فهرست مطالب :
Advances in the Biosciences, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Opening Address, Page 1, G. Raspé
Introduction, Page 3, E.-E. Baulieu
The Regulation of Uterine Concentration of Estrogen Binding Protein, Pages 5-20, Jack Gorski, Mary Sarff, James Clark
Studies on Estradiol-binding in Mammalian Tissues, Pages 21-44, R.J.B. King, V. Beard, J. Gordon, A.S. Pooley, J.A. Smith, A.W. Steggles, M. Vértes
Estradiol Receptors in the Uterus, Pages 45-74, A. Alberga, I. Jung, N. Massol, J.P. Raynaud, C. Raynaud-Jammet, H. Rochefort, H. Truong, E.-E. Baulieu
Estrogen Receptor Studies at the University of Chicago, Pages 75-96, P.I. Brecher, J.-P. Chabaud, V. Colucci, E.R. DeSombre, J.W. Flesher, G.N. Gupta, A. Hughes, D.J. Hurst, M. Ikeda, H.I. Jacobson, E.V. Jensen, P.W. Jungblut, T. Kawashima, K.A. Kyser, H.-G. Neumann, M. Numata, G.A. Puca, N. Saha, S. Smith, T. Suzuki, et al.
Studies on Isolation and Characterization of Estrogen Binding Proteins of Calf Uterus, Pages 97-118, G.A. Puca, E. Nola, V. Sica, F. Bresciani
Studies on the Uterine Cytoplasmic “Estradiol-Receptor”, Pages 119-135, T. Erdos, R. Bessada, M. Best-Belpomme, J. Fries, D. Gospodarowicz, M. Menahem, E. Reti, A. Veron
Origin and Properties of Target Organ Estradiol Binders, Pages 137-154, P.W. Jungblut, A. Hughes, M. Little, Sharon McCann-Hughes, G.C. Rosenfeld, R.K. Wagner
Androgen Receptors: 17β – Hydroxy – 5α – Androstan –3–one and the Translocation of a Cytoplasmic Protein to Cell Nuclei in Prostate, Pages 155-163, S. Liao, J.L. Tymoczko, T. Liang, K.M. Anderson, S. Fang
The Specific Binding of Steroid-Receptor Complexes to DNA: Evidence from Androgen Receptors in Rat Prostate, Pages 165-177, W.I.P. Mainwaring, F.R. Mangan
Androgen Receptors in Rat Ventral Prostate, Pages 179-191, E.E. Baulieu, I. Jung, J.P. Blondeau, P. Robel
Androgenic Receptors in Rat and Human Prostate, Pages 193-212, K.J. Tveter, O. Unhjem, A. Attramadal, A. Aakvaag, V. Hansson
A Specific Oviduct Target-Tissue Receptor For Progesterone: Identification, Characterization, Partial Purification, Inter-Compart-mental Transfer Kinetics and Specific Interaction with the Genome, Pages 213-234, B.W. O'Malley, M.R. Sherman, D.O. Toft, T.C. Spelsberg, W.T. Schrader, A.W. Steggles
Progesterone Binding in Rat and Guinea Pig Uterus, Pages 235-249, E. Milgrom, M. Atger, E.-E. Baulieu
Progesterone Binding Proteins in Rabbit Uterus and Human Endometrium, Pages 251-266, W.G. Wiest, B.R. Rao
Aldosterone Binding Proteins, Pages 267-279, I.S. Edelman
Towards the Isolation of Aldosterone Receptors from the Toad Bladder, Pages 281-299, G.W.G. Sharp, K.G.M.M. Alberti
Glucocorticoid Receptors in Rat Thymus Cells, Pages 301-330, A. Munck, Ch. Wira
Glucocorticoid Hormone Receptors, Pages 331-347, J.D. Baxter, G.M. Tomkins
Binding of 3H-Cortisol to Macromolecular Components of Rat Liver Cells and its Relation to the Mechanism of Action of Corticosteroids, Pages 349-367, M. Beato, W. Schmid, W. Braendle, D. Biesewig, C.E. Sekeris
The Future of Steroid Hormone Receptor, Pages 369-400
Lecturers, Pages 401-412
Participants, Pages 413-417
Name Index, Pages 419-420