توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
سوالات آزمون سخت؟ سخنرانی های از دست رفته؟ زمان کافی نیست؟
خوشبختانه برای شما، طرح کلی Schaum وجود دارد. بیش از 40 میلیون دانش آموز به Schaum's اعتماد کرده اند تا به آنها در موفقیت در کلاس درس و امتحانات کمک کند. Schaum's کلید یادگیری سریعتر و نمرات بالاتر در هر موضوعی است. هر طرح کلی تمام اطلاعات ضروری دوره را در قالبی آسان و موضوع به موضوع ارائه می دهد. همچنین صدها مثال، مسائل حل شده و تمرینات تمرینی برای آزمایش مهارت های خود دریافت می کنید.
این طرح کلی Schaum به شما ارائه می دهد
- مشکلات را با توضیحات کاملی که دانش را تقویت می کند تمرین کنید
- پوشش به روزترین پیشرفت ها در رشته درسی شما
- بررسی عمیق شیوه ها و کاربردها
که کاملاً با متن کلاس شما سازگار است، Schaum's تمام حقایق مهمی را که باید بدانید را برجسته می کند. از Schaum برای کوتاه کردن زمان مطالعه خود استفاده کنید و بهترین نمرات آزمون خود را به دست آورید!
Schaum's Outlines-Problem حل شد.
فهرست مطالب :
Unit 1: Travel-Les Voyages --
1: At the airport-A l\'aeroport --
Getting to the airport --
Checking in --
Speaking with the agent --
Listening to announcements --
Changing or canceling a ticket --
2: On the airplane-A bord de l\'avion --
Welcome on board --
Announcements on board --
Safety on board --
More safety instructions --
Services on board --
3: Passport control and customs
baggage pick-up-Le controle des passeports et la douane
La recuperation des bagages --
Passport control and immigration --
Going through customs --
Baggage pick-up --
4: At the train station-A la gare --
Getting a ticket --
Waiting for the train --
Checking your luggage --
Getting on the train --
On the train --
5: Automoblie-L\'automoblie, la voiture, l\'auto --
Renting a car --
Checking out the car --
At the gas station --
Some minor problems --
Road signs and traffic regulations --
Parking --
6: Asking for directions-Demander son chemin --
Asking for directions while on foot. Asking for directions while in a car --
7: At the hotel-A l\'hotel --
Checking in --
Speaking with the maid --
Some problems you may have --
Checking out --
Unit 2: Services-Les Services --
8: At the bank-A la banque --
Changing money --
Making change --
Savings account --
Checking account --
Getting a loan --
9: At the post office-A la poste (au bureau de poste, PTT) --
Sending a letter --
Sending a package --
Other words you may need --
10: Telephone call-Un coup de telephone --
Types of telephones --
Making a local call --
Making a long-distance call --
Operator-assisted calls --
Making an international/overseas call --
Using a public telephone --
Speaking on the telephone --
Some things that may go wrong --
11: At the hairdresser\'s-Chez le coiffeur --
For men --
For women --
Hairstyles --
Hairstyle equipment --
12: At the dry cleaner\'s or laundry-Au comptoir d\'un pressing (a la teinturerie), a la launderette ou a la blanchisserie (a la laverie). Unit 3: Food-La Nourriture --
13: At the restaurant-Au restaurant --
Getting settled --
Looking at the menu --
Ordering meat or fowl --
Ordering seafood --
Some problems you may have --
Getting the check --
Sauces, seasonings, and food preparation --
Methods of cooking --
Some typical French dishes --
Some typical French-Canadian dishes --
14: Shopping for food-Faire les courses de l\'alimentation --
Types of stores --
Speaking with the vendor. Unit 4: Shopping-Les Courses --
15: At the shoe store-Au magasin de chaussures --
In the shoe store --
16: At the clothing store-Au magasin de vetements --
Buying men\'s clothing --
Buying women\'s clothing --
17: At the jeweler\'s-Chez le bijoutier / la bijoutiere --
Jewelry --
18: At the optician\'s-Chez l\'opticien / l\'opticienne --
19: At the electronic equipment store-Au magasin de materiel electronique --
Audio-visual equipment --
20: Computer-L\'ordinateur --
Computer and office equipment --
Internet --
Other computer terms --
21: At the stationer\'s-Chez le papetier / la papetiere --
22: At the bookstore-A la librairie --
23: At the hardware store-A la quicalillerie --
24: At the camera store-Au magasin des appareils photographiques --
25: At the florist\'s-Chez le / la fleuriste --
26: At the pharmacy-A la pharmacie --
Unit 5: Medical Care-Les Soins Medicaux --
27: At the doctor\'s office-Chez le medecin (dans le cabinet du medecin) --
Office visit. Physical examination --
Examination of the vital organs --
Accidents and other problems --
Parts of the body --
Medical specialties --
Alternative medicine --
28: At the hospital-A l\'hopital --
Admittance --
Emergency room --
Surgery --
In the recovery room --
In the delivery room --
Medical tests and treatments --
29: At the dentist\'s office-Chez le / la dentiste --
Visiting the dentist --
Unit 6: Home Life-La Vie A La Maison --
30: Kitchen-La cuisine --
Kitchen equipment and appliances --
Cooking --
Baking --
31: Bathroom-La salle de bains --
Bathroom fixtures --
In the bathroom --
32: Dining room-La salle a manger --
Table settings and dishes --
In the dining room --
33: Living room and the family room-Le salon et la salle de sejour --
Living room furniture --
Activities in the living room --
34: Bedroom-La chambre a coucher --
Bedroom furniture --
In the bedroom --
35: Housework-Le menage --
Doing housework --
Some minor problems. Unit 7: Entertainment-Les Divertissements --
36: At the theater-Au theatre --
Seeing a show or play --
Buying tickets --
37: At the movie theater-Au cinema --
At the movies --
Types of films --
38: Television-La television --
Watching television --
39: At a concert-Au concert --
Types of music and instruments --
Unit 8: Sports And Leisure Activities-Les Sports Et Les Loisirs --
40: Sports-Les sports --
Soccer --
Basketball --
Hockey --
Baseball --
Tennis --
Skiing --
Swimming --
Other sports and leisure activities --
At the fitness or health club --
41: Beach-La plage --
Ocean --
On the beach --
42: Camping and fishing-Le camping et la peche --
Camping --
Fishing --
43: Weather-Le temps --
Unit 9: Education-L\'enseignement --
44: Education-L\'enseignement --
Primary (elementary) education --
Secondary education --
University --
Educational system in Quebec. Unit 10: At Work-Au Travail --
45: Jobs and professions-professions et metiers --
Some occupations --
46: Job application-Une demande d\'emploi --
Looking for a job --
Business letters --
47: Pay and benefits-La remuneration et les benefices --
Salary/pay --
Taxes and benefits --
English-French reference list for occupations --
Appendixes: Appendices --
Appendix 1: Numbers-Les chiffres, les numeros, les nombres --
Cardinal numbers --
Ordinal numbers --
Appendix 2: Weights and measures-Les poids et les measures --
French-English --
English-French --
Temperature --
Appendix 3: Days of the week-Les jours de la semaine --
Holidays --
Appendix 4: Months of the year and dates-Les mois de l\'annee et les dates --
Appendix 5: Time and expressions of time-L\'heure et les expressions de temps --
Telling time --
Divisions of time --
Other important time expressions --
Appendix 6: Foods-Les aliments --
English-French --
French-English --
Appendix 7: Clothing and shoe sizes-Tailles et pointures --
Clothing --
Shoes --
Appendix 8: Family relationships-La famille --
Appendix 9: Personal correspondence-La correspondance personnelle --
Appendix 10: Francophone world-Le monde francophone --
Answers to exercises-responses aux exercices --
Glossary: French-English-Glossaire: francais-anglais --
Glossary: English-French-Glossaire: anglais-francais.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
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