فهرست مطالب :
Contents......Page 8
Contributors......Page 28
Preface......Page 54
Acknowledgments......Page 56
1. Role of the Pediatrician......Page 58
2. Decision Making: Use of Evidence-Based Medicine......Page 60
3. Communication......Page 62
4. Interviewing Techniques......Page 69
5. Systems of Practice and Office Management......Page 72
6. Core Competencies......Page 74
7. Patient and Family-Centered Care......Page 76
8. Disaster Preparedness......Page 78
9. Law, Ethics, and Clinical Judgment......Page 81
10. Well-Child Care......Page 84
11. Child Development......Page 91
12. Screening......Page 99
13. Oral Health Supervision......Page 104
14. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)......Page 109
15. Culture and Pediatric Practice......Page 117
16. Gay and Lesbian Parents......Page 120
17. Environmental Pediatrics......Page 123
18. Travel Medicine......Page 129
19. Family Function and Birth of a Child......Page 134
20. Foster Care and Adoption......Page 136
21. Family Discord and Divorce......Page 141
22. Supporting the Grieving Child and Family......Page 143
23. Normal Nutritional Requirements......Page 146
24. Breast-Feeding......Page 152
25. Infant Formula and Complementary Foods......Page 156
26. Postdischarge Nutritional Management of the Premature Infant......Page 162
27. Nutritional Issues: Toddler to Adolescent......Page 164
28. Assessment of Nutritional Adequacy......Page 167
29. Malnutrition and Refeeding......Page 168
30. Poor Weight Gain......Page 171
31. Approach to the Infant and Child with Feeding Difficulty......Page 174
32. The Overweight or Obese Child......Page 180
33. Specialized Nutrition Support......Page 183
34. Nutritional Access Devices......Page 191
35. Child Maltreatment: Neglect to Abuse......Page 194
36. Family and Community Violence......Page 201
37. Child Abuse Prevention: What Pediatricians Can Do......Page 207
39. Care of the Fetus......Page 212
40. Fetal Disorders......Page 215
41. Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity......Page 217
42. Delivery Room Resuscitation......Page 221
43. Transitional Changes in the Newborn......Page 227
44. Examination of the Newborn Infant......Page 231
45. Postnatal Care and Observation......Page 241
46. Multiple Births......Page 247
47. The Small-for-Gestational-Age Infant......Page 248
48. Infant of a Diabetic Mother......Page 252
49. Approach to the Cyanotic Infant......Page 255
50. Abnormalities of the Lungs......Page 258
51. Metabolic Abnormalities......Page 268
52. Brain Abnormalities and Injuries......Page 278
53. Hematologic Abnormalities and Jaundice......Page 283
54. Respiratory Distress Syndrome......Page 290
55. Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Ductus Venosus......Page 295
56. Hemodynamics......Page 299
57. Necrotizing Enterocolitis......Page 303
58. Intraventricular Hemorrhage......Page 306
59. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia......Page 310
60. Emergencies......Page 313
61. Special Intensive Care......Page 315
62. Outcomes of Preterm and Term Infants......Page 318
63. Somatic Growth and Development......Page 322
64. Reproductive Growth and Development in the Female Adolescent......Page 324
65. Reproductive Growth and Development in the Male Adolescent......Page 326
66. Psychological Development......Page 328
67. The Adolescent Visit......Page 329
69. Morbidity......Page 334
71. Substance Use and Abuse......Page 335
72. Depression, Anxiety, and Other Disorders......Page 339
73. Disorders of Eating......Page 345
74. Breast Masses......Page 349
75. Scrotal Masses......Page 351
76. Menstrual Problems......Page 353
77. Intrauterine and Ectopic Pregnancy......Page 356
78. Contraception......Page 358
79. Introduction to Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics......Page 362
80. Fundamental Concepts of Child Development......Page 363
81. Brain Development and Behavior......Page 367
82. Standardized Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments......Page 370
83. Crying in Infants......Page 375
84. Hyperactivity and Inattention......Page 378
85. Learning Problems......Page 384
86. Language Delay......Page 388
87. Difficult Behavior......Page 392
88. Anxiety......Page 395
89. Repetitive Behaviors......Page 399
90. Gender Identity and Sexual Behavior......Page 403
91. Developmental Delay......Page 405
92. Autistic Spectrum Disorders......Page 409
93. Affective Disorders and Suicide......Page 413
94. Pediatric Condition Falsification......Page 417
95. Childhood Schizophrenia......Page 418
96. Families in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Families......Page 420
97. Nonparental Childcare......Page 421
98. Vulnerable Child Syndrome......Page 423
99. Adaptation to Illness......Page 425
100. Poverty, Homelessness, and Social Disorganization......Page 427
101. Resiliency in Children and Adolescents......Page 429
102. Respiratory Distress and Failure......Page 432
103. Decreased Perfusion and Circulatory Shock......Page 440
104. Acute Neurological Dysfunction......Page 448
105. The Febrile Child......Page 454
106. Monitoring of Vital Function......Page 457
107. Vascular Access......Page 461
108. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation......Page 465
109. Life Support Systems......Page 469
110. Stabilization and Transport......Page 474
111. Management of Cerebral Edema and Elevated Intracranial Pressure......Page 477
112. Perioperative Care......Page 479
113. Pain Management and Sedation......Page 483
114. Acute Metabolic Dysfunction......Page 489
115. Acute Inflammation......Page 493
116. Trauma, Burns, and Bites......Page 497
117. Submersion Injury......Page 503
118. Foreign-Body Aspiration......Page 506
119. Apparent Life-Threatening Events and SIDS......Page 508
120. Toxic Ingestions and Exposures......Page 512
121. Heat Stress......Page 527
122. Poisonous Bites and Stings......Page 529
123. Psychological and Behavioral Responses......Page 536
124. The Technology-Dependent Child......Page 541
125. Caring for Children Dying from Chronic Disease......Page 551
126. Hospice and Palliative Care......Page 558
127. Law, Ethics, and Caring Near the End of Life......Page 567
128. Pediatric Transplantation......Page 570
129. Kidney Transplantation......Page 575
130. Liver Transplantation......Page 578
131. Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplant......Page 582
132. Heart Transplant......Page 585
133. Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation......Page 588
134. Principles of Inborn Errors of Metabolism......Page 598
135. Hyperphenylalaninemias......Page 618
136. Disorders of Tyrosine Metabolism......Page 620
137. Disorders of Branched Chain Amino and Organic Acid Metabolism......Page 622
138. Disorders of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acid Metabolism......Page 626
139. Disorders of Glycine, Serine, and Proline Metabolism......Page 629
141. Disorders of Metabolism of Neurotransmitter Amino Acids......Page 631
142. Disorders of Creatine and Ornithine Metabolism......Page 634
143. Disorders of Amino Acid Transport Across Cell Membranes......Page 636
144. Other Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism......Page 638
145. Urea Cycle and Related Disorders......Page 639
147. Vitamin B[Sub(12))] and Folic Acid......Page 645
148. Biotin Responsive Disorders......Page 648
149. Vitamin B[Sub(6)] and Vitamin B[Sub(1)] Responsive Disorders......Page 649
150. Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation......Page 651
151. Disorders of Ketogenesis......Page 654
153. Disorders of Leukotriene Synthesis and Fatty Aldehyde Dehydrogenase......Page 655
154. Disorders of Glycogen Metabolism......Page 656
155. Disorders of Galactose and Fructose Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis......Page 664
157. Disorders of Glucose Transporters......Page 667
158. Respiratory Chain Disorders......Page 671
159. Disorders of Energy Metabolism......Page 677
160. Mucopolysaccharidosis, Glycoproteinosis, and Mucolipidosis......Page 679
161. Sphingolipidoses......Page 690
162. Peroxisomal Disorders......Page 694
163. Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation......Page 699
164. Disorders of Cholesterol Synthesis......Page 702
165. Disorders of Bile Acid Synthesis......Page 704
166. Disorders of Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism......Page 708
167. Disorders of Heme Biosynthesis: The Porphyrias......Page 719
168. Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism......Page 725
169. Disorders of Metal Metabolism......Page 730
170. Key Principles in Human Genetics......Page 734
171. Multifactorial Inheritance......Page 741
172. Principles of Care......Page 744
173. Human Cytogenetics......Page 745
174. Chromosome Disorders......Page 748
175. Birth Defects, Malformations, and Syndromes......Page 754
176. Syndromes of Multiple Congenital Anomalies/Dysplasias......Page 757
177. Craniofacial Disorders......Page 762
178. Approach to the Child with Birth Defects......Page 770
179. Genetic Skeletal Disorders......Page 773
180. Congenital Contractures......Page 778
181. Connective Tissue Dysplasias......Page 779
182. Neurocutaneous Disorders......Page 785
183. Environmental Causes of Birth Defects......Page 789
184. Disorders of Accelerated Aging......Page 796
185. Genetic Evaluation of Developmental Delay/Mental Retardation......Page 799
186. Overview of the Immune System......Page 806
187. Undue Susceptibility to Infection......Page 812
188. Primary Immunodeficiencies......Page 814
189. Complement Disorders......Page 822
190. Allergic Disease and Atopy......Page 826
191. Clinical Aspects of Allergic Diseases......Page 828
192. Allergic Rhinitis and Conjunctivitis......Page 832
193. Anaphylaxis, Urticaria, and Angioedema......Page 834
194. Food Allergy......Page 837
195. Insect Allergy......Page 839
196. Latex Allergy......Page 840
197. Adverse Reactions to Drugs......Page 841
198. Pathogenesis of Inflammatory and Autoimmune Disorders......Page 844
199. History and Physical Examination in Rheumatology......Page 849
200. Diagnostic Testing in Rheumatology......Page 852
201. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis......Page 857
202. Spondyloarthropathies......Page 863
203. Vasculitides......Page 867
204. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Overlap Connective Tissue Diseases, and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease......Page 871
205. Juvenile Dermatomyositis......Page 875
206. Scleroderma......Page 880
207. Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes......Page 883
208. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome......Page 887
209. Autoinflammatory Disorders......Page 889
210. Growth and Development......Page 896
211. The Limping Child......Page 898
212. Torsional and Angular Deformities......Page 899
213. Disorders of the Foot......Page 902
214. Disorders of the Knee......Page 908
215. Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip......Page 909
216. Disorders of the Neck and Spine......Page 913
217. Disorders of the Upper Extremity......Page 919
218. Injuries......Page 922
219. Tumors......Page 927
220. Neuromuscular Disorders......Page 929
221. Common Orthopedic Misses......Page 931
222. Bacterial Pathogenesis......Page 934
223. Bacteremia, Sepsis, and Septic Shock......Page 937
224. Viral Pathogenesis......Page 940
225. Infection Control......Page 942
226. Diagnostic Approaches for Infectious Diseases......Page 945
227. Acute Fever without a Focus......Page 950
228. Fever of Unknown Origin......Page 952
229. Fever and Infection in the Immunocompromised Patient......Page 954
230. Therapy for Perinatal and Neonatal Infections......Page 959
231. Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System......Page 970
232. Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System......Page 976
233. Sexually Transmitted Infections......Page 980
234. Bone, Joint, Soft Tissue Infections......Page 991
235. Cardiac Infections......Page 996
236. Gastrointestinal Infections......Page 1002
237. Infections of the Liver......Page 1004
238. Urinary Tract Infections......Page 1007
239. Catheter-Associated Infections......Page 1013
240. Community-Acquired and Bacterial Pneumonia in Children......Page 1016
241. Viral Respiratory Infections Including Influenza......Page 1018
242. Fungal Respiratory Infections......Page 1027
243. Infections of the Ear......Page 1030
244. Immunizations......Page 1037
245. Antiviral Therapy......Page 1049
246. Antibacterial Therapy......Page 1053
247. Antifungal Therapy......Page 1068
248. Actinomycosis......Page 1073
249. Anaerobic Infections......Page 1075
250. Clostridial Infections......Page 1078
251. Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis)......Page 1080
253. Bacillus cereus......Page 1081
254. Brucellosis......Page 1082
255. Burkholderia and Pseudomonas......Page 1083
256. Campylobacter......Page 1084
257. Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella henselae)......Page 1085
258. Chancroid (Hemophilus ducreyi)......Page 1087
259. Chlamydia......Page 1088
260. Cholera......Page 1091
261. Diphtheria......Page 1093
262. Enterococcus......Page 1095
263. Haemophilus influenzae......Page 1096
264. Legionella Pneumonia......Page 1100
265. Leptospirosis......Page 1101
266. Listeriosis......Page 1102
267. Lyme Disease......Page 1103
268. Moraxella catarrhalis......Page 1105
269. Tuberculosis (Mycobacteria tuberculosis)......Page 1106
270. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections......Page 1115
271. Leprosy......Page 1118
272. Buruli Ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection)......Page 1121
273. Mycoplasma Infections......Page 1123
274. Neisseria gonorrhoeae......Page 1125
275. Neisseria meningitidis......Page 1127
276. Nocardiosis......Page 1130
277. Pasteurella multocida......Page 1131
278. Pertussis......Page 1132
279. Plague......Page 1134
280. Pneumococcal Infections......Page 1135
281. Rat-Bite Fever......Page 1137
282. Relapsing Fever......Page 1138
283. Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli......Page 1139
284. Staphylococcus Infections......Page 1147
285. Streptococcus Group A Infections......Page 1151
286. Group B Streptococcus Infections......Page 1154
287. Nongroup A or B Streptococcus......Page 1156
288. Syphilis......Page 1157
289. Tetanus......Page 1160
290. Q Fever......Page 1162
291. Tularemia......Page 1163
292. Ureaplasma urealyticum Infections......Page 1164
293. Yersinia enterocolitica Infections......Page 1166
294. Rickettsial Infections......Page 1167
295. Aspergillosis......Page 1170
297. Candida......Page 1172
298. Coccidioidomycosis......Page 1175
299. Cryptococcosis......Page 1177
300. Histoplasmosis......Page 1178
301. Malassezia furfur......Page 1179
302. Microsporidiosis......Page 1180
303. Sporotrichosis......Page 1182
304. Zygomycosis (Mucormycosis)......Page 1184
305. Arboviruses......Page 1185
306. Enterovirus Infections......Page 1191
307. Hemorrhagic Fevers......Page 1195
308. Viral Hepatitis......Page 1199
309. Herpes Simplex Virus Infections......Page 1206
310. Cytomegalovirus......Page 1209
311. Epstein-Barr Virus Mononucleosis......Page 1211
312. Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7......Page 1215
314. Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections......Page 1217
315. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection......Page 1221
316. Measles......Page 1227
317. Molluscum Contagiosum......Page 1230
318. Mumps......Page 1231
319. Human Parvovirus......Page 1233
320. Rubella......Page 1234
321. Rabies......Page 1237
322. Smallpox......Page 1239
323. Antiparasitic Therapy......Page 1240
324. Ascariasis......Page 1244
325. Baylisascariasis......Page 1245
326. Dracunculiasis......Page 1246
327. Enterobiasis (Pinworm)......Page 1247
328. Lymphatic Filariasis and Onchocerciasis......Page 1248
329. Hookworm......Page 1251
330. Strongyloidiasis......Page 1252
332. Trichinosis......Page 1254
334. Anasakiasis and Angiostrongyliasis......Page 1256
335. Foodborne Trematodiasis and Schistosomiasis......Page 1257
336. Diphyllobothriasis......Page 1260
338. Echinococcosis......Page 1261
339. Hymenolepiasis......Page 1263
340. Taeniasis and Cysticercosis......Page 1264
341. Amebiasis......Page 1266
342. Babesiosis......Page 1268
343. Balantidiasis......Page 1269
344. Blastocystis hominis......Page 1270
345. Cryptosporidiosis......Page 1271
346. Cyclosporiasis......Page 1273
347. Dientamoebiasis......Page 1274
348. Free-Living Amebic Infections......Page 1275
349. Giardiasis......Page 1276
350. Isosporiasis......Page 1277
351. Leishmaniasis......Page 1278
352. Malaria......Page 1284
353. Pneumocystis Pneumonia......Page 1292
354. Toxoplasmosis......Page 1294
355. Trypanosomiases......Page 1299
356. Functional Overview......Page 1306
357. Neonatal Dermatology......Page 1309
358. Disorders of the Epidermis......Page 1314
359. Disorders of the Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue......Page 1320
360. Genetic Disorders of the Skin......Page 1321
361. Melanocytic Lesions and Disorders of Pigmentation......Page 1328
362. Immunologic Diseases......Page 1334
363. Neoplastic and Proliferative Disorders......Page 1339
364. Vascular Tumors and Malformations......Page 1340
365. Acne and Other Disorders of the Pilosebaceous Unit......Page 1344
366. Disorders of Nails......Page 1347
367. Skin Infections and Exanthems......Page 1348
368. Infestations......Page 1358
369. The Ear......Page 1362
370. Nose and Sinus......Page 1374
371. The Pharynx and Upper Airway......Page 1381
372. The Head, Face, and Neck......Page 1392
373. Head and Neck Masses......Page 1395
374. Dental Caries......Page 1400
375. Dental Emergency Care......Page 1403
376. Dental Occlusion and Its Management......Page 1407
377. Periodontal and Gingival Health and Diseases......Page 1411
378. Oral Pathology......Page 1413
379. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders......Page 1418
380. Behavioral Treatment Options in Pediatric Dentistry......Page 1419
381. Normal Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract......Page 1422
382. Approach to the Child with Acute, Chronic, or Cyclic Vomiting......Page 1429
383. Acute Abdominal Pain......Page 1432
384. Chronic Abdominal Pain......Page 1434
385. Diarrhea......Page 1438
386. Constipation and Fecal Incontinence......Page 1443
387. Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding......Page 1446
388. Abdominal Masses......Page 1448
389. Gastrointestinal Obstruction......Page 1451
390. Protein-Losing Enteropathy......Page 1453
391. Gastrointestinal Disorders Associated with Immunodeficiency......Page 1455
392. Anatomic Disorders of the Esophagus......Page 1457
393. Disorders of Esophageal Motility......Page 1460
394. Gastroesophageal Reflux and Other Causes of Esophageal Inflammation......Page 1462
395. Other Esophageal Disorders......Page 1469
396. Abdominal Wall Defects......Page 1472
397. Malrotation and Volvulus......Page 1474
398. Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis......Page 1477
399. Congenital Atresias, Stenosis, and Webs......Page 1478
400. Microgastria and Gastric Perforation......Page 1479
401. Duplications and Cysts......Page 1480
402. Omphalo-Mesenteric Duct Remnants......Page 1482
403. Meconium Diseases of Infancy and Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome......Page 1484
404. Intussusception......Page 1485
405. Inguinal and Other Hernias......Page 1486
406. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome......Page 1489
407. Motor Disorders of the Stomach, Small Bowel, and Colon......Page 1490
408. Disorders of Digestion and Absorption......Page 1495
409. Inflammatory Disorders of the Stomach......Page 1511
410. Inflammatory Bowel Disease......Page 1517
411. Allergic and Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathies......Page 1525
412. Vascular, Systemic, and Other Disorders Affecting the Gastrointestinal Tract......Page 1528
413. Acute Appendicitis, Typhlitis, and Chronic Appendicitis......Page 1530
414. Polyps and Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract......Page 1532
415. Congenital Anomalies of the Anorectum......Page 1537
416. Other Anorectal Disorders......Page 1539
417. Disorders of the Exocrine Pancreas......Page 1542
418. Structure and Function of the Liver......Page 1548
419. Evaluation of the Infant and Child with Liver Disease......Page 1552
420. Autoimmune Disorders of the Liver......Page 1558
421. Metabolic and Genetic Disorders of the Liver......Page 1560
422. Drug, Toxin, and TPN Liver Disease......Page 1569
423. The Liver in Systemic Disease......Page 1572
424. Acute Liver Failure......Page 1574
425. End-Stage Liver Disease......Page 1577
426. Other Disorders of the Liver......Page 1581
427. The Biliary Tract......Page 1584
428. Approach to Suspected Hematologic Disorders......Page 1592
429. Hematopoeisis......Page 1595
430. Anemia......Page 1599
431. Iron Deficiency......Page 1603
432. Anemia Due to Diminished Red Blood Cell Production......Page 1606
433. Hemolytic Anemia......Page 1609
434. Hemoglobinopathies......Page 1613
435. Normal and Abnormal Hemostasis......Page 1624
436. Inherited Bleeding Disorders......Page 1627
437. Acquired Coagulation Disorders......Page 1631
438. Diagnosis and Management of Thrombosis......Page 1634
439. Disorders of Platelets......Page 1638
440. The Spleen and Lymph Nodes......Page 1644
441. Disorders of Granulocytes......Page 1647
442. Transfusion Medicine......Page 1654
443. Cancer Genetics and Biology......Page 1660
444. Epidemiology of Childhood Cancer......Page 1664
445. Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy......Page 1665
446. Clinical Trials in Pediatric Oncology......Page 1669
447. Neonatal Oncology......Page 1671
448. Cancer Survivorship and Recommendations for Follow-Up......Page 1673
449. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia......Page 1677
450. Myeloid Malignancies......Page 1682
451. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma......Page 1687
452. Hodgkin Lymphoma......Page 1689
453. Osteosarcoma......Page 1694
454. Ewing Sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor......Page 1696
455. Rhabdomyosarcoma......Page 1698
456. Renal Tumors......Page 1701
457. Neuroblastoma......Page 1704
458. Malignant Liver Tumors......Page 1708
459. Germ Cell Tumors......Page 1711
460. Brain Tumors and Spinal Tumors......Page 1713
461. Retinoblastoma......Page 1718
462. Vascular Neoplasms......Page 1719
463. Histiocytic Disorders......Page 1721
464. Renal Morphogenesis......Page 1726
465. Development of Renal Function......Page 1728
466. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders......Page 1734
467. Diagnostic Approach to Renal Disease......Page 1743
468. Kidney or Urinary Tract Disorders......Page 1748
469. Renal Malformations......Page 1754
470. Cystic Diseases of the Kidney......Page 1757
471. Acute Renal Failure......Page 1763
472. Glomerular Diseases......Page 1767
473. Hereditary Glomerulopathies......Page 1786
474. Renal Tubular Disorders......Page 1789
475. Urinary Tract Stone Diseases......Page 1795
476. Urologic Abnormalities of the Genitourinary Tract......Page 1798
477. Chronic Kidney Disease......Page 1806
478. Chronic Dialysis......Page 1812
479. Systemic Hypertension......Page 1814
480. Development of the Cardiovascular System......Page 1826
481. Genetics of Heart Disease......Page 1832
482. Fetal Cardiology......Page 1839
483. Neonate and Infant with Cardiovascular Disease......Page 1846
484. Congenital Heart Disease......Page 1861
485. Arrhythmias......Page 1892
486. Child and Adolescent with Cardiovascular Disease......Page 1905
488. Kawasaki Disease......Page 1912
489. Diseases of Myocardium......Page 1915
490. Infective Endocarditis......Page 1918
491. Pericardial Diseases......Page 1920
492. Pulmonary Hypertension......Page 1924
493. Electrocardiography......Page 1926
494. Radiologic Imaging......Page 1930
495. Echocardiography......Page 1936
496. Cardiac Catherization......Page 1940
497. Heart Failure......Page 1944
498. The Patient with Single Ventricle......Page 1950
499. Interventional Cardiology......Page 1954
500. Health Care Management for the Child with Cardiovascular Disease......Page 1960
501. Sports Screening for Cardiovascular Risk......Page 1963
502. Lung Growth in Infancy and Childhood......Page 1966
503. Physiologic Basis of Pulmonary Function......Page 1970
504. Global Burden of Respiratory Infections and Mucosal Immunology of the Respiratory Tract......Page 1974
505. Clinical Presentation of Respiratory Illness......Page 1977
506. Tools for Diagnosis and Management of Respiratory Disease......Page 1981
507. Congenital Disorders of the Lower Airways and Mediastinum......Page 1985
508. Disorders of Respiratory Control and Sleep-Disordered Breathing......Page 1990
509. Sleep Disorders......Page 1999
510. Disorders Causing Airway Obstruction......Page 2006
511. Aspiration Syndromes......Page 2015
512. Asthma......Page 2019
513. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia......Page 2031
514. Cystic Fibrosis......Page 2034
515. Interstitial Lung Disease......Page 2043
516. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Lung Disease......Page 2046
517. Pulmonary Vasculitis Syndromes......Page 2047
518. Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis......Page 2050
519. Chest Wall and Respiratory Muscle Disorders......Page 2053
520. Mechanisms of Hormone Action......Page 2058
521. Disorders of the Anterior Pituitary Gland......Page 2066
522. Growth and Growth Impairment......Page 2069
523. Endocrine Abnormalities Causing Growth Impairment......Page 2074
524. Tall Stature......Page 2080
525. Primary Disturbances in Water Homeostasis......Page 2081
526. The Thyroid......Page 2085
527. Hypothyroidism in the Infant......Page 2088
528. Acquired Hypothyroidism......Page 2094
529. Hyperthyroidism......Page 2096
530. Other Disorders of the Thyroid......Page 2098
531. The Adrenal Cortex......Page 2100
532. Evaluation of Adrenal Function......Page 2103
533. Genetic Lesions in Steroidogenesis......Page 2105
534. Adrenal Insufficiency......Page 2109
535. Adrenal Excess......Page 2112
536. Glucocorticoid Therapy and Withdrawal......Page 2114
537. Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes......Page 2115
538. Normal Human Sex Differentiation......Page 2119
539. Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD)......Page 2120
540. Normal Pubertal Development......Page 2131
541. Abnormal Pubertal Development......Page 2134
542. Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Metabolism......Page 2143
543. Disorders of Bone Formation......Page 2154
544. Diabetes Mellitus......Page 2161
545. Endocrine Causes of Hypoglycemia......Page 2182
546. Introduction to Neurology......Page 2188
547. Clinical Approach to Neurologic Disease......Page 2190
548. Cranial Developmental Abnormalities......Page 2206
549. Disturbances of the Neural Tube and Spine Closure......Page 2211
550. Macrocephaly and Microcephaly......Page 2213
551. Trauma to the Nervous System......Page 2215
552. Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease......Page 2222
553. Hydrocephalus and Pseudotumor Cerebri......Page 2231
554. Cerebral Palsy and Static Encephalopathies......Page 2235
555. Infections of the Central Nervous System......Page 2239
556. Immune- and Inflammatory-Mediated Central Nervous System Syndromes......Page 2245
557. Epidemiology of Epilepsy, Seizure Classification, Epilepsy Syndromes......Page 2255
558. Etiologies of Epilepsies......Page 2259
559. Febrile Seizures......Page 2261
561. Status Epilepticus......Page 2263
562. Epilepsy Treatment: Antiepileptic Drug Therapy......Page 2265
563. Epilepsy Treatment: Ketogenic Diet and Neurostimulation......Page 2270
564. Epilepsy Treatment: Surgery......Page 2271
565. Migraine and Headache Disorders......Page 2273
566. Movement Disorders, Tics, and Tourette Syndrome......Page 2276
567. Other Paroxysmal Disorders......Page 2280
568. General Evaluation of Strength, Tone, and Sensation......Page 2281
569. The Hypotonic Infant......Page 2283
570. Peripheral Nerve Disorders and Anterior Horn Cell Diseases......Page 2285
571. Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction......Page 2292
572. Myopathies......Page 2298
573. Neurologic Aspects of Disorders of Metal Metabolism......Page 2305
574. Lysosomal Storage Disorders......Page 2307
575. Rett Syndrome (MECP2-Related Disorders)......Page 2313
576. Leukoencephalopathies......Page 2314
577. Neurotransmitter Disorders......Page 2322
578. Phakomatoses......Page 2326
579. Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and Ocular System......Page 2330
580. Office Evaluation of the Eyes......Page 2332
581. Special Tests of the Eyes......Page 2336
582. International Pediatric Ophthalmology......Page 2339
583. Eye Emergencies and Trauma......Page 2341
584. Visual Impairment in Childhood......Page 2346
585. Amblyopia......Page 2348
586. Strabismus......Page 2350
587. The Eye in Child Abuse......Page 2355
588. Red Eye......Page 2357
589. Lid and Lacrimal System Disorders......Page 2361
590. Anterior Segment Disorders......Page 2365
591. Retinopathy of Prematurity......Page 2370
592. Genetic Eye Diseases......Page 2373
593. Optic Nerve Disorders......Page 2383
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