توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
فینالیست جوایز PROSE 2022
چه سرعتی می توانید محاسبه کنید؟ آیا دوست دارید سریعتر باشید؟ این کتاب ترفندها و نکات محاسباتی را از منظری تازه ارائه میکند تا سرعتی را که میتوانید با آن اضافه کنید - چه چند عدد، چه ستونهایی که یک حسابدار ممکن است غش کند، افزایش دهد. نحوه تفریق،
ضرب، تقسیم و یافتن ریشههای مربع را سریعتر بیاموزید.
علاوه بر این، این کتاب پیشنهادهایی برای یافتن پاسخهایی ارائه میدهد که برای کارهای پیچیدهای مانند «به اندازه کافی خوب» هستند. تقسیم بر 17. شامل روش های کاملاً جدیدی برای ضرب و تقسیم اعداد غیر منطقی مانند pi، e، جذر 2 و نسبت طلایی است. این بخشهایی دارد که به ریاضیات باستانی
و تکنیکهایی که میتوانیم از فرهنگهای قبلی و سایر فرهنگها وام گرفتهایم، اختصاص دهیم تا بتوانیم سریعتر محاسبه کنیم. به عنوان مثال، برخی جدی، برخی سرگرم کننده، از زندگی روزمره یا تاریخ می آیند - مانند مسابقات خوردن هات داگ، تیم کریکت واتیکان، وزن مولکولی مولکولی با
طولانی ترین نام جهان، و تعداد افرادی که هنری گرفته است. هشتم به بزرگترین مهمانی تاریخ، میدان پارچه طلا. در عصر سؤالات چندگزینه ای زمان بندی شده، هر چه سریع تر جمع بندی کنید یا پاسخ های اشتباه را رد کنید، بهتر عمل خواهید کرد. اگر عاشق بازی با اعداد هستید، این
کتاب خواندنی تفریحی خواهد بود. و اگر تا به حال به این فکر می کنید که آیا مسائل ساده حسابی می توانند در زندگی روزمره ظاهر شوند، این کتاب دیدگاه تازه ای را ارائه می دهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Quick(er) Calculations: How to Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square, and Square Root More Swiftly
Chapter 1: Arithmetical Advice
Take less time on your times table
The case of the crooked columns
Guess what? Make estimates
What’s the point? Extra zeros and decimals
The × factor
Shunting for show
Try these
Chapter 2: Speedier Subtractions and Sums
Subtract by adding
Two-step subtraction
Double-switch subtraction
Subtraction either side of an “easy” number
Two-step addition
Try these
Interlude I: TheMagic of 111,111
Chapter 3: Accounting for Taste: Calculating Columns Quickly
Adding numbers “mystically”
Adding columns without carrying
Tallying in tens
Circular sums
Cancel as you calculate
The pricing pandemic
Estimating columns of numbers
Try these
Interlude II: Checking, Check Digits, and Casting Out Nines
Chapter 4: Quicker Quotients and Pleasing Products: Multiply and Divide by Specific Numbers
Multiply or divide by 4
Multiply or divide by 5
Multiply or divide by 6
Multiply or divide by 7
How it works
Multiply or divide by 8
Multiply by 9
Multiply by 11
How it works
Multiply or divide by 12
Multiply by 13
Multiply by 14
Multiply or divide by 15
Multiply or divide by 15, 25, 35, or numbers ending in 5
Multiply by 16, 26, 36, or numbers ending in 6
Multiply by 18, 27, 36, ormultiples of 9
Multiply by 19, 29, 39, or numbers ending in 9
Try these
Multiply by 21, 31, 41, or numbers ending in 1
Multiply by 32, 42, 52, or numbers ending in a 2
Multiply or divide by 75
Try these
Multiply by 111
How it works
Multiply or divide by 125
Multiply by 31623, 63313, and 950
Multiply by 999 or 1,001
Try these
Interlude III: Doomsday
Chapter 5: Calculations with Constraints: Multiply and Divide by Numbers with Specific Properties
Multiply two numbers, 10 apart, ending in 5
How it works
Multiply two numbers, 20 apart, ending in 5
How it works
Multiply a one- or two-digit number, less than 50, by 98
How it works
Multiply a one- or two-digit number by 99
How it works
Multiply a one- or two-digit number by 101
Multiply a one- or two-digit number, less than 50, by 102
Try these
Multiply two numbers that differ by 2, 4, 6, or 20
How it works
Multiply two “kindred” numbers
How it works
Multiply by 23, 34, 45, or numbers “remainder 1” when divided by 11
Multiply by 24, 36, 42, 48, or numbers where one digit is twice the other
Multiply two numbers (or square a number) just under 100
How it works
Multiply two numbers (or square a number) just over 100
How it works
Multiply two numbers, either side of 100
How it works
Multiply together two two-digit numbers
How it works
Try these
Interlude IV: Multicultural Multiplication
Indian multiplication
Egyptian multiplication
How it works
“Russian peasant” math
Chapter 6: Super Powers: Calculate Squares, Square Roots, Cube Roots, and More
Square any two-digit number ending in 1 or 9
How it works
Square any number ending in 5
How it works
Square any number ending in 6 or 4
How it works
Square any two-digit number
How it works
Square any three-digit number with middle digit 0 or 9
How it works
Square any three-digit number with middle digit 4 or 5
Squaring, sort of. . .
How it works
Try these
Square roots, Babylonian style
How it works
Square roots, Chinese style
Square roots, Indian style
How it works
Square roots, French style
Find the square root of amystery perfect square
How it works
Find the cube root of amystery perfect cube
How it works
Find the root of amystery fifth power
Try these
Chapter 7: Close-Enough Calculations: Quick and Accurate Approximations
Divide by 9
How it works
Divide by 11
How it works
Divide by 13
How it works
Divide by 14
Multiply or divide by 17
Divide by 19 or 21
How it works
Divide by 24 or 26
Try these
Multiply or divide by 32, 33, or 34
How it works
Multiply or divide by 49 or 51
Multiply or divide by 66 or 67, 666 or 667, Newton’s Universal Constant of Gravitation or Planck’s constant
Divide by 91
Divide by 111
Divide by 198, 202, and other multiples of 99 and 101
Try these
Interlude V: Approximating the Number of Space Aliens
Chapter 8: Multiplying and Dividing Irrationally
Multiply or divide by√2
Multiply or divide by√3
Multiply or divide by the Golden Ratio
Multiply or divide by e
Multiply or divide by π
A slice of Babylonian π
Similar, but different
Also similar, but far more accurate
An almost-precise method
How it works
Divide by π
Try these
The Grand Finale
Further Reading
Other works on rapid mathematics
History of mathematics
Appendix i: Calculating Doomsday
Appendix ii: The Squares from 1 to 100
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Finalist of the 2022 PROSE Awards
How fast can you calculate? Would you like to be faster? This book presents the time honored tricks and tips of calculation, from a fresh perspective, to boost the speed at which you can add ― whether a couple of numbers, or columns so long an accountant may faint. Find out how to subtract,
multiply, divide, and find square roots more quickly.
What's more, this book gives suggestions for how to find answers that are "good enough" for tricky tasks like dividing by 17. It includes brand new ways to multiply and divide irrational numbers such as pi, e, the square root of 2, and the golden ratio. It has sections devoted to ancient
mathematics, and the techniques we can borrow from previous and other cultures, in order to calculate more quickly. Examples, some serious, some fun, come from everyday life or from history ― like hot dog eating competitions, the Vatican's cricket team, the molecular weight of the molecule with the
world's longest name, and the amount of people taken by Henry VIII to arguably history's biggest party, the Field of the Cloth of Gold. In an age of timed multiple-choice questions, the swifter you can sum, or rule out wrong answers, the better you will do. If you love to play with numbers, this
book will be recreational reading. And if you ever wonder whether simple arithmetic problems can crop up in everyday life, this book provides a fresh perspective.