فهرست مطالب :
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean: a Feminist Perspective
In, Latin American Perspectives, issue 44, vol. 12, no. I, Winter 1985, 63-80.
Teaching and Research on Women and the Family: Theoretical Considerations: a Discussion Paper
Preparred for UNESCO/ISER(EC) Seminar on \"Changing Family Patterns and Women\'s Role in the Caribbean\", University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, November 24-27, 1986.
Participation and Integration of Rural Women in Development in the Caribbean: The Impact of Changing Agricultural Policies on the Female Agricultural Labour Force in Trinidad and Tobago With Particular Reference to the Sugar Industry
Prepared for the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) under Contract for UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, June 1987
Theoretical Perspectives in the Study of Women and Development
Paper prepared for Consultation on Curriculum Development, Women\'s Studies Unit, the University of Guyana, June 1989
Towards an Integrated Analysis of Race, Class and Gender in the Caribbean
Paper prepared for the XII Congress for the International Sociological Association, Madrid, 9-13 July, 1990
The Women\'s Movement and the Left in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Reflections on a Relationship
Women\'s Studies at the University of the West Indies: a Decade of Feminist Education?
In, Women\'s Studies Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 3-4, Fall/Winter, 1994
Contestations Over National Culture in Trinidad and Tobago: Considerations on Ethnicity, Class and Gender
October, 1995
Women and Poverty in Trinidad and Tobago
In, the Beijing Agenda, WAND Occasional Paper, October 1995
Contestations Over Culture, Class and Gender and Identity in Trinidad and Tobago: the Little Tradition
In, Contemporary Issues in Social Science: a Caribbean Perspective, vol. 3, 1996
Enrollment Patterns of Women in High Agricultural Education: the Case of the University of the West Indies (Case-Study)
Prepared for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, December 1996
Agriculture and Women\'s Place: The Impact of Changing National Policies on Women\'s Agricultural Work in Trinidad and Tobago
In, Gender, a Caribbean Multi-Disciplinary Perspective. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 1997
Gender Relations: a Changing Landscape
Sixth Annual Clifford Sealy Memorial Lecture, 12 April, 1997
Gender and Development: a View on the Eve of the 21st Century
Masculinity and Education
A discussion paper prepared for project Preparation meeting —Gender-related Differentials in Secondary and Tertiary Education in the Caribbean, 5 November, 1997
Challenging Sociology: Feminist Critical Reconceptualisations and Caribbean Contributions
In, The Global Feminist Enlightenment: Women and Social Knowledge, 1998
Caribbean Maasculinities and Femininities: the Impact of Globalisation on Cultural Representations
In, Gender in the 21st Century. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 2004
Men as Gendered Beings: the Emergency of Masculinity Studies in the Anglophone Caribbean
In, Social and Economic Studies 52 3, 2003, 89-117.
Trinidad and Tobago
In, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women\'s Issues Worldwide: North America and the Caribbean. Connecticut:
Greenwood Press, 2003
The Contribution of Women in the Development of the Caribbean Labour Movement
Presentation to the 80th Anniversary Conference on Caribbean Congress of Labour, Georgetown Guyana, 4
October, 2006
Peggy Antrobus Interviewed by Rhoda Reddock
In, Development and Change, vol. 37, no. 6, November 2006
Presentation to Conference on Religion and Ecology, University of the West Indies Department of Behavioural Sciences, February 26, 2007
Gender Equality, Pan-Africanism and the Diaspora
In, International Journal of African Renaissance Studies, 2(2) 2007
About Workingwomen
Forum on Domestic Violence, March 1991
\"Douglarisation\" and the Politics of Gender Relations in Contemporary Trinidad and Tobago: a Preliminary
Ethnicity, Class and Gender in the Anglophone Caribbean: A Conceptual Hisotry (With Special Reference to Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago)
Household and Families: Caribbean
Indian Women and Indentureship in Trinidad and Tobago 1845-1917: Freedom Denied
New Trend in the Interationalisation of Production: Implication for Female Workers
Revised version of the paper \"Multinationals and Female Labour in Latin America\". Originally delivered as Latin American Regional Seminar course paper, ISS, The Hague, March 1979
Primacy of Gender in Race and Class
In, Plantation Women: International Experiences. New York: Berg, 1998
(Post) Colonial Encounters of the Academic Kind: The National Security Question
In, Plantation Women: International Experiences. New York: Berg, 1998
Problems in the Use of Available Data in Research on Womem
Productivity in the Workplace and Domestic Responsibility
Paper prepared for a seminar on \"Women on Development —End of Decade Perspectives and Projections\", Trinidad Tobago
The Early Women\'s Movement in Trinidad and Tobago, 1900-1937
In, Subversive Women. UK: Zed Books, 1996
The Problematique on Race, Class and Gender in Trinidad and Tobago
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives in the case of Trinidad and Tobago
The State and the Autonomous Women\'s Movement in the Anglophone Caribbean: Analysis of a Relationship
Transformation in the Needle Trades: Women in Garment and Textile Production in Early Twentieth-Century Trinidad
Plantation Women: An Introduction
In, Women Plantation Workers: International Experiences