توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
هدف انجمن جهانی روانپزشکی هماهنگ کردن فعالیتهای انجمنهای عضو خود در مقیاس جهانی و پیشبرد تحقیقات در زمینه علتشناسی، آسیبشناسی و درمان بیماریهای روانی است. برای پیشبرد این هدف، انجمن سمپوزیومهای منطقهای تک موضوعی یا چند موضوعی را دو بار در سال در نقاط مختلف جهان و کنگرههای جهانی را که با تمام زمینههای فردی روانپزشکی سروکار دارند، هر پنج یا شش سال یکبار برگزار میکند. در بین این جلسات، ادامه کار علمی انجمن از طریق فعالیت بخش های تخصصی آن که هر یک حوزه مهمی از روانپزشکی را پوشش می دهند، تضمین می شود. برنامههای کنگرههای جهانی از یک سو نشاندهنده قصد ارائه وظایف هماهنگکننده انجمن و از سوی دیگر گشودن بستری گسترده برای تبادل آزاد نظرات است. بنابراین، هفتمین کنگره جهانی روانپزشکی، که از 11 تا 16 ژوئیه 1983 در وین برگزار شد، از دو نوع رویداد علمی تشکیل شد - آنهایی که توسط انجمن ساختار یافته بودند و رویدادهایی که به ابتکار شرکت کنندگان واگذار شد. نوع اول شامل جلسات عمومی، برنامه ریزی شده توسط کمیته برنامه علمی، و بخش سمپوزیوم، سازماندهی شده توسط بخش WPA. دومین سمپوزیوم رایگان، مقالات رایگان، جلسات ویدئویی و ارائه پوستر تهیه شده توسط شرکت کنندگان بود. در مجموع، 10 جلسه عمومی، 52 سمپوزیوم بخش و 105 سمپوزیوم آزاد برگزار شد و 78 جلسه مقاله و پوستر رایگان و 10 جلسه ویدیویی برگزار شد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xviii
Drug Abuse: Predisposition and Vulnerability....Pages 1-5
The Prevention of Adolescent Drug Abuse....Pages 7-12
Community Mobilization, Self-Help Approaches and Nongovernmental Voluntary Measures....Pages 13-19
Social Policy and the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems....Pages 21-28
Diagnosis of Alcoholism — Introductory Remarks....Pages 29-29
Comprehensive Questionnaire Tests on Alcoholism....Pages 31-37
Basle Drug and Alcohol Questionnaire (BDA) Experience in Construct Validation....Pages 39-44
Questionnaire Tests of Alcoholism....Pages 45-50
Detection and Exclusion of Alcoholism in Men on the Basis of Clinical Laboratory Findings....Pages 51-55
Findings with a Modified Version of the Malt (Münchner Alcoholismus Test) In Spanish Language....Pages 57-63
Comparison of Drinking Patterns among German, Spanish and Ecuadorian Alcoholics....Pages 65-70
The NCA Criteria for the Diagnosis of Alcoholism-Intent, Use, and Practicality....Pages 71-79
Psychobiological Approach to the Postwithdrawal Syndrome....Pages 81-85
Induction Factors Related to the Severity of the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome....Pages 87-92
Alcoholism and Affective Disorders....Pages 93-98
Genetic Factors in Alcoholism: A Theoretical Model....Pages 99-107
Correlation of Behavior with Electroencephalographic Studies in Alcoholism....Pages 109-116
Industrial Solvents and Ethanol — a Clinical Neurotoxicological Comparison....Pages 117-122
Alcohol and Human Evoked Potentials....Pages 123-128
Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Treatment in Alcoholics....Pages 129-132
New Research on Heredity and Alcoholism....Pages 133-141
New Horizons in Psychiatry and Legislation the Historical and Cultural Aspects....Pages 143-148
Psychiatry — Partner in the Administration of Justice....Pages 149-156
Applied Criminology and Psychiatric Expert Evaluation....Pages 157-162
Personality Descriptions in Forensic Psychiatry: A Clue to an Expert’s Implicit Theory Analysis....Pages 163-168
Legal Psychiatry in Quebec....Pages 169-171
Evil in Women — “Delilah Syndrome” — A New Psychiatric Syndrome....Pages 173-178
Hypnosis: Complications--Issustrative Clinical Example....Pages 179-182
The Role of the Psychiatrist as An Expert in Court Procedure: Changing Patterns and New Trends — Introduction....Pages 183-190
Conflict Between Justice and Treatment Ideologies....Pages 191-200
Dangerousness and The Psychiatrist....Pages 201-205
The Role of the Psychiatrist as An Expert in Court Procedures in Japan....Pages 207-212
Forensic Aspects in Depressive Disorders....Pages 213-218
Psychiatric Malpractice: Medical and Legal Problems....Pages 219-224
Transsexuality of the 80’s....Pages 225-230
The Role of the Child Psychiatrist in Child Custody Conflicts....Pages 231-235
Syndromes of Acute Alcohol Intoxication and Their Forensic Implications....Pages 237-242
The Health and Adaptation of Victims of Political Violence in Latin America (Psychiatric Effects of Torture and Disappearance)....Pages 243-248
Effects of Imprisonment and Isolation....Pages 249-254
Psychiatric Help for Vietnamese Refugees....Pages 255-260
The Relevance of Victimology to the International Health Scene....Pages 261-266
Mental Health Needs of Victims of Violence....Pages 267-272
Social Network and Traditional Support Systems for Victims....Pages 273-276
Victims of Torture and Their Rehabilitation....Pages 277-282
The Family as Victim: Mental Health Implications....Pages 283-291
Long-Term Stress and DSM III....Pages 293-297
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders after an Industrial Disaster: Point Prevalences, Etiological and Prognostic Factors....Pages 299-307
Persecution and Grandiosity in Incest Fathers....Pages 309-322
La Llorona: Infanticide, Insanity, and Symbiosis....Pages 323-330
Fugue, Dissociation, and Multiple Personality in Incest Victims....Pages 331-335
Case and Treatment of Mentally Abnormal Offenders....Pages 337-344
Psychotherapy in a Correctional Setting....Pages 345-351
A maximum Security Forensic-Psychiatric Clinic, Based on Psycho-Analytic Principles: The Dr. S. Van Mesdag-Clinic in Groningen, The Netherlands....Pages 353-357
An Evaluation of Grendon Prison....Pages 359-364
Compulsion : Its Role in Regulating Healthy Human Relationships....Pages 365-368
Differentiated Treatment in Penal Detention Institutions....Pages 369-373
Psychoanalytically Oriented Treatment of Delinquents on Probationary Release in a Residential Setting....Pages 375-380
Individual and Group Dynamics of Terrorist Behavior....Pages 381-386
Terrorist Conduct as a Result of a Psychosocial Process....Pages 387-389
The Lawyer Terrorist....Pages 391-397
A Psychiatric Comparative Analysis of Left and Right-Wing Terrorism in Italy....Pages 399-405
Biographical Features of Terrorists....Pages 407-408
What is mass murder?....Pages 409-417
The Trial of Peter William Sutcliffe and its Medico-Legal Consequences....Pages 419-424
Violent and Non-Violent Sex Offenders....Pages 425-434
Mass Murder by Women....Pages 435-441
Role of Psychopharmacology in the Management of Violent Offenders....Pages 443-452
Mental Disorder, Multiple Attacks and Mass Murder....Pages 453-458
Psychiatric Casualties in Modern Warfare: I Evolution of Treatment....Pages 459-464
Applications of Military Psychiatry in Civilian Disturbances: Disasters, Terrorism, Hostage and Refugee Situations....Pages 465-470
Panic and Catastrophe Behaviour....Pages 471-478
Psychiatric Casualties (Battle Shock) in Israeli Defense Forces in the War in Lebanon June-September 1982....Pages 479-484
Scandinavian Military Psychiatry....Pages 485-488
Sanctioned Use of Drugs in Combat....Pages 489-494
Psychiatric Combat Readiness in Army and Navy Forces....Pages 495-498
Psychiatric Casualties in Malvinas War a Provisional Report....Pages 499-503
Military Psychiatry and Un-Forces....Pages 505-509
Psychiatrist with the Task Force....Pages 511-513
Lessons of War for Psychiatry....Pages 515-519
Training Issues in Combat Psychiatry....Pages 521-526
Warfare and the US Military Family....Pages 527-531
Psychiatric Problems of Finnish Conscripts....Pages 533-538
Neuropsychiatric Casualties of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare....Pages 539-543
Low Intensity Combat Psychiatric Casualties....Pages 545-550
Effect of Psychoactive Drugs in the Military — The Nigerian Experience....Pages 551-556
Training in Military Psychiatry: A Perspective....Pages 557-563
The Hospital Ship Psychiatrist: Falkland Islands 1982....Pages 565-568
Outpatient Treatment of Opiate Misusers....Pages 571-575
Back Matter....Pages 577-594
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The purpose of the World Psychiatric Association is to coordinate the activities of its Member Societies on a world-wide scale and to advance enquiry into the etiology, pathology, and treatment of mental illness. To further this purpose, the Association organizes mono- or multi thematic Regional Symposia in different parts of the world twice a year, and World Congresses dealing with all individual fields of psychiatry once every five or six years. Between these meetings the continuation of the Association's scientific work is assured through the activities of its specialty sections, each covering an important field of psychiatry. The programs of the World Congresses reflect on the one hand the intention to present the coordinating functions of the Association and on the other to open a broad platform for a free exchange of views. Thus, the VII World Congress of Psychiatry, held in Vienna from July 11 to 16, 1983, was composed of two types of scientific events - those structured by the Association and those left to the initiative of the participants. The first type comprised Plenary Sessions, planned by the Scientific Program Committee, and Section Symposia, organized by the WPA sections; the second embraced Free Symposia, free papers, video sessions, and poster presentations prepared by the participants. Altogether, 10 Plenary Sessions, 52 Section Symposia, and 105 Free Symposia took place, and 78 free papers and poster sessions and 10 video sessions were held.