توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب شامل مقالات ارائه شده در بیست و هفتمین کنفرانس ایمنی و قابلیت اطمینان اروپا (Esrel 2017) در پورتوروز، اسلوونی، 18 تا 22 ژوئن 2017 است. طیف وسیعی از موضوعات از جمله:
مدل سازی تصادفات و حوادث،
تحلیل اقتصادی در مدیریت ریسک،
مسائل بنیادی در ارزیابی و مدیریت ریسک،
عوامل انسانی و قابلیت اطمینان انسانی،
مدل سازی و کاربردهای تعمیر و نگهداری،
روش های ریاضی در قابلیت اطمینان و ایمنی،< br /> پیش آگهی و مدیریت سلامت سیستم،
مهندسی تاب آوری، ارزیابی ریسک،
مدیریت ریسک،
شبیه سازی برای تجزیه و تحلیل ایمنی و قابلیت اطمینان،
قابلیت اطمینان ساختاری،
قابلیت اطمینان سیستم و
تحلیل عدم قطعیت.
این کتاب برای دانشگاهیان و متخصصان شاغل در طیف وسیعی از بخشهای صنعتی و دولتی مورد علاقه خواهد بود.
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Accident and incident modelling A probabilistic model for navigational accident scenarios in the Northern Baltic Sea F. Goerlandt Comparison of Dutch and Russian standards for calculating the risks of a vapour cloud explosion A. Leksin, U. Barth, D. Adeulov & R. Mock On the nature of serious incidents in air traffic J. Skorupski On design of stiffened 3D-multi-cell for enhancing the vehicle crashworthiness and occupant safety M.S. Zahran, P. Xue, M.S. Esa, C.Y. Bai & G.L. Su Training of the members of crisis management: The scenario of the forest fire A. Oulehlova, P. Kincl & H. Malachova Quantifying probabilities of exceeding the maximum Mach number in cruise flight using operational flight data L. Drees, J. Siegel, P. Koppitz & F. Holzapfel Analysis of the gas distribution system operator\'s activities on declaring the state of emergency H. Malachova & A. Oulehlova Benchmark of the GETTHEM Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System (VVPSS) model for a helium-cooled EU DEMO blanket A. Froio, A. Bertinetti, L. Savoldi, R. Zanino, F. Cismondi & S. Ciattaglia Analysis of a Loss-of-Flow Accident (LOFA) in a tokamak superconducting toroidal field coil L. Savoldi, R. Bonifetto & R. Zanino Four studies, two methods, one accident-another look at the reliability and validity of Accimap and STAMP for systemic accident analysis A.P.G. Filho, G.T. Jun & P.E. Waterson A survey on the cyber-security of distributed generation systems D. Tellbach & Y.F. Li Crisis interfaces investigation at process model of critical infrastructure subject J.F. Urbanek, J. Barta & J.J. Urbanek Systemic fault analysis to calculate the approximation of the top event (near miss evaluation system): NEMESYS S.A. Filho & J. Dionizio Road tunnel operator training on computer simulators B. Luin & S. Petelin Comparison of meso scale subsea gas release with multiphase Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD model P. Skjetne, J.E. Olsen, E.J. Davies, F. Leirvik, D.F. Krause & G. Eidnes Modelling human operations during a nuclear accident: The Fukushima Daiichi accident, in light of the MONACOS method Q. Baudard & P. Le Bot The proposal of evaluation criteria for recoverability of road transport J. Mrazek, L. Duricova & M. Hromada A multi-plant emergency response plan for tackling major fire accidents in chemical clusters B. Hosseinnia, N. Khakzad & G. Reniers Economic analysis in risk management Economic design of CUSUM control charts under preventive maintenance and loss functions R. Du & M. Huang On the use of economic analyses when evaluating new technology in helicopter emergency medical services L.I.K. Sorskar, E.B. Abrahamsen & H.B. Abrahamsen Risk based spare part management for machines in decommissioning L. Kotek, L. Jirka & Z. Tuma Exact parametrization of ARMA models using the EM-algorithm O. Nusbaumer Effect of investments to security of gas supply: A probabilistic cost-benefit case study V. Kopustinskas & P. Praks Foundational issues in risk assessment and management Utilizing HRA input in risk assessments-a new method for strengthening the risk characterization by highlighting the qualitative insights from the HRA K. Bjornsen & T. Aven Imperfect knowledge based prediction of disruption risk in large scale complex systems L.A. Bukowski & J. Feliks Design requirements driven approach to highly automated failure mode and effects analysis J. Kalowski Risk communication: The link between understanding and managing risk I. Jakopanec, A. Hafver, S. Eldevik & F.B. Pedersen A comparative analysis of risk and quality J.E. Lynette Risk-based versus control-based safety philosophy in the context of complex systems A. Hafver, S. Eldevik, I. Jakopanec, O.V. Drugan, F.B. Pedersen, R. Flage & T. Aven Human factors and human reliability Assessment of management quality of occupational health and safety as a result of the multi-criteria task Z. Korban & M. Rabasova Assessment of the management quality of the occupational health and safety at the extraction department of the coal mine, current condition and forecasts-case study Z. Korban & M. Rabasova Interprofessional team training in hospital wards-a literature review O.R. Aaberg & S. Wiig Human factors influencing decision-making: Tendencies from first-line management decisions and implications to reduce major accidents R. Moura, E. Patelli, J. Lewis, C. Morais & M. Beer A study of determinants of perceived tunnel safety among Norwegian road users N. Vatsvag & E. Olsen The competency to lead others as a tool of crisis management in active and second career K. Binkova & A. Brichova Application of qualitative unsafe act analysis under simulated emergency S.Y. Choi, W. Jung, Y. Kim, J. Park & S. Kim SPAR-H method for human error assessment: A case study in control room of an alcohol plant Z.S. Nezamodini, Z. Rezvani & Z. Mosavianasl Dynamic communication of hazards to cyclist by merging risk assessment and risk exposure E. Bressan, P.C. Cacciabue & G.L. Mauri Obtaining empirical data from experimentations on railway operational simulator for human reliability modelling S. Rangra, M. Sallak, W. Schon & F. Vanderhaegen Human reliability analysis in the emergency evacuation from an aircraft A. Bayma & M.R. Martins Analysis of errors of commission for the low power and shutdown operation of APR1400 by using CESA and MDTA methods J. Yang, J. Kim & N. Kim An integration of human factors into quantitative risk analysis: A proof of principle W.M.P. Steijn, J. Groeneweg, F.A. van der Beek, J. van Kampen & P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder A development of a methodology to calculate human error probability of severe accident mitigating strategy using dynamic HRA method S. Jang & M. Jae Human factors in crisis governance: The L\'Aquila case C. Morsut & B.I. Kruke Leadership @ sea: Essential non-technical skills A.M. Wahl & T. Kongsvik Quantification of human failure probabilities for radiotherapy: Relevance of THERP\'s values D. Pandya, L. Podofillini, F. Emert, A.J. Lomax, V.N. Dang & G. Sansavini First results from an analysis of recent operational events involving errors of commissions L. Podofillini & V.N. Dang Maintenance modelling and applications Water network condition assessment using analytic hierarchy process K. Pietrucha-Urbanik, D. Valis & Z. Vintr Audit proposal for maintenance, reliability and warranty management process C. Parra, V. Gonzalez-Prida, A. Crespo, J.F. Gomez, A. Guillen, P. Viveros & F. Kristjanpoller Multidimensional analysis of failure consequences in the RCM approach: Contributions to the decision-making process M.I.S. da Fonte, M.L. Agudelo, M.H. Alencar & A.T. de Almeida A method for parallel relative system maintenance decision-making based on product health W. Zhou, D. Zhou, L. Xue & W. Zhang Imperfect preventive maintenance model study based on product degradation process considering cost and availability J. Lu, X. Wang, L. Wang & T. Jiang Optimization of maintenance policies for complex and highly reliable multi-unit systems R. Bris & N.T.T. Tran Temporal clustering of retroreflective marking M. Redondin, N. Faul, L. Bouillaut & D. Daucher Predictive maintenance of maritime systems: Models and challenges T. Tinga, W.W. Tiddens, F. Amoiralis & M. Politis Performance measures for a system subject to degradation and sudden shocks N.C. Caballe & I.T. Castro A conditional based maintenance model for long storage products with imperfect repair actions Y. Yang, Z. Cheng & B. Guo Research on measurement method of on-orbit maintenance time L. Xue, D. Zhou, B. Qiu & W. Zhou Safety electronic systems reliability monitoring program in nuclear power plant-reactor protection system follow up S.D. Costa, L.T. Marcos, C.M.F. Lapa & J.B. Araujo Performance-based maintenance on degraded control systems H.D. Mo & G. Sansavini Predicting mission success from operating conditions C. Rijsdijk & T. Tinga A Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) interval decision making model to support life extension of subsea oil and gas facilities I. Animah & M. Shafiee Throughput-centered physical assets priorization technique O. Duran, A. Crespo, V. Gonzalez-Prida & A. Guillen Unreliability model for degradation effects of safety components addressing demand-included stress and maintenance effectiveness P. Martorell, S. Martorell, I. Marton, S. Carlos & A.I. Sanchez An overview of optimization criteria in the context of advanced surveillance requirements S. Martorell, I. Marton, P. Martorell, A.I. Sanchez, S. Carlos & R. Mullor A novel dynamic opportunistic maintenance modelling approach A. Erguido, E. Castellano, A. Crespo Marquez & J.F. Gomez Fernandez RBIM in refineries, case study: Predicting H2 corrosion N. Defteraio, I. Ziomas, C. Caroni, Z. Nivolianitou & O. Aneziris Design of indicators of workshop utilization for a railway company of passengers transport T. Grubessich, P. Viveros, R. Stegmaier & F. Kristjanpoller The evaluation method of degradation degree of runway pavement surfaces constructed from cement concrete M. Zieja, P. Barszcz, K. Blacha & M. Wesolowski Enhancing maintenance scheduling and control process by using SMED and TRIZ theory P. Viveros, C. Nikulin, F. Bustamante, R. Stegmaier, F. Kristjanpoller, T. Grubessich, A. Crespo, V. Gonzalez-Prida & C. Parra Optimisation of offshore wind farm maintenance strategy considering the variability of the efficiency of imperfect maintenance interventions V. Klonari, T.P. Nguyen, P.E. Labeau & S. Verstraeten Modelling Weibull lifetime law and inspection based maintenance policy for Safety Instrumented Systems A. Barros, N. Lefebvre & M. Roussignol An adaptive condition-based maintenance planning approach: An offshore wind turbine case study B. Bettayeb, B. Castanier & W. Zhu Mathematical methods in reliability and safety PFD average calculation through a MooN architecture system J. Krini & J. Borcsok Trapped with availability H. Schabe A fast algorithm finding minimal cut-sets in a network, for the purpose of computing an upper bound on its reliability J. Malinowski UML statechart fault tree generation by model checking L.T. Herbert & Z.N.L. Hansen Safety of maritime ferry related to its operation process K. Kolowrocki, E. Kuligowska & J. Soszynska-Budny Integrated model of maritime ferry safety related to its operation process including operating environment threats K. Kolowrocki, E. Kuligowska & J. Soszynska-Budny A perturbed Gamma process with non-Gaussian state-dependent errors M. Giorgio, A. Mele & G. Pulcini Costs model for two-dimensional lifetime warranty policies based on combined repairs Y. Wang & Y. Sun Combination of FMEA and stochastic DEA for risk analysis V. Osadska, A. Bernatik & L. Pospisil An overall approach to modelling operation threats and extreme weather hazards impact on critical infrastructure safety K. Kolowrocki & J. Soszynska-Budny Reliability-exploitation analysis of electronic power systems used for airport security M. Siergiejczyk, K. Krzykowska & A. Rosinski Modeling dependencies in critical infrastructure networks A. Blokus-Roszkowska & K. Kolowrocki Non-parametric reliability assessment of composite items D. Valis, K. Hasilova, Z. Vintr & A. Krzyzak On the application of analytic network process to security risk assessment of chemical facilities N. Khakzad, G. Reniers & P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder Design point simulation in the context of evaluation of probability bounds in geotechnics S.H. Marques Critical infrastructure integrated safety model related to climate-weather change process application to port oil piping transportation system operating at land Baltic seaside area K. Kolowrocki, J. Soszynska-Budny & M. Torbicki Safety of maritime ferry operating at Baltic sea open waters related to climate-weather change process including extreme weather hazards K. Kolowrocki, J. Soszynska-Budny & M. Torbicki The reliability analysis of on-board storage batteries during the operation of aircrafts M. Zieja, M. Jasztal, S. Stepien & M. Wazny Time series data mining for analysing the effects of wind speed on wind turbine reliability M. Reder & J.J. Melero Mathematical modelling of soot particles in oil D. Valis, K. Hasilova, Z. Vintr & L. Zak Influence of disk common-cause failures on the data unavailability in cloud storage systems C. Tanguy Reliability demonstration tests: Decision rules and associated risks P. Dersin & C. Maiorano Risk-informed decision making under incomplete information: Portfolio decision analysis and credal networks A. Mancuso, M. Compare, A. Salo & E. Zio Safety modeling of port, shipping and ship traffic and port operation information critical infrastructure join network related to its operation process S. Guze & K. Kolowrocki Fault Tree Analysis: How accurate is it? A. Segal & Y. Bot Review of network-theoretic approaches to characterise interdependencies in critical infrastructures C.A. Johnson, R. Flage & S.D. Guikema Effects of correlation in the context of evaluation of probability bounds in geotechnics S.H. Marques Classification of failure modes by fitting and pattern recognition tools in the context of evaluation of probability bounds in geotechnics S.H. Marques Spatio-temporal modelling of degradation processes through stochastic Gamma and Gaussian processes M. Oumouni, F. Schoefs & B. Castanier Prognostics and system health management Failure cause identification for residential fuel cell based on multi-sensor data G. Kikuchi, K. Maruchi, M. Sato & M. Yabuki Research on false alarm identification method considering BIT test threshold Y. Zhao, J. Shi, W. Li & W. Cui Computer vision for damage recognition and type identification: A deep learning based approach C. Modarres, A. Coburger, N. Astorga, E. Lopez Droguett, M. Fuge & V. Meruane The business case for condition-based maintenance: A hybrid (non-) financial approach W.W. Tiddens, T. Tinga, A.J.J. Braaksma & O. Brouwer A benchmarking study on online cross calibration techniques for redundant sensors M.K. Khan & G. Heo On-board electromechanical servomechanisms affected by progressive faults: Proposal of a smart GA model-based prognostic approach P.C. Berri, M.D.L. Dalla Vedova & P. Maggiore Software failure prognostics: Application of interval-valued probabilities to assessment of reliability under imperfect debugging V.G. Krymsky Research on the health prediction of system based on relevance vector machine and ant colony algorithm X. Duan, J. Shi & Y. Zhao A test point selection method based on recognition of typical topology structure of complex networks W. Li, J. Shi, X. Duan & X. Guo Research on bearing life evaluation method based on EMD H. Zhang, J. Yao & Y. Zhu Deterioration modelling on wind turbine pitch control system J. Ma, M. Fouladirad & A. Grall Prognostics and health management in railways P. Dersin, A. Alessi, B. Lamoureux, M. Brahimi & O. Fink A review of the role of prognostics in predicting the remaining useful life of assets D.V. Roman, R.W. Dickie, D. Flynn & V. Robu Model-based fault detection using analytical redundancy for automotive proton exchange membrane fuel cell G. Jullian, S. Rosini, M. Gerard, C. Cadet, C. Berenguer & V. Heiries Preliminary results of an assessment of the working environment of healthcare centres in Mexico D. Velazquez-Martinez & J.R. Santos-Reyes An unsupervised clustering method for assessing the degradation state of cutting tools used in the packaging industry F. Cannarile, P. Baraldi, M. Compare, D. Borghi, L. Capelli, M. Cocconcelli, A. Lahrache & E. Zio Assessment of reliability performance of fatigue crack detection by intelligent coating monitoring and PZT sensors Y. Ran, J. He, B. Dong & T. Jiang Resilience engineering Hazard from increasing the risk of the numbers of earthquakes for the European economy growth in the next 50 years K. Lewandowski Resilience and safety in agile development (through SafeScrum) T. Stalhane & S.O. Johnsen Evaluation the resilience of critical infrastructure subsystems D. Rehak, S. Slivkova & V. Brabcova Indication of critical infrastructure resilience failure D. Rehak, M. Hromada & J. Ristvej Characterizing community resilience through mood novelty A. Lopez Cuevas & J.E. Ramirez-Marquez Learning from successes in nuclear operations-a guideline A.B. Skjerve, K. Viitanen, C. Axelsson, R. Bisio, H. Koskinen & M. Liinasuo A consensus-based AHP for improved assessment of resilience engineering in maintenance organizations A. Azadeh, S.M. Asadzadeh & M. Tanhaeean Exploring the dissimilarity of resilience engineering approach to EFQM approach to ensure safety in a hospital S.M. Asadzadeh, M. Tanhaeean & N. Abdi Embedding resilience assessment into risk management R. Mock & Ch. Zipper Security of electricity supply indicators in a resilience context P. Gasser, P. Lustenberger, T. Sun, W. Kim, M. Spada, P. Burgherr, S. Hirschberg & B. Stojadinovic A data-driven graphical approach to quantify learning capability for systems resilience: A case study on the U.S. electric power grid B. Cassottana, L.J. Shen & L.C. Tang Incorporation of resilience assessment in critical infrastructure risk assessment frameworks D. Lange, D. Honfi, M. Theocharidou, G. Giannopoulos, N.K. Reitan & K. Storesund Evaluation of resilience assessment methodologies B. Rod, C. Pursiainen, N. Reitan, K. Storesund, D. Lange & M.M. da Silva Probabilistic metric of infrastructure resilience considering time-dependent and time-independent covariates B. Rod, A. Barabadi, Y.Z. Ayele, D. Lange, D. Honfi & E.L. Droguett Strengths and limitations of Bayesian learning models in agent-based models A. Reilly, C. Zhai & S. Guikema Analytical engineering process to identify, assess and improve technical resilience capabilities I. Haring, J. Scheidereiter, S. Ebenhoch, D.J. Schott, L.M. Reindl, S. Kohler, J. Bordoy, C. Schindelhauer, H. Scheithauer & S. Kaufmann A modelling framework for resilience management: Practical benefits in real air traffic management cases I. Herrera, A. Vennesland, M. Branlat, M. Ragosta & A. Pasquini Holistic approaches to infrastructure risk reduction: Effective investments through pluralism R. Nateghi & A.C. Reilly Use of safety-related indicators in resilience assessment of Smart Critical Infrastructures (SCIs) A. Jovanovic, F. Quintero & A. Choudhary Dealing with crises in critical infrastructures: Risk and resilience as complementary management approaches I. Herrera, R. Woltjer, M. Branlat & B. Nevhage Risk assessment Forest fire risk analysis methods and simulation tools C. Vivalda, V. Verda, A. Carpignano, C. Dell\'Erba, D. Cagliero & E. Guelpa Information and confidence levels in risk results- can both be obtained? T. Rosqvist Evaluation of the occurrence probability of a railway accident with parametric uncertainties and failure dependencies using binary decision diagram S. Qiu, Y. Zheng, X.G. Ming, Y. Hou & M. Sallak How to assess future security threats to critical infrastructure systems? Lessons learnt and best practices from a security risk assessment of the ERTMS in Norway M. Maal, K. Brattekas, K.O. Nystuen & R. Windvik Forest wildfire risk mapping and the influence of the weather and geo-morphological input data C. Vivalda, M.A. Musci, N. Grasso, E. Guelpa, M. Piras & V. Verda A preliminary hazards identification of the ship hybrid power system T.L. Cardoso, A.M. Schleder & M.R. Martins A conceptual framework for assessing the resilience of critical infrastructure G. Cadete, M.M. da Silva & M. Theocharidou Security vulnerability assessment of gas pipeline using Bayesian network D. Fakhravar, V. Cozzani, N. Khakzad & G. Reniers Risk, uncertainty, and \"what if?\"-a practical view on uncertainty and risk in the knowledge- and physical domain S. Eldevik, A. Hafver, I. Jakopanec & F.B. Pedersen Evaluation of the risk of runway overrun using flight data monitoring M. Butter Fire and explosion risk analysis at the machinery spaces of the offshore facilities S. Kim, G. Kim & K.-I. Nam Urban vulnerability to fires and the efficiency of hydrants. Improving resource positioning and institutional response R. Mota, A.O. Tavares & P.P. Santos Towards a better industrial risk analysis: A new approach that combines cyber security within safety H. Abdo, M. Kaouk, J.-M. Flaus & F. Masse Accident simulator for risk assessment of non-steady work of chemical plant A. Nakai & K. Suzuki Quantitative multiple-scenario vulnerability assessment applied to a civil airport infrastructure D. Lichte & K.-D. Wolf Risk scenarios, reliability challenges and safety concept approach for second life lithium-ion battery systems out of automotive technologies S. Bracke, F. Reinecke & R. Goertz An ontological interpretation of the hazard concept for safety-critical systems J. Zhou, K. Hanninen, K. Lundqvist & L. Provenzano Risk management of a liquefied natural gas process facility using bow tie and Bayesian networks H. Zerrouki & H. Smadi The analytical software support for evaluation to a security and safety situation in the soft targets L. Duricova, M. Hromada & J. Mrazek Evaluating technical specification for emergency diesel generator from the CDF point of view in a typical NPP Sh. Kamyab, A. Pirouzmand, K. Karimi & F. Yousefpour Quantitative performance assessment of physical security barriers for chemical facilities G. Landucci, F. Argenti, V. Cozzani & G. Reniers A semi-quantitative methodology to evaluate the main local territorial risks and their interactions E. Pilone, M. Demichela & G. Camuncoli Safety, maintenance and nanotechnologies: An introductory state of art about the risk assessment methodologies and the potentialities L. Fedele & L. Monteleone Holistic understanding and clarification of environmental safety barriers in the oil and gas industry W. Roed & T. Bjerga Assessment of safety margins in relation to Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) and Maximum Residue Limits (MLR) with application to OPs in peaches E. Domenech & S. Martorell The analysis method of Initiating Events (IEs) for low power and shutdown level 1 PRA M.R. Kim & J.G. Kim Critical infrastructure exposure to severe solar storms. Case of Russia O. Sokolova & V. Popov Advanced methods for risk analysis with integrated perspective M. Bucelli, E. Okstad, N. Paltrinieri & V. Cozzani Towards an online risk model for DP operations: Decision-making and risk information S. Hogenboom, J.E. Vinnem & I.B. Utne Potential impacts of selected natural hazards and technical failures on the natural gas transmission network in Europe P. Lustenberger, T. Sun, P. Gasser, W. Kim, M. Spada, P. Burgherr, S. Hirschberg & B. Stojadinovic Comparative risk assessment of hydrogen accidents in Europe M. Spada, P.B. Rouelle, P. Burgherr & D. Giardini Safety margins of exposition to organophosphorus chemicals in food E. Domenech & S. Martorell Technological readiness and effectiveness of \"smart systems\" for the control of major accident hazard S.M. Ansaldi, P. Agnello & P.A. Bragatto Probabilities in safety of machinery-a real risk reduction has to replace the prevention paradox which is focussing merely on hypothetical risk estimations H. Modden Failure event definitions & their effects on survival and risk analysis of wind turbines N.Y. Yurusen, M. Reder & J.J. Melero Risk assessment for critical energy infrastructure considering criticality of its elements I. Zutautaite, L. Martisauskas, R. Krikstolaitis & J. Augutis An approach to holistic safety and security risk assessment considering contradictory requirements under uncertainty D. Lichte, S. Marchlewitz, K.-D. Wolf & N. Schluter The Energy-related Severe Accident Database (ENSAD) for comparative risk assessment of accidents in the energy sector P. Burgherr, M. Spada, A. Kalinina, S. Hirschberg, W. Kim, P. Gasser & P. Lustenberger An action research approach to developing, implementing and evaluating methods for risk and vulnerability assessment A. Cedergren & H. Hassel Modelling hazardous event scenarios for decision support S. Lee, Y. Liu & N. Paltrinieri Integrated Level 1-Level 2 decommissioning probabilistic safety assessment methodology for boiling water reactors D. Mercurio, V.M. Andersen & K.C. Wagner Assessment of soft error effect on satellites H. Zhao, J. Zheng & Y. Zheng The status of risk assessments in Norwegian fish farming I.M. Holmen, I.B. Utne, S. Haugen & I. Ratvik A method for combined risk and continuity management in a municipal context H. Hassel & A. Cedergren Operational risk assessment in road passenger transport companies performing at Polish market A. Tubis & S. Werbinska-Wojciechowska The comparison security coefficient between university and shopping center L. Duricova, M. Hromada & J. Mrazek The role of subsea activities in the framework of the new EU Directive 30/2013 on oil and gas safety for offshore installations J.U. Okoroma, A. Carpignano, R. Gerboni & F. Ganci Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for inspection of complex production facilities E. Bergland, A. Barabadi & Y.Z. Ayele An analytic hierarchy process approach for the security assessment of high speed railway construction sites R. Setola, M. De Maggio, G. Natale, M. Tesei & E. Zio A compendium of risk assessment studies by US nuclear regulatory commission office of nuclear regulatory research J. Wood, D. Helton, A. Kuritzky, J. Lane, C. Leggett, M. Li, G. Wang, J. Schroeder, V. Agarwal & N. Lybeck Risk assessment of quality management system failure via Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the effects on organizational sustainability J.C. Pereira, F.F. Leite, C.N. Garcia & G.M. de O. Jesus Railway global system for mobile communication, safety of the possible enhanced services M. Pawlik Interval-valued importance measures for business continuity management Z. Zeng & E. Zio Approaching tunnel safety from a system safety perspective I. Time & O. Nja The risk and value nexus in security risk management S.H. Jore Failure mode and effect analysis of large space environment simulator Z. Xu, J. Wang, J. Chen, Y. Jiang & Z. Wang Identifying commonalities between individual El Nino events R. Staupe-Delgado & M.H. Glantz Fire water: Management system in Czech Republic K. Sikorova & A. Bernatik Reliability of fixed and mobile systems for artificial avalanche detachment P. Castellano, G. Gorrino & P.A. Bragatto Risk management Management of technical and organizational changes M. Gerbec Management of multidimensional risk in pipelines: Contributions of information visualisation to support a decision-making process C.P. Medeiros, M.H. Alencar & A.T. de Almeida Uncertainty sensitivity analysis prior to making a final recommendation to the decision maker in a multidimensional risk of gas pipelines C.P. Medeiros, M.H. Alencar & A.T. de Almeida Rail infrastructure as a part of critical infrastructure O. Becherova & S. Hoskova-Mayerova The safety of major hazard sites-evaluation of third party risk E.B. Abrahamsen & W. Roed Evaluating an indicator matrix for early detection of smuggling equipment for dual-use P. Gustafson Integrated methodology for decision making: Study of the main routes carrying dangerous cargoes in the Valparaiso region M. Lopez-Campos, C. Nikulin, R. Gonzalez-Ramirez & L. Ascencio Risk methods for the assessment of security of large structures: The case of an international airport P.C. Cacciabue, I. Oddone & I. Rizzolo The Agile Hazard Log approach T. Myklebust, R. Bains, G.K. Hanssen & T. Stalhane Auditing operational readiness of management of change D. Levovnik & M. Gerbec Railway accidents in the Czech Republic, causes of risks and their mitigation T. Kertis, D. Prochazkova & J. Prochazka Patient handoff quality and safety in China: Health care providers\' views X. Gu, H. Liu & K. Itoh Development of a safety enhancement program for long term operation at NPP Gosgen (CH) under deterministic and probabilistic aspects R. Kaulbarsch, D. Kancev & J.-U. Klugel How to develop fit for purpose scenarios for crisis management exercises H. Fridheim, T. Grunnan & S. Malerud Ensuring the security of selected soft targets P. Benova, M. Vaskova & J. Navratil Managing competence for lifting risk Y. Li & F.W. Guldenmund The security of air transport infrastructure M. Vaskova, J. Johanidesova & T. Zeman Intermunicipal risk management: Addressing territorial and local expectations A.O. Tavares, P.P. Santos, J. Lopes & J. Brito Physical safety barriers behaviour based on RAM analysis using DEMATEL method J. Sobral & C. Guedes Soares Validation and sensitivity analysis of the dispersion model \"SLAB\" in case of LNG release O.N. Aneziris What similarities can municipalities experience in crisis management? A.S. Nilsen New directions in safety & environmental management and policy: A brief update on petroleum industry D. Botheju & K. Abeysinghe Risk-based optimization of operational procedures G. Baldissone, M. Demichela, M. Gerbec & M.C. Leva An empirical case design and stress test addressing hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities of society E. Okstad, T.O. Grotan & N. Paltrinieri A roadmap to a safer railway: How the IT security threat will influence the way we handle railway operations in the future P.-C. Huang & B. Milius Improving safety of crane-related operations in chemical industry by the support of a real-time computer-aided visual guidance system G. Ancione, I. Kavasidis & M.F. Milazzo A quantitative indicator-based model to support risk-based supervision in the Norwegian maritime authority A.L. Aalberg, E.H. Blix, N.J. Edwin, R.J. Bye & V. Berntsen Control of systemic failure through design criteria, RISKDyn S.A. Filho & D. Menezes De-codifying the requirements of Directive 2013/30/EU on safety of offshore oil and gas operations
risk management and reports on major hazards M. Konstandinidou, S. Contini & S. Wald Organizational risk indicators for dynamic positioning operations-learnings from 20 years of FPSO-shuttle tanker incidents and accidents S. Hogenboom, J.E. Vinnem & I.B. Utne Do non-governmental organizations relate to risks and uncertainties in an extreme manner? L. Fjaran & T. Aven Effectiveness of a technologically advanced evacuation model in case of LNG spillage from LNG carrier G. Stankovic, S. Petelin, P. Vidmar & M. Perkovic Safety, security and cybersecurity in railway operation M. Pawlik A systems thinking approach to safety in Norwegian avalanche rescue operations A. Lunde & O. Nja User needs for resilience indicators in interconnected critical infrastructures S. Antonsen, L. Bodsberg & J. Kringen Inversive distance as a measure of collision risk M.B. Mendel & P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder Risk register and risk intelligence: The challenge of operational risks in the energy sector M.C. Leva, B. McAleer, M. Rocke & D. Brogan Simulation for safety and reliability analysis The applications of DOE and computer simulation technology to the improving process reliability of turbine blades of aircraft engines Z. Hao & M. Huang An experiment using immersive virtual reality and a haptic interface to study human behaviour in evacuation G. Montecchiari, P. Gallina & G. Bulian A comparison of two simulators to support safety analysis in autonomous vehicles C.B.S.T. Molina, R.I.R. Gonzalez, J.B. Camargo Jr., J.R. Almeida Jr., L.F. Vismari, J.K. Naufal Jr., R. Inam & C.R.B. Azevedo Training of the critical infrastructure employees M. Vaskova & J. Barta Karhunen-Loeve expansion for extreme values of a homogeneous copula-based Gamma field A. Adegbola & X.-X. Yuan Identification and mitigation of critical states in power systems by limit state surface reconstruction A. David & G. Sansavini The selection of generic data for a reliability study in the design of an offshore system E.N. Lima & M.R. Martins Development-based reliability modelling and analysis with Petri nets considering interactions F. Muller, J. Grober, T. Rieker, P. Zeiler & B. Bertsche Component availability analysis considering time-dependency of parameters influencing transition rates M. Naseri Probabilities in safety of machinery-risk reduction through fixed and moveable guards by standardized impact tests, part 2: Possible improvements with FE
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book contains papers presented at the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (Esrel 2017) in Portoroz, Slovenia, June 18-22, 2017. It covers a wide range of topics including:
Accident and Incident modelling,
Economic Analysis in Risk Management,
Foundational Issues in Risk Assessment and Management,
Human Factors and Human Reliability,
Maintenance Modeling and Applications,
Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety,
Prognostics and System Health Management,
Resilience Engineering, Risk Assessment,
Risk Management,
Simulation for Safety and Reliability Analysis,
Structural Reliability,
System Reliability and
Uncertainty Analysis.
This book will be of interest for academics and professionals working in a wide range of industrial and governmental sectors.