SDG18 Communication for All, Volume 1: The Missing Link between SDGs and Global Agendas

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کتاب SDG18 ارتباطات برای همه، جلد 1: حلقه مفقوده بین SDG ها و برنامه های جهانی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب SDG18 Communication for All, Volume 1: The Missing Link between SDGs and Global Agendas

نام کتاب : SDG18 Communication for All, Volume 1: The Missing Link between SDGs and Global Agendas
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : SDG18 ارتباطات برای همه، جلد 1: حلقه مفقوده بین SDG ها و برنامه های جهانی
سری : Sustainable Development Goals Series
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Palgrave Macmillan
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 324
ISBN (شابک) : 3031191412 , 9783031191411
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 7 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

SDG18 Communication for All, Volume 1
The Missing Link between SDGs and Global Agendas
Preface and Overview of the Books
Overview of Volume 1: The Missing Link Between SDGs and Global Agendas
Overview of Volume 2: Regional Perspectives and Special Cases
Notes on Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Need for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal—Communication for All
From MDGs to SDGs
The Pre-history
Communication and Culture Still Missing
Other Gaps and Omissions
Sustainable Development
Communication and Culture
Digital Inclusion
Human and Indigenous Rights
The SDGs Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Ukraine “War of Attrition”, and Increasing Inequality
SDG18-Communication for All
Crucial Factors
Political Will
Communication for Development
Another Timeframe and Main Objective Needed
Chapter 2: Communication and Information Poverty in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Case for SDG 18—Communication for All
Communication and Development
A Rights-Based View of Communication
How Communication and Information Poverty Undermines the Vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDG 5: Gender Equality
Recommendations to Address Communication and Information Poverty from a Gender Perspective in the Context of Agenda 2030
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Recommendations to Leverage Increased Access to ICTs and to the Internet in Order to Address Communication and Information Poverty
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Recommendations to Address Communication and Information Poverty in the Context of SDG 16
SDG 18: Communication for All
Democratizing Communication and Information Ecosystems
Recommendations to Promote Civil Society Participation in Policymaking About Communication and Information
Investing in Media Literacy for the Digital Age
Marginalized and Historically Excluded Communities
Annex: List of Activists Who Participated in the Drafting of These Recommendations
Chapter 3: Significance of Communication Studies to SDGs: (Re)setting Global Agendas
Setting Global Agenda for SDGs
Intercultural Communication: Shared Values for SDGs
Political Communication: Realpolitik for SDGs
Chapter 4: Sustainable Development Goals and Communication as a Commons in the Context of Extractive Capitalism: Tensions and Possibilities
Contextualising: The SDG 18 and Communication for Sustainable Growth in the Age of Extractive and Digital Capitalism
Two Contradictory Inertias: The Good Intentions of the United Nations and the Predatory Logic of Capitalism
Capitalism and the Struggle Against the Commons
Communication for Sustainable Development in a New Context
Lessons Learned from the Stage of Dependency
Communication Understood as a Commons
Proposals for the SDG 18 Understood as a Commons
Chapter 5: Six Information and Communication Dynamics That Call for the Adoption of an 18th Sustainable Development Goal
The Six Forces
Information Overload
Defective Information Directionality
Scarce Attention
A Coalition to Antagonise Development Communication
The Stacked Impact of the Forces on Intelligence and on Growth
Sovereign Interest and Intelligence Failures
Western Model of Development and Growth
Wicked Problems as the Six Forces ‘Perfect Storms’
Approaches to Tackle the Six Forces
Chapter 6: The Role of Strategic Communication in Gender Equality Activism and Collective Action: Illustrating the Need for SDG18
Reframing Public Relations Perspectives on Activism and Activists
SDG18—Communication for All: Enhancing Civil Society Advocacy
Methodology: Public Relations Ethnographic Approach
Research Design
Case Study: Ethnographic Immersion UMAR and Expert Consultation
Data Sampling and Sources
Data Analysis and Reduction
Findings: Ethnographic Immersion UMAR
Type of Activism
Main Communication and Organizational Challenges
Expert Consultation
Discussion and Conclusion
Other Sources
Chapter 7: Media Literacy and Conflict: Understanding Mediated Communication for the Achievement of Peace and Development
Media Literacy and the Role of Communication in the SDGs
Media in Conflict: Opportunity or Threat?
Media Literacy Through C4D for Young People in Conflict
Understanding Harmful Media Messages
Developing Peace-Oriented Participatory Content
Upholding and Promoting Peace
What SDG18 Means for Media Literacy
Chapter 8: Creating Safe Communication Spaces Amidst the Disinformation Quandary
Communication as a Human Right
Understanding Disinformation
Conceptual Framework
Disinformation Threatens SDGs
SDG3 Good Health and Well-being
SDG 4 Quality Education
SDG 5 Gender Equality
SDG 10 Reduce Inequalities
SDG13 Climate Action
SDG 16.10 Ensure Public Access to Information
Creating Safe Spaces: The Role of an SDG
Addressing the Source
Balancing the Message
Clearing Up the Channels of Distribution
Decreasing the Impact of Disinformation
Chapter 9: Communicating the SDGs: Formulating Performance Metrics for Higher Education Institutions
Guiding Universities and Measuring Progress Toward the SDGS
Developing the THE Impact Rankings
Communicating the SDGs
A Closer Look at the Top Ranked Universities
Communicating the SDGs: Teaching and Research
Communicating the SDGs: Stewardship
Communicating the SDGs: Community Outreach
Recommending Performance Metrics for SDG 18
Appendix: Communication and SDG-related Books, Book Chapters and Research Papers (2011 to 2021) Featured in RMIT Website
Chapter 10: SDG-18 Communication for All: The Tool We Need for Real Development and Social Change
What Is Sustainable Development and Why Do the SDGs Matter?
What We Already Have But Are Not Using to Its Full Potential
Why Is the Post COVID-19 Context a Perfect Playground To Change Communication for Development and Promote SDG-18: Communication for All?
Conclusions and Recommendations
Chapter 11: Conclusion: SDG18—The Soul of An Ambitious Agenda—Communication and the Match Towards Sustainability in the COVID-19 Century
Communication and Sustainability
The Rat Problem: Bureaucrats, Technocrats, and ‘Politicocrats’
Information As Means of Communication Between People
Information As an Instrument of Understanding and Knowledge Between People
Technological Inventions and Breakthroughs
Instantaneous Transmission of Information Between Regions of the Globe
Way Forward

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