preparations with a New Immuno-gel Filtration Method, Pages 579-584, L.Å. HANSON, CH. WADSWORTH, J. HOLMGREN, E. OLSZON
Author Index, Pages 585-586
Subject Index, Pages 587-589