فهرست مطالب :
Provisional Table of Contents: APPENDIX A TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface GENERAL PAPER T. P. Tassios: Mycenaean Technology. MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS D. Kalligeropoulos, S. Vasileiadou: The Homeric Automata And Their Imple-mentation. N. Uzunoglu: Electromagnetic And Communication Theory Analysis Of Optical Telecommunication \'Friktories\' Links Utilized By The Hellenic Expedition Army During The Trojan War. S. A. Paipetis: The Laws of Curvilinear Motion In The Iliad. Chris Rorres: Archimedes\' Count of Homer\'s Cattle of the Sun. Taha Showleh: The River Ocean: Homer\'s Cosmogony. G. H. Vatistas: Vortices in Homer\'s Odyssey - A Scientific Approach. MATERIALS E. Pantos, J.Davidovits, M.Gelfi, G.Cornacchia, E.Bontempi, P.Colombi and L.Depero: Technology transfer in the Bronze Age: The case of a faience-like blue glaze produced at bread-oven temperatures. Beatriz Comendador-Rey, Susana Reboreda-Morillo, Winfried Kockelmann, Mike Macdonald, Tony Bell and Manolis Pantos: Early Bronze Technology At Land\'s End, North Western Iberia. A.J.N.W.Prag, R.Garner, E.Pantos, S.L.Bennett, J.F.W.Mosselmans, J.Tobin, W.Kockelmann, L.C.Chapon, N.Salvado, T.Pradell: How The Greeks Got Ahead: Technological Aspects of Manufacture of A Corinthian Type Hoplite Bronze Helmet From Olympia. Wako Nishiyama: Porphyra: In Search of Dyeing Methods in Ancient Greece. George Varoufakis: Iron in the Homeric Epics: Homer, A Sensible Ecologist. DEFENSIVE WEAPONS Panagiota Manti and David Watkinson: From Homer to Hoplite: Scientific Investigations of Greek Copper Alloy Helmets. S. A. Paipetis: Defensive Weapons in Homer. GEOLOGY-GEOMECHANICS Dimitrios Zekkos, GeorgeAthanasopoulos, Adda Athanasopoulos, John Manousakis: Elements of Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering In The Homeric Poems. Ilias D. Mariolakos: The Geological Knowledge of Greeks in the Era of the Trojan War. P. K. Askouni, H. A. Agelopoulou, M. G. Sfakianakis, D. E. Beskos: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Atreus Vaulted Tomb in Mycenae. MEDICINE S. Geroulanos, A. Tasouli, E. Lymberopoulou, K. Papadopoulos: Homeric Injury Scenes on Ancient Pottery Reveal Medical Knowledge. S. G. Marketos, G. J. Androutsos: The Healing Art in the Iliad. FLORA AND FAUNA C. C. Thanassoulopoulos: Agricultural Development During The Homeric Period. E. Voultsiadou, A. Tatolas: The Fauna Of Greece And Adjacent Areas in the Age Of Homer: Evidence from the First Written Documents of Greek Literature. ASTRONOMY P. Gregoriades: \'Eneoros Minos\' and the Minoan Calendrical Abacus. Rainer W. Kuhne: Did Ulysses Travel to Atlantis? Amanda Laoupi: The Divine Fires of Creation: Homeric Hephaestos as a Comet/Meteor God. S. P. Papamarinopoulos:Atlantis in Homer and other authors prior to Plato. S. P. Papamarinopoulos: The memory of a comet during the Trojan war. M. K. Papathanassiou: Homeric Calendar and Helios Charioteer. E. Spedicato: Homer and Orosius: A Key to Explain the Deucalion Flood, Exodus and Other Tales. SEAFARING M.T. Wright: Homer at Sea. Th. Th. Katsaros:The redness of Ulysses\' ships: A case of aesthetics or an application of Mycenaean maritime technology? CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT S. P. Christopoulou: Dietary Habits in Homer\'s Epics D. G. Zanni: Ambrosia, nectar and elaion in the Homeric Poems. GEOGRAPHY P. Malfas: The Trojan