توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این مجموعه تحسینشده از خوانشهای منبع اولیه در دسترس، ویرایششده توسط پیتر جی. کیویستو، دانشآموزان را قادر میسازد تا طیف گستردهای از دیدگاهها را که در حال شکلدهی به نظریه جامعهشناختی کنونی هستند، «اول» تجربه کنند. اکنون در ویرایش ششم، تئوری اجتماعی: ریشهها و شاخهها هم نظریه کلاسیک (ریشهها) و هم نظریه معاصر (شاخهها) را پوشش میدهد و نحوه پیوند آنها را نشان میدهد. بخش اول شامل آثاری از نظریه پردازان کلاسیک معروفی مانند مارکس، دورکیم، وبر و زیمل است. همچنین انتخابهایی را توسط نظریهپردازان خارج از این رشته و از نویسندگانی ارائه میکند که اغلب در مجموعههای رقیب نادیده گرفته میشوند، از جمله W. E. B. Du Bois، Charlotte Perkins Gilman و Harriet Martineau. بخش دوم خوانش هایی را ارائه می دهد که رویکردهای نظری عمده معاصر را نشان می دهد و با بخشی از جهت گیری های پیشرفته در گفتمان نظری پایان می یابد.
فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Editor
Social theory: Classical Foundations and Contemporary Developments Peter Kivisto
I Karl Marx
1. Alienated Labor
2. The German Ideology (with Friedrich Engels)
3. Manifesto of the Communist Party (with Friedrich Engels)
4. The Civil War in France*
II Émile Durkheim
5. On Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
6. What Is a Social Fact?
7. Anomic Suicide
8. Individualism and the Intellectuals*
III Max Weber
9. The Spirit of Capitalism
10. Bureaucracy
11. The Sociology of Charismatic Authority
12. Class, Status, Party
IV Georg Simmel
13. Fashion
14. The Metropolis and Mental Life
15. The Stranger
V Other Foundational Voices
16. On Marriage, Harriet Martineau
17. On Individualism, Alexis de Tocqueville
18. Of Our Spiritual Strivings, W. E. B. DuBois*
19. The Dependence of Women, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
20. Conspicuous Consumption, Thorstein Veblen
21. Social and Individual Aspects of Mind, Charles Horton Cooley
22. What Pragmatism Means, William James
23. Democracy and Human Nature, John Dewey*
24. The Fusion of the 'I' and the 'Me' in Social Activities, George Herbert Mead
VI Functionalism, Structural-Functionalism, Systems Theory
25. The Unanticipated Consequences of Social Action, Robert K. Merton
26. The Structure of the Societal Community, Talcott Parsons*
27. The Functions of Social Conflict, Lewis Coser
28. Functional Differentiation, Niklas Luhmann
VII Symbolic Interaction, Phenomenology, and Ethnomethodology
29. Society as Symbolic Interaction, Herbert Blumer
30. Situated Actions and Vocabularies of Motive, C. Wright Mills*
31. Performances, Erving Goffman
32. The Stranger: An Essay in Social Psychology, Alfred Schutz*
33. Studies of the Routine Grounds of Everyday Activities, Harold Garfinkel
34. Interactional Ritual Theory, Randall Collins
VIII Exchange Theory and Rational Choice Theory
35. Social Behavior as Exchange, George C. Homans
36. Formulation of Exchange Theory, Peter Blau
37. Human Capital and Social Capital, James S. Coleman
38. Fairness and Norms, Jon Elster*
IX Gender Theory
39. Doing Gender, Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman
40. Categories Are Not Enough, Dorothy E. Smith*
41. Subversive Bodily Acts, Judith Butler*
42. Toward an Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology, Patricia Hill Collins
43. Femininity and Masculinity, Raewyn Connell
44. Queer-ing Sociology, Sociologizing Queer Theory, Steven Seidman
X Critical Theory
45. Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin
46. Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda, Theodor W. Adorno*
47. One-Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse
48. Three Normative Models of Democracy, Jürgen Habermas
XI Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
49. The Theoretical Status of the Concept of Race, Michael Omi and Howard Winant
50. Between Camps: Race and Culture in Postmodernity, Paul Gilroy
51. Ethnicity without Groups, Rogers Brubaker
52. Nationalism and the Cultures of Democracy, Craig Calhoun
XII State, Economy, and Civil Society
53. War Making and State Making as Organized Crime, Charles Tilly
54. The Politicization of Life, Giorgio Agamben
55. How Will Capitalism End? Wolfgang Streeck*
56. The Socialist Compass, Erik Olin Wright*
57. A Network Theory of Power, Manuel Castells*
58. Real Civil Societies: Dilemmas of Institutionalization, Jeffrey C. Alexander
XIII Modernity
59. Shame and Repugnance, Norbert Elias
60. Spectacular Time, Guy Debord
61. The Reflexivity of Modernity, Anthony Giddens
62. Redistribution, Bruno Latour
63. On Living in a Liquid Modern World, Zygmunt Bauman
64. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Jean-Franï¾ois Lyotard
65. Multiple Modernities, S. N. Eisenstadt*
66. Modernity as a Project of Emancipation and the Possibility of Politics, Peter Wagner*
XIV French Critical Theory: Structuralisms and Poststructuralisms
67. Structures and Habitus, Pierre Bourdieu*
68. Advertising, Jean Baudrillard
69. The Subject and Societal Movements, Alain Touraine
70. Panopticism, Michel Foucault
71. The Spirit of Capitalism, Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello*
XV World Systems and Globalization
72. Mapping the Global Condition, Roland Robertson*
73. The Three Instances of Hegemony in the History of the Capitalist World-Economy, Immanuel Wallerstein
74. The Cosmopolitan Condition: Why Methodological Nationalism Fails, Ulrich Beck
75. Disjunction and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy, Arjun Appadurai
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Edited by Peter J. Kivisto, this acclaimed collection of accessible primary source readings enables students to experience "firsthand" a wide range of perspectives that are shaping current sociological theory. Now in its sixth edition, Social Theory: Roots and Branches covers both classical theory (the roots) and contemporary theory (the branches) and shows how they are linked. Part One features work from such well-known classical theorists as Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Simmel. It also presents selections by theorists outside of the discipline and from writers who are often overlooked in competing collections, including W. E. B. Du Bois, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Harriet Martineau. Part Two offers readings that illustrate major contemporary theoretical approaches, ending with a section on cutting-edge directions in theoretical discourse.