توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
در طول دهه گذشته به ویژه سطوح تعامل انتقادی با چالش های ایجاد شده برای حریم خصوصی توسط فناوری های جدید در حال افزایش بوده است. بسیاری از محققان به کاوش در موضوعات بزرگ به شیوه ای که نشان دهنده تعامل پیچیده بین حریم خصوصی، هویت، امنیت و نظارت است، ادامه داده اند. این سطح تعامل هم خوشایند و هم به موقع است، به ویژه در فضای بی اعتمادی فزاینده عمومی نسبت به فعالیت های نظارتی دولت و تمایل تجاری برای کسب درآمد از اطلاعات مربوط به فعالیت های آنلاین کاربران. این جلد از طیف وسیعی از مباحثی است که در حال حاضر در سطوح علمی و سیاستی انجام شده است. این مقالات ارزش مشاهده نگرانیهای مربوط به حریم خصوصی را نه تنها از نظر ابزارهای انتقال اطلاعات، بلکه از نظر فرآیندهای سیاسی که به طور اجتنابناپذیر درگیر میشوند و زمینههای نهادی، نظارتی و فرهنگی که در آن معانی مربوط به هویت و امنیت شکل میگیرد، نشان میدهد. .
فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
Half Title......Page 2
Title......Page 4
Copyright......Page 5
Contents......Page 6
Acknowledgements......Page 10
Series Preface......Page 14
Introduction......Page 16
1 L. Jean Camp (2002), 'Designing for Trust', in R. Falcone, S. Barber, L. Korba and M. Singh (eds), Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and Practice, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 15-29.......Page 32
2 Roger Clarke (1994), 'The Digital Persona and Its Application to Data Surveillance', The Information Society, 10, pp. 77-92.......Page 48
3 Julie E. Cohen (2008), 'Privacy, Visibility, Transparency, and Exposure', University of Chicago Law Review, 75, pp. 181-201.......Page 64
4 Oscar H. Gandy, Jr (2000), 'Exploring Identity and Identification in Cyberspace', Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy, 14, pp. 1085-111.......Page 86
5 Helen Nissenbaum (2011), 'A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online', Dædalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 140, pp. 32-48.......Page 114
6 Benoît Dupont (2008), 'Hacking the Panopticon: Distributed Online Surveillance and Resistance', Surveillance and Governance, Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, 10, pp. 257-78.......Page 134
7 Kevin D. Haggerty and Richard V. Ericson (2000), 'The Surveillant Assemblage', The British Journal of Sociology, 51, pp. 605-22.......Page 156
8 Steve Mann (2004), '"Sousveillance": Inverse Surveillance in Multimedia Imaging', Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, pp. 620-27.......Page 174
9 Torin Monahan (2011), 'Surveillance as Cultural Practice', The Sociological Quarterly: Official Journal of the Midwest Sociological Society, 52, pp. 495-508.......Page 182
10 Walter Peissl (2003), 'Surveillance and Security: A Dodgy Relationship', Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 11, pp. 19-24.......Page 196
11 Torin Monahan (2006), 'Counter-Surveillance as Political Intervention?', Social Semiotics, 16, pp. 515-34.......Page 202
12 Oliver Leistert (2012), 'Resistance against Cyber-Surveillance within Social Movements and How Surveillance Adapts', Surveillance & Society, 9, pp. 441-56.......Page 222
13 Richard A. Posner (2008), 'Privacy, Surveillance, and Law', University of Chicago Law Review, 75, pp. 245-60.......Page 238
14 Joseph A. Cannataci (2010), 'Squaring the Circle of Smart Surveillance and Privacy', Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, pp. 323-28.......Page 254
15 Lee A. Bygrave (1998), 'Data Protection Pursuant to the Right to Privacy in Human Rights Treaties', International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 6, pp. 247-84.......Page 262
16 Ian Loader (1999), 'Consumer Culture and the Commodification of Policing and Security', Sociology, 33, pp. 373-92.......Page 300
17 Roger A. Clarke (1988), 'Information Technology and Dataveillance', Communications of the ACM, 31, pp. 498-512.......Page 320
18 Vincenzo Pavone and Sara Degli Esposti (2012), 'Public Assessment of New Surveillance-Oriented Security Technologies: Beyond the Trade-Off between Privacy and Security', Public Understanding of Science, 21, pp. 556-72.......Page 336
19 John T. Billings (2012), 'European Protectionism in Cloud Computing: Addressing Concerns over the PATRIOT Act', CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy, 21, pp. 211-31.......Page 354
20 Lisa Madelon Campbell (2011), 'Internet Intermediaries, Cloud Computing and Geospatial Data: How Competition and Privacy Converge in the Mobile Environment', Competition Law International, 7, pp. 60-66.......Page 376
21 Jennifer Whitson and Kevin D. Haggerty (2007), 'Stolen Identities', Criminal Justice Matters, 68, pp. 39-40.......Page 384
22 Lee A. Bygrave (2010), 'The Body as Data? Biobank Regulation via the "Back Door" of Data Protection Law', Law, Innovation and Technology, 2, pp. 1-25.......Page 388
23 William Webster (2009), 'CCTV Policy in the UK: Reconsidering the Evidence Base', Surveillance & Society, 6, pp. 10-22.......Page 414
24 Barrie Sheldon (2011), 'Camera Surveillance within the UK: Enhancing Public Safety or a Social Threat?', International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 25, pp. 193-203.......Page 428
25 Shara Monteleone (2012), 'Privacy and Data Protection at the Time of Facial Recognition: Towards a New Right to Digital Identity?', European Journal of Law and Technology, 3(3). Online.......Page 440
26 Jeffrey Rosen (2012), 'The Deciders: The Future of Privacy and Free Speech in the Age of Facebook and Google', Fordham Law Review, 80, pp. 1525-38.......Page 484
27 Donald A. Norman (1999), 'Affordance, Conventions, and Design', Interactions, 6, pp. 38-42.......Page 498
28 Deborah C. Peel (2013), 'eHealth: Roadmap to Finding a Successful Cure for Privacy Issues', Data Protection Law and Policy, 10, pp. 14-16.......Page 504
29 Daniel L. Pieringer (2012), 'There's No App for That: Protecting Users from Mobile Service Providers and Developers of Location-Based Applications', University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, 2012, pp. 559-77.......Page 510
30 Christopher Wolf (2013), 'The Privacy Bill of Rights: What Are the Expectations for 2013?', Data Protection Law and Policy, 10, pp. 4-5.......Page 530
Name Index......Page 534
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
During the last decade in particular the levels of critical engagement with the challenges posed for privacy by the new technologies have been on the rise. Many scholars have continued to explore the big themes in a manner which typifies the complex interplay between privacy, identity, security and surveillance. This level of engagement is both welcome and timely, particularly in a climate of growing public mistrust of State surveillance activities and business predisposition to monetize information relating to the online activities of users. This volume is informed by the range of discussions currently conducted at scholarly and policy levels. The essays illustrate the value of viewing privacy concerns not only in terms of the means by which information is communicated but also in terms of the political processes that are inevitably engaged and the institutional, regulatory and cultural contexts within which meanings regarding identity and security are constituted.