توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
همه چیزی که برای تربیت یک توله سگ نیاز دارید توله سگ را به خانه بیاورید؟ این راهنمای سرگرم کننده و دوستانه برای توله سگ ها شما را برای این زمان سخت اما فوق العاده آماده می کند. از اصول آموزش توله سگ
فهرست مطالب :
Introduction 1About This Book 2Conventions Used in This Book 2Optional Reading 2Foolish Assumptions 3How This Book is Organized 3Part 1: Choosing a Dog to Love for a Lifetime 3Part 2: Living and Loving Your Puppy: The Early Days 4Part 3: Training with a Positive Spin 4Part 4: Conditioning Good Manners in Your Puppy 5Part 5: Creating a Wellness Plan 5Part 6: The Part of Tens 5Icons Used in This Book 5Beyond the Book 6Where to Go from Here 6Part 1: Choosing a Dog to Love for a Lifetime 7Chapter 1: Welcome to the Puppy Love Club: Here's All You Need to Know! 9Looking at All Your Options 10Helping Your Puppy Jump into the Family Groove 12Understanding your puppy's point of view 12Raising a puppy in the modern world 13Positively overdoing bonding and socialization 13Tackling Training Throughout Your Puppy's Growth Phases 14Teaching words your puppy should learn and love 15Picking a consistent approach 15Handling Day-to-Day Frustrations - and More Serious Problems 16Ensuring a Clean Bill of Health 17Chapter 2: Finding the Puppy That's Right for You 19Living Your Dream: Pinpointing What You Really Want 20Getting in the right mindset 20Considering yourself before you choose your puppy 21Interpreting your answers 24Deciding on the age to bring your puppy home 27Considering Your Household 28Me and my shadow 28Just the two of us - plus pup 29A family with young kids 30A family with older children 31A whole menagerie (other pets) 31Other dogs 32Chapter 3: Browsing Breeds and Rescues: Choosing One That's Right for You 35Figuring Out Whether You Want a Purebred, Mixed-Breed, or Designer Dog 36Choosing the breeder route versus the rescue route 37Deciding on a purebred dog 38Opting for a random-mix puppy 39Designing fancy (and expensive) mixed breeds 39Choosing the Type of Dog That's Right for You 41Different Breeds for Different Folks 42The Sporting group 43The Hound group 43The Working group 44The Herding group 44The Terrier group 45The Toy group 45The Non-Sporting group 46Chapter 4: Deciding Where to Go to Get Your Puppy 47Searching High and Low for Your Puppy 48Finding puppy love on the Internet 49Adopting a pup from a shelter or a rescue organization 51Buying a puppy from a professional breeder 54Checking out a home breeder 56Avoiding puppy brokers, puppy mills, and pet stores 57Meeting and Assessing Puppies 59Finding out what to expect when visiting puppies 59Profiling puppy personalities 60Testing a puppy's temperament 62Going for an Older Puppy 67Considering the source 68Testing older pups 70Chapter 5: Shopping for Your New Baby and Looking to the Months Ahead 73Shopping for the Early Days with Your Puppy 74Your puppy's safe place 74Rewards, toys, and self-soothing activities 79Freedom lines (indoor and out), collars, and early leash skills 82Exploring Future Needs, Modern Gadgets, and Training Tools 86Compassion wear (also known as walking restraint) 86Leash training 89Clicking and targeting tools to simplify learning 91Bringing Puppy into the Digital Age 92Two-way camera 92Automatic feeder and water fountain 93Treat dispenser 93Tracking collar 93Automatic poop-picker-upper 93Treadmill and hamster wheel 93Mechanized brush, hair remover, and bathing apparatus 93Bluetooth music cube 94Light-up leash and collar 94Activity monitor 94Part 2: Living and Loving Your Puppy: The Early Days 95Chapter 6: Bonding with Your Puppy Using the Science of Modern Dog Parenting 97Domesticated Wolves or Little Children? 98Brain science 99What the nose knows 100Master emotions 101Your Puppy is Talking - Are You "Listening?" 103Posture 103Eyes: blinking, social gazing 105Tail talk 106Ears 107Mouth: Grin or grumble, stress panting, play panting, yawning 108Vocalizing 108Fur 110Understanding Your Puppy's Basic Needs 110Sleeping 111Eating 112Drinking 112Going to the bathroom 113Playing 113Chapter 7: Establishing Good Habits from the Start 115Preparing for Your Puppy's Arrival 116Puppy-proofing a free-play zone 116Setting up a food and water station 117Establishing your puppy's sleeping area 118Sleep training 118Crate training 119Establishing a route to the bathroom area 121Bringing Puppy Home 122Introducing Puppy to Your Household 123Forming a welcome circle 123Calming the kids 123Saving your friends for another day 124Managing resident dogs, cats, and other animals 125Planning Out the First Days and Weeks 130Surviving the first 24 hours 130Time for bed 131Adjusting, week one 131Bonding with Your Puppy: The First Month 132Handling fears 133Knowing when to pick them up - and when not to 134Handling the heart hold 134Chapter 8: Including Everyone in Team Puppy 135Welcoming the Help of Family and Friends 136Encouraging Positive Interactions between Kids and Pups 136Short, fun lessons and groovy games 137When rowdy play ends the fun 138Getting Help with Shaping Good Manners from Day One 139Following early steps for house-training 139Redirecting jumping 140Instilling good chewing habits 140Displaying mealtime manners 141Discouraging nipping 141Enlisting Outside Help 142Your veterinarian 142Dog walker 143Puppy trainer 143Ways to Get Help 144Group Training 144Private trainer 145Digital puppy trainer 146Groomer 146Doggie daycare 147Dog park 147Living in a Neighborhood 148Chapter 9: Socializing Puppy 151Recognizing the Critical Stages of Your Puppy's Social Calendar 152Birth to seven weeks 153Seven weeks to 16 weeks 153Sixteen weeks to six months 154Six months to one year 154Maturity 154Focusing on Your Puppy 154Your puppy's personality 155Setting your socialization goals 156Choosing your words wisely 157Remembering the three T's: Tips, tools, and techniques 159Socializing Your Puppy, No Matter Their Age or Experiences 160Settling your excitable puppy 160Coping with a fearful reaction 161Chilling out a defensive reaction 163Adapting to Life Changes 163Moving to a new home 163And baby makes three: Expanding your family 165Traveling with Your Puppy 168Taking your puppy on a plane 169Road trip! Traveling by car 170Part 3: Training with a Positive Spin 173Chapter 10: Taking Baby Steps: 8 Weeks to 14 Weeks 175Understanding Your Puppy's Mindset 176Taking Care of Your Puppy's Basic Needs 176Making Learning Fun 178Teaching the Find It game 178Saying your puppy's name 178Learning Sit 179Learning Come 179Give 180Associating words to everyday routines 181Helping your puppy learn the 4-paw rule 182Walking the stairs 182Helping your puppy identify their place 182Teaching your puppy to ring a bell 182Leash and collar associations 183Conditioning Your Puppy to Be Handled 184Playing doggie-doctor 184Touching paws 184Remembering the Importance of Early Socialization 184When You're Feeling Frustrated 185Chapter 11: Teaching Your Preadolescent Puppy: 14 Weeks to 6 Months 187Understanding Your Puppy's Mindset 187Conditioning good habits 188Practicing your lessons 188Taking Care of Your Puppy's Basic Needs 189Making Learning Fun 189Play training 190Helping your puppy slow down 190Teaching your puppy Stop, Look, and Listen (also known as Wait) 195The Sequencing Method 196Sit-Down-Stand 197Follow-Wait-Find-It 198Come-Sit-Lean-In or Belly Up 199Over-Under-Through 200Instilling Household Manners 200Leading daily walkabouts 201Establishing a special place in the rooms you share 201Mealtime manners 203Handling Run-Throughs 204Chapter 12: Surviving Puberty: 6 to 9 Months 207Understanding Your Puppy's Mindset at This Age 208Conditioning Good Habits 208Dealing with canine backtalk 209Teaching your puppy the concept of No 210Taking Care of Your Puppy's Basic Needs 211Sleeping out of the crate 211Phasing out the midday meal 211Learning to hold it 211Making Learning Fun 212Stay, continued 212Cooperative leash skills 215Distance control 218Socializing in the World Beyond 223Off-leash dog play 223Interactive words 224Chapter 13: Striving for Off-Lead Control: 9 Months to 1 Year 225Understanding Your Puppy's Mindset at This Age 226Training the Off-Lead Dog 226Getting mentally prepared for off-lead control 226Buying the Right Equipment - and Using It Correctly 228A retractable leash 230An indoor freedom line 231A short lead 231The Tether-n-Train 231A freedom line 232Gauging Your Pup's Reactions 233Training an excitable explorer 234Guiding a more timid pup 234Getting the Emergency "Down" Down Pat 235Knowing When to Trust Your Pup and Other FAQs about Off-Lead Training 236Out and About 238Following five key rules 239Under and back: Helpful commands when you're out and about 239Introducing Your Pup to People 240Introducing the wild one 241Introducing the scaredy-cat 241Entering Buildings Peacefully 241Making Friends: Introducing Your Pup to Other Dogs 242Gaining control when encountering other dogs 242Enjoying puppy play dates 243Part 4: Conditioning Good Manners in Your Puppy 245Chapter 14: House-Training for Success 247Picking Your Puppy's Potty Place 248Establishing a Routine 249Following general guidelines 250Getting on a potty-time schedule 251Being consistent 253Helping Your Pup Communicate Their Need to Go 254Quick Tips for Handling and Avoiding Accidents 256Chapter 15: Conquering Common Frustrations 259Understanding What Shapes Your Puppy's Routines 259Shaping and Redirecting Behavior 260Talking the talk 260Stopping the chewing frenzy 262Grabbing, tugging and chasing, oh my! 268Grounding the joyous jumper 269I want to see what's on the counter, too! 272That couch sure looks comfy 273Controlling Mouthing and Nipping 275Mouthing 275Nipping 276Chapter 16: Addressing Extreme Reactions - On and Off the Leash 279Recognizing What Aggression is and What It Isn't 280Dominant aggression 280Resource guarding aggression (object guarding) 281Territorial aggression 282Protective aggression 284Predatory aggression 284Fear-induced aggression 285Dog-to-dog aggression 286Idiopathic aggression 287Silencing Your Barking (or Whining) Puppy 289Conditioning your puppy to everyday sounds 290Socializing your puppy early on 291Busy puppy, quiet puppy 291Developing your puppy's Off switch 292Barking at e-v-e-r-y-thing 292Barking for attention or protest 293Discouraging Mounting 294Getting Control of the Digging 295Remedying Leash Resistance 296The lunge-and-drag 296Mule wannabes 298Redirecting Your Little Grazer 298Surviving Isolation Stress and Separation Anxiety 299Isolation anxiety 299Isolation distress 300Separation anxiety 300Helping a puppy with isolation issues 301Knowing how long is too long 303Dealing with a Stimulated Tinkler 303Part 5: Creating a Wellness Plan 305Chapter 17: Maintaining Healthy Habits 307Puppy Nutrition 101: Your Puppy's Changing Dietary Needs 308Comparing different types of food 308Looking at your puppy's food options 309Evaluating essential ingredients 310Interpreting food labels to get more bang for your buck 315Understanding Food Allergies and Special Needs 316Pinpointing allergies to your food and theirs 316Accommodating special nutritional situations 317Keeping Your Puppy Looking and Feeling Tip-Top 317DIY: Making bath time lots of fun 318Brushing made easy 319Performing daily care and spot-checks 320Taking Your Pup for Regular Checkups 326Identifying and Remedying Allergies 327Spaying or Neutering Your Puppy 329Playing for Fun and Fitness 331Chapter 18: Identifying and Preventing Common Ailments 333Controlling Diseases with Vaccines 334Core vaccines 334Noncore vaccines 335Day-to-Day Health Concerns 337Teething 338Coughing 338Lethargy 338Diarrhea 339Dry skin 339Constipation 339Vomiting 339Gas 340Bloat 341Compacted anal glands 341Limping 342Bugging Out: External Parasites 342Fleas 342Ticks 343Ringworm 346Mites and mange 346Getting Below the Surface: Internal Parasites 347Heartworms 347Other internal critters 348Chapter 19: Preventing Accidents and Knowing What to Do in an Emergency 351Accidents Happen: Preventing and Preparing Before They Do 352Puppy first aid kit 352Playing puppy doctor 353Fences Help 354Evaluating fence types 354Training your puppy to concentrate their attention 355When Accidents Happen 355Restraining a hurt pup 355Transporting a hurt pup 356Helping a choking pup 356Performing artificial respiration (mouth-to-nose resuscitation) and CPR 357Stopping your pup's bleeding 358Treating bug bites and stings 359Treating snakebites 359Treating burns 360Treating and preventing heatstroke 360Hunting for household dangers 360Taking care of small indigestibles 361Part 6: The Part of Tens 363Chapter 20: Ten (Or So) Fun Games 365Find It 366Tug 366Give (Or Drop) 367Tug Tug Give 368Wiggle Giggle Freeze 368Two-Toy Toss 369Fishing for Fido 370Swing Toss - Can't Catch Me 370Toy Along, Tag Along (also known as The Squeak-Toy Shuffle) 371Hide-and-Seek 371Superball Soccer 373Chapter 21: Ten (or So) Crowd-Pleasing Tricks 375If You're Happy and You Know It, Wag Your Tail 376Give a Kiss 376Stylish Greeting Tricks 377Go Get Your Toy 377Belly Up 377Spin 378Paw 378High-Five 379Bump It 379Take a Bow 380Go to Sleep, or Time for Bed 381Roll Over 381Ask Nicely 382Over 383Through the Hoop 384Index 387
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