فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
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Table of Contents
Series Preface
Part I Constitutional Law
1 Frank I. Michelman (2003), \'Rawls on Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law\', in S. Freeman (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 394-425
2 Ronald Dworkin (2004), \'Rawls and the Law\', Fordham Law Review, 72, pp. 1387-405
3 Charles A. Kelbley (2004), \'Are There Limits to Constitutional Change? Rawls on Comprehensive Doctrines, Unconstitutional Amendments, and the Basis of Equality\', Fordham Law Review, 72, pp. 1487-536
4 Neomi Rao (1998), \'A Backdoor to Policy Making: The Use of Philosophers by the Supreme Court\', University of Chicago Law Review, 65, pp. 1371-401
5 Thom Brooks (2003), \'Does Philosophy Deserve a Place at the Supreme Court?\', Rutgers Law Record, 27, pp. 1-17
Part II Immigration
6 Matthew Lister (2010), \'Immigration, Association, and the Family\', Law and Philosophy, 29, pp. 717-45
Part III Political Liberalism and Public Reason
7 Michael J. Sandel (1994), \'Political Liberalism\', Harvard Law Review, 107, pp. 1765-94
8 Frank I. Michelman (1994), \'The Subject of Liberalism\', Stanford Law Review, 46, pp. 1807-33
9 Kent Greenawalt (1995), \'Some Problems with Public Reason in John Rawls\'s Political Liberalism\', Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 28, pp. 1303-17
10 Ronald C. Den Otter (2005), \'Can a Liberal Take His Own Side in an Argument? The Case for John Rawls\'s Idea of Political Liberalism\', Saint Louis University Law Journal, 49, pp. 319-66
Part IV Private Law
11 Kevin A. Kordana and David H. Tabachnick (2006), \'On Belling the Cat: Rawls and Tort as Corrective Justice\', Virginia Law Review, 92, pp. 1279-310
12 Arthur Ripstein (2006), \'Private Order and Public Justice: Kant and Rawls\', Virginia Law Review, 92, pp. 1391-438
Part V Reparations
13 Martin D. Carcieri (2010), \'Rawls and Reparations\', Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 15, pp. 267-316
Part VI Global Justice and International Law
14 John Tasioulas (2002), \'From Utopia to Kazanistan: John Rawls and the Law of Peoples\', Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 22, pp. 367-96
15 Thomas W. Pogge (2004), \'The Incoherence between Rawls\'s Theories of Justice\', Fordham Law Review, 72, pp. 1739-59
16 Leif Wenar (2006), \'Why Rawls is Not a Cosmopolitan Egalitarian\', in R. Martin and D.A Reidy (eds), Rawls\'s Law of Peoples: A Realistic Utopia?, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 95-113
17 Regina Kreide (2009), \'Preventing Military Humanitarian Intervention? John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas on a Just Global Order\', German Law Journal, 10, pp. 93-113
18 David Reidy (2010), \'Human Rights and Liberal Toleration\', Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 23, pp. 287-317
Name Index