فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used In This Book
Beyond the Book
Where To Go From Here
Part 1 Getting the Basic Basics
Chapter 1 Getting Your Head around Sociology
Focusing Your Sociological Lens
Defining sociology
Knowing the history of sociology
Doing sociology
The Nuts and Bolts of Society
Understanding culture
Understanding Differences Among People and Groups
Social stratification
Race and ethnicity
Sex and gender
Crime, deviance, and social control
How People Get Organized (Or At Least Try To)
Organizations and networks
Social movements and political sociology
Urban and rural sociology
Changes In Your Life, Changes In Your Society
The life course
Social change
Sociology For Dummies, for Dummies
Chapter 2 Knowing Why Sociology Matters
Figuring Out What Sociology Is
Defining sociology
Studying society scientifically
Asking and answering sociological questions
Discovering Where Sociology Is “Done”
Colleges and universities
Think tanks and research institutes
Nonprofit organizations
Journalism and reporting
Business and consulting
Everyday life
Recognizing How Sociology Affects Your Life and Your World
Thinking about the social world in an objective, value-free way
Visualizing connections across times and places
Uncovering what really matters . . . and what doesn’t
Informing social policy
Keeping a unique perspective for everyday problems
Chapter 3 Conflict and Cooperation: The History of Sociology
So . . . Who Cares about History?
Thinking about Society before There Was Sociology
People are the same everywhere you go . . . except when they aren’t
Pre-sociologists: People with ideas about society
Political and industrial revolution: Ready or not, here it comes
The Development of “Sociology”
Figuring out life with positivism
Common themes of early sociologists
Sociology: The most ambitious science
Sociology’s Power Trio
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber
Sociology in the 20th Century
Sociology in America: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Chicago School
Mass society: Are we, or are we not, sheep?
The Power Elite: Marx’s revenge
Sociology Today
Chapter 4 Understanding the Research Methods: You Can’t Put Society in a Test Tube
Performing Sociological Research
Asking your question
Checking the literature
Operationalizing your question and find your data
Analyzing your data
Step 5: Interpreting your results
Getting to Know the Research Methods
Getting quantitative data
Gathering qualitative data
Choosing hybrid methods
Preparing For Potential Pitfalls
Using inappropriate data
Getting overzealous
Overlooking relevant information
Misusing statistics
Making mistakes . . . just plain oops!
Part 2 Seeing Society Like a Sociologist
Chapter 5 Getting Some Culture: How Socialization Works
Understanding What Culture Is — and Isn’t
Defining “culture”
Breaking down structure
Does culture matter?
Studying Culture: Makin’ It and Takin’ It
Other angles on culture
The production and reception of culture
Culture, information, and the news
Paddling the “Mainstream”
Socialization: Where You Connect in Culture
Nature vs. nurture: Social psychology
You are who other people think you are
Culture Paradox: Pulling Us Together and Pushing Us Apart
Uniting through culture
Dividing because of culture
Chapter 6 Studying Sociology at Its Smallest: Microsociology
Grasping the Paradox of Society
Social facts: What your society says about you
Adaptation and frustration
Understanding Why People Make Rational — and Irrational — Choices
Making rational choices — or, at least, trying
Making bad decisions (we’ve all been there)
Getting How Symbolic Interactionism Works
Play ball! The rules of the game
Stop frontin’: Switching roles, changing frames
Part 3 Equality and Inequality in Our Diverse World
Chapter 7 Social Stratification: We’re All Equal, But Some of Us Are More Equal Than Others
Excavating the Social Strata
Understanding social inequality
Grappling with the perennial debate: Is inequality necessary?
Recognizing the Many Means of Inequality
Income and wealth: Making money (or inheriting it)
Occupation: Landing in the labor force
Innate ability: Capitalizing on your skills
Motivation: Getting out of bed in the morning
Social connections: Knowing the right people
Credentials: Carrying the right cards
Education: Learning the ropes
Specialized knowledge: Knowing what others don’t
Bias and discrimination: Being limited by others’ lack of imagination
Considering Global Inequality
Chapter 8 Race and Ethnicity: What Others See, Who We Are
Race: Real in Its Consequences
Knowing the difference between race and ethnicity
Grasping the complexities of life in color
Debunking the myth of the “model minority”
Putting whiteness in the spotlight
Considering Individuals and Institutions
Racial discrimination: Conscious and unconscious
How racism becomes institutionalized
Understanding Immigration in a Changing World
Crossing borders, keeping ties
Immigration today
Chapter 9 Sex and Gender: Beyond the Binary
Biology Is Not Destiny
Distinguishing between sex and gender
Understanding the sex and gender spectrum
Changing Ideas of Femininity and Masculinity
The history of feminism
Rethinking masculinity
#MeToo and a new reckoning
Intersectionality: Race and Gender
Chapter 10 Getting Religion: Faith in the Modern World
Understanding Religion in History
Karl Marx on religion: Opium of the people
Émile Durkheim on religion: Progressing from specific rules to common principles
Weber on religion: A switchman on the tracks
Religion in Theory . . . and in Practice
Religious ideas, ideology, and values
The important role of religious organizations
Faith and Freedom in the World Today
Shopping for God
Belief, action, and everything in between
Chapter 11 Crime and Deviance: Who’s in Control?
Knowing the Difference between Deviance and Crime
Understanding Why People Commit Crimes
Theory one: Are criminals bad people?
Theory two: Are criminals driven to it?
Accepting crime as normal
Breaking Down the Social Construction of Crime
Writing laws that make sense to a society
Enforcing the law
Looking Beyond Crime and Punishment
Rethinking policing
Examining the effects of America’s high incarceration rate
Considering whether punishment works
Tallying the high costs of incarceration
Part 4 All Together Now: The Ins and Outs of Social Organization
Chapter 12 Knowing What Works (and Doesn’t): Sociology and Organizations
Recognizing the Corporate Conundrum
Understanding Weber’s Big Idea About Organizations
Getting That People Are More Than Cogs in a Machine
Rational systems: Bureaucracy at its purest
Natural systems: We’re only human
Open systems: The whole wide world of work
Seeing Society as a Network
Connecting individuals to their society
The strength of weak ties
Gathering insights from network analysis
Exploring the New World of Work
Chapter 13 Getting into It: Political Sociology
Government: Governing and Being Governed
Understanding government as a social institution
Knowing what causes political revolution
Sharing (or Not Sharing) Power in Society
Conflict models: Everyone for themselves
Pluralist models: Fair is fair
Social Movements: Working for Change
Getting off the ground
Mobilizing supporters
Understanding why social movements succeed — or fizzle
Going Viral: How Social Media Transforms Social Movements
Chapter 14 Recognizing Why Density and Demographics Matter
Studying Sociology in the City
Feeling lonely in a crowd: The paradox of social life
Observing street corner society
Changing Neighborhoods Through History
Recognizing the relevance of neighborhoods
Understanding how and why neighborhoods change
Studying the rise of the suburbs
The upper class, the lower class, and the underclass
Considering City and Country
Who are cities for?
Small towns, high hopes
Part 5 Sociology and Your Life
Chapter 15 Exploring Family and the Life Course as Social Constructs
The Social Construction of Age
The “invention” of childhood
The new senior citizens — and the new young adults
Running the Course of Life
Demographics and life transitions
The changing role of education
Taking Care: Health Care and Society
Deciding what counts as “healthy”
Organizing and distributing health care
Families Past and Present
The way we never were
The family today
Chapter 16 Understanding Social Change
Understanding How and Why Societies Change
Marx: If it’s not one revolution, it’s another
Durkheim: Increasing diversity
Weber: Into the iron cage
Forecasting the Future of Society
Globalization: Does the future hold cooperation or conflict?
Digital communication: Protecting privacy and freedom in an always-online era
Climate change: The unequal effects of a warming world
Exploring Sociology . . . of the Future!
Social science will be more important than ever
Too much information? A good problem to have . . . if you’re a sociologist
Will sociology continue to exist?
Part 6 The Part of Tens
Chapter 17 Ten Sociology Books That Don’t Feel Like Homework
W.E.B. Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
Erving Goffman: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959)
Randall Collins: Sociological Insight (1982)
Arlie Hochschild: The Second Shift (1989)
Patricia Hill Collins: Black Feminist Thought (1990)
Evelyn Nakano Glenn (editor): Shades of Difference (2009)
Annette Lareau: Unequal Childhoods (2003)
Lorena Garcia: Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself: Latina Girls and Sexual Identity (2012)
Matthew Desmond: Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (2016)
Suk-Young Kim: K-pop Live (2018)
Chapter 18 Ten Ways to Use Sociological Insight in Everyday Life
Thinking Critically About Claims That “Research Proves” One Thing or Another
Being Aware of Unprovable Assertions About Society
Understanding Barriers to Effective Communication
Knowing the Difference Between the Identity You Choose and the Identities Others Choose For You
Understanding Art: If It Seems Confusing, That’s Exactly the Point
Being Smart About Relationship-Building
Staying Safer in a Pandemic
Learning How to Mobilize a Social Movement
Running Your Company Effectively
Thinking Critically About What You Read and Hear
Chapter 19 Ten Myths About Society Busted by Sociology
With Hard Work and Determination, Anyone Can Get What They Deserve
Our Actions Reflect Our Values
We’re Being Brainwashed by the Media
Understanding Society Is Just a Matter of “Common Sense”
Race Doesn’t Matter Any More
Immigration Equals Invasion
Bureaucracy Is Dehumanizing
People Who Make Bad Choices Are Just Getting the Wrong Messages
Society Prevents Us From Being Our “True Selves”
There Is Such a Thing as a Perfect Society