فهرست مطالب :
Preface\nContents\nVolume 1\nI. Plenary Addresses\nJoining different worlds; symbols and the quest for unity\nFrom the fantasia through metaphor to knowledge: A Vichian perspective of conceptualization\nSome remarks on perfect languages\nFundamentals of diachronic linguistics: Semiotic implications\n\"Symbols grow\" II\nSémiotique et herméneutique: Vers une complémentarité possible\nGlobal semiotics\nII. Semiotics Around the World\nSemiotics in Romania: Political implications\nSémiotique au Chili d\'aujourd\'hui: histoire, ruptures et champ théorique\nSemiotics in Spain\nThe semiosis of cognition\nSémiotiques belges\nSemiotics in Germany\nSemiotics in Greece\nSemiotics in Switzerland\nSemiotics in the Nordic countries\nIll. Linguistics\nLinguistics and the language of schizophrenics\nIs nature a language? J. W. Goethe on scientific knowledge\nThe semiotics of catastrophe in linguistic change\nJohann Gottfried Herder\'s conception of the origin of language\nThe main statements of theories as determined by a semiotic method\nEmotion families\nThe relationship between texts and their location\nSome consonant strategies in spoken discourse\nLes supports lexico-syntaxiques du non-fini en français et en arabe\nZero-derivation or syntagmatic derivation\nLa figuralité: Son actualité en linguistique et en sémiotique\nPerception of proverbs and familiarity with them. Figurativeness as one of the most powerful markers of proverbiality\nSauron\'s Newspeak: Black Speech, Quenya, and the nature of mind\nThe possible worlds of the imaginary\nDigital and nondigital information in genetic language\nCreating signs, building bridges\nLexical and phonetic semiotic in lyrics: Agnes Miegel\'s Herbst\nExpression as expression - as\nTwo kinds of semantics: Six intersemiotic theses\nSituational effects on the quantification of frequency words\nCooperative organization of Japanese conversation\nSome comments on semiotics of graphic communication\nCognitive metaphor and critical rhetoric\nCross-cultural pragmatics in Western academic discursive practice\nTextsemantics: A bridge between linguistics and literary theory\nThe social crystallization of language. Coercive traits of the social characterization in a Saussurean textus receptus tradition\nIV. Culture\nMaterial culture in the mirror of archival sources\nSacrality, myth, objects: Techniques of fabrication and semiotical, anthropological interpretation of carpets and jewels from Pakistan\nAmerican \"Comics\": A semiolinguistic analysis\nWaco Wackos! The emergence of American social consciousness in the jokes told surrounding the events at Waco, Texas\nFor a transcultural theory of iconic creation\n\"Heimat\" and \"mi tierra\". Towards a semiotic theory of local identities from an intercultural perspective\nVerbal and visual intersemiosis in aesthetical experiments—the case of contemporary Brazilian culture\nThe meaning of life: Extensional semantics in the game go\nOn cultural stereotypes: A Peircean view\nAfrican-American aesthetic of dress: Subcultural meaning and significance\nHumour and verisimilitude\nThe sign behind the gate\nNoname Culture\nDestin et histoire\nFashion and body images in youth cultures. The semiotics of Skins, Punks, New Wave and the Preppie\nArthur Bispo do Rosario: The vertigo art\nThe skin of time — a semiotic approach to death\nFetishes, props, and prostheses-On the ecology of material objects\nSemiotic ethnocriticism: Tawada\'s Das Fremde aus der Dose\nVerbal means as signs of human needs in the light of an axiosemiotic theory of culture\n\"Glory of Glories . . . She Wears a Hat\" Dress, the immigrant and social equality in America\nA triple semiosis for the representation of stone tools in archaeology\nV. Literature: Theory, Text, Narrative, Poetics\nThe reflected voices: Calvino\'s \"If on a winter\'s night a traveler\"\nLiterary text semiotics applied to plays by Garcia Lorca\nLandscape, indirection, and feminine subjectivity in Madame Bovary\nMetaphor as autobiography\nQue dit le littéraire au théorique ?\nThe value of the notion of contract to literary interpretation: Greimas, Propp, and West\'s Miss Lonefyhearts\nLe caractère fictionnel de la poésie lyrique\nThe specific regime of verisimilitude in the thriller\nLe dialogisme de Bakhtine et la sémiotique de Peirce\nIconic memory and intersemiotical procedures in traditional oral literatures\nThe body of the postmodernist narrator\nNarrative time and the reader\nEléments pour une sémiotique du discours poétique\nMaxims of Malice\nNarrative as a sequence of motivated signs\nVision as meaning: Visual iconicity of Basho\'s haiku\nNothing in the world is single: Metaphorical network in Shelley\'s \"Love\'s Philosophy\"\n\"Look Ma, the giraffe\'s on fire!\"\nThe written and the spoken poem: Generic practices in their social context\nOn the epistemology of addiction: The case of Josef K.\nThe reality of crisis in Discépolo\'s Daily Losses\nIntertextuality and meaning construction in literary texts: A semiotic analysis\nText construction and world construction in literary narratives\nBlack and white and read all over: The semiotics of difference and chiaroscuro in Le Guin\'s Left hand of darkness\nThe textual space in the novel\nThe uniqueness of ontological hermeneutics among contemporary semiotic theories of interpretation\nThe semiotics of Paul Valéry\nSemantic profiles and the typography of concrete poetry\nLe monde adulte et enfantin dans un journal pour enfants\nMoney and the mind: Cognitive economic metaphors in Franz Kafka\'s Der Prozeji\nNabokov\'s poetics of dates\n\"Hen\" Literature: Genders in conflict (Bulgarian and Romanian women writers in the period between two World Wars)\nPoetics of painting and pictures in poetry. On the semiotic space of C.F. Barnas\' Vogelsberg landscapes\nInference switching in interpretation of poetry\nThe carnivalized poetics of Augusto dos Anjos\nThe discourse of postmortemism: Signs on postmodern philosophical walls\nThe indifférance in laughter\nVI. Architecture and Space\nThe semiotics of the void\nSemiotics of spatial configurations in architecture\nPoetics of space - architecture between imagination and reality\nA semiotic-aesthetic approach to the analysis of the practice of folk architecture in market towns\nModernism, postmodernism, and Eisenman\'s Nunotani building\nLa conceptualisation de l\'espace en architecture\nIcons, mimesis and simulacrum. Perceptual contexts\nSpace as the articulation of the material and the semiotic\nPour une sémiotique de l\'installation artistique. Trois poétiques exemplaires: Recagno, Fazzolari et Médici\nA semiotic modelization of the architectural conception\nProject: Knowledge and invention. Comprehension of the architectural process\nArchitectural space and urban culture PRTVE\nL\'espace sociétal, sémiotiquement réalisé, comme instance de connaissance de l\'espace physiquement constitué.\nThe logic of architectural composition\nExperiences with urban spaces: Semiosis and rupture\nThe brothel as the space of \"erotic\" desire?\nHermeneutics, semiotics and architecture: Timaeus revisited\nLas Vegas strip facades: The interplay between private identity and public presence\nVII. Theater, Film and Music\nThe intersemiotic language of the theater and the movies: Regina and The little foxes\nThe Forte Method considered in a semiological perspective\nThe language of music in Ravel\nSuspended moments: The fermata in Luigi Nono\'s string quartet \"Fragmente - Stille, An Diotima\"\nThe new film semiology\nEisenstein\'s Ivan the Terrible in Chess Ecstasy\nSémiotique de l\' \"effet sonore\'VSemiotics of \"sound effect\"\nCinema and literature: Theoretical studies\nViolating Shakespeare\nMusical notation: The importance of the relative value of its signs for the interpretation\nA resignìficatìon of the tango\nMusic and tense\nIdentité sexuelle et la signification au théâtre\nModeling analysis and signification in music\nIntersemiotic translation: The Peircean basis\n\"Beautiful butterflies trapped down by drawing pins\" or, Peter Greenaway\'s The belly of an architect: A bagful of signs and designs\nBinary semantic opposition in Debussy\nThe politics of melancholy\nWhat\'s black and white and misread all over? Race, identity and community in \"Judge Priest\"\nThe iconic sign: from narrative prose to performance (Machado de Assis\' The Psychiatrist)\nIntroduction to a semiological model of musical time\nLe récit dans le théâtre contemporain: facteur d\'éclatement de la spécificité dramatique?\nConscious illusions: The problem of the cinematic frame\nOverlapping semiotic systems : Paintings in new films\nDance in process