فهرست مطالب :
General Series Editor’s Preface
List of Illustrations
Colour Plates
Guide to the Text
Chemical Symbols
Units of Measure
Equivalence of Units of Measure
Monetary Units
Illustrations and Drawings
Cover Illustration
Chapter 1. The Genesis and Nature of Silver Ores
Why Spain?
To Have and Have Not
Old World Silver Ores
New World Silver Ores
Silver Sulphide and Silver Chloride
Argentiferous Galena
A Red Herring
The Other Chemical Keys
The Immoveable Object and the Unstoppable Force
The Table is Set
Chapter 2. The Dry Refining Process: Smelting of Silver Ores
Deceitful Mercury
Smelting of Silver Ores: The Human Context
The Chemistry of Smelting and the Nature of the Ore
The Architecture of Smelting in New Spain
The Infrastructure of Smelting in New Spain
Plata de fuego (Silver by Fire)
Chapter 3. The Dry Refining Process: Its Impact on the Environment
Lead: The Nature of Its Consumption
Lead: The Directionality of Its Loss
Lead: Its Source
Charcoal and the Scale of Depletion of Woodland
The Local Environmental Impact of Smelting
A Straightforward Decision
Chapter 4. The Wet Refining Process: The Chemistry of the patio Process
Plus ça change
The Alchemy of Mercury
The Gold Connection
The Complex Mechanism of a Mercury-Based Refining Process
The correspondencia: The Key to the Fate of Mercury
The Loss of Calomel
The Stages in the Use of Mercury to Refine Gold and Silver Ores
The Twists in the Trail
Mercury-Based Refining of Silver Ores: The Human Factor
Plata de azogue (Silver by Mercury)
Chapter 5. The Physical Infrastructure of the patio Process
The patio Process
Milling the Ore
The patio Reactor
The azoguería, or Mercury Room
Desazogaderas or capellinas and the Recycling of Mercury
The Architecture of the patio Process
The Environmental Impact Vectors of the patio Process
A Unique Industrial Effort
Chapter 6. The Hacienda Santa María de Regla
The Nineteenth Century
The Adventurers in the Mines of Real del Monte
The Hacienda de Regla
Main Process Areas
Main Gate and Storage of Incoming Ore
Stamp Mills, Chilean Mills and arrastres
The patio Reactor
Furnace Area A: Covered storage, hornos castellanos and capellinas
Furnace Area B: English Blast Furnaces
Final Comments on the Architectural Layout of Regla
The Mass Balance of the Silver Refining Processes at Regla, 1872 to 1888
Chapter 7. The patio Process and Smelting at Regla
The Keys to an Efficient patio Process at Regla
Coordinated Milling and Supply to the patio Reactor
An Intelligent and Interactive Application of the patio Process Recipe
Long Term Planning of Inventory
Optimal Use of the patio Reactor Area
Low Use of Fuel in the patio Process
The Challenges of the Smelting Process at Regla
An Unpredictable Supply of Ore
Low Lead Content in the Ores
However, a Very Efficient Fuel Consumption
The Efficiency of Extracting Silver at Regla
The Labour Force at Regla
The Mass Balance for the patio Process at Regla
The Mass Balance for Smelting at Regla
The Environmental Loss Vectors in the Period 1872 to 1888
a. The Stream Flowing Past the South and Eastern Perimeter Walls of Regla
b. The Soil within the Perimeter Walls of Regla
c. Airborne Emissions and Deposition of Airborne Particles in and around Regla
d. Loss of Woodland
A Snapshot of a Refining hacienda
Chapter 8. The Economies of Refining Silver
Roads to Riches
Refining Costs in New Spain, as Reported
The Refining Costs at Regla
The Macroeconomic Context in the Nineteenth Century
The Variable Costs of the patio Process at Regla, 1872–1888
The Variable Costs of Smelting at Regla, 1875–1886
Refining Cost as a Function of Silver Content
A Window to the Past: Extrapolating the Results from Regla
The False Positives of the patio Process
Apples and Pears
‘Ganando indulgencias con escapulario ajeno’
The Succour to Refiners
Barrel Process
Silver in the Context of Other Commodity Trades
The Bottom Line
Chapter 9. The Environmental Impact of Silver Refining: A Shift of Paradigm
The Base Line
An Estimate of the Breakdown of Silver Production by Refining Process by Caja
Caja of Zacatecas
Caja of Guanajuato
Caja of México
Caja of Durango
Caja of San Luis Potosí
Caja of Guadalajara
Caja of Pachuca
Caja of Sombrerete
Caja of Bolaños
Caja of Rosario
Caja of Zimapán
Caja of Chihuahua
Aggregate Totals for New Spain
Aggregate Totals for Mexico, 1820 to 1900
Environmental Impact Vectors, Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century
The Environmental Impact on New Spain and 19c Mexico: The Modern Legacy
A Change of Paradigm
What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?
Was Mercury the Indispensable Key to Silver in the New World?
Appendix A. The Accounting Books of Regla
1. Sección: Explotación y Beneficio, Serie: Informes de Haciendas de Beneficio, Subserie: Informes Mensuales Hacienda de Regla Vol. 225, Exp. 3: 29 Jun 1872–27 Oct 1888
2. Sección: Negociaciones, Serie: Haciendas de Beneficio, Subserie: Hacienda de Regla I, Vol. 22: 1875–1878
3. Sección: Contabilidad de la Dirección, Serie: Producción y Gastos, Subserie: Estados Comparativos, 1853–1855, 1859–1865, 1869–1873
4. Sección: Ymporte de la Memoria de la Mina, Serie Informes de Minas I, Vol. 13
Appendix B. Sensitivity Matrix for Refining Costs
Appendix C. Estimates of Silver Production by Caja and Refining Process, Including Balance of Mercury Consumption and Physical Losses
Caja of Zacatecas (Table C-I)
Caja of Guanajuato (Table C-II)
Caja of México (Table C-III)
Caja of Durango (Table C-IV)
Caja of San Luis Potosí (Table C-V)
Caja of Guadalajara (Table C-VI)
Caja of Sombrerete (Table C-VIII)
Caja of Bolaños (Table C-IX)
Caja of Rosario (Table C-X)
Caja of Chihuahua (Table C-XII)
Glossary of Technical Terms in Spanish
Archival Sources
Archivo General de la Nación, Ciudad de México (AGN)
Archivo Histórico de la Compañía de Minas del Real del Monte y Pachuca (AHCRMyP)
Archivo Histórico del Estado de Zacatecas (AHEZ)
Archivo Histórico de San Luis Potosí (AHSLP)
Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Guanajuato (AHUG)
Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra, Ciudad de México (MMOB)
British Library, London, U.K. (BL)