فهرست مطالب :
Foreword - Eric Wanner
Introduction - Kathryn M. Neckerman
Part I: Family and Neighborhood
Chapter 1. The Uneven Spread of Single-Parent Families: What Do We Know? Where Do We Look for Answers? - David T. Ellwood and Christopher Jencks
Chapter 2. Women’s Education and Family Timing: Outcomes and Trends Associated with Age at Marriage and First Birth - Steven P. Martin
Chapter 3. Neighborhoods, Poverty, and Children’s Well-Being - Anne R. Pebley and Narayan Sastry
Part II: Investment in Children
Chapter 4. Trends in Children’s Attainments and Their Determinants as Family Income Inequality Has Increased - Robert Haveman, Gary Sandefur, Barbara Wolfe, and Andrea Voyer
Chapter 5. Inequality in Parental Investment in Child-Rearing: Expenditures, Time, and Health - Suzanne Bianchi, Philip N. Cohen, Sara Raley, and Kei Nomaguchi
Part III: Inequality in School and Work
Chapter 6. Inequality in Early Childhood Education and Care: What Do We Know? - Marcia K. Meyers, Dan Rosenbaum, Christopher Ruhm, and Jane Waldfogel
Chapter 7. Progress in Schooling - Robert M. Hauser
Chapter 8. College-Going and Inequality - Thomas J. Kane
Chapter 9. Digital Inequality: From Unequal Access to Differentiated Use - Paul DiMaggio, Eszter Hargittai, Coral Celeste, and Steven Shafer
Chapter 10. The Shareholder Value Society: A Review of the Changes in Working Conditions and Inequality in the United States, 1976 to 2000 - Neil Fligstein and Taek-Jin Shin
Chapter 11. The Changing Distribution of Education Finance, 1972 to 1997 - Sean Corcoran, William N. Evans, Jennifer Godwin, Sheila E. Murray, and Robert M. Schwab
Chapter 12. School Inequality: What Do We Know? - Meredith Phillips and Tiffani Chin
Part IV: Inequality in Health
Chapter 13. Health, Income, and Inequality - John Mullahy, Stephanie Robert, and Barbara Wolfe
Chapter 14. The Income-Health Relationship and the Role of Relative Deprivation - Christine E. Eibner and William N. Evans
Chapter 15. Inequality in Life and Death: What Drives Racial Trends in U.S. Child Death Rates? - Janet Currie and V. Joseph Hotz
Part V: Inequality in Political Participation
Chapter 16. Political Equality: What Do We Know About It? - Sidney Verba, Kay Lehman Schlozman, and Henry E. Brady
Chapter 17. An Analytical Perspective on Participatory Inequality and Income Inequality - Henry E. Brady
Chapter 18. What, Me Vote? - Richard B. Freeman
Chapter 19. Civic Transformation and Inequality in the Contemporary United States - Theda Skocpol
Part VI: Inequality and Public Policy
Chapter 20. Crime, Punishment, and American Inequality - Bruce Western, Meredith Kleykamp, and Jake Rosenfeld
Chapter 21. The Consequences of Income Inequality for Redistributive Policy in the United States - Gabriel S. Lenz
Chapter 22. Income Distribution and Public Social Expenditure: Theories, Effects, and Evidence - Lars Osberg, Timothy M. Smeeding, and Jonathan Schwabish
Chapter 23. Politics, Public Policy, and Inequality: A Look Back at the Twentieth Century - Howard Rosenthal
Part VII: Inequality in Wealth
Chapter 24. U.S. Black-White Wealth Inequality - John Karl Scholz and Kara Levine
Part VIII: Methods and Concepts
Chapter 25. Assessing the Effect of Economic Inequality - William N. Evans, Michael Hout, and Susan E. Mayer
Chapter 26. How Inequality May Affect Intergenerational Mobility - Michael Hout